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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 121 KB, 722x1156, 2010-04-26_151332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4979294 No.4979294 [Reply] [Original]

/v/ confirmed for best place to have a VN discussion?

>> No.4979300

obviously. since VNs are, you know, video games.

this board is pretty much unnecessary.

>> No.4979302

Not really, no. They're usually months or years late to the discussion, and you get a lot of the retarded fuckers who want you to check their "doubles."

>> No.4979309

>implying /v/ like VNs

>> No.4979311

>check their "doubles."

What the hell is that anyways?

>> No.4979312

To discuss YMK and other entry level VNs?

>> No.4979315

It means they're faggots.

/v/ confirmed for being /b2/.

>> No.4979316

and /jp/ is better at discussing anime
and /a/ is better at discussing videogames apparently

>> No.4979318

Who cares? It's retarded /v/ memefaggotry.

>> No.4979320

Wow, man, those are great posts LOL

>> No.4979321

you fucker

>> No.4979325

/v/ has like, 3 or 4 decent threads a day only. I only go there for mount & blade, total war and maybe those VN discussions.

>> No.4979327

Correct OP. You should stay in there now and make VN threads.

>> No.4979329

This. We've had these discussions countless times while they were still in CRYSIS HOYLY SHIAT BSET GEAM EVAAAAH tier.

>> No.4979336

i only go to /v/ to sage nack-san's posts.

>> No.4979339

This. Also post more touhous there, they'll be pleased.

>> No.4979344

Still, it's kinda nice in a way. This gives people a chance to buffer into /jp/ topics, rather than come over here and bitch at us for talking about stuff they don't understand.

>> No.4979345

Starting general VN discussion threads with spoiler CG. I'm not even going to bother to check the threads out.

>> No.4979373
File: 454 KB, 800x840, 20a43aa6e9a80f564b00539ca7743cb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admittedly frequent /v/ for the Shin Megami Tensei threads.

>> No.4979376

You know, that's true. It makes you wonder if will evolve to, you know, actual /jp/ posters that won't be coming here only to shit things up.

>> No.4979428


>judge 300+ posts by last 4 posts

Way to go bro.

>> No.4979438

You guys really browse /v/ huh? wow, please leave this place.

>> No.4979440
File: 12 KB, 178x166, Chen doesn't get it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're trying to be funny in an ironic way, it just flopped, bro.

>> No.4979443

I'm one of the people who tried to start VN discussions at /v/ before /jp/ was created. They never went anywhere, but of course 3 years ago we only had a limited list of shitty titles to discuss.

>> No.4979450


I was being serious.

>> No.4979456


Check out my double bro.

>> No.4979464

Well then, son, welcome to /jp/.
We use > to signify quotations here.

>> No.4979513


So i should have said

>I'll just judge 300+ post threads by the last few posts


>> No.4979523

Yeah, that would have been fine.
Capitalizing the 'I' in your question would have been nice too, but maybe it's asking too much of someone fresh off the boat.

>> No.4979540
File: 32 KB, 620x243, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I was in the second thread a couple hours ago and picked up the english version of Utawarerumono but I'm having trouble installing it. When I run the english installer it says it can't find the disk which I am pretty sure is the file indicated in the picture. Any idea what I should do?

>> No.4979544

You downloaded it? Damn man.

>> No.4979559
File: 36 KB, 176x176, 1260121112480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good posts

Cool thought bro, but check out my doubles

>> No.4979567


Install button?

>> No.4979575

??? Don't know what your getting at. While I don't think I need to clarify, I am talking about the game, not the anime.

>> No.4979587

> /jp/ still talking about doubles

Truly, /v/ has surpassed this board.

>> No.4979588

Judging from your pic:

Mount UTAWARE_DVD and install it, then run the english patch.

>> No.4979592
File: 32 KB, 505x390, help2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gives me this, thus why I am asking to see if someone would be nice or knowledgeable enough to help.

>> No.4979599


Extract the DVD file first and then install?

>> No.4979600

Yeah, I think you're mounting the wrong thing. Mount UTAWARE_DVD. It IS an image file and not just an archive, right?

>> No.4979611

I've already extracted the UTAWARE_DVD.rar file. Most of the files in the first picture came from it.

>> No.4979621


Oh, then MOUNT the file! If you don't know how google.

>> No.4979622

Hmm... that explains a few things. When I first installed Utawarerumono, all I had was UTAWARE_DVD and the english patch, none of the other stuff you had.

Can you mount UTAWARE_DVD? If you can, go ahead and do so, then run the english patch to install.

>> No.4979623

What the fuck is up with obfuscating the last three digits of each post number?

>> No.4979626

>entry level
>implying vns take skill

>> No.4979631

To combat the get idiocy.

>> No.4979634

Well, it's official. VN's are dead. Enjoy your mainstream bullshit, tools.

What's a cool indie hobby I can take up now that I'm through with VNs?

>> No.4979636

Something moot did to /b/, /v/, and (for a while) /a/ so people would stop attempting "gets" all the time.

>> No.4979642

Start by turning on show filetypes so you can see what the fuck your files actually are. How the FUCK have you managed to access the internet without having the computer smarts to do that as one of the first steps after installing?

>> No.4979644


Light novels? Nobody gives a shit about those.

>> No.4979647

Well i haven't done that yet, and admitingly don't know what it means. Thought it was another term for extracting. Be back after google.

>> No.4979654

Touhou. And I'm talking about sticking strictly to the games themselves.

>> No.4979655

Wait what? Who would "get" on the last three digits? Gets only ever happened on single-significant-figure post numbers and 'special' post numbers. "8342000" is not a get.

>> No.4979660

Yes it is. It's triples. By the way, you just got doubles.

>> No.4979664

You seriously never even noticed the KoG faggotry?

>> No.4979666

That's even more retarded than KoG's old bullshit on /a/.

>> No.4979668

Check out my random arrangement of numbers bro.

>> No.4979676

Make your own games. Fap to your own OC.

No more mainstream issues for you.

>> No.4979677


Actually most of /v/ has also played Touhou, it's just not a particularly remarkable shump. There are better ones.

>> No.4979678

/v/ discusses the Touhou games more than /jp/.

>> No.4979681

Not the characters, though.

>> No.4979685

That sounds hard.

>> No.4979686

Same way I do everything with a computer; wander around blind, deaf, and dumb and some how manage to get by on a hope and a prayer.

>> No.4979687

That's because the Touhou fanbase doesn't play Touhou.

>> No.4979699


I recognize all my file types by the picture. :3

>> No.4979702

If only.

There was a Chen thread on /v/ today. Looking at it made for a very weird experience because it was the very same shit as a Chen thread on /jp/.

>> No.4979703

Fuck off.

>> No.4979709

Thanks everyone for the help. Got it to work after I found out what the hell 'mount' meant.

>> No.4979711

Suddenly /jp/ realises that the normalfag invasion was all paranoia and they're not actually special like they thought they were

>> No.4979712

What the fuck were you doing on /v/? Can you people stop being such huge faggots?

>> No.4979714

What a surprise.

Honestly, at this point, I just play the games, read the stuff and do whatever without /jp/'s aid.

>> No.4979718


Make me faggot. XD

>> No.4979737

That's how you take it easy.

>> No.4979738

There's no need to make you faggot, since you already are.

Do hoh hoh hoh hoh hoh hoh hoh!

>> No.4979746

VNs are becoming more mainstream it seems.

>> No.4979751

I haven't gone to /v/ in a while. I really only go to /g/ and /new/ to troll. I guess I go to /k/ sometimes to stalk marisa and boof.

>> No.4979767


Oh you so clever! Derp.

>> No.4979785

Poor /jp/, he thinks he's special

>> No.4979790
File: 714 KB, 1280x975, d426577d2b5f3d3502a8ad19cd216907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only time I really talk about Touhou on /jp/ (or on the Internet, really) is when a new game comes out.

Fun stuff, minus all the bitching.

I'd talk about ZUN's written works, but translations are a problem, usually, and most people don't really care. And I don't really feel like discussing the music. I like the music a lot, but it basically comes down to me saying, "I like Old World, Witches' Ball, Magical Girl's Crusade, and..."

>> No.4979799

I saw Phantom of Inferno posted on /o/ earlier. I wat'd.

>> No.4979825

V-tech just kicked in yo.

>> No.4979848

I'd rather not discuss VNs I played years ago and have already discussed to death. Not that /jp/ offers exemplary VN discussion either. At least there are some threads about untranslated/newly translated VNs here.

>> No.4979905

Sometimes, it feels like there's only 3 different people posting in /jp/'s VN threads though.

>> No.4979916


>it feels like

Lol, maybe cus it's true?

>> No.4979919

/jp/ is cool and all
But almost everyone here is a butthur bitter virgin who responds to every post with sage and sarcasm

>> No.4979940
File: 87 KB, 800x600, YMK_358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ likes Mizuki more than you guys do so they're okay with me.

>> No.4979948

Yeah but I'd still rather chat with a handful of /jp/edos than a mass of drooling /v/tards.

>> No.4979951

/jp/ moves slow, so sage is just to spread out most of the content without cluttering up page 0. It's not an insult.

Most of the time.

>> No.4979976

Yeah it would be nice if /jp/ was a bit more motivated to have VNs thread.
It's sad that that only threads that get fast answers are the meta ones and the shitty hourly daily dose threads like what the angry TM faggot usually do.

>> No.4979980

>/v/ likes Mizuki more
I guess they have even shittier taste than I thought.

>> No.4979993

You guys keep wondering why you're seeing these /jp/ threads on /v/. Have you even considered that maybe it's because a bunch of YOU are browsing /v/ to look for these threads? It's probably just made by a bunch of /jp/ browsers hanging out on another board (though I can't understand the appeal of /v/ of all things).

>> No.4979995

As expected of normalfags.

>> No.4980002

2009 was the tipping point.

>> No.4980003


Idk know about that. /a/ is always whiteknighting for Aeka and /v/ is usually drooling over Nekoko. /jp/ doesn't seem to have a strict bunch of faggots leaning toward one girl all the time. But us Mizukibros are the minority everywhere.

>> No.4980012

I'd say Nekoko is the most popular here by a small margin. I don't actually think you Mizukibros are that much of a minority. Either that or you're really loud. Aeka fans seem like the minority here.

>> No.4980015

Don't worry. Mizuki is the only one that matters to me.

>> No.4980020

I prefer Nanjou

>> No.4980024

Mizuki was the only one I liked. I just don't talk about it because I hated YMK in general.

>> No.4980027

I don't even remember the girls that much anymore, it's not like they are memorable.
Are you guys some /v/ faggots who played it recently?

>> No.4980031


Yeah, maybe not around here. I know for a fact Aeka is the most hated by /jp/. But all around there aren't many shipping wars in /jp/ anyway, so I haven't really seen /jp/ lean one way or the other between Mizuki and Nekoko.

>> No.4980033

Quite frankly, I'm equally annoyed by /v/'s massive retardness and /jp/'s retardness + constant sexualization of my favorite Touhous.

>> No.4980040

Well, most people here agree that Mizuki is the worst...
But I've seen more people on there actually express a liking for her.

I would argue that it's pretty normal -not- to like her...

>> No.4980041

I'm sexualizing your favorite Touhous as we speak. You can't stop me!

>> No.4980049

I don't care about the sexualizations of my favorite touhous, actually, I'm more tempted to save sexualizations of my favorite touhous than other things.

I just wish there wasn't so much of it.

>> No.4980054

For some reason YMK stood out to me. Maybe it's because I liked the art style. I'm not really sure why. The story wasn't very good, but somehow I get a good vibe when I think about it.

>> No.4980065

>What's a cool indie hobby I can take up now that I'm through with VNs?
Untranslated VNs.

>> No.4980067
File: 136 KB, 800x600, YMK_361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I think it's just that the people that hate her -really- hate her, and they're always pretty vocal about this.

Good man. This scene decided it for me.

>> No.4980072

Pretty true. I don't remember much about the girls either but for any eroge I always remember which heroine was my favorite (even if I don't always remember why).

>> No.4980078

I can attest to that. I hate her so much it's ridiculous. I shouldn't care so much about a VN character, but something about her just pissed me off.

>> No.4980084

It isn't even the sexualization part that annoys me the most, it's the fact that /jp/ acts like 10-year-olds, and insists on mentioning sex in EVERY Touhou topic.

I also hate how a good chunk of the Touhou posters here think that adding sex = THE BEST.

>> No.4980088

It really is all about the atmosphere.
The use of pastels and calming music make it a really nice experience.

>> No.4980095

I have extremely fond memories of YMK.
I played it during a time when I couldn't afford internet and had recently system restored, so none of my games worked. I had a shitload of torrent files saved onto a flashdrive and went to a library, only YMK finished.

Man, I don't care how entry-level it is, that was easily the best VN experience I ever had.

>> No.4980100

Try to explain? I'm really sort of curious.

>> No.4980106

The same for me. I was going through sort of a bad time when I played it and it was the only thing that I looked forward to when I came home.
I think it will always be sort of nostalgic for me.

>> No.4980108

The whole Macao part sealed the deal for me.

>> No.4980109

I just started playing A Drug That Makes You Dream. I branced off to Aeka's route tonight :_:I will now be closing my browser and leaving the room in order to avoid spoilers.

>> No.4980112


I remember this game because I could relate to Mizuki more than any other fictional character I have ever seen.

>> No.4980119

I think what really bugged me was that she started off as my favorite character, by far. I did her route first, and I thought she had a nice personality. Then I find out she's a crazy ass druggie who pulls me off to a casino without the characters permission. Her route devolved into nothing but sex and I got pissed off, switched to the Nekoko route and never looked back.

>> No.4980121

The heroines of YMK basically shove their problems in your face and that's the extent of their characterization.
I guess it's simpler to have shipping wars about simple straightforward characters like this rather than characters with actual "meat" to them.

Honestly I don't know how anyone could have them in their favorites when a lots of VN offer a much stronger and impactful experience but oh well, everybody is entitled to their own opinions.

>> No.4980123


I'm pretty sure this is true. You either really love her or you really hate her. There's not much of an in between.

>> No.4980126

What like, "If you came inside Mystia would she lay eggs?" or just people who post some sort of sexual image of a girl and say "Character X is a slut"?

>> No.4980128

Yeah, same here... her case kind of hit way too close to home.

>> No.4980132

The best ending of YMK is the one where you don't get involved with any of those crazy bitches and keep living your ronery life.

>> No.4980136

Having empty characters is a good thing for this kind of CYOA stuff, it enables the readers to project as much as the want onto the characters.
With that, you're only provided basic archetypes that you can flesh out to your desires' extent.

>> No.4980138

So you didn't finish it?

>> No.4980142
File: 69 KB, 800x600, nekoko_summary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously? Because I can really summarize Nekoko's route with this one picture. That's all I can remember from her entire route. Shit felt really repetitive man.


Aeka did and maybe Nekoko to a certain extent, but I don't think Mizuki shoved her problems onto you at all. Didn't MC get pissed at her because she wouldn't tell him anything?

>> No.4980148

Man, you really need to finish it.
Both her Bad End and Good End are terribly familiar.

>> No.4980149

All of the above. It wouldn't be so bad by itself, but everyone replies to it.

It's incredibly stupid. I can't even tell if they're trying to be funny or not, or if that's really all they can think about.

>> No.4980151

She pretty much dragged you down with her without any explanation at all.

>> No.4980152

She did, everything about her was about her "problem" like the other heroines.
There was nothing more to the heroines

>> No.4980153

No I did not. There were two points where I raged so much I couldn't complete the work. One of them was Take on me or whatever it's called and this was the second.

>> No.4980154

I personally prefer her Bad End.
I don't know, she was painted as sort of a tragic character from the beginning. I can't see her any other way.

>> No.4980155

I don't even remember how you 'save' her.
I remember something about climbing a tree and having sex in a park at night

>> No.4980170

Okay. What the fuck is Doubles?

>> No.4980171


Lol true, but she didn't shove it in your face like Aeka.

>> No.4980177

It means the ending number of your posts, hence all the posts now end in XX

It's just GET faggotry.

>> No.4980178

No, eroge is a largely character-driven medium. Especially school-life romance games that don't usually have a strong plot. If you don't have good characters the game really has nothing going for it (which is probably why YMK throws in a ton of sex to make up for it).

>> No.4980182


Well, if you can relate to their problems and what they're are going through then you will like the game. I'm pretty sure that's the reason why people like the game so much.

>> No.4980185

Well, for discussions on individual characters, I can understand.

>> No.4980196

I read it as wish fulfillment, so how much the characters are fleshed out doesn't really matter to me. Different strokes for different people, I guess.

>> No.4980208

I run Touhou from Steam.

Fuck yeah.

>> No.4980223

I'm pretty sure the reason people like this game is simply because it's very short and straightforward, with a quick "build to-climax" executed well enough.
Lots of people in /v/ or /a/ probably aren't used to reading a lots, and VNs are usually quite long compared to your average novels so YMK-like VNs are favored by them.

>> No.4980230
File: 256 KB, 800x600, special2240046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This entire chain of events was pretty funny. When I woke up on the plane the first thing I thought was, "You know, I would have came with you if just asked. You really didn't have to drug me." ... we're still cool though.

>> No.4980233

The game does a rather poor job of handling their problems so it's hard to relate to them. I've certainly gone through many similar troubles as Mizuki but I couldn't be fucked to care about her the least bit. Maybe if her route had been better written I could have.

>> No.4980238

I wonder how much the poster's personal situation correlates to his favorite heroine.
Pretty much, I'd figure.

>> No.4980240

Better how?

>> No.4980250


Since Mizuki is my favorite by far ... I can safely say a quite a bit.

>> No.4980257


This scene.

"Oops, I almost got us killed! And I'm just using you as my sex toy btw ... we're still cool right?"

>> No.4980264

I hated that scene.
Fucking self-destructive druggie.

>> No.4980270

I would have too, but I think it would have been inconsistent with Kouhei's character to just tag along with something that insane.

That's another thing, I also feel that Mizuki's problem complimented Kouhei the best.

>> No.4980286

My favorite heroine was Aeka and her route was the only one I really liked, yet I've never been bullied.

I played it years ago, there's no way I would be able to make any specific comments about it now.

>> No.4980297

The correlation might not be as direct as "druggies like Nekoko", "victims like Aeka" and "existentially troubled people like Mizuki".
Rather, the brand of loneliness, or something.

>> No.4980301

Well, I think that Mizuki and Kouhei are the most relatable characters in the game, if we're speaking realistically.

I think that people may go for Aeka or Nekoko because the idea of saving someone appeals more to them.

>> No.4980307

Huh, this thread actually sparked a conversation.

Well done, /jp/

>> No.4980310


You know that was her first and probably only time doing drugs right? But I personally loved that scene. I really thought I was going to get a bad end falling off the balcony. I just sat there for a second thinking, "what the fuck did I do wrong?"


>Kouhei's character to just tag along with something that insane

Yeah Kouhei is a huge faggot.

>Mizuki's problem complimented Kouhei the best

Maybe, but Mizuki was WAY out of Kouhei's league. I can't imagine any reason her picking him besides that fact he's easy to manipulate. Nekoko and Kouhei were the best match though. They were going through the same shit.

>> No.4980329

Well, maybe the druggie part was pushed, but she's still self-destructive.

Yeah, I thought it was a Bad End too, I was actually all set to reload my last save before I realized.

>> No.4980347

I think it just started as a spur of the moment thing. The cigarette attracted her attention and what was fooling around as a part of her odd state turned into genuine affection.

>> No.4980350
File: 618 KB, 775x1394, 1270832184512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And then you get the real BadEnd and then you can really start to wonder where you went wrong.

>> No.4980360


And about YMK no less. The fuck?

>> No.4980368

What do you mean by that? If I had to analyze why Aeka was my favorite I guess I'd say it's just because I'm overly altruistic (or a "white knight" as some people say).

>> No.4980372

Mizuki broke the pattern of his mundane life, and Kouhei gave her some sort of stability (eventually, if we're considering her good end as canon.)

I know his auditory hallucination stops in all of the routes, but I feel like it only really made sense in hers.
It just didn't feel as one-sided as the other relationships, to me.

>> No.4980383


>> No.4980384

/jp/... /jp/ has changed.

But I don't have anything against YMK so it's all good.

>> No.4980393

Right up there with the Nanjou route.

>> No.4980409


I thought all the ends made sense. Everyone just wanted some love. Kouehi and Nekoko really had the same exact problem so I thought they were the best match ... but it may just be my bias since I hate Kouhei so much and don't think he deserves Mizuki.

>> No.4980411
File: 83 KB, 497x660, 1266787150101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nanjou route is win.

>> No.4980419

>>VNs are becoming more mainstream it seems.

They're supposed to be mainstream anyways. The holy trinity of Japanese 2D nerdom consists of anime, manga, and visual novels.

Remember how it took decades for manga to become popular in the west? It's going to be the same for VNs as well.

>> No.4980420

Yeah, but Mizuki and Nekoko were the only ones who really had something to offer back to Kouhei, I felt.
And in Nekoko's case, this took years...

>> No.4980423
File: 200 KB, 500x1565, 1261181709820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good End

>> No.4980431
File: 149 KB, 500x1249, 1261181650007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aeka can offer love ... and a dry vagina.

>> No.4980466
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>> No.4980472
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>> No.4980475

/jp/ doesn't hate YMK but you can only talk about it so many times (hence why it's usually only people from /a/ or /v/ who start a thread about it here).

Even in Japan eroge isn't nearly as popular as anime or manga.

>> No.4980502

Where did Dan go? ;_;

>> No.4980512

He's on every few months. He'll be back in time.

>> No.4980515
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>> No.4980519
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>> No.4980521

I love that one

>> No.4980526
File: 63 KB, 480x1128, 1271210759528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4980545

Cracks me up every time.

>> No.4980552

oh hey sup Dan, why haven't you made any more drawfag threads?

>> No.4980564
File: 111 KB, 480x1838, momoka_corner_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you left out the hilarious panels!

>> No.4980574

And then they summon Archer.

>> No.4980584

If only Ed were here to see this.

>> No.4981562

>/v/ confirmed for best place to have a VN discussion?
No, I wouldn't say so. I don't think they'd be very supportive if any of us would open threads about any untranslated game, and since the board is just too fast, the thread would die far too quickly.
