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File: 234 KB, 571x599, 571px-445Garchomp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4978817 No.4978817 [Reply] [Original]

Garchomp can kill Servants.


>> No.4978818

He's banned.

>> No.4978828


>> No.4978831

Cirno can kill Garchomp. especially with a x4 weakness to ice
Isn't it sad?

>> No.4978835


>> No.4978837

Garchomp can probably outspeed her. Especially if he Dragon Danced before the turn Cirno came out. GG Outrage.

>> No.4978840

Ice Shard

>> No.4978844

Outrage, huh, I bet it's gonna work really well against an Ice fairy. Also Cirno has Perfect Freeze, she can freeze everything dead in its tracks. Outspeed my ass.

>> No.4978847

Cirno is probably Sp.Atk based so Ice Shard won't even dent Garchomp badly.

>> No.4978857

Adamant + 252 Atk Evs + Choice Band

>> No.4978861

Icy Wind then? Reduces speed if so Garchomp would Dragon Dance.

>> No.4978869

Yache Berry.

She isn't very good at the intelligence department, so I doubt her Sp.Atk is high.

>> No.4978871


>> No.4978873

Perfect Freeze, huh, I bet's gonna work really well against a semi-legendary Dragon. Also, Garchomp has Fire Fang, he can chomp off Cirno's virgin pussy into a melt out before she can ever get deflowered to forever preserve her purity. Outspeed my ass.

Outrage works well against everything except steel. What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.4978884

What do you not understand about +1 priority?

>> No.4978894

Cirno used Ice Shard.
It's super effective!
The Yache Berry weakened Ice Shard's power!
Garchomp lost 44% of its health.
Garchomp used Outrage.
Cirno lost 100% of its health.
Touhou's Cirno fainted.
The sandstorm rages.

>> No.4978899

anon can report threads

>> No.4978901

Right, because a touhou move conveniently has +1 Priority to support your argument.

>> No.4978918

Garchomp can Outrage Servants.

>> No.4978936
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>> No.4978946

I'm getting trolled, aren't I? Ice shard, faggot.

>> No.4978949

Cirno used Blizzard
Garchomp lost 100% of his health
Garchomp died

>> No.4978953
File: 336 KB, 900x2160, 1272263503656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys underestimate the power of pokemon.

>> No.4978958

What part of Yache Berry/Focus Sash do you not understand?

>> No.4978965

Hasn't Garchomp got like 500 speed with Choice Scarf, +252 speed EP's and Jolly nature?

>> No.4978966

Garchomp should be a touhou.

He even has an ability which is all about dodging.

>> No.4978970



>> No.4978973

Refer to

Also, entry hazards counter focus sash.

>> No.4978976

Yeah, let's give him ALL extras.

>> No.4978992

What you are implying is, Cirno used all three moves, Hail, Ice Shard and Substitute before Garchomp pulled off an Outrage.

Gee, someone sure loves Cirno.

>> No.4978994

Bring moemon version or GTFO!

>> No.4978995

Yukari > Arceus


>> No.4979016

Obviously, Cirno has Snow Warning as an ability and was baton passed the substitute. You unimaginative swine.

>> No.4979018

After some damage calculation based on Touhoumon's EX Cirno stats versus standard Yache Berry Garchomp.

EX Cirno's STAB Ice Beam
339 Atk vs 206 Def & 358 HP (95 Base Power): 306 - 362 (85.47% - 101.12%)
OHKO: 2.56%
Factoring Stealth Rock, 46.15% OHKO chance.

Garchomp's STAB Outrage versus 4HP/252SpA/252Spe EX Cirno
359 Atk vs 196 Def & 207 HP (120 Base Power): 237 - 279 (115.05% - 135.44%)

Which is a 100% OHKO. Garchomp(102 base) is actually faster than Cirno(95 base). Cirno takes 25% damage from Stealth Rock, so, Garchomp can even take out defensive variants without suffering a single scratch.

>> No.4979036

Garchomp would Outrage Cirno before she uses Blizzard.

There's a reason people use Ice Shard.

>> No.4979048
File: 30 KB, 280x222, 1271884902717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Referencing Ice Beam as Physical Atk but having a 4th Gen Pokémon in the same system.

>> No.4979057
File: 16 KB, 976x399, EXCirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CB Garchomp's Outrage against 252 HP 252 DEF Bold Cirno: 244 - 288 (65.2% - 77%)
If garchomp has a Yache Berry: 178 - 211 (47.6% - 56.4%)

Bold Cirno's Ice Beam against standard CB Garchomp: 544 - 648 (152% - 181%)
If Garchomp has a Yache Berry: 272 - 324 (76% - 90.5%)

So, basically: Cirno (as long as she's Bold) can survive CBChomp's Outrage and knock it out with Ice Beam, but she can't switch in when the jetshark does that, unless the shark has a Yache Berry and didn't boost up for whatever reason.

>> No.4979066

Well damn I'm too slow.
At least I used a defensive Cirno, for whatever reason.

>> No.4979072

Someone draw Garchomp as a Touhou, basically with a silly hat and bloomers.

>> No.4979074



>> No.4979078

CB Ice Shard vs. Standard Yache Berry Garchomp
393 Atk vs 226 Def & 358 HP (40 Base Power): 152 - 180 (42.46% - 50.28%)

>> No.4979084

You are fucking stupid, I obviously used SpA and SpD values.

>> No.4979107

Garchomp is faster, he has a 100% 2HKO on Bold 252HP/252Def EX Cirno factoring Stealth Rock.

>> No.4979109
File: 23 KB, 775x336, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I only used a (bad) screencap of the Excel Touhoudex because I forgot there are other dexes around the Internet.

>> No.4979123

Yeah, I forgot to mention that.
I wanted to say that Cirno can survive an Outrage and OHKO Garchomp with an Ice Beam, if they all happen at the same turn.

>> No.4979122

Unfair art: [Swift]

On the plus side a boss themed around sandstorms could be pretty cool really. Dodging through sand, yeeeeah.

>> No.4979118

I want to play Pokemon with you guys.

>> No.4979138


>> No.4979139

Japanese Touhoumon Emerald fucking where?

>> No.4979147

We can play on ShoddyBattle.

>> No.4979149

That's apparently the blog of the creator of Touhou Puppet Play, and he seems to be updating it somewhat frequently (I guess). Who knows, maybe it's near!

And wow, Goliath doll!

>> No.4979153

I'm too shy and scared... ;_;

>> No.4979163

Thank you!

>> No.4979166

1. http://www.smogon.com/dp/buildteam/
2. Throw your favorites in there and choose random movesets
3. Download that team and find a way to open it in ShoddyBattle
4. Fight that Anon
5. Choose random moves and shit
6. Enjoy?

Although I'm pretty sure that this is not why you're scared...

>> No.4979176
File: 123 KB, 550x550, 1264829966572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Weavile can kill Garchomps


>> No.4979177

Talking and interacting with other people is scary. I really want to, but I am just too shy.

>> No.4979183


And my Kyogre can kill everything. Your point?

>> No.4979184

Bitches don't know about my Yache Berry/Stone Edge

>> No.4979200
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 12292878550063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> bragging about an uber pokemon being uber

>> No.4979224

Y'know, if you turn voice chat off, there's barely any more interaction playing pokemon than you get just talking to people here.

>> No.4979287

Cirno... derp
Ice shard hurr, Yache Berry says hello
Take my Outrage stab bitch
Cirno only can do a OHKO in Garchomp with 3 CBs

>> No.4979310

Bitches don't know 'bout my Focus Sash

>> No.4979317


>> No.4979319

Stealth Rock is omnipresent and Weavile is weak to it. Plus: Sandstorm.

>> No.4979322

Stealth Rock is the metagame.

>> No.4979333

>Implying pokemon has a metagame

>> No.4979348
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, 12688741270045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying I don't carry an Abomasnow
> implying Stealth Rock does damage every turn
> implying nobody carries spinners
> implying implications

>> No.4979360

This is fucking dumb and heavily situational.

>> No.4979380

> heavily situational

Haha oh wow, you serious?

>> No.4979387
File: 81 KB, 350x350, HeresyStamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god, what is this?

This is like the worst of tourneyfags combined with otaku, a horror beyond this world. Hence it must be purged.

>> No.4979399

Rotom-A, Hail teams are retarded and non-lead Focus Sash Weavile. Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.4979403
File: 618 KB, 1024x576, Sion is armed and deadly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your lousy quotation skills and your games for preteens back to >>>/v/ and don't let the door hit you on your way out!

>> No.4979409

SR doesn't do damage every turn, but it does do damage whenever something switches in, and that's all that's needed to make a sash worthless, so...

>> No.4979413 [DELETED] 

3a+ A N|gg3r |0IoLÓIÓ|Ó|óI0IòLòlóloL Ht+P,//Wwv,àñOñTÁLK;5e/ 3@t @ NíG5ER |Ò|ó|ÓI0IóIÓL0IOLoLòLoL ht+P.//VWw;ANOñtáLk:5e/ E@t a NÍGgER |Òlò|óloLÒ|ol0lo|ÒLÓIÓL ht+P,//WWV.ÀñÓñt@lk,s3/ 3à+ À Nì55€r |0|Ò|OLÒ|o|óLOIÓ|óLÒlòl HTtp,//wWw:añóñtÀlk;5E/ eá+ A ñIggER |òLò|ÒLolÒ|OlÓIO|olÒIOI hTTp;//Vwv;ÁNOn+ÁLk:5€/ eÀT a nìGg€r I0I0LoL0|ÒlOlòlòLÓ|óLol h++p://wVv.ánÓñ+álK,$e/ €@t À ñìg5€r IÓLoI0IÓlÒ|OlÒ|o|0|OIÒ| http,//WWV;ÀNÒñ+Á|K,SE/

>> No.4979417


What are you, 10? The resemblance of your demeanor to that of a prepubescent child is uncanny.

>> No.4979472

Anyone knows how to trade pokemons using desmume emulator? is there a wifi emulator?

>> No.4979619
File: 209 KB, 636x446, garchompvslancerjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Round 3.

>> No.4979627

>Fire Fang
Replace that shit with Swords Dance.

>> No.4979630

3 out of 3 bunbuns agree:

That's Jones.

>> No.4979629
File: 22 KB, 300x400, 1269475635299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Emrakul defeat ORTs?

>> No.4979624

i had a dream about lancer last night

>> No.4979637

Did you receive his gay bulge?

>> No.4979639


>> No.4979648

Please ignore this troll.

>> No.4979651
File: 210 KB, 636x446, garchompvslancerv2jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4979659

U mad, Radi-kun?

>> No.4979669

Garchomp used Swords Dance!
Garchomp sharply rose!
Lancer used Horn Drill!
It's a One-hit KO!
Garchomp fainted!

>> No.4979671

Very bad matchup, Lancer is one of the best Garchomp counters out there because he's faster and Sand Veil is useless against STAB Gae Bolg.

>> No.4979692

Yeah, I agree, but Lancer can't switch in safety, though. He has to be careful of those boosted Earthquakes.
