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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 17 KB, 250x288, premium-cigarettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4977346 No.4977346 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, since Japan is smokers paradise and they have all kind of cigarettes and flavors for them. I wonder if /jp/ smoke, if yes tell us which brand is your favourite and how long have you been smoking.

>> No.4977360

Five years and I only smoke cigars.

>> No.4977375

This belongs more in /trv/ if anything
this is old /jp/ material

>> No.4977380

A year or so.
Filtered Luckies would be my favorite but since I moved to the US, I haven't seen any, so I'm smoking Turkish Royals.

>> No.4977388

About 5 years

I smoke rolling tobacco and change brands every now and then, usually stick to drum, cutter's choice and American Spirit.

I don't even know what the nips are like with hand rolled cigs.

>> No.4977391

>smokers paradise

>> No.4977396

6 years.
I smoke red&white, if that's not available, Winston Blue.

>> No.4977400

14th day without cigarettes, smoker for 8 years. Yesterday was like hell. Starting to smoke was the stupidest thing I ever did.

>> No.4977406


Smokes are cheaper than in Europe or US and they have very very light cigarettes like 0,1mg nicotyne per cigarette and very strong like 1,2mg nicotyne. Also many kinds, flavors, less stinky kinds etc.

>> No.4977409

Depends of the occasion, but usually no.
Also Camel or Philip Morris

>> No.4977413

Smokers are fucking losers, there's a reason they're nicknamed "fags".

>> No.4977415
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>> No.4977421

Fags are cigarettes in UK slang, moron.

>> No.4977422
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put your hand on your screen so you can feel my presence, if you accept the straight edge society you will be better than these losers.

>> No.4977433

Cigs are pretty much my only vice.
That and masturbating to weird things, and stalking people.

>> No.4977436

Can I bum a fag off you?

>> No.4977446

Cutter's Choice. Rolling is cheap, tasty and not in any way inconvenient.

>> No.4977454

Yes, exactly.

>> No.4977459
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>> No.4977455

Marlboro reds.

Simple, classic, works for me.

>> No.4977485

Just quite, used to smoke JP Red.

>> No.4977487

Fag/faggot has only come to have anything to do with homosexuality in recent times. The reason why cigarettes are called fags is probably from faggot, as in sticks you burn.

>> No.4977492

Japan is only a smokers paradise if you like being shoved in a tiny box with 50 other smokers.

>> No.4977493

I have feeling that i like to smoke, not much but still, and I dont want to be addicted. What do, is it possible to smoke only sometimes?

>> No.4977494

Recent times being 30 years ago

>> No.4977520

Anybody here smoke a pipe?

>> No.4977521

Don't smoke cigarettes if you don't want to get addicted. Try cigars or a pipe.

>> No.4977528

30 years is pretty damn recent for etymology

>> No.4977537

I don't smoke or chew tobocco, though I tried some of those new packet snuffs Camel and Malboro have been coming out with.

>> No.4977559

30 years is pretty damn recent if you're a retarded loser who wants a good excuse not to be called a gigantic homo, apparently.

>> No.4977584

Anyone here smoke e-cigs ? I think is the best way to smoke and stay healthy

>> No.4977875

I guess not

>> No.4977899

American Spirit. 5 years. Im 20.

>> No.4977947

I've been thinking about smoking but I always hold back when I think about all that health faggotry and all. But it's so damn cool.

>> No.4977974


We share the same problem

>> No.4977976

Natural American Spirits, Menthol Light. 5 Years now.

>> No.4977981
File: 49 KB, 192x256, Swr_reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Reimu subconsciously advertising Marlboro.

>> No.4977987

Marlboro reds for over 7 or 8 years.

>> No.4978005
File: 44 KB, 260x260, GrizzlyLC-Wintergreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4978009

Don't. Health is for faggots, but everyone forgets that cigarettes cost MONEY. In a city, they're like 6 or 7 a pack. I was a light smoker and went through 3-4 packs a week (sometimes less). If you're a poorfag, that shit adds up. For a depressing but low-activity lifestyle, they won't be very attractive. If you're working at a stressful job they're almost necessary. Incidently, I quit telemarketing because I would have started smoking again if I kept it up.

>> No.4978010
File: 37 KB, 639x474, reyakiba4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get off this board Punk. I'm more Japanese than you are.

< Me destroying some loser otaku's room in Akihabara.

>> No.4978022

It's only bad for you if you smoke like a pack a day or something.
Just a few once in a while won't hurt.

>> No.4978030

3/4 isn't "light smoking."
I smoke a pack every week or so; that's light smoking.

>> No.4978055


I might try smoking if it isn't for the bad smell it leads (screw health, NEETing it up will probably result in suicide one day anyhow). I just can't stand how it gets into your clothes, and people with smoker's breath are very hard for me to be around with.

>> No.4978088

Winston FTW

>> No.4978117

Smokers are fucking retards.

>> No.4978135


Try menthol.

>> No.4978175
File: 25 KB, 371x329, Nicholas smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manly men smoke.

>> No.4978182

Enjoy your fiberglass lungs
You really can't smoke modern cigarettes without rolling the dice on fucking yourself up

>> No.4978252

I used to smoke but couldn't afford it any more. Dunhill was my pick when they were an option.

>> No.4978274

Enjoy dying of seven different cancers at the same time.

>> No.4978294

I'm surprised so much of /jp/ can even afford to smoke, figured all of your government stipend went towards rent, food, and internet.

>> No.4978325

I only eat once a day.

>> No.4978354


Actually i go to gym 4 times a week, building my sexy body for almost 8 months, smoke sometimes and have party. I dont have gf though but I'm trying to get one.

Yes I'm fan of anime and japanese music.

>> No.4978374

Welcome to /jp/ friend, but you should cut out the smoking.

For your health.

>> No.4978393

He should also cut all the normalfagging bullshit.

>> No.4978409


When you often hang out with smokers you eventually start to like smoke. That's what happened to me.

>> No.4978492
File: 681 KB, 1920x1200, 1268504604643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, try to smoke while listen to OST from FLCL. Nice!

>> No.4978526

Been smoking for one year, and I smoke Nat Shermans.
