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4976105 No.4976105 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Anon-kun♥, how often do you leave your house/parent's basement/whatever per day?

>> No.4976113

Considering I have a fridge, little sink and microwave here in the basement, I haven't gone upstairs in 2 days. Although my mom came down once or twice to check if I was still alive.

>> No.4976115

every day except fridays

>> No.4976160

I'm forced to leave every day. Can't wait until I get this teaching job so I can take it easy on weekends and over the summer.

>> No.4976162


>> No.4976178

I work 6 days a week.

>> No.4976194

I leave my parents house 1-2 times a day, usually. I like taking walks and Im a student.
I usually visit my grandparents in weekends and help them buy food/etc.

>> No.4976204

I dunno, once or twice a week to see friends.

>> No.4976227

At least once a day, twice if I'm lucky

>> No.4978477

once or twice
