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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 83 KB, 800x533, abolishgrafiti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4971291 No.4971291 [Reply] [Original]

Well, I've spent a little while browsing around on this board, listening to your concerns, your hopes, you fears, your interests.I believe I have a pretty good picture of many of you now.

You are sad, /jp/. Lonely, depressed, feeling unwanted. Yes, you are all these things and more.

But to be honest, you don't need to be like this. It's a beautiful day outside, you know that? It's spring, the leaves are just starting to come in. I can hear birds outside my window. You should go out. Even if it is for something stupid. I recommend sitting on park benches for awhile or taking long walks in the woods. Nothing is worse then locking yourself in a room all day, especially when there is so much happiness right on the other side of your door.

Come on /jp/, lets go exploring.

>> No.4971301

You obviously don't know us as well as you think you do.

>> No.4971317

Well, I've spent a little while browsing around on this board, listening to your concerns, your hopes, you fears, your interests.I believe I have a pretty good picture of many of you now.

You are sad, insert board name here. Lonely, depressed, feeling unwanted. Yes, you are all these things and more.

But to be honest, you don't need to be like this. It's a beautiful day outside, you know that? It's spring, the leaves are just starting to come in. I can hear birds outside my window. You should go out. Even if it is for something stupid. I recommend sitting on park benches for awhile or taking long walks in the woods. Nothing is worse then locking yourself in a room all day, especially when there is so much happiness right on the other side of your door.

Come on insert board name here, lets go exploring.

>> No.4971321

I am giving some advice on how not to be a shut in.
A life spent in front of a computer is not a life. You need to smack yourself in the face and get out there.

>> No.4971328

Go back to wherever you came from.

>> No.4971329
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What's with you guys and the sage? I'm just trying to inject some positivity.
For every sage I shall bump.

>> No.4971334

Kill yourself.

>> No.4971339

No thanks. I appreciate the advice though.

>> No.4971340
File: 69 KB, 574x599, 1270789046719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi! I spent 10 minutes refreshing the frontpage and here I am to psychoanalyze you based on some broad assumptions

Oh look it's THIS thread again!

We sage stupid meta threads.

>> No.4971343

Well, you're probably new here, but /jp/ is a hangout for vampires. The sun, it does horrors to us. And nowadays it's been really unsafe to go out at night due to the massive surgence of hunters, and us weak weeaboo types are just forced to hide home forever.

>> No.4971346

Why would I go to a park when my balcony has perfectly good chairs?

And there are bears in those woods.

>> No.4971348
File: 53 KB, 759x502, UE meet up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I already am. Toronto Urban Exploration meet.

>> No.4971352

Why? Because I enjoy and cherish life?
What's with all negativity? Even /r9k/ isn't as mean as you guys, and they are pretty fucking mean.

>> No.4971358
File: 166 KB, 602x800, 61d5843eea1bc625c9a9a94e7e7a8781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out NHK devs.
We have gone over this too many times.
And having you giving me pity advice makes me wanna stick to my chair even more.

>> No.4971359

Literally end your life for posting stupid shit on the internet.

>> No.4971369

I enjoy and cherish my life by sitting in front of the computer. Deal with it

>> No.4971373


I like being a shut in. Thanks for the advise, I guess.

>> No.4971379


Scream and wave your arms and they might go away.
Anyway, walking around town is a thousand times more interesting then walking around your apartment.

>> No.4971380



>> No.4971388

>I recommend sitting on park benches for awhile

Not gonna happen. Last time I did this, I had a crazed meganeko accuse me of being a murderer.

You know. There's no way you couldn't know. YOU KNOW.

>> No.4971394

Why do people assume that everyone wants to become some rich alpha man who fucks a different girl every night?

Fuck that, I'm perfectly content as I am and I don't give a shit about what people think of me.

>> No.4971405


This is the story of /jp/.

Just add in something about waifus.

>> No.4971408

>I like being a shut in
You won't when you are 70 years old and need help to shit. You will be wishing you left the house.

I don't pity you. You guys have enough self pity I don't need to.

>Implying you do not post stupider shit on the internet every day

>> No.4971414

Please, drop the "I'm here to help you fix your life /jp/" act. You're not fooling anyone and nobody here is going to come out gushing and thanking you for OPENING THEIR EYES TO THE WORLD OUTSIDE OH THANK YOU ANONYMOUS.

We're here to discuss /jp/ related things. If we wanted advice to fix our lives then we'd be on /adv/. So take your /adv/ thread somewhere else.

>> No.4971420

I'm not planning on living more than 40 years anyway.

>> No.4971423


Believe me, I have no intention to live to 70.

>> No.4971425

If a bear eats me I'm coming back to haunt you.

>> No.4971426

No thanks.

>> No.4971429


>> No.4971431

>It's a beautiful day outside, you know that?
No, it's night.
>so much happiness right on the other side of your door
As well as on this side of the door.

>> No.4971435

That's interesting. That my friend is what you call experience.
Even terrible things give us something to talk about and laugh about later on.

>Walk in woods, go enjoy life
What? You are deluding yourself. Human beings are social creatures by nature. You don't need to be some butterfly going everywhere but don't pretend your content when you probably aren't.

>> No.4971437

Our closest park is in the center of the town, which is like half an hour away. Plus, I don't do well with germs and filthy things, so if I had to spend more than ten minutes in that park I'd probably throw up everywhere. Who knows what could have been sitting on those benches? Christ.

>> No.4971448

Then go tomorrow

Like what? Nobody ever died saying "I wish I could have spent more time inside!"

>> No.4971454

/jp/ - normalfriends trolling other normalfriends pretending they aren't

>> No.4971460

Go out more and your immune system will strengthen.This is a good thing.

It's worth it, it really is.

>> No.4971464

Human beings are social as a species.
In no species does every member behave exactly like the norm. I think you're the unhappy one, because you are incapable of understanding how some people can be happy while having so little, while, in your quest for happiness, you need to get everything.

>> No.4971469

I walk about 5 miles every day.

>> No.4971470

If I spend time in parks, I get mistaken for a pedophile. I don't like talking to anyone, much less the police.

>> No.4971476

OP is in denial.

Thread over.

>> No.4971489
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>> No.4971494

today, i am gonna shoot the bird and dog outside and jaywalk.

>> No.4971496

This is what I call the normalfag dilemma.

You despise us because of our hobbies but at the same time tell us to be more social and outgoing. Why would you want to see people like us in the public?

>> No.4971497
File: 214 KB, 796x2484, 1269619152220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go outside plenty, thanks. I enjoy short walks and doing yoga outside.

I don't stay out very long because I have a very fair complexion and I get sunburned easily, and I am much too lazy to apply the sunscreen necessary to stay out for longer.

If you had really spent a good deal of time investigating /jp/ OP you would have known your thread would be reacted to in this manner. Some of the people on /jp/ are content with being shut-ins and it's not really your place to decide what will make them happy.

>> No.4971502

Is it 'project your mindset on other people and try to convince them they'll never be happy unless they live life the way you think is best' time again? Try going to /a/ or /r9k/, they love this kind of thing there.


>> No.4971510


>> No.4971511

and random

>> No.4971512

I hate how people assume that what works for them must work for everyone. OP you need to kill yourself for believing everyone must live like you.

>> No.4971517

I'm trying to figure out how a person thinks he's being a master troll when posting a thread like this.

Everyone tells you to shut the fuck up and get out is a trolling masterpiece? What the christ

>> No.4971518

Good for you, then,

Then don't stare at little girls.

What am I denying?

Actually, in every species on earth every member acts pretty similar. When I see people say "I'm happy being a shut in" I have to laugh.
Solitary confinement is how they torture prisoners. Astronauts have to go through extreme psychological preparation because of the isolation in space.
You trying to tell me you are not the least bit lonely or depressed? Don't make me laugh. Unless you are a complete and utter sociopath you most likely want some form of human contact.

>> No.4971521

We ARE social, dickcheese, why do you think we spend our whole day on /jp/?

Also where I live, people gossip you for waiting to cross the road, so, no thanks, I'd rather stay inside forever.

>> No.4971522

>taking long walks in the woods.
Having just seen a rather large bear in my yard the other day, I'm going to have to pass on that one.

Plus, the Twins game is on.

>> No.4971526
File: 2.15 MB, 947x1000, love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, dame muri. They killed love already.

>> No.4971529
File: 150 KB, 450x394, 1271737961722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>fucking implying ON 4CHAN that being a shut-in with INTERNET ACCESS is anything like solitary confinement

Please. Just stop.

>> No.4971530


We have /jp/ and our waifus.

All we need. Sorry you can't grasp that concept.

>> No.4971535

>Also where I live, people gossip you for waiting to cross the road


>> No.4971538
File: 32 KB, 233x350, 71698m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4971539

But I am a bear too.
What if they rape me.

>> No.4971543

You don't even know what being a sociopath means, you dickwad.

Google "schizoid personality disorder", you'll see that some people actually enjoy solitude.

>> No.4971544

I'm actually not trolling.
Part of me is giving some honest advice.
Another part of me wanted to see how you would react.
I have accomplished both my goals.

If you're happy I'm not addressing you am I?

Bring a gun

This isn't social. Not even close.
And if you don't want to hear about stupid shit tell people you don't care. Blammo, problem solved.

>> No.4971550

>Another part of me wanted to see how you would react.
so your're trolling

>> No.4971554


You're projecting. If there is something that you see as negative, someone out there probably loves the shit out of it. Not everyone thinks like you, not everyone likes the same things you do, and not everyone can live like everyone else. People have different lifestyles that meet different needs that they have. I don't understand why you can't accept this.

>> No.4971555

>Unless you are a complete and utter sociopath you most likely want some form of human contact.

Has the irony of you posting this on a message board which is, by definition, a place where people come to experience human contact, exchange opinions and engage in conversation not struck you yet?

>> No.4971565

>Implying having a different mental disorder invalidates my point.

It doesn't. If your happy I'm not talking to you, am I?

>> No.4971567

i actually came back from an outing with my friends in the park. . .

>> No.4971573

>It doesn't. If your happy I'm not talking to you, am I?

Everyone on this board is happy staying indoors and talking about touhou. Go away.

>> No.4971574

Cool story bro.

>> No.4971576

You get the fuck out too.

>> No.4971582

I guess. Trolling would imply trying to piss you off.

So if you desire human contact, why do you avoid real people and stick to this shit?

What part of
>If you are happy I'm not addressing you
Don't you fucking understand?

>> No.4971586

>Bring a gun
But I don't want to kill the poor little bears just because they're fond of eating me.

>> No.4971593


You say you're trying to cheer us up, but you're just trying to troll us.

Silly OP.

>> No.4971595

>And if you don't want to hear about stupid shit tell people you don't care. Blammo, problem solved.
If I tell every person to gtfo, what the point of socializing in the first place?

>> No.4971597


Its night, and it's raining.

Have fun outside!

>> No.4971598

I find that hard to believe.

Grow some balls, you pansy.

>> No.4971599

That's the fucking point. We are happy in our own way.

You see any ronery threads here?

>> No.4971601

It's pretty apparent that this guy is stuck in a rut about this, despite having no information about us other than the silly, often substance-less information we throw out there. Everyone has different circumstances and preferences, and the moment you try to assume anything about them, you lose the right to judge them.

>> No.4971610

>pew pew pew
Oh shit, to your bunkers!
It's a free for all war!

>> No.4971611

There's no difference between real people and "this shit", tho.When you speak to someone, you don't touch that person, do you?
When you speak to someone, you sometimes don't look at them, do you?
We're speaking to each other, we just can't see and touch our correspondent. It's as social as it gets.

>> No.4971613
File: 38 KB, 265x302, rage nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate spring, OP. Because people are outside too much with their happy faces. God, I hate those people. Seeing them happy sparks within me a burning desire to slaughter them all.

I prefer being a shut in. So keep your advice.

>> No.4971619

Don't be an asshole.
Just tell people it's none of your business. And it isn't. And then change the subject.
Jeez man, this shit isn't that hard.

I've been here on valentines day. Yes, I have.

Judging, no. Just throwing some life advice out into the air for anybody who wants it. If you don't, fine. Move along and do whatever it is you do.

>> No.4971621

>So if you desire human contact, why do you avoid real people and stick to this shit?

Because I want to choose which people I want to make contact with?

Also HERRRRRRRRRRRRRRPA DURRRRRRRRRRRRRR, my God, you're too fucking stupid to do REESERTS, you should go back to giving advice about gurlfriends in /r9k/

>> No.4971629

I'm going to be honest, it's hard to think of you as an actual person when you are only text on a screen.
I might as well be reading a book.

>> No.4971633

>Don't be an asshole.

>> No.4971635

I actually give this same speech to /r9k/ all the time.
They are much less bitter and annoying then you guys. Which is something I never thought I would say.

>> No.4971636

I think I'll stay inside today, on account of the fucking monsoon outside. And the tornadoes.

>> No.4971638

>Just throwing some life advice out into the air for anybody who wants it.

I think it's been established by now that no one does. Just fuck off already and stop shitting up our board.

>> No.4971645

Valentines day, huh? I'm pretty sure we expressed our love for our waifus that day.

>> No.4971646

I can either be a guy who tries to talk to people but is never happy, or I can be a guy who doesn't try to talk to people and is happy.

I prefer the latter.

>> No.4971647


I like how the concept of "tomorrow" is something you guys can't understand.

>> No.4971655


Fine, go back to /r9k/. See if we care.

>> No.4971657

>Just throwing some life advice out into the air for anybody who wants it

Tip: No one wants it. Please take your 'real life advice' to the proper board.

>> No.4971658

The phrase "So ronery.." was typed en masse for hours.

Yeah, totally happy.

>> No.4971659

If you aren't a delusional faggot, you notice the weight of people talking about you behind your back. You accuse us of being delusional when you yourself are having a delusion that nobody thinks badly of you, huh?

And before you say anything, yes, we care about what people say behind our back. We range from schizoid to schizophrenic in here, in case your EXPERT brain hasn't noticed.

>> No.4971662

Then you lack some of the brain's higher functions. If you read Descartes a bit, you would find that my answering you with logical sentences is the ONLY proof that I exist. My body might as well be an illusion but my coherence cannot be falsificated.

>> No.4971666
File: 69 KB, 630x472, Aokigahara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets go exploring.
>in the woods
You should have join us for our annual scavenging hunt in aokigahara woods last year.
It was so fun that non of the participants came back.

>> No.4971678

>Implying I care if you care


Nobody thinks about you as much as you think about yourself. In fact, nobody gives a shit.
"Oh no, somebody thinks I'm weird!". Then move the fuck on and get over it. You don't need to impress anybody, god damn.

>> No.4971679

>I've been here on valentines day. Yes, I have.
The time a couple of guys made a stitch of 'dinner with your waifu' images to troll normalfriend boards (half of the images being blatantly in jest)? What about it?

>Move along and do whatever it is you do.
This is our board. Our board about VNs and Touhou, not generic life advice. How about you move along instead.

>> No.4971687

You're quite stubborn, I'll give you that. If you're just trying to have a debate, then whatever, but hopefully you don't believe you can so easily influence the lives of others.

Also, we're being assholes because this kind of thread shows up so often. We grow tired of random anonymous telling us how to live.

>> No.4971688



Troll confirmed, entire thread is nullified.

Let it die, guys.

>> No.4971689

Did you ever go on cleverbot?

Cleverbots not a person. I have the same experience with cleverbot as I do with you. Except you are more coherent.

>> No.4971692

Guess who came back, sillypants.

>> No.4971685


>> No.4971699

>And then change the subject.
And what if that person has nothing in common with me, so there are none interesting topics for conversation?
Or what if I'm not an interesting person in the first place, because my hobbies are either hollow, obscene or illegal?

>> No.4971713

Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
<۝> <۝>

>> No.4971709

And my coherence is what proves my humanity.
The proof isn't the fact that I'm speaking to you, it's the fact that I'm making sense, while cleverbot isn't.

>> No.4971710

I wasn't looking for a debate. I'm not really trying to change anybodies life either.

But really, when I see people complaining about how lonely and bored they are I get a little annoyed and think "Jesus, just go outside". Why? Because people who go outside a lot in my experience are way happier then people who don't.

>> No.4971724

I was the organizer, too busy to participate.

>> No.4971729

Then why would you be talking to someone who you can't relate to at all anyway?

Nobody is truly unique and alone in the world. You would have to be an idiot to think absolutely nobody around you can relate to you. Do you know how many fucking creepy people I know? No, you aren't alone in being weird. Nobody is.

>> No.4971732

<◎> <◎> haha don't look this way

>> No.4971733

Can't I live both ways? I have friends and go out and stuff, but there are times when I'd rather be at home, alone.

>> No.4971743

>Then move the fuck on and get over it.

Then, you can go have a discussion and tell the Cleverbot to go outside instead.

>> No.4971745

OP, how does it feel to know that you're the only one not saging this thread?

>> No.4971747

Why look for such people in real life when they're already here on /jp/?

>> No.4971748


My point is, this is absolutely nothing like talking to an actual person face to face. It's hard to visualize you as an actual person, sitting in a room and typing, because the only view I have of you is text.
I know you exist, doesn't change the fact that talking to you and talking to somebody right in front of me is vastly different.
