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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4969017 No.4969017 [Reply] [Original]

What is moe?

>> No.4969025
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>> No.4969027



>> No.4969035

Baby don't hurt me!

>> No.4969038

Don't hurt me.

>> No.4969040


>> No.4969041
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>> No.4969042


No more.

>> No.4969043


>> No.4969045

I still prefer Tenshi.

>> No.4969046

It's Angel Beats!

>> No.4969051

don't give me that exclamation point like I'm supposed to know what flavor of the month show this is

>> No.4969054

Dude, are you a god or something?

>> No.4969057 [DELETED] 

Hong, (don't want to hijack an innocent thread just to gossip, so this post will be deleted soon) what happened to your posts at the powerlevel doujin thread?

>> No.4969060

The exclamation point is part of the name. The japs are stupid like that.

>> No.4969064

The exclamation mark is part of the series name I'm also getting trolled

>> No.4969071

No idea.

>> No.4969101

OP's pic is pretty moe!

>> No.4969107
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What isn't moe?

>> No.4969113

Abusing a moe girl? Now that I can't abide.

>> No.4969122


>> No.4969127

>expect moeshit
>see her get fucked up for acting like a retard
This might actually be good!

>> No.4969139

Now imagine if he squeezed her bladder and piss came squirting out between her legs.

>> No.4969156
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A miserable pile of badly drawn little hands.

>> No.4969182

This show is surprisingly good so far, in all aspects other then music.
It'll either be great, or turn into a trainwreck, and I'm okay with either.

>> No.4969193


Dude! The music is pretty awesome!

>> No.4969203

dude this thread is >>>/a/

>> No.4969220

Dem different variations of standing armbars, man.

>> No.4969244

It's not bad, that's for sure, but it's the one part where I expected something better, I guess. It simply doesn't have any kind of real impact, the first time I heard each track I was completely unimpressed. After a while I warmed up to Crow Song and Brave Song, but it's still nothing more then some pleasant noise, not enough for a show where music is such an important part. I expected more of Maeda.
But all of that is just my opinion, and music is one of the things I'm not going to pretend I know anything about.
If you don't like this thread, please just take it easy and ignore it.

>> No.4970015
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>> No.4970028
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>> No.4970030


What the fuck are you doing, meido? Allowing /a/ discussions in the other thread

>> No.4970037

Condense your fucking threads, Sion.

>> No.4970040

You know that feeling you get when you get into a nice warm bed after a long day? The sensation that makes you curl up under the covers and wish you could be this xlcozy forever?

That's what moe feels like.

>> No.4970041
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Fascinating, BOOF.

>> No.4970045

Not being able to post anime on /jp/ is still fucking retarded.


>> No.4970052

Posting anime on /jp/ would invite /a/ browsers here. I'd say it's worth the sacrifice to keep them out.

>> No.4970066

It's not the topic that makes /a/ bad, it's the userbase and we have also lots of such little geniuses here though they post primarily in 2hu and neko related threads

>> No.4970070

Listen, /a/ user.

If you have a board exclusively for ANIME and MANGA. Then you MUST post ANIME and MANGA there. Got it? There is not reason to post X content in the Y board when there is a X board.

Now go back to that shithole.

>> No.4970082

I did not know that.

>> No.4970107

The issue is that anime would attract them here. I'm not saying we can't have any anime threads, but if an /a/ browser chances on /jp/ and sees half the front page is made of anime threads, they're probably going to stay. These people are annoying and know nothing about 90% of the stuff we like to talk about.

>> No.4970113
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>> No.4970121

stop bumping this shit. take it to /a/

>> No.4970127
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>> No.4970164

Then why is Touhou posted here when we have /v/?

>> No.4970177

Because Touhou is one of the main reasons why /jp/ was created.

>> No.4970178

The Touhou fanbase is "Special"

>> No.4970184

Because Touhou is not exactly considered as GAME to /v/. A board can make it own rules as well based if the majority accepts it or not. And we don't accept /a/ here.

>> No.4970188

You can't wiggle your ass out of this like that. Give me a VALID REASON why Touhou should not be in /v/ in the first place.

>> No.4970193


>A board can make it own rules

so this is why /jp/ is always so full of itself. it actually thinks it owns the board.

>> No.4970195

Because /v/'s tastes are not refined enough to appreciate Touhou.

>> No.4970196

Your trolling skills are pretty good. You had me for a moment. 7/10.

>> No.4970200


Because /jp/ is a sub-board of /v/ for certain kind of Japanese video games, including Touhou.

>> No.4970204

It's called /jp/ for a reason. Of course the /jp/ users own the board, genuine /jp/ users who know the subculture of the board well enough to feel that they are a part of the board.

>> No.4970211
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Moe --> metathread

how could this happen ._.

>> No.4970219

Since it's a shitty /a/ thread that needs to be derailed, /jp/ style derailment.

>> No.4970229

it was a /a/ thread all the time.

>> No.4970232

Because. they. do. NOT. want. it. there.

Yeah. We do own the board. We were the only ones posting two years ago when we made them. You weren't there to object. None of you people were there to object. Nobody wanted us back then anyway, why shouldn't we make them? And what's your problem with lurking, learning them and following them while in here? Posting too much in /v/ made you too REBELIOUSXD?

>> No.4970242

Shit, man. Calm down.

>> No.4970277


When YOU made /jp/?

If I recall correctly, you also acted like you owned /a/, constantly shitposting everywhere when nobody. wanted. you. there.

You whined and whined and whined because nobody wanted to talk about the worthless shit you're interested in until moot got sick and HE made a special board for you and all the other "special users" (rejects from /a/).

In short. Deal with it, nerd. I'm not going anywhere. Nobody is. Enjoy your anime and video games.

>> No.4970280

/a/ shit really doesn't belong here for many different reasons.
The fact that it's all the "same" shit is an argument that might have worked better prior to the split, however that argument really didn't cut it when the majority were retards who wanted more space for their shounen shit fests.
So this is the situation we have arrived at, we are outcasts because they felt that what is now /jp/ content shouldn't go in /a/.
But it really is for the better, just look at the board now, it's nothing other than shounen shit and it has evolved into naruto/bleach/one piece.

>> No.4970290

he has a point
moot created /jp/ under an incredibly vague premise
it was up to the users to decide what would become of this board.

>> No.4970318

I'm not saying he has a point or not.

I'm saying he should calm down.

>> No.4970327

and I think his reaction is appropriate
give them an inch and they'll go a mile
look at what happened to /r9k/

>> No.4970330

When was /r9k/ ever good?

And nobody gave them an inch, it was always "everything goes" just like /b/.

>> No.4970332

don't bump

>> No.4970338

There is a country were the sports of Soccer and Ice-Hockey thrives and is the most usual topics at the town’s local sports-bar.
Inside that bar however there is a group who has a certain interest of the sport Baseball and they discuss it gladly within the bar even though the nation doesn't even has its own baseball team.
After some time however the fans of Soccer and Ice-Hockey tells the Baseball fans to take their shit elsewhere.
The Baseball guys thinks that the Soccer and Ice-hockey fans are exaggerating but things wont cool down and the Soccer and Ice-Hockey fans complain to the bar's owner Moot.
Moot seeing as how it could damage his business and him not being a fan of baseball himself decides that something should be done.
He doesn't want to lose the baseball customers though as they are still a steady income for him, so he builds a Baseball bar right across the street for them.
The Baseball fans go "Hey, what the hell? But ok, perhaps this is for the better and it is still a bar" so they move into the new Bar.
There they have plenty of interesting discussion about Baseball and their community thrives even though it is small.
They start to raise funds and they start to organize themselves in order to make Baseball more popular and more access able, so they help in tidying up and fixing real Baseball fields, so that the sport in fact can be played, unlike before.
Times goes by and the popularity of Baseball grows as more people start to play it as there are now local fields were one actually can play.
With the popularity of Baseball increasing more and more people checks out the local Baseball bar, and the regulars of the Baseball bar likes how more people can enjoy Baseball.

>> No.4970343

Things actually goes so well so that the country gets its own official Baseball team and the team even sets their goal on the highly respected tournament coming up.
With this the popularity grows even more and more people starts to become regulars of the Baseball club and it is all good, but all of a sudden, unlike before there are also a bunch of jerks who have started visiting regularly, to the old regulars dismay. They don't bother learning baseball rules and are just bandwagoning faggots. They are glory hunters and gloat whenever their team wins, much to the dismay of the true die hard baseball regulars.
The regulars ignore them and all things goes well for Baseball and the official team happens to go to the final. With all of this being good the regulars feel happy, but the number of jerks that have filled up the baseball bar is incomparable to before, and they all feel a bit sad about it, but as the price of Baseball gaining popularity it is just something they has to bear, that is all.
When the tournament is over though they all scream loudly from happiness when their team actually wins the final, but at the same time they hear strong voices from across the street.
One of them decides to pay the old sports bar another visit, and it turns out that they have been following the Baseball tournament as well.
And with this all of the Baseball fans simply goes "What the hell? I thought that was the reason for why they didn't want us there" and it confuses them all.

>> No.4970372

/r9k/ has some pretty interesting threads early on
I remember discussing how one would operate a nuclear powered boat island thing full of bio android lolis,which somehow diverged into a discussion about the nature of law and morality.
in any case
relationshit threads overtook the board
there were those kinds of threads early on
just not covering the entire front page
I warned them that it was a danger that overwhelm the entire board
no one listened.

>> No.4970383

Yeah, he made a board for us and we went away like the worthless pieces of shit we are. But, thing is, we never bothered anyone again. In fact, it actually backfired for mooty, since /a/ gradually became worse (here's the funny part) after we left. Don't take my word for it. Search the archive for a bit to find a shitload threads from /a/ users saying: "Please shelter me, /jp/, /a/ is too shitty" But that's not the point.

The point is: we learned our lesson and, especially thanks to those rules, which let me remind you the Janitor also approves of, we became better than all of you.

As for the "Enjoy your anime and video games"
That only shows your userbase sucks so much that you need to come here to actually talk about them. So much for reject board, huh? Hey, hey, Anon-kun, guess what made /jp/ tolerable enough for you to be able to discuss these today? Take a wild guess sweetheart. These rules.

>> No.4970424


What a god-awful analogy. Here's a better one.

In moot's sports bar, people are enjoying talking about ice hockey and soccer. They are having a wonderful time. But every once in a while, some assclowns with megaphones come in, jump right into the discussions and start screaming about baseball. Discussions are ruined with "baseball hijacks," which generally result in worthless information dumps about the interrupter's favorite player.

The hockey and soccer fans are annoyed. The bar owner, moot, is annoyed. But instead of having the bouncer ban them from the bar, he decides to have another bar built across the street. He names it the "Hitting Balls with Sticks" bar. Everything involving hitting balls with sticks welcome!

It starts off decent. People enjoy talking about baseball, cricket and golf. But after a while, the baseball fans get rowdy again. They don't want the cricket and golf fans there. They want to talk about baseball and baseball only. People talking about golf and cricket are told to get out, told to go to the "International Sports Bar."

The bar owner, moot, caves in to the whining yet again. He renames it to "Bat and Ball Culture." It becomes the most run down bar in town. Most of the bar goers don't even play baseball, they just fantasize about their favorite players. Worst of all is the bouncer, who kicks out anybody engaging in any form of intelligent discussion, thus promoting this shitty behavior.

Still, there are some who go there despite not being wanted by the community, hoping to make it a better place by bringing in new, interesting ideas. Maybe even some golf, cricket, hockey or soccer discussion. Unfortunately, it's a long road ahead for them. And word is, moot, the bar owner, is about to change the name to "Baseball General."

>> No.4970441

Incredibly useful bump, eh.

>> No.4970460

You just had to bump this, didn't you? And your analogy is still off.

The Touhou vs Vn which one goes away lasted for a month at best. Now, of course, you'll say "BAWWWW you don't like Rance threads".

Now, let me tell you something, /v/tard, you and everyone else who wants to discuss Rance.
/jp/ likes Rance.
That's it.
Honest to God, we like this game. We have unleashed truckloads of semen to it. The problem is, we liked it too much. So much that we discussed the EVERLIVING SHIT out of it. Eventually the discussion died. I mean, it wasn't /jp/'s main fad like Touhou is (you can't get Touhou out of /jp/ but I'll get on that later), so eventually we got bored of Rance and we found another flavor of the month. Cut to some months later, when /v/ finds out about Rance and hears /jp/ also likes that VN. "oh, boy, since /v/ is shit, let's go there" But you guys are too many and when you discuss something we already drained our balls to, sorry, but we can't follow. At least not with you guys' pace.

>> No.4970465

More like HocXXX and SocXXX

Bring back Anime/Random

>> No.4970466
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Moe money
Moe problems.

>> No.4970484

Sorry but your analogy really isn't better.
/jp/ was made for what /a/ wouldn't tolerate at the moment.
/jp/ rarely butcher our own content telling it to get out.
It has never really been a problem. Now in recent times there have been discussions about Ar Tonelico, and that one was a bit tough as it in fact are both a genuine Galge game that doesn't go in the other boards and shares common traits with things not allowed.

But really this isn't a problem dominating anything.
And Ar Tonelico and wota threads are left alone as long as they don't dominate the board.

>> No.4970498

But what about Touhou? Let's get to that now. Like you (or someone like-minded to you posted earlier), moot made this board exactly because Touhou (and VNs, I'll get to these too) were creating too many off-topic threads in Anime/Manga. The problem with Touhou itself is that, for a fan-made franchise, it's too fucking huge. Seriously, if you check the stands graph for Comiket, you'll see a bigass section dedicated to Touhou shit that's growing bigger every year. We can't help it, it has to many things to discuss to remain flavor of the month. This could have happened to any other big cult francise, like Eva, yeah, Eva is even bigger, too fucking bad it gets trolled to death on 4chan, so whatever, you get the idea.

Let's move on to VNs, now. /jp/ did have a quarrel among itself about further creating a Touhou board because VNs, Dolls, etc were getting squashed by the goddamn beast. I'll be honest, Touhou used to take up much more space on /jp/ that it does nowadays, but we worked on that, now it's 2-3 threads, which I say it's good enough.

Another point is, moot didn't create /jp/ solely because of Touhou (baseball in our little allegory), he actually stated "he wanted /a/ to become Anime-Manga again". That means we was bothered by VNs and figurines too, despite not being so vocal about it. So, if you want to blame someone, blame Kordox and the VNs fags too, we all came here at the same time and learned to co-exist, I'm honestly pissed as a Touhoufag when someone picks on Doll or VN threads nowadays.

I rest my case, even if it's tl;dr, I hope you can understand our "special" case.

>> No.4970508

All of these analogies are stupid. It boils down to this: we don't want anime/manga/Japan related stuff here. We haven't wanted it since the start. Somehow people expect us to change this for no reason, when we already have boards for those things. You can either deal with it, or shut up.

>> No.4970612

Why does /a/ talk about visual novels as if they have always been accepted?

>> No.4970666

Because they are too new and retarded to even know about /jp/, I guess?

>> No.4970760 [DELETED] 

It all boils down to one thing really - what people going on /jp/ are interested in. If you don't like, say, anime threads(which in most part when they actually happen, are related to VNs, so I'd say they're related anyway), YOU CAN JUST NOT FUCKING POST IN THEM. If the majority of /jp/ shares your opinion, then the thread won't get any replies, and will probably die rather fast.
If /jp/ as a whole, those mysterious "we" you're talking about, isn't interested in something, then it just gets ignored. But acting like

>> No.4970766 [DELETED] 

Clicked submit by mistake, ignore that for now.

>> No.4970768

"But acting like"...? BUT ACTING LIKE WHAT?!? Oh god, please finish that sentence or else I won't be able to sleep tonight.

>> No.4970798
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Sion thread #2? Where's the meido?

>> No.4970805
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>Deleting posts

>> No.4970812

No, it all boils down to another point which you seem to have missed: we would, in all honestly talk about Anime, Manga, Games, etc. if boards already dedicated to them didn't already exist.

Also "every thread will be replied to, no exceptions", this is the second mantra of /jp/, after "take it easy".

Also, "this mysterious "we"" you think that can't possibly be more than one person is, what a shock, more than one person. And guess what, they actually lurk here all day, every week for two years, they know what they're talking about. It's called userbase of the board. Yeah, /jp/ actually has people too, a bit few, but still. When "we", the userbase of the board, are vocal about not liking something that belongs better to another board anyway, a board especially MADE for that, what's your reason for keeping posting it here?

>> No.4970828

Because /jp/ does not want to talk about new exciting VNs like ever 17 and FSN.

>> No.4970866

It all boils down to one thing really - what people going on /jp/ are interested in. If you don't like, say, anime threads(which in most part when they actually happen, are related to VNs, so I'd say they fit anyway - it's not like most of /a/ can discuss them in context of the original anyway), YOU CAN JUST NOT FUCKING POST IN THEM. If the majority of /jp/ shares your opinion, then the thread won't get any replies, and will probably die rather fast.
If /jp/ as a whole, those mysterious "we" you're talking about, isn't interested in something, then it just gets ignored.
But acting like you own the board and starting up shit every time something you dislike shows up just makes for further decrease in quality of /jp/. People won't go away when you shout at them, if anything they'll get pissed off and start posting the same shit again just to troll. It might be different if you had an actual, coherent argument that you'd clearly present to them, but "go back to /a/" isn't one.
Yeah, guess what? Those that want to post anime here ARE PART OF /jp/ TOO. You don't have a monopoly on being right, and you don't get to force one others what they can post. If your opinion is the same as opinion of the majority, then you can trust your problem will go away - if not, then tough shit.

>> No.4970883

Thanks for posting the rest. I think I'll go to sleep now. But I don't understand half of the logic you put in it. Too deep for me maybe?

>> No.4970889

"I reported you're thread."

And thus everything you said was pointless.

>> No.4970899

Saying moeshit
Get the fuck out.

>> No.4970918

When I want to discuss about anime, I go to /a/. When I want to discuss about games, I go to /v/. The list goes on. Yeah, I prefer /jp/'s userbase too.Yeah, I like a good anime or game thread in here once in a blue moon too. Yeah, people should be free to post what they want. What I'm trying to say is, these things may classify as "Otaku Culture", but they have boards dedicated to them already. Why would I have to bring everything in /jp/, when there is an appropriate board for it? /jp/ has essentially been filling /b/'s role as a dumpster of whatever doesn't have a board of its own since /b/ became EPIC WIN LULZ XD and eventually turned into a normalfriend haven.

Here's my argument, I hope it's coherent enough, although, even if it is, I doubt it will do anything.

>> No.4970976

>Those that want to post anime here ARE PART OF /jp/ TOO.
Why would anyone want to talk about anime here?
Should we have threads about D&D as well?

/jp/ was made to be the dumping ground so that /a/ could stay pure.
Sure /a/ is worse than ever now but that is beside the point, /jp/ was not made to be /a2/, it was made to be what didn't go in /a/.

How does your logic follow?
And if you bring up "/jp/ related" anime such as anime adaptions from VNs, then I can say that it is not like there is some complete taboo of ever mentioning anime. You are free to draw comparisons between Clannad and the Clannad anime for an example, but having discussions solely about the anime is retarded.

>> No.4971018

Pretty much this. Hell, I already said we even have threads about anime once in a blue moon. It's not God forbidden, but it's pointless.

And if you and other people think /a/'s userbase is so shitty it doesn't permit you having a good conversation about a good anime, then tough shit, joke's on you, you good posters were stupid enough to abandon the board and let it drown in Narutardation in the first place by coming here.

>> No.4971113

>Yeah, I like a good anime or game thread in here once in a blue moon too
>And if you bring up "/jp/ related" anime such as anime adaptions from VNs, then I can say that it is not like there is some complete taboo of ever mentioning anime

There we go. I absolutely agree that just having a random anime thread is completely out of place on /jp/ - but I'd argue that /jp/ related anime/manga threads should be accepted, and I probably made a mistake of not pointing that out clearer in my previous post.
After all people here can actually discuss things in context of the original(say, anime adaptations of VNs) or previous works of the creators'(Angel Beats, or Ryukishi007's new manga), which isn't something you can expect from /a/. As long as the threads will be condensed, they won't be a problem for the board, and they shouldn't really bring any bad /a/ users here. But that's only possible if there is a decent discussion, not "go back to /a/", trolling, and and mutating into metathreads.
Mind you, I never started any anime thread on /jp/ - there's one decent little forum I use for anime discussions, and I stick to that. But I still reply in them here if they come up, and I don't thin they should be purged, at least not the way people try to oppose them now.
Actually I started posting after the split, so I don't even remember good /a/
If someone gets the pressing urge to call me out on being a newfag, go right ahead, I don't really mind

>> No.4972130

>implying moemoe isn't shit

>> No.4972135
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>> No.4972163


>> No.4972182

Awesome thread notsion

>> No.4972184

Shut the fuck up and post more Yui faggots!

>> No.4972197

Sorry, I don't like K-ON since even Sion hates it too.

>> No.4972198

>previous works of the creators'(Angel Beats, or Ryukishi007's new manga)

These things have no place here. If the anime has a Visual Novel, then there's no reason it shouldn't be posted here. If it was simply worked on by people who had a Visual Novel, that does not make it related to a Visual Novel. While I say that, any thread that goes well I don't mind having on /jp/. This is why I hate quest threads here. I would normally enjoy them, but it's just going to lead to shit-throwing so we're better off without it.

Also, there was never such a thing as a "good /a/." /jp/ is better than it ever was.

>> No.4972273
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I meant this Yui.

>> No.4972331

VN companies/scenario writers are /jp/ related. Note how we used to talk about the KnK anime all the time.

>> No.4975407

Baby don't hurt me.

>> No.4976512

But the KnK movies are a direct adaption of the KnK books.
And the books are /jp/ related.
So it isn't just that it is one of Nasu's works.

>> No.4976529

Sorry, no.
If anime adaptation of light novels are /jp/ material, than about a third of anime produced nowadays is /jp/ material.

>> No.4976530

Angel Beats has some light novel written by Maeda as well.

>> No.4976537

Give me some porn of this slut.

>> No.4976566
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>> No.4976629

Well, I wasn't really arguing that light novels are /jp/ related.
Though the debate on whether or not they should be is an old debate even though it was a debate held in the shadows of Touhou and Visual Novels.

Then the spree of anime adaptions based on them came and I guessed that settled it.
But /jp/ has had an old interest in KnK even though that also has been overshadowed by tsukihime and so on.
I would include it in "/jp/ exceptions".
Personally I don't really care but I could see others that do and so I can let that one slide as a special case.
It might just be my guess but I believe I am not the only one who considers it an exception, though wheter or not we are a minority or not I don't know and I don't really care.
In the end it is not only a books written by the same author as /jp/ related material, it is also set in the same world with the same everything so it is nopt like it's going to go away anyway.

>> No.4976630

Type-moon is always related. It is like he 2nd or 3rd biggest topic in /jp/.

1) Touhou
2) Type-moon
3) Seacats
4) KEY?

It is probably because of this that keyfags are posting angel beats here.

>> No.4976647

I don't think that this thread is even made by a KEYfag, probably just some fag from /a/ .

>> No.4976649

The novels were the orignals.
How does it feel to spoil yourself with the inferior adaptations?

>> No.4976669

KEYfags are too high quality for /a/, all us real KEYfags hang out on /jp/...

>> No.4976701

The anime is the original. The novel is a prequel.

>> No.4976703

"The Marvel universe sure is great, just look at all those diverse heroes and unique stories told in so many different ways."
"What!? 'X hero' made his first appearance in a book/movie and has in fact no comics of his own, even though he is mentioned in several other comics multiple times and who has a role that affects 'comic 1', 'comic 2' and 'comic 3'?
This changes everything, we can now never mention him or anything that has been affected by him ever again since that wouldn't be on board topic now, would it?"

>> No.4976710
File: 22 KB, 289x425, moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4976711

edited model

>> No.4976740

moe is 萌え

>> No.4976748

...What? The novel takes place BEFORE the anime, and describes the formation of the SSS.
