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File: 112 KB, 640x480, cross channel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4963785 No.4963785 [Reply] [Original]

How is Cross Channel?

>> No.4963794

nanaca crash is better

>> No.4963799

Polarizing, if you doin't like the MC you'll hate it.

>> No.4963800
File: 43 KB, 574x574, taichi_homolust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough homolust. Need more Taichi x Sakuraba, Tomoki can join in too.

>> No.4963802

It's great.
Good build up, awesome delivering and actually entertaining to read.

>> No.4963817

I liked the MC but I still didn't really like it too much. The humor was good, that's about it.

>> No.4963833

>actually entertaining to read.
The first weeks are painfully boring, the same with the bad high school scenes and the reused scripts.

>> No.4963836

not so good.

>> No.4963838

But Cross†Channel is not about the humor.

>> No.4963839

Really good.

>> No.4963843

Pretty terrible.

>> No.4963848

The script was always very entertaining and witty, especially if you compare it to most VNs available translated.
I really wonder how you guys can call this boring and go back to the others far more boring VNs that are so popular here.

>> No.4963867

Enjoyable, but CC's END is horrible.

>> No.4963875

There is nothing to say about this.
I had a hunch about it, but I didn’t expect it to be this good.
I’ll make this my family heirloom.
It’s both my good fortune and bad luck that I would meet this work which now reigns as an absolute and insurmountable wall.
Anyway the game is too amazing so everybody please play it! Oh man, I know saying all this is like I’m strangling my own neck, but I can’t stop myself from recommending it!

>> No.4963879

You've got to be kidding me, the ending is beautiful.

>> No.4963880


>> No.4963884

Go back to /v/.

>> No.4963895

>The script was always very entertaining and witty, especially if you compare it to most VNs available translated.
It's like I'm reading a Bakemonogatari review.

Anyway, that guy said the first week is boring, not the eroge. Read it again.

>> No.4963900

There are way too many BAD END-vibes mixed in for it to be called beautiful.

>> No.4963905

I know that, that's why I didn't like it. If it was about the humor maybe I'd have liked it more since I don't seem to like Romeo's drama very much.

>> No.4963911

Something sad can be beautiful too.
Best endings are the bittersweet ones, same reason why the normal ending of Swan Song or all the individual endings in Hello, World are so amazing.

>> No.4963913



>> No.4963920

It's all about you view it. I actually think that's the only good end for Taichi, even though it's totally unfair for him.

>> No.4963929

>the normal ending of Swan Song
How is that bittersweet? If my memory serves me correctly, it's just a big "Shit happens, and then you die" ending.

>> No.4963942

It's an ending that show both the beauty and the ugliness of humans perfectly.
An ending can be bittersweet even if the main character die.

>> No.4963948

I honestly don't see the appeal in it. I've tried time and time again. I'm on the third week or something. Jokes being told to me aren't funny. I don't understand Japanese pop culture references.

I want to like this novel, but holy shit I can't fucking get into it. I did laugh pretty hard at one point where someone (can't remember) taped Taichi and Touko having sex, but besides that I was pretty fucking bored. Someone motivate me to read this.

>> No.4963952

I shat many bricks during Kiri and Miki's routes.
Also the last part with that music at the end of each arcs.
And Nanaka last scene.
Fuck, great eroge.

>> No.4963957

read it or I'll bury you alive in a smelly suitcase

>> No.4963975

You don't have to force yourself if you don't like it. Popular opinion doesn't matter since you play it for your enjoyment, not others'. And the last parts of the game is not you can called funny or humorous in anyway. Reading the end and Tower of Friends made me depressed for a whole week. ;_;

>> No.4963986

What else have you found enjoyable.

If looking for humor, there are some good moments with Miki/Kiri, and a couple of the mini routes after the main routes are good, but the appeal of Cross Channel really isn't the humor. However the weeks for Kiri and Miki are awesome (especially Miki) which are weeks 3 and 4.

>> No.4963999

This is a love it or hate it type VN. In contrast to some other stuff which is nearly impossible to hate, this is something you either love or you don't.

>> No.4964000

I don't really remember like that, myself. All I remember is Aroe dying, then the protagonist dying (actually did he die? I'm not even sure about that. I'll re-read it again sometime anyway since I loved it so much.) It just made me feel kind of sad, in contrast to say, Saya no Uta's ending where I was both happy and sad about it, that's what I'd call a bittwesweet ending. Can you explain why?

>> No.4964005
File: 33 KB, 640x480, look at her panties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4964021

If you can't get into it, just forget about it. No point forcing yourself to read the thing if it's still not clicking for you then.

>> No.4964032

I'm not really looking for humour, just got onto the third week. I haven't really found anything in particular enjoyable, maybe the parts where it's actually interesting instead of Taichi being hit with the same CG with a different girl for the hundreth time. That shit pisses me off.
Oh, okay. Feels like I'm missing out now. Oh well.

>> No.4964043 [DELETED] 

From what I have seen, newcomers to VNs tend to hate Cross Channel, while those who have played a significant amount of the stuff out in English tend to love it. Does ones taste getting better or worse while playing eroge?

>> No.4964055

>newcomers to VNs tend to hate Cross Channel
Sounds pretty unfounded. I've played around ~70 visual novels and didn't really care for it too much, myself. Wouldn't say hate it though, not at all.

>> No.4964056

I'm >>4964032 and I've played pretty much every English eroge that isn't shitty available, I just can't get into Cross Channel. I wouldn't say it's a case of newcomers hating Cross Channel.

>> No.4964065

>I'm not really looking for humour, just got onto the third week. I haven't really found anything in particular enjoyable, maybe the parts where it's actually interesting instead of Taichi being hit with the same CG with a different girl for the hundreth time. That shit pisses me off.

Play through week 3 then, Kiri's and Miki's route are more serious business than the slut and Touko.

>> No.4964067
File: 234 KB, 640x480, CrossChannel-114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, if you want to be motivated to read it again, I'll give you a spoiler. Look at this CG, Youko is actually not doing anything, absolutely nothing here. It's Taichi who is the actual one going around killing the whole mansion

>> No.4964070

I don't consider people who dislike Cross+Channel true humans.

>> No.4964072
File: 73 KB, 640x480, SGPhoto_2010_04_24 00_14_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come I don't remember that CG?
The game itself is really good but ending is somekinda strange

>> No.4964073

Cross Channel was my 6th VN. I loved the fuck out of it

Youko is mai waifu. Touko is daww too, but needs to get some independence. Miki is cool. Kiri is interesting. Sakuraba is awesome. Siscon is.. Siscon. Misato is boring

Anyway, it's well worth your time if you're willing to devote the time to it OP.

>> No.4964077


Well I personally think that the biggest issue with Cross Channel is that the beginning is so incredibly slow and boring that by the time shit is starting to happen I really didn't have much interest. As >>4963799 mentions, you do have to have some sort of attachment to the MC, who I feel at many points is so eccentric and unserious that I found it hard to truly focus on the story. At times conversation and writing was slightly obtuse and I found the plot dragging. However, by the end the story is relatively interesting, as are the character interactions, and I found myself able to finish it.

I don't think it deserved the hype it got. It does certain things well but for me, it wasn't as good as I had expected based on what people said. Is it worth playing? Yeah, sure. But if you really don't like it, you can stop and you won't have missed out on much.

Some people truly love the game and I'm sure they have their reasons, so just try it and judge for yourself. It's certainly not the worst game and I think that the fact that it has strong admirers warrants that you give it an objective look.

>> No.4964083

You just have to accept that you won't always like stuff that everyone else seems to. I know how it feels though, not with Cross Channel but with some other games that get a lot of praise on /jp/.

That doesn't make sense. And your taste doesn't get better or worse, though it might change. I think my taste is pretty much the same as when I first got into eroge though.

>> No.4964096

Holy shit, what. These CGs intrigue me and convince me to read again.

>> No.4964098

People that dislike CC dislike good VNs

>> No.4964107

That's not true, I like Fate/Stay Night.

>> No.4964179

Cross Channel was...well, I grew fond of Taichi by the end of it, so I can't say I didn't like it. But on the whole it wasn't that good. For all the talk about Taichi being some kinda monster he seemed a pretty alright guy who just can't control himself sometimes. But the end was what made it not so good. We're treated to a long drag of pointlessness that's really hard to care about, like the part with Youko. The whole time it had the feeling that it was going somewhere and it just ended up not going anywhere at all. Not to mention sometimes you could just tell that Taichi was just parroting Romeo Tanaka's thoughts. Well, I guess everything can't be spectacular, so CC was not bad but not particularly good either.

>> No.4964185

>>Fate/Stay Night
>>good VNs

>> No.4964188

10/10, would rage again.

>> No.4964197

Miki's route, and the ending bits were great.

Everything else was pretty meh.

>> No.4964203


>> No.4964210

>The whole time it had the feeling that it was going somewhere and it just ended up not going anywhere at al
But it did get somewhere. Everyone was somewhat rehabilitated at the end and sent back to the real world, Taichi got what he wanted. It's actually like a Disney end except for Taichi ;_;

>> No.4964219
File: 319 KB, 595x333, remilia the fuck did you say_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For all the talk about Taichi being some kinda monster he seemed a pretty alright guy who just can't control himself sometimes.

That is a serious motherfucking understatement. Like, "Hitler was a real jerk to the Jews" understatement. Yes, I just invoked Godwin's Law, I don't give a fuck. You CANNOT say "he just can't control himself sometimes" with a straight fucking face and expect to do his twisted nature justice after finishing Kiri's week

>> No.4964223

What I hate the most in CC threads is the retards that spoil everything away without even hiding the text.

>> No.4964238

the twisted justice was actually Kiri's if you put some thought into it.

>> No.4964241

When you discuss about something, you are supposed to know about it. If you haven't played or finished the game yet then stay away from the thread. That way nobody gets hurt.

>> No.4964250

Wait, does Taichi die or something? Spoil me please, if he does maybe I'll finish CC after all

>> No.4964266

That's just plot. Plot alone isn't enough for me to say that something's good. Take the example of reading a story about people who fall in love, the end. It wouldn't be good unless it had something else to it.

Well I can't remember that well, but I'm pretty sure that I completed the game entirely (ie didn't miss anything) and I didn't feel like he did much that was inexcusable. I'm saying it this way because I can't remember exactly what happened in Miki's part.

>> No.4964272


I'm not sure if I understand what you mean. Please elaborate. I mean, I'm just not seeing much room for arguing that a guy that trapped Kiri in the girl's bathroom and started licking her menstrual blood off her thighs "isn't that bad"

>> No.4964273

No he didn't die. But he would continue to sleep under the sky of another dimension until the sky is no more. Actually, he isolated himself from everyone and stayed in the other world alone.

>> No.4964274

I mean Kiri*

>> No.4964297

That's what I do. But I think it's unfair with those who plan to start playing and go check the thread thinking "hey, let's see if people enjoyed it or not".

People could simply hide the text and talk about all they want. Then if the guy who never played goes and read what it's hidden then it's his problem and I don't care.

>> No.4964298

Is that what you think is twisted? Seriously, that's really not much at all. He couldn't really control himself anyways.

>> No.4964313

I found the fact that he built a tower out his dead friends bodies a bit more disturbing.

>> No.4964316

It was terrible, the main character is a sick perverted bastard.

>> No.4964318

>Well I can't remember that well, but I'm pretty sure that I completed the game entirely (ie didn't miss anything) and I didn't feel like he did much that was inexcusable. I'm saying it this way because I can't remember exactly what happened in Miki's part.

Mind you, I'm talking about Kiri's week, not Miki's

In Kiri's week, Taichi did the following:

Used his fucked up past for guilt sex with Kiri. Skeevy and morally questionable at best

Utterly destroyed Kiri's mental image of her brother, even though her brother had CHANGED since Taichi had been reamed up the ass by him since they were both kids. Her brother had forgotten, completely and utterly. HE WAS A DIFFERENT PERSON AT THAT TIME, yet Taichi expressed utterly no remorse over the fact that he caused Brother-guy to commit suicide. He's different during Kiri's mini-week in the.. 6th week, I think it was, but we're not talking about that here


And that's just speaking in the context of Kiri's week alone. The dude was fucked up beyond reason. Yes, he was a lot better by the end of the VN, but he still did some seriously, seriously fucked up things to people

>> No.4964323

He's a psychopath too. Worst of the worst.

>> No.4964334

>only played for 2 hours

>> No.4964337


Yeah, okay, we're just gunna have to agree to disagree here. Because if you're not seeing what's so wrong and twisted about that alone, you're beyond help

>> No.4964360

People that HATE Cross Channel only played it for a couple of the in-game weeks and then dropped it because they didn't liked it. While it's still the "VN fault" to not grab the attention of those who dropped it, it doesn't mean it's not good. I bet most people who think "hurr taichi is a perv bastard i don't liek him" would love this VN if they had the chance to play the final weeks.

>> No.4964364


Dude, I completed the VN, and I still think Taichi is a sick perverted bastard

Granted, he toned down a LOT by the end of the VN, but if Misato's mini-week in week 6 is anything to go by, he's still pretty damn perverted

>> No.4964384

Used his fucked up past for guilt sex with Kiri. Skeevy and morally questionable at best

I doubt he really cared at that point. He probably just wanted to fuck her.

Utterly destroyed Kiri's mental image of her brother, even though her brother had CHANGED since Taichi had been reamed up the ass by him since they were both kids. Her brother had forgotten, completely and utterly. HE WAS A DIFFERENT PERSON AT THAT TIME, yet Taichi expressed utterly no remorse over the fact that he caused Brother-guy to commit suicide. He's different during Kiri's mini-week in the.. 6th week, I think it was, but we're not talking about that here

I'm beginning to think you're very much like Kiri. You seem to have an overblown sense of right. Now come on, do you really expect Taichi to care about him after what he did, regardless of what he is now? Besides it's not like he intended for him to jump. He just asked him an honest question. And then we have the fact that Kiri was going to kill him if he didn't talk her out of it, not to mention that she was going to kill him because of her misguided assumptions. Now you can say that Taichi "shouldn't" have done what he did to the guy, but really people can't be expected to love what they hate, even if it is "wrong" to do so.


So? That's really a minor thing. Harmless. He wasn't in control of himself anyways.

>> No.4964397

Oh, thanks for answering. Seems fitting from what I played so far, guess I'll give it a chance after all.

>> No.4964476

>I doubt he really cared at that point. He probably just wanted to fuck her.

Yeah, and? That doesn't make it any LESS skeevy, perverse, or morally reprehensible. Having a debased reason for doing something doesn't make it a legitimate and acceptable action, I hope you know

>Now you can say that Taichi "shouldn't" have done what he did to the guy, but really people can't be expected to love what they hate, even if it is "wrong" to do so.

Listen. I'm not angry for Taichi inadvertently getting Kiri's brother to commit suicide. I'm angry because he eagerly tears into Kiri's heart by bringing up a part of her brother who for all intents and purposes DIED many, many years ago. Compare his dialogue in Kiri's week with Kiri's mini-week in Week 6; he is far, far more sympathetic and tries his best to break the news to her gently. THAT is a more than acceptable way of doing it. But how he did it in Kiri's week was just wrong. It was unfair to her brother, who was no longer the same person.

>So? That's really a minor thing. Harmless. He wasn't in control of himself anyways.


Oh who the fuck am I kidding, I'm posting on 4chan of all places, and /jp/ at that. Why should I expect anyone here to have a goddamn clue how vile and sick some of this shit would be in real life?

>> No.4964544

I'm angry because he eagerly tears into Kiri's heart by bringing up a part of her brother who for all intents and purposes DIED many, many years ago.

And you completely ignore the fact that Kiri was pointing a goddamn crossbow at Taichi intending to kill him based on her false assumptions about what happened many, many years ago. Taichi himself said he was going to talk to her that way because he wanted to live.

>Yeah, and? That doesn't make it any LESS skeevy, perverse, or morally reprehensible. Having a debased reason for doing something doesn't make it a legitimate and acceptable action, I hope you know

I don't care whether it was morally questionable. It probably was. But that doesn't mean that Taichi's a horrible person. Good people do bad things, hence I said that Taichi's a pretty alright dude who can't control himself sometimes. This is especially true for Taichi since he's obviously not a normal, mentally healthy person. Heck, I'd say this wasn't a bad thing in the first place. I've seen worse porn than that and I find it quite acceptable. But let's ignore that for now.


But he was in a school for what people would normally call lunatics anyways. I'm not debating his sanity. He was quite obviously not normal. I'm just saying he's not that bad of a guy.

>> No.4964567

Oh /jp/...
Seeing like-minded people getting this emotionally invested in something makes me realize theres probably hope for me yet.
Carry on with your passionate debate~

>> No.4964604


>I'm just saying he's not that bad of a guy.

You know what, let's just concentrate on this point for a minute. If raping the memory of a poor, confused girl's dearly loved family member after trapping and molesting said girl in a bathroom isn't "that bad," not to mention his previous exploits of attempted molestation during her time of emotional vulnerability over her dead brother back on the roof, I'm very curious to know what precisely your definition of a "bad guy" is

I mean I know this is the internet and all, but I still have trouble believing people as warped as you exist

>> No.4964629


>And you completely ignore the fact that Kiri was pointing a goddamn crossbow at Taichi intending to kill him based on her false assumptions about what happened many, many years ago. Taichi himself said he was going to talk to her that way because he wanted to live.

Also, with this comment I'm wondering if you even read my post or you just skimmed over it. I already said that I understand circumstances are one thing, but he was QUITE capable of getting her to stand down during Kiri's miniweek in Week 6 without shitting all over her dead brother's memory, so I have absolutely no idea why you're even bringing this up

>> No.4964654

You definitely sound like Kiri. Anyways...

>raping the memory of a poor, confused girl's dearly loved family member after trapping and molesting said girl in a bathroom

Firstly, the bathroom part is irrelevant to the part where they talk. Now I repeat, Taichi was about to be killed. By a woman who totally misunderstood Taichi and what happened with her brother. Now, tell me. Taichi is mostly innocent of her brother's death. Taichi is about to be killed. Taichi has a chance to save himself by TELLING THE TRUTH, which, regardless of how hard it may be, is not wrong. Does a man who is going to be sentenced to death not have a right to defend himself? Especially with the truth?

Now for the bathroom part. I repeat again that he was not in control of himself. Now whether it was wrong or not, he couldn't stop himself even though he in his normal state would have wanted to stop himself. Taichi may have done something "bad" but he himself is not a bad person since his intentions weren't bad.

>> No.4964669

A few seconds in this threads and I've already seen like 3 spoilers. Screw you you people and your lack of spoiler tags, I'm playing CC right now bastards.

>> No.4964670

I can't remember that part very well. What did he do? In any case, does it really matter? So he caused Kiri some pain. Kiri didn't give a damn about how much pain she caused Taichi, and Taichi is the one who is more justified in this case, and yet Taichi is the monster?

>> No.4964683



For the third fucking time, I have no issues with him trying to survive by explaining the situation to Kiri. I HAVE AN ISSUE WITH *HOW* HE DID IT. ARE YOU EVEN READING.

>> No.4964702

see >>4964683

You could also try being a little nicer. Don't take this discussion to heart. Well, I guess it doesn't matter either way.

>> No.4964711

sigh delete isn't working. the posts are mixed up, the other way around...

>> No.4964814

>I can't remember that part very well. What did he do?

Pretty much just what I said. In Kiri's week, he tried his damnedest to ruin Kiri's memory of her brother. I still remember the exclamation mark at the end of his brutal barrage of banter, telling Kiri how life was back in the mansion when Taichi was a loli. "Your brother was a rapist." Again, that is completely unfair to her brother, because he completely and utterly forgot anything even happened. Fuck, he was remorseful enough once he remembered it to kill himself over it. If that doesn't speak to how much he changed, I don't know what does

In Kiri's mini-week, he tries to phrase things in such a way that everyone involved was a victim of circumstance. Kiri's brother was just a kid at the time, and he was being pressured by his sick fuck parents to rape Taichi's ass at their crazy group-orgies or whatever. So, he did. Taichi acknowledges that Kiri's brother had indeed changed, he was a lot more remorseful over it, and he tried pretty hard to make sure Kiri understood that this was all in the distant past and had no reflection on how her brother had been right up until the moment he committed suicide

>> No.4964818

K so I read back a bit. First read >>4964670

That's basically my stance. I don't really care if Kiri took a bit of mental pain. I sometimes tell people who care about me cruel things. I'd be surprised if you didn't either. Taichi doesn't really care about Kiri in the first place. In any case, whether it was "better" or "worse" to do it harshly or gently, I don't think what he did makes him not a pretty alright dude.

>> No.4964822


So he caused Kiri some pain. Kiri didn't give a damn about how much pain she caused Taichi, and Taichi is the one who is more justified in this case, and yet Taichi is the monster?

I'm really, really not seeing where you're coming from here, dude. What on Earth did Kiri do to Taichi, besides be a dick to him at school? She was under the impression that this was the guy that made her beloved brother kill himself. Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, that gives her a bit of a freepass to be as much a dick as she wants to him. Add that on to how he tried to take advantage of her on the rooftop when she was busy crying her eyes out and, well, yeah, Taichi is a fucking monster

What, you mean about how she tried to kill Taichi? Yeah, uh, sorry, but I'm gunna have to say she was pretty justified given her limited understanding of the situation. Besides, she was more than remoseful after Taichi explained things to her, which is more than Taichi could say during Kiri's week

I mean hell dude, we're not even getting into his machinations over fucking Yuusa, or any other screwed up things he does. We're just talking about how fucked up he was in Kiri's week alone. How long ago did you even play this VN? I'm starting to suspect your memory of Taichi has become very, very fuzzy

Like I said, he definitely became BETTER by the end of the VN, but he is still quite fucked in the head. During Kiri's week, I have no idea what you could call him other than a monster. You can't justify that much shit with "well he's insane, but he's not really that bad of a guy." Most of the other characters managed to be plenty insane in their own ways without going beyond the pale like Taichi did on a routine basis

>> No.4964893

Well calling him a monster, hating him with no good justification, trying to kill him all sound like, at the very least, Kiri was less in the right that Taichi was in that situation. Yet Kiri has all the right in the world to be a bitch to Taichi, but Taichi can't be even the slightest bit harsh in his words? Besides, what's wrong with being a little harsh to someone? Taichi hated the guy, regardless of what he was at the time. Is he really supposed to be so nice about it? In any case, it doesn't make Taichi a monster. Good people can do bad things.

The rooftop part, so what. Taichi already made it clear that he doesn't really give a damn about anyone else. Life just continued as normal as far as he was concerned.

Yuusa, so what...sigh this is getting nowhere.

>> No.4964899

Taichi was a lunatic. He still is a lunatic. But little by little he is learning to become a human in solitude. I cheer for him.

Daylight is now playing in your head.

>> No.4964945
File: 365 KB, 642x885, satori frown_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well calling him a monster, hating him with no good justification, trying to kill him all sound like, at the very least, Kiri was less in the right that Taichi was in that situation.

>Kiri had reason to believe that Taichi was a killer and intended to victimize Miki or possibly someone else

>She believed that Taichi made her brother commit suicide

>Taichi tongue-raped her in the bathroom


You know what, dude? In all honesty? You're a very frightening individual. The internet has truly blackened your soul

It's not even worth typing more shit out. I can tell you're only reading half the content of my posts, at most, and it's clear we're not going to see eye to eye even if you bother to take the time to read what I'm typing. So fuck it

>> No.4964977

She "believed" that he did, with 0 hard proof, and just assumed she was right. Which, obviously, was wrong. Not to mention she was going to kill Taichi for her false assumptions. Also you forgot spoilers.

>You're a very frightening individual. The internet has truly blackened your soul

You definitely sound like Kiri. I'm probably the kindest person you'll ever meet, if you do meet me. I just find it hard to hate Taichi for anything he did in the game. He really seems like an alright dude. I'm sure if he was able to control himself more he'd be a very pleasant person.

>I can tell you're only reading half the content of my posts

I try to read everything, but I have the habit of skimming over stuff that I don't think is important. I'd have to ask you to forgive me there.

>> No.4967442


>> No.4967545

>The internet has truly blackened your soul
>I'm probably the kindest person you'll ever meet

Both of these are false, you are just an antisocial person who has lost any grasp in reality. Taichi is a monster.

>> No.4967697

Third party here...

I believe the methodology in building Taichi up as a monster, despicable, etc... was a necessary point for the message of the VN as a whole.
Cross+Channel is about human relationships and how warped as twisted they can become and Taichi is supposed to be the standard by which all the other twisted characters are to be matched up.
The actions Taichi took throughout the weeks certainly aim to provide an image of Taichi that is off putting and even alarming, but what makes him deserving of the monster buildup is his internal psychology.
Outside his lapses it is clear that Taichi's perception of other humans is distorted. He uses them intentionally for his own immediate gain despite a feeling that it's terrible to do so. In many ways he resembles the Underground Man, who is so tragically aware of his situation that he cannot bare to feign ignorance and better it.
As far as Romeo self-inserting, I happen to agree. The narrative seems personal enough to suggest that his own feelings are wrapped into the writing. My own personal self-insertion was equally as smooth and maybe that's why I enjoyed the VN so much.
tl;dr ---- psychology ----

>> No.4967786

Wow, I never thought about the self-inserting thing, don't think anyone really mentioned it before either. I wouldn't put it past him, though, rather a quirky sort of guy.s

>> No.4967835
File: 38 KB, 480x273, r.jsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossing is now playing in your head.

Jazz version. http://tindeck.com/listen/uujj

>> No.4967837

Well, I agree that I'm probably not the kindest even though I'd like to believe I am. You jump to conclusions about me though.

Yeah it was needed, but that's the thing. Taichi hardly came off as a monster to me. Imagine if Taichi was a minor pervert and thought he was a monster because of it and nothing else (and the game expected you to believe he was too), and think of how lame you would think the game was. That's kinda how I feel about it.

Self-insertion isn't normally a bad thing to me, but when it makes the character feel out-of-character it makes it feel pointless. Like we've been going along with Taichi this whole time and suddenly Tanaka appears and says something in a way that doesn't seem natural to Taichi.

>> No.4967895


The monstrous portion wasn't so much of him being a pervert as it was of him not being able to sufficiently empathize with another human being.

In the end he gains the justice to release others from his social feeding and turns to the rather existentialist solution of his broadcasts.

It seems that you're understating a large portion of the text that focuses on Taichi's inner psychology and why he agrees that he is a monster...

After all, the feeling of being one matters far more than a grasp some objective definition of the term.

>> No.4967952

Not sure if you understood. It was an example to express the feeling I had about the game.

In any case I do agree with you about the reason why Taichi thought he was a monster etc.

>> No.4967973

Raide? I thought you went off and died into a corner somewhere. Also, you probably shouldn't host straight-up copyrighted stuff on tindeck.

>> No.4967984

Still doing Muv-Luv Extra. Too lazy to learn youtube.

>> No.4968734

Man, the psp remake is getting great CGs.

>> No.4968907
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>> No.4968926

Isn't that the PS2 version or there is also a PSP version for Cross†Channel? I'm confused.

>> No.4968943
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>> No.4968950
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>> No.4968958

What? From the poster it looks like Kiri is the main heroine...

>> No.4968974
File: 269 KB, 1233x1749, 1245576815992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cover varies depending on magazine and stuff. I don't think CC has primary heroine/route.

>> No.4969095

CC was incredily boring
I started reading this last September and I'm now on week 5, hopefully I can finish it before 2011.

>> No.4969108

You should drop it. CC isn't for everyone.

>> No.4969124

I'm the kind of person who -has- to finish whatever I've started.

I read a few sentences and say fuck it, save and do something else.

I'll finish it one day.

>> No.4969134

You sounds like Tomoyo After Story translator.

Don't force it. You'll end up with bitter taste with that kind of reading method anyway.

>> No.4969166

Cross Channel is more about the psychological portrait of a lunatic, it's basically a trip into the crazy mind of Taichi.

I guess this sort of thing isn't for everyone, it's definitely very different from most VNs that mostly feel like reading a script of some anime/movie.
Not saying it's a better or worse thing, just different.

>> No.4969179

Well week one was kinda funny with the sexual harassment and all. Week 2 was lame since it was exactly the same but atleast I got to bang the sempai chick. I'm at week 3 now and I'm starting to genuinely like it. I guess it's something you warm up to.

>> No.4969190

>week 2
>bang sempai chick
>week 2

>> No.4969194

CC is stale as fuck.
By now it's impossible for me to hate it, but if something happens (in the story) that sparks some more interest I'll probably -try- to marathon it.

The problem is, it get's stale with the repeating weeks.

I got really interested in week 2 or 3, I can't remember, but then it's like "WOW NOTHING HAPPENS" and I lose interest again.

>> No.4969235

CC isn't stale as long as the conversation and wit, alongside with hidden Taichi's contrasting thought process captures you. Otherwise it's pure bland.

Until crossbow, that is.

>> No.4969262


>> No.4969282

We need an option to turn off honorifics from Cross Channel!

Say goodbye to:

>> No.4971624
File: 41 KB, 654x595, 849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miki >>>>>>>>>

>> No.4973906


>> No.4974400

Oh god CC fanart?
Do you have anything else like that?

>> No.4974435

Bitches and misunderstandings.

>> No.4974555
File: 241 KB, 1920x1200, f9c6fec44fe81145e0a4f3af08a114ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4974564
File: 268 KB, 2560x1600, 28f2f052b6bdfddcbd74ac4f4a5693fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had more pics...

>> No.4974661

hnnnng miki-rin. I like kiri better, but miki as a character was top notch. Her H scenes were better too.

>> No.4974669

But Miki > Kiri
I love both.

>> No.4974878

Miki's bad end when kiri leaves was so sad, she went horribly depressed and probably killed herself, atleast that is what is hinted at.
Needed a kiri x miki route with a double H scene. In the pool.

>> No.4975261
File: 70 KB, 610x390, f0145dff233969a79da84ed2fcc79d2b5335c19f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad but true. Let's enjoy both of the flowers! :3

>> No.4975661

So about those PS2/PSP remakes, how dooes they even work? I can't imagine this game without ero.
