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4960338 No.4960338 [Reply] [Original]

Or watch anime at all?

I find myself watching older shows more than the current ones for the last year or so in between VN/game sessions.

>> No.4960343

Go back to /a/.

>> No.4960346

hikaru no go was pretty fun to watch

also, out of boredom I started watching yugioh recently

>> No.4960347

Very, very rarely. Never current.

>> No.4960350

I don't watch much anime anymore, maybe a couple episodes a day. I watch both current and old shows.

>> No.4960361

>hikaru no go was pretty fun to watch

What is it about?

>> No.4960363

I've recently gone on a nostalgia spree and watched HnG, GuruGuru, Chacha, HxH, and Banner of the stars.

>> No.4960376

I try to keep up with a few shows every season, but my backlog of things to watch is growing larger and larger and I don't think I'll ever clear it all

>> No.4960384

I only watch current shows usually

>> No.4960391


>> No.4960393

you know, generic boy-meets-a-spirit-and-helps-him show, but still, even though I don't like anime, I enjoyed it

>> No.4960395

anime card games:yu gi oh::go (the checkers-ish game):hikaru no go

>> No.4960397

Shounen sports anime done right.

>> No.4960398

if you like that kind of thing you might as well have watched natsume yuujinchou as it didnt have all the dumb go shit.

>> No.4960410

I am currently Yugioh 5Ds as well. I know it's bad but my Yugioh fanboy spirit is raging...

>> No.4960417

>Banner of the stars.
Interesting. I'm watching Crest of the stars right now.

>> No.4960422

Both are excellent space dramas.

>> No.4960432

Late night /jp/ seems to have less of an overlap with /a/. Makes sense.

>> No.4960442

I'm not in 5Ds yet, but I heard no groups are doing it. Is that true? My google skill doesn't find any groups doing the latest episodes, only thing I can find is stream subbed episodes, but no episodes in decent quality.

>> No.4960449

I'm watching Naruto, it's pretty fun. I'm on ep 20 now. Zabuza's last battle was so awesome

>> No.4960457

Was about to ask the same thing, so, anyone?

>> No.4960460

TNKP subs has up to episode 77.
I got all of mine from piratebay. TokyoToshokan has some of the subbed episode and raws but it's very meesy and disorganized...

>> No.4960461
File: 50 KB, 761x564, bannedforanimeonjp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/nime goes in /a/. All of it.

>> No.4960464

Only FMA.

>> No.4960466

The start of Naruto was actually pretty good, but it went rapidly downhill from the end of the second arc I seem to remember.

>> No.4960469

I don't watch current series. Too much of harem, fanservice, not too much of good plot and good humor.

>> No.4960478

I used to think it was a joke, but moe really is taking over anime lately.

>> No.4960488

This. I don't know why, but I just can't get started on any anime besides FMA.

>> No.4960491

Ah ha ha, are you the faggot that spam the Anime 2010 spring chart?

>> No.4960497

If you actually watch that shit then you don't belong here at all.

>> No.4960498

>good plot

>good humor
B Gata H Kei

>> No.4960505

>I seem to remember
here, he only said he used to watch it

>> No.4960510


Christ you people are nothing but Casuals. Go watch a real man's anime like Rainbow.


>> No.4960511

>forget Mayoi Neko Overrun

>> No.4960514

Hey, FMA is good. Give Brotherhood a chance and watch it.

>> No.4960515

Oh wow, some elitist anime watcher from /a/, aren't you?

>> No.4960522

So basically, there's no other way to watch 5Ds in normal way? Only streams? Also, what happened to all the groups subbing it?

>> No.4960526

That's just as bad. Watching one second of it at any time makes you a faggot.

>> No.4960529

I watched it when it first aired. Stopped after they started rehashing the plot lines and the animation quality took a nosedive. Where's the problem?

>> No.4960532

I pretty much watch only watch /m/ things.

Last thing I finished was Armor Hunter Mellowlink.

>> No.4960535

you clearly don't belong here

>> No.4960537

The only subs group, maybe GX-ST as well but I only follow TNKP.
And I torrent all of my episode from here:
Most of them are in HD, batches only has to ep 77 though.

>> No.4960539

New anime: most if not all shows are available, you can usually pick something interesting.
Old anime: only select shows are available, and most of them share many unwanted traits - popular, otaku pandering, action shit. Unless there's something you specifically want to see, it's best to avoid them altogether.

By the point you're into VNs you should have already seen every old anime worth your time. Or maybe VNs get more popular nowadays and people are faster to get into them, who knows...

>> No.4960541
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The only animus I genuinely like would be the FKMT ones.

>> No.4960545

I watch new series but I don't browse /a/.

>> No.4960546
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Not really. I slowed down my anime watching a lot once I hit Anime_Expert (over 1,000 series seen) status.

>> No.4960550

I usually watch more anime than I play VNs, currently following 9 currently airing shows.

It's just that there are no good people to discuss it with.

>> No.4960554

So you just watched it all so you could reach that number and brag about it?

>> No.4960555

I watched about 400 series so I could fit in with old /a/, but I only thought maybe 10-20 were genuinely good.

Then the Great Schism occurred and I realized how shitty anime really was. Now all that time I used to waste on anime goes directly to fapping.

>> No.4960569

Why would you force yourself to watch anything you don't enjoy just to fit in somewhere? I don't play all of the VNs that you people do, just the ones that interest me.

>> No.4960570

>Great Schism
I remember 2 waves of faggotry on /a/ until /jp/ was formed. I had no idea they had names.

>> No.4960578

I wish Simoun was done better. I liked the premise, and the girls were all so pretty.

>> No.4960582
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Currently watching Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou, Seikon no Qwaser, Kaichou wa Maid-sama!, Giant Killing, Sky Girls (loving then all), Mayoi Neko Overrun, KissxSiss and just started Ikkitousen s1 (meh).

>> No.4960583

I watch a healthy mix of new and old. Only at about 150 series so there is still plenty of good stuff out there to see

>> No.4960585

There was a time when I followed every show during current season. But then came Nogizuka Haruka no Himitsu, and I just couldn't take anymore. Seriously, that's some of the worst shit ever, after that show I took habit of dropping stuff if first episode was horrible.
Well, I still watch anime. This season I'm following Angel Beats, Giant Killing and Durara.

>> No.4960587

Thanks a lot, mate.

>> No.4960588

I'm watching it, but more out of habit than anything else. It doesn't really seem nearly as great as Baccano.

>> No.4960591

I don't like to follow shows. Even if, by any chance, any show will get me interested in it, I'll just wait till it's ended and watch the whole thing at the same time.

>> No.4960593

Following Rainbow, Giant Killing, House of Five Leaves, Angel Beats, Arakawa, and Ookiku Furikabutte this season. Kaichou wa Maid-sama and Heroman got dropped and Angel Beats is shaping up to follow them.

>> No.4960595

Well Baccano wasn't great either, but yeah Durarara is worse. It seemed promising at first but never really went anywhere.

>> No.4960596


When you're poor like me there's not much else to do outside of torrenting anime or posting on this shitty site. I COULD study or get a job instead, but I've never been good at making decisions.

>> No.4960597

Yeah, but it manages to be steadily above average quality. That is, unless it'll suddenly take a dive for shit with later episodes.

>> No.4960603

I'm only watching Heartcatch Precure

>> No.4960613
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Eh, Durara. I watched it until I realized that the only things I like are OP, ED and next episode preview music.

>> No.4960621
File: 393 KB, 1280x1024, Konachan.com-52669-hatsune_miku-maid-vocaloid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, this might helps.

>B Gata H Kei
Why I see big tag "ECCHI" on anidb? Ecchi thoughts are bad. I don't have Mahou Romatic imagepack at the moment, so bear with Misu Meido

>> No.4960624

I kinda quit anime soon after I realized that /a/ no longer had the people it used to when shit like lucky star, geass, etc... started to get worshiped.

>> No.4960626
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More like I OD'ed on anime and just take it easy from now on.

Same here, but I loved it anyway. Awesome worldbuilding, character development, and music.

>> No.4960627

I'm only interested in the headless girl from Drrrrrr, should I still watch it?

>> No.4960628
File: 44 KB, 470x376, dirt1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could be having this discussion in /a/ where it belongs quit easily.

Too bad a-san isn't in #/jp/ right now. You all need bans.

>> No.4960629

There hasn't been a SINGLE good series in the last five years.

Whatever happened to the good ol' days of GITS:SAC, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, LOGH, Lain, Texhnolyze, Jin-Roh, DBZ, Berserk, Ergo Proxy, Gankutsuou, JoJo, Last Exile, Akagi, Black Jack, Cromartie, Yakitate! Japan, FMP, GTO, Haibana Renamei, Kenshin, Patlabor, Monster, etc?

Japan used to pump them out like there was no tomorrow, now we get nothing but concentrated moeshit and over-the-top action series thrown at us. They're just catering to the new ADHD crowd that Naruto brought in and it makes me sick.

>> No.4960633

There are other good characters as well, like the guy that's voiced by Daisuke Ono. Anyway, yes you should.

>> No.4960634

I have a shitload of anime waiting on my external hd. I just don't have the time to watch it. Too busy with eroge and rpgs. Replaying tales of the abyss right now.

>> No.4960640

I'm watching SAC now. It's good but every once in a while out of nowhere they show a close up of the Major's huge ass.

>> No.4960642

We did get Kaiji.

>> No.4960643

Haha, what?

Even old /a/ loved the moeshit. Nanoha is a perfect example.

>> No.4960644

It's almost purely sexual humor but it actually doesn't have much fanservice and it's pretty hilarious.

>> No.4960650

Myself I was disappointed by the fact that instead of main character being seriously slutty, she is seriously stupid.

>> No.4960651

That's true, but we didn't have /a/ - Nanoha. Shit just got too ridiculous with the massive influx of faggots.

>> No.4960652

This is copypasta, right?

>> No.4960658

If it isn't, then it should be. That post would work well for trolling /a/.

Unless they actually believe the same thing, of course. Who knows how /a/ operates now.

>> No.4960660
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>out of nowhere they show a close up of the Major's huge ass.

... are you seriously complaining about Major's ass getting screen time?

>> No.4960661

Nanoha is cool. I enjoyed the fights in A's.

I don't get why everyone says this anime is hilarious. Personally, I already saw every gag in other anime or manga or games before. It's a rehash of a rehash of a rehash of everything. And the "sexual" humor doesn't even make me smile.

>> No.4960663

I think i'll be watching Kampfer...

When all the blu-rays are released...

>> No.4960671

>once I hit Anime_Expert (over 1,000 series seen) status.
And how many years did this take you?

>> No.4960672

No, I just typed it. Go ahead and search it.

Why would you even think it was copypasta?

>> No.4960678

NOOOOO. Don't reveal your dark deep secret. No one must know that you watch Kampfer...

>> No.4960690

But isn't that the animu where you can imagine you turns into a little girl..?

>> No.4960692

It's not hilarious, I watched the first episode and can't even count how many times I sighed at a shitty, rehashed joke.

Japan can't do humor. All they're good at are shitty puns and word plays which apparently they find funny for god knows what reason.

>> No.4960697

I don't know. I remember a similar nostalgiafag post where I got a laugh out of the person including DBZ as an example of good anime.

>> No.4960700

I just took a look at /a/.
Jesus christ, they don't even know the original definition of tsundere anymore.

>> No.4960701

But I don't want to be a faggot who is denser than a black hole...

>> No.4960702
File: 85 KB, 1280x688, dat ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but it's kind of weird when they start talking about a movie theater inside a brain that's inside a box or whatever and then suddenly, ass. It's a very nice ass, don't get me wrong.

>> No.4960708

Kampfer is good for the doujins. I have genderbending fetish, you see.

>> No.4960714

God, typical weeaboo "taste". People like you making up most of the fandom are the reason good shows of old are unavailable, much less properly translated.

Somehow you managed to name three shows worth watching (all of them made in the last 8 years when things differing from western-accessible speculative fiction finally started to trickle down to the western fandom), but it looks like a pure chance, really.

>> No.4960722

You expect /a/ to know those hard japanese words? Come on...

>> No.4960725

share them with us.

>> No.4960727

Probably because DBZ is a good anime. Akira Toriyama is a genius.

If you don't like it you're just a faggot who either doesn't like it because it's popular, went in with an overhyped expectation, or just has shitty taste in television.

>> No.4960732

Probably 15 years? I started watching anime when I was really young. By the time I was 12 years old I was saving up lunch money to buy fansubbed VHS off the internet. I even mocked other kids who watched English dubbed anime.

Also, when I was NEET I was watching anime 10 hours per day. Those years helped a lot.

>> No.4960735

>Probably because DBZ is a good anime. Akira Toriyama is a genius.


Next time, on Dragon Ball Z


Next time, on Dragon Ball Z


Wow, what a great anime you have there.

>> No.4960738

Well I guess it's probably the third one then.

>> No.4960740
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>Akira Toriyama is a genius.

>> No.4960741
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I've got to agree that Akira Toriyama is a genius.

>> No.4960742

>all of them made in the last 8 years

LOGH was not made in the last 8 years so I'm going to go ahead and say your taste is shitty. Enjoy your shitty shows and your 6-inch thick nostalgia goggles.

>> No.4960745

I literally been watching anime for as long as I've been able to watch tv. (asian). But I have no idea how many series I've seen. All I know is that I know nearly everything discussed on /a/ and a whole lot that they never talk about. How did you know you passed the 1000 mark?

>> No.4960747

Dragon Ball was good. Dragon Ball Z was not.

>> No.4960749

When you're 30 years old and realize you've never been out of your house, probably.

>> No.4960750

You can't judge Dragonball the same way you would judge a 13 episode series or even a 25 episode series. It's hard to keep anything interesting for something as long lasting as Dragonball. Considering the length of it's run, dragonball was very good.

>> No.4960755

Nice over-exaggeration there, bro.

The constipation pains were not nearly as frequent as fags like you make them out to be.

>> No.4960762

>nostalgia goggles

I don't think you understood my post. But yeah, I'm going to enjoy my watching habits not being constrained by shitty taste of anime distributors the way they were before circa 2002.

>> No.4960764

>Dragon Ball was good.


Next time, on Dragon Ball


Next time, on Dragon Ball


Wow, what a great anime you have there.

>> No.4960777

>Haibana Renamei
A what.

>> No.4960783
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>> No.4960814

I've seen only a few since /jp/ was created but every once in a while a good series that makes it worth watching comes out like Casshern, I just saw Sora no Woto yesterday and felt is was great.
