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4959185 No.4959185 [Reply] [Original]

Pick your poison

>> No.4959192

All hags.

>> No.4959191

Left to right in that order.

>> No.4959199
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>> No.4959198
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This one

>> No.4959205

This doesn't have to do with her being a slut or anything, but why would anyone want to marry her?

>> No.4959206


>> No.4959207
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I may be a traditionalist, but...

>> No.4959209 [SPOILER] 
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I'm adding this one.

I want this one.

>> No.4959211


>> No.4959213

The one on the right, when she dies of old age I inherit a hospital/pharmacy and an army of rabbits

shit will be so cash

>> No.4959223

Because shes energetic, lively, and cute.

>> No.4959224

she uses medicine to prolong her life.
of course, she can even make the elixir of immortality
a third sip of that stuff and you'll be in quite a pickle

>> No.4959231

If she was marrying you, hopefully it would mean that she considers your imput valuable and you have a say in the marriage

>> No.4959232
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>> No.4959235




>> No.4959242

My anus is tighter than any of their vaginas, so I would have to go with Yukari.

>> No.4959246

Eirin is the best.

High Intelligence.
High Status.
Already takes care of a NEET.

I've always been interested in pharmacy, too, so maybe I could read a few of her books, if she doesn't want to tutor me.

>> No.4959248

see >>4959223.
Even besides that...you can't control who you fall in love with, anon. You know that.

>> No.4959256

Eirin. Enjoy Eientei's antics and sneak a sip of the Hourai Elixer while she's not looking.

>> No.4959277

If you turn down Yukari, who knows what she'd do to you.

>> No.4959289


She'd just try to make your last moments enjoyable. By turning her down you get eaten immediatly.

>> No.4959296

Did anyone else forget that Eirin is racist? Enjoying being the filthy earthling with impurities FOREVER.

>> No.4959313
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Eirin doesn't hold grudges against humankind. She was one of the founders of lunarian society, so she lived with humans even before casting off "the impurity of earth". Now, she only really lives to satisfy and protect her princess, who (I can only assume) she feels responsible for making immortal.

>> No.4959314

hopefully, kanako will protect me cause i choose her
the spoiler is noneffective

>> No.4959321

[X] Kanako

>> No.4959326


>> No.4959381

Do you really think you're man enough to satisfy all 3 of them?

>> No.4959393


Number two, please.

>> No.4959409

kanako is more submissive than the other 2 so i choose her.

>> No.4959424

Yukari and Eirin can probably enhance you.

>> No.4959426

Not that guy but I'd be willing to die trying. If I had to choose only one, it'd be Eirin.

>> No.4961946

You must be joking.

>> No.4961948

This truly is a hard choice. I cannot decide...

>> No.4961950

Question: How come Suwako isn't considered as part of the group, considering her old age, child, and being the only confirmed non-virigin?

>> No.4961952

So many possibilities.....

>> No.4961955

Trick question, they're all in wedding dresses, you're marrying them all at once already.

>> No.4961972
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Poison eh? Sure, I'll take poison

>> No.4961985


>> No.4961990

Because she has a loli body of course.

>> No.4962043
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Mhhhhh... I love dolls!

>> No.4962067

This and also DEM WINGS.

>> No.4962092


>> No.4962093


you are stupid. fucking kanako hater.

>> No.4963419
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How does me pointing out that she's not submissive mean I hate her?
In fact I'd love to be ordered around by her.

>> No.4963448
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I remember you, as well.

>> No.4963473

I love Yukari and think about her everyday

>> No.4963558

kanako's power is limited. what part do you not understand about Kanako? she can't be a dominant type if someone is able to threaten her by discarding their faith. stop being stupid and know your touhous.

>> No.4967627

Obviously Yukari. I wonder what it would feel like to stick it in her gap.

>> No.4967647
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>> No.4967654

One person's faith doesn't mean shit compared to the whole mountain. Try that threat on her and you'll get pinned by an onbashira and raped.

>> No.4967668


The issue is..you can't be sure where your cock is going.

Still, though. One of those three? I agree. Yukari, please.

>> No.4967707
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Isn't it obvious?

>> No.4967715
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The only choice for me~

>> No.4967720

kanako, definitely.

>> No.4967739

Two threads with Toohoos in wedding dresses on the front page? Guess /jaypee/ is lonely tonight.

I'm not because I have my waifu Yukarin already :3

>> No.4967903


>Kanako doesn't resort to violence. she's a goddess.

>> No.4967911
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>> No.4967937

All memes and fanon bullshit aside I'd have to go with Yukari.

>> No.4967961
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Kanako looks like my mother so no
Yukari would play cruel pranks on me day and night.
Eiren would experiment on me in place of Udonge (though this would be the manliest route since I would help relieve Udonge of undue stress)

fuck this I'm gonna go find my spinning goddess.

>> No.4967991

>Kanako looks like my mother

go on.

>> No.4967997


>Yukari would play cruel pranks on me day and night.

I'd prank her back. With my penis.

We'd have all kinds of CRAA-AAA-AAZY Shenanigans day and night!

>> No.4968001
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>> No.4968049

I have the odd feeling this means taking the virginity of many women during sex by gaps.
