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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4958796 No.4958796 [Reply] [Original]

Pokemon is probably getting its own board soon, Touhou still is stuck in /jp/. Discuss.

>> No.4958806

/v/ is that way

>> No.4958802

Who cares?

>> No.4958814

Are you implying /jp/ doesn't like touhou?

>> No.4958817
File: 55 KB, 400x388, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet that /pk/ would be full of glaidewhatever with tits.

>> No.4958819

Touhou belongs here. If we removed it, /jp/ wouldn't have the same old charm. The only part of /jp/ I'd be fine with sticking somewhere else are the idolfags. They're like a separate entity.

>> No.4958828

Go back to Pooshlmer, OP.

>> No.4958829

I thought moot didn't do "flavor of the month boards".

>> No.4958834

Where did you read that?

>> No.4958845
File: 189 KB, 600x600, TewiBashful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Tewi would still be cute if all she could say was her own name.
In before Iku.

>> No.4958847

It's stickied on /v/. Don't read it, though, you'll lose fifty IQ points.

>> No.4958854

go to /v/ and check the sticky

>> No.4958855

Why where you on /v/? Get out of here, faggot.

>> No.4958857

For some reason all I can think of is louie saying his name when I switched to him from Pikmin 2.

>> No.4958867

I went to /v/ just to check the sticky. Moot cares about /v/ and /a/ more than any other board.

>> No.4958868

I was wondering if moot was seriously wasting time on crap like that when we're being raided daily. Of course the answer should have been obvious.

>> No.4958878

I'm here mostly for the Touhou, but I like that we have other stuff as well.

>> No.4958885

didn't moot say at one point explicitly say he hated /jp/?

>> No.4958891

No, he just said that we are the worst board.

>> No.4958893

He also said that the board failed.

>> No.4958897


>> No.4958898


Weird choice.

>> No.4958904

moot basically hoped that creating /jp/ would "fix" /a/, as well as create a board that all of us with "other interests" would enjoy.
And he feels his idea has failed on both counts.
Hence the hate. Well, more like regret.

>> No.4958905

We're "directionless pedophiles." I'm not sure what the directionless means, but I'd be interested if you found a board on 4chan with no pedophiles.

>> No.4958907

Ask him. It's hard though because he doesn't come here.

>> No.4958913


Every board has pedos.

Even /mu/.

>> No.4958918

its to divided.

It won't be made

>> No.4958914
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what a douche...
thanks for the info

>> No.4958925


/s/ doesn't seem to have a whole lot of flat with its 3D pig disgusting

>> No.4958936
File: 4 KB, 685x72, mootloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that Pokemon gets rehashed too fast. They are remaking OLD Pokemon games for christsake. Remakes of a series that hasn't really changed for the past 10 years. That and Pokefags can talk about shit like EVs FOREVER. Especially since there's an online component now or something.
Moot was really tsun to us on /a/, but when he came here he was much more dere. Gave us a custom spoiler image, even. And renamed the board (I think he thought this was a good thing for some reason).

I imagine he hates us even less now after that whole g/a/ia thing on /a/.

>> No.4958949


>I imagine he hates us even less now after that whole g/a/ia thing on /a/.

I don't go to /a/.

What are you talking about?

>> No.4958953


Moot doesn't seem to have a true problem with us.

He hates and loves /v/, though.

>> No.4958961

/jp/ was made for Touhou, you dumbass.

>> No.4958965
File: 323 KB, 640x800, 9960631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pokemon is probably getting its own board soon
>I thought moot didn't do "flavor of the month

>> No.4958966

>Gave us a custom spoiler image, even.
He did that for every board.

>> No.4958989

There was a stupid thread on /a/ where the OP asked people to go to gaia and bring back a rage inducing screencap.

I don't know why but moot renamed the board G/a/ia. Maybe it's because they were acting as stupid as them.

>> No.4958990


Yeah I remember he mentioning one or twice that he regretted the split. But honestly, I don't see what his problem is. The split worked perfectly, Touhou rarely posted on /a/ (perhaps only once or twice for trolling) and there are barely any VN topics there at all. /jp/ got everything that was left over, and it works. Some other things like Mahjong, models or whatnot came here as well, and it molded a different community.

I don't think moot knows /jp/ at all. Most other boards regard /jp/ as the worst of 4chan, and a lot of them have no idea how things work around here. You can clearly see this by topics like this that are created by users that never browsed this place.

Honestly I'm pretty happy with the current state of /jp/, it is even decently moderated. I just wish we had less raids on us.

>> No.4958996
File: 63 KB, 400x400, here to stay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This basically is the touhou board.

>> No.4958999

Reported for cross-board invasion.
Fuck off back to >>>/v/, you slime.

>> No.4958997
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>> No.4959004
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>> No.4959001

Wasn't it more like someone made a thread where he said "I don't see why we hate gaia, it isn't so bad" or something like that and like EVERYONE in the thread agreed and confessed to having a gaia account?

>> No.4959010


>> No.4959009

I think the issue is that one side clearly got the good end of the deal here. The visual novel/Touhou fans ended up with a relatively stable and mature board (comparatively). The anime/manga fans ended up with /b/ 3.0. I don't think moot reads VNs or likes Touhou, so he's only gotten worse discussion out of it. If he would try a few visual novels, he probably wouldn't dislike us.

>> No.4959019
File: 48 KB, 500x528, 1272082128698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the pokeymans

>> No.4959017

No, I wasn't there for that whole thing I just saw someone link to it. That/those thread(s) I referred to lasted for like 6 straight hours through the night.

>> No.4959023

Glorious, theres an /a/ thread in /v/ about complaining theres no touhou board.

>> No.4959025

/a/ was a lot better before the split. If moot make a pokemon board, he should at least help /a/ out by making a Big 3 Shonen board.

>> No.4959021

mmm, ok. I haven't really browsed /a/ in a while, I just heard about it.
