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4957685 No.4957685 [Reply] [Original]

Just dropping by to let you know that Umineko is a romance. The ten commandments of Romance novels fit much better with Umineko than Knox. It gives a new meaning to what Beatrice meant when she said "it's a war between mystery and fantasy"

I'll just leave these here:http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/268817/the_ten_commandments_for_romance_authors.html?c

>I. Thou shalt make thy reader care about thy characters.
>II. Thou shalt create main characters who have logical reasons to like and trust each other as well as to dislike and distrust each other.
>III. Thou shalt keep thy main characters on stage, together, as much as possible.
>IV. Thou shalt not weasel away from conflict.
>V. Thou shalt make thy characters' problems emotionally involving for thy reader.
>VI. Thou shalt write love scenes which are appropriate to thy characters and thy plot.
>VII. Thou shalt maintain mystery for the reader.
>VIII. Thou shalt prefer straightforward narrative (don't use too many flashbacks it means).
>IX. Thou shalt make each character, episode, and scene do double duty.
>X. Thou shalt never forget thee has promised thy reader a fantasy.

>> No.4957706

>>VIII. Thou shalt prefer straightforward narrative (don't use too many flashbacks it means).

Does that count flash-forwards too, because EP4....

>> No.4957723

That applies to the first commandment because he had to give you a reason to care about Ange. VII doesn't forbid flashbacks. it just says don't use them ALL THE TIME or the reader won't care.

>> No.4957735

Well looks like Ryukishi failed these:
>I. Thou shalt make thy reader care about thy characters.
>II. Thou shalt create main characters who have logical reasons to like and trust each other as well as to dislike and distrust each other.
>V. Thou shalt make thy characters' problems emotionally involving for thy reader.

>> No.4957783

The link has descriptions for what the rules mean. Not all of them should be taken at face value.

>> No.4957803

That's your opinion man.

>> No.4957866
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>Umineko is a romance.

>> No.4957867

Those sound like just regular rules on writing fiction in general.

>> No.4957873

>Umineko is a romance

No... shit?

>> No.4958041

The neat thing is Van Dine is appearing in episode 7. There is a code in the game for some guy named "Raito".

>> No.4958067

Then this begs one question, will Van Dine or his moe-moe personification be a bad enough dude to out troll Bern?

>> No.4958068

Actually most of those don't apply to Umineko. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, and 9 don't.

>> No.4958095

> Raito
That could be "Wright"... but it could also be "Light".


>> No.4958097

How does Van Dine = Raito?

>> No.4958101


>> No.4958121

And in the episode 5 TIPS it's Wizard-hunting no ライト. Makes sense.

>> No.4958132

Which episode first has this code? If it's 5, R07 might have originally planned to use Van Dine, but changed to Knox, and that's left over.

>> No.4958141

The code is from episode 6

>> No.4958153

Well shit. Are we going to get 12 new rules?

>> No.4958187

Van Dine had 20 rules. One of them is no romances and another was the servants can't be the culprit.

>> No.4958304

The TIPS mentions the SSVD unit uses 12 spears/whatever the weapon stated was. So yeah, Ryukishi07 understands that he's already violated almost half of the Van Dine rules.

>> No.4958328
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>> No.4958338

> No Knox

>> No.4958386


>> No.4958394
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Third Umineko thread on the front page?

I'm okay with this.

>> No.4958404

Then why not bump it up, pal?

>> No.4958412
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>> No.4959133

Considering most things do not even actually HAPPEN or are called in doubt,m half of these fail.

>> No.4961749

bumping to read it later
