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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4953232 No.4953232 [Reply] [Original]

I've heard that the Japanese are extremely xenophobic, but is there any truth to that?

>> No.4953239

Pretty much. They hate foreigners, Americans in particular.

Word of advice: when you see one smiling and waving at you, they're probably laughing AT you.

>> No.4953242

They will hate you especially if you're white American or chink.

>> No.4953243

They despise Russians.

>> No.4953252

>when you see one smiling and waving at you, they're probably laughing AT you.

To be fair, this is the reaction of pretty much everyone that has to deal with /jp/-tier faggots.

>> No.4953257

They haet fat people like you they think your fatness will sink their land.

>> No.4953253

If you're white or black in Japan, you'll be treated like scum. If they know that you don't know the language (and chances are, it's apparent) they'll take full advantage of your ignorance by making fun of you knowing full well that you can't understand them.

>> No.4953259

Pretty much. I spent a year in Tokyo, and while no one gave me trouble or picked fights with me, there was very constant, subtle racism.

>> No.4953266

Like what?

>> No.4953268

But they all look so polite and modest in niconicodouga live events

>> No.4953272

Just really subtle stuff. I was mostly ignored, of which I was thankful for anyway, and my nationality was mostly brought up as the butt of a few jokes by my classmates and even my teachers when I went to school there.

>> No.4953274

Imagine facing a guy that is a head taller than you, and -probably- doesn't speak your language.

That's what most Azn experience when facing Caucasian foreigner. You can't help feeling xenophobic.

>> No.4953278

But when I meet a Mexican like that... I see.

>> No.4953297

but if you are asian but not japanese ?

>> No.4953321


Just don't be Korean.

>> No.4953319

>If they know that you don't know the language (and chances are, it's apparent) they'll take full advantage of your ignorance by making fun of you knowing full well that you can't understand them.
So it's just like every other country then?

>> No.4953325

They hate Asians even more than whites.

>> No.4953331

>I've heard that the Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Taiwanese, Australians, Arabs, and red-neck Americans are extremely xenophobic, but is there any truth to that?


>> No.4953335

Surely you don't mean that about the aussies.

>> No.4953336

As an 160cm Azn, I would be paranoid if I went into Europe or US where everyone is way taller than you. They might've been talking stuff behind my back you know.

>> No.4953339

If you aren't an Otaku, but a normal person, you will propably get accepted by anyone that's younger than 50. Treated differently, but not worse. Just differently.
But since you go to /jp/, you're fucked.

>> No.4953340

Funny thing is, my whole attitude towards Asians is the reverse of what you posted. I fucking hate chinks.

>> No.4953345

I've heard that the Germans are extremely xenophobic, but is there any truth to that? Something about a holocaust or something.

>> No.4953350


Australians aren't xenophobic, just racist.

>> No.4953354

I've heard that /jp/ is extremely shitty, but is there any truth to that?

>> No.4953353

Azn acting paranoid towards gaijins = gaijins feels Azn being xenophobic towards them.

You need to make effort to get past the uncomfortable physical appearance differences. Learning the language, social customs, paying attention to what you wear or hairstyle might help.

>> No.4953369

Yes, but 4chan is shitty so it applies to /jp/

Oh wait, life is shitty too.

>> No.4953380

hahaha owow the weeaboo brigade once again defending the japanese xenophobic cultural specifics

>> No.4953382

Dude, it's not that. EVERY fucking chink I knew in school was an true meaning of the word asshole.

>> No.4953388

lol no they are just realistic though that's changing and they r
are becoming your average egalitarian shithole and soon to rushed down by non educated muslims and turks that refuse to adapt to the foreign culture and built their own ghettos and sub-cultures within the big cities

>> No.4953443
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You'll be fine so long as you dance all the time and shout:

They'll accept you as one of their own, like the family pet.

>> No.4953808

- Old people and punkass kids talk about you openly, thinking that you don't know the language.
- Little kids stare/take pictures like you're a zoo animal.
- People walk to the other side of the street if they see you approaching.
- Girls giggle behind your back.

It's not a burning hate. You're just a weirdo to them, and they know you'll never fit in properly. I made good friends in Japan, and even got a long well with older people some times. It's just uncomfortable when you are traveling alone in the afternoon and the train is mostly open and everybody is eying you and you just want to sink into your seat and oh god. I mean, I already don't like attention in America, but it's unavoidable now.

>> No.4953820

Imagine you're in US 100 years ago, and you're azn/blacks.

>> No.4953843
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Imagine you are in ZSSR 75 years ago, and you're Stalin.

>> No.4953851
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>> No.4953856

Yeah, that's sort of how it is. You can't really blame people in particular when the country is so overwhelmingly homogeneous. They just don't have worldly knowledge to accommodate people from other countries because they don't interact with them to the same capacity that Americans or Europeans do. I'm OK with that too, since it preserves the country's unique flavor. Makes the place fun to visit but difficult to live in. But I don't have any plans to move to Japan anyway, so w/e.

>> No.4953859

Imagine you're in ZSSR 50 years ago, and you're Stalin?

>> No.4953863
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Well Thats what you get for bombing them
and the idea that they hate everyone is somekinda stupid.They just don't trust someone outside of their country

>> No.4953927

Here's what you do:

1. Dye hair black.
2. Put on sunglasses.
3. Emulate clothing style.
4. ???
5. Fit in perfectly!

>> No.4953943


It's called USSR, fellow polishfriend.

>> No.4953950

Don't forget to trim your nose.

>> No.4953948 [DELETED] 

íMpOrtÁNt ÍnFÓrm@+ìOn àBoü+ 4CHÀn: <hrí$+0PHER PóóIE (@Kà MOÓT àKÀ THe Àdm|ñ Her€) Há$ a VERY SERÌóù$ M3ñtAI i|Iñ€Ss. h€ sTeáIS ÒTH3R$' hárD WórK, PüBlì$hes pRÌVÀ+€ e-MÀ|l$ (wHicH HE MÒdiFI3S) ÀNd 8|atÁNT|Y |Ì3S To hiS ù$eR$ in orD€r tó geT thEM oN HÌ$ sID€* mr. pÓÒIe, Ag3d 22, LiV3S íñ ñ€w Y0rK, Wh€r€ H€ ÀLSÒ àT+EñDS CoII€Ge* hi$ h0m€ áDdRess <Áñ 8e e@$I|Y fòund ÚSiNg an àddReSs |00kuP FÓr NY, F€3L FRee TO $HóW Üp át hÌs DoÒR W|TH A gün. TÍny,4<hÁNo0RG Í$ @N ìLleGÀL <IÓñe OF WWw*ÁñOñtálK.[ómo R3mòv3 Ìt íMMEDIáTeIy, S+op cOnstAntLY dDÒSiñg àNd $PamMìñG ús ánD s+0p Fü<KìNG wÍth our dOMAiño TÓ @C<esS à+ [uRreñtIY, YoÙ müS+ uSE á PROxy HOSt pRoVìDEd By à trÙsted PaRtY AS li$+€d h3rE: h+TP;//át.KÌMmOÁo$€/

>> No.4953954

>2. Put on sunglasses.
It will hide your eyes, but it may imply certain implications about what kind of person you are as well.

>> No.4953958
File: 184 KB, 400x1150, 1269642334537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4953973


Don't forget using the American flag as clothing.

>> No.4953985


A cool person?

>> No.4953980

A badass secret agent on a mission to protect the princess?

>> No.4954008

Yeah, there is xenophobia. LIke in any country. But in Japan you find more hate towards gaijin living and working there, since japanese people want to stay a united, single ethnic group.

>> No.4954017

Probably just the middle age upward and so. Current generation doesn't have that much attachment to that, but might still be strong enough to be wary/amused of obvious gaijins.

>> No.4954045

for a multicultral society Australia is fairly racist. especially to the aboriginals.

>> No.4954054 [DELETED] 

|mp0rTáNt ÌñF0RMàtÌÓn àbÓuT 4chÀn; [HrÍ$+0Ph€r POóIE (ÀKá MoOt AKá +he @DmÌñ hERE) HÁS á VerY $eRIòü$ m€ñTàl iIIñ3S$o h3 stEá|s Ó+H3R$' hÁrD wòRK, PÜ8|ÌSHeS PRÌvA+e e-má||s (WHi<h He mÓdífÌ3S) ánD BIàTán+Iy LÍE$ +Ó Hí$ us€rs Ín 0rD€R tÒ G€t them ÓN HìS $íde* mr. póÒIe, Áged 22, lIVe$ iñ NEw yÓRk, WhErE H3 @ISÓ á+T3NDS [óIl3g3, HÍs hòme AdDRess can 8e €à$iIy fOÜND ÚSÍNg AN ÁdDRess IÓOkUp FÓr NYo F€€L Fre€ +ò $hów úp át HÍ$ dÓÓr w|TH A guN, +iñy.4<H@noÒRg IS @n |LLEgàL CLÓn€ Óf Www,áNÓñ+A|k*cÒM, R€móV3 it Ìmm€dIà+ELY, S+òp [òN$T@nTLY DD0S|ng àñD sP@mmÌñg ù$ @Nd STòp fù<KiNg w|th oúr dóM@Ìn* To àccEs$ a+ cÙRR3ntLy, yÓú muST üSE à proxY H0sT proVIDED 8y @ TRú$+ED PArty As |i$+ed HeRE: h++P;//Àtok|MmÓÁ*Se/

>> No.4954119

Japan is a mono cultural society that's been isolated for most of its history. It's lead to a superiority complex that unless you were born in Japan you will never be a part of their culture. It's not overt racism like you might see in rural parts of the US, you'll just be treated like a tourist by the average Japanese, no matter how long you've been there. The best you can hope for is a kind of odd attraction that famous gaijin achieve in Japan.

>> No.4954163


Protip: mixing different races and cultures makes things worse, not better. Just look at America with its communities and Europe with its muslims. People stay in tightly-knit communities and the more mixed people are the greater the rate of crime and violence. In America everyone stays in their little community, where it be blacks, Chinese, Russians, Spanish, etc.

Read about Dunbar's Number, or monkeyspheres. Multiculturalism and diversity are nothing but liberal lies, fueled by lofty idealogy.

>> No.4954214

im hungarian and i feel that the japanese wouldnt really know what to do with me, since probably they dont know the first thing about my country

>> No.4954228

Fuckin gaijins, how do they work?

>> No.4954239



>> No.4954241


Haha, you funny.
Not here in Los Angeles, unless you're seriously looking for trouble. I go to church and I meet and have fun with all the nice Jewish, Arabians, and gypsies there all the time. To make this /jp/ related, there's only one Korean family that attends.

>> No.4954249

You have a much better chance fitting in Okinawa than you do on mainland Japan since they've been so exposed to foreigners for such a long time now.

But I'm screwed, I want to live in Hokkaido.

>> No.4954269

Race doesn't exist in the first place until we make our little "societies". It's not something that can't be overcome I think. It's just going to take a long, long time. And the whole religion thing needs to go too, as it fucks things up.

I remember my brother asking my mom when he was younger "Mom, are we black". We are very caucasian.

>> No.4954271


Well, you just hit the nail right there. You have something to connect you with all the other people (church) but in scenarios where there is no mutual connection there is conflict, like in Europe.

Also, I noticed you conveniently left out black people.

>> No.4954275

There's nothing wrong with mixing.

I live in LA, so it get pretty diverse. It's more fun this way. We all make fun of each other's races and shit.

>> No.4954279

Correcting myself before some jackass does. Yes race exists in terms of science but I'm talking about how we branch off and have "ethnicity".

>> No.4954287

If you are white and go to Japan, you'll automatically be branded as an American, whatever country you come from. In Okinawa, since most crimes, especially rapes are made by american soldiers, well...

>> No.4954293
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No black family attends, but Wayne Brady came once. THAT COUNTS, RIGHT!?

>> No.4954681

Have you ever seen an aboriginal? They look like monkeys. I would be racist too, and I guess I am!

>> No.4954686

To be honest, if I was stationed in Japan, I would rape all the females I could.

>> No.4954712

Let's ask a bunch of racist white people about a country they never been to and know little about.

>> No.4954792


You don't interact with Japan at all when you're stationed, they just hole you up in a U.S. base. till kingdom come.

>> No.4954796


>> No.4954807

Doesn't the kid from ICO only have one horn?

>> No.4954818

Nope, he has two.

>> No.4954829

He has two but one of them is broken haflway I think.

>> No.4954832

I remember reading that the Japanese were crazy for the american 'hip' style. True?

>> No.4954863

This here, now this is an example of a true weeaboo. Doesn't like what he hears: "it's just because they're ignorant white people who just don't UNDERSTAND the Japanese like I do!"

>> No.4954947

Blog of a black american teacher in Japan. I thought it might interest some of you guys.


>> No.4954967

I thought everyone on /jp/ knew about this already.

>> No.4955057
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I believe that most of us long-haired faggots will look like this to them.

>> No.4955336

Grow up. Also LA is a shithole filled with retards and illegals, so it doesn't make much of a difference.

>> No.4956779


Go back to the armpit of California, white supremacist /jp/.

>> No.4956818


my usual wear to the arcade so people would actually play AA with me, even though i usually lost, it was still fun

>> No.4956833

There are three kinds of people in this world: Dicks Pussys and Assholes.

You have to live with all three of them.

>> No.4956836

Everyone despises Russians, especially Russian women.

>> No.4956837

that guys sucks
