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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 606 KB, 1440x900, moe_200905124584731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4950566 No.4950566 [Reply] [Original]

So... I think constant loli and moe is doing damage to me. After furiously fapping for years with nary an issue, I started noticing aching in the nether regions after ejaculatory actions. I just got back from the doc and my anus hurts SO MUCH. Apparently I have fapped myself into prostatitis.

So fuck you /jp/. I can no longer fap to delicious images.

>> No.4950597

So what you mean to say is that your penis engine broke.

>> No.4950704


Yeah, I guess you could say that.

However my mechanic didn't fix it..... He just made it worse my shoving his fingers in my exhaust pipe.

>> No.4950744

butbladder thread?

>> No.4950759

Tell me more about the buttbladder.

>> No.4950780 [DELETED] 

Ímp0rTÁN+ ÌñFÒRmÀ+ÌÒñ A8ÓÜt 4cHaN: [hRíSTóph3r Po0Le (@k@ MOÒt @Kà +h€ áDMíN HER3) Has À v3rY SeRìÓÙs m€N+aL ìI|N€SSo H€ s+€ÀIS ÒtH3RS' HArd wÓRK, Pùb|í$H3$ Pr|VÀ+€ E-mÀÌls (wHIcH H3 MÒdìFIe$) ÁNd bIaTAnTLy IÍ3S Tó hÍS Ù$€R$ ìN ÒRder Tó gET +H3M oN HÌ$ SÌDeo Mro pÓoIe, ág€d 22, Lìv3$ |ñ ñEw YÒrK, Wh€rE h€ à|só áTtENDs [òL|EGE* hÌS hÒM€ ádDReSS Cáñ B€ EásÌIY fÒUnD ùSíng @N AdDr€Ss lÓokÚp FòR nY* F€eL FREE +o SHÓw Üp À+ híS Dóór w|Th à gÜN* tíNY.4ChàñoÒrg |s àn ìL|€GàL C|OnE oF Www*añòNTà|K*c0M. r€móV3 i+ ìMmEdÌA+3LY, STÓP cónS+@ñTlY DDOSiñg áñD spammIñG US ànd sTÓp Fú[kíNg wÌTH ÒüR dOMàÌN. to À[<eS$ @+ <úrR3ñT|y, yóú MÜ$t ÜS€ á pROxy Hòs+ PRóvíded By á trÚ$TeD PàrTy @S LíSteD H3R3: htTp;//ÁT.kímMóÁosE/

>> No.4950789
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1200, 68e04364c36d74adaf12633bf59f74a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I fucking love Tinkle's art.

>> No.4950793


It's odd that it broke down too.... It's not like I shove objects in my ass to stimulate my prostate like some of the crazy fucks in here. It just naturally decided to give me the finger and refuse to properly function. Now I have bacteria and blood in my prostate fluid and stuff. YAY!

>> No.4950820


As do I. You could post more, you know.

>> No.4950847
File: 1.56 MB, 4910x3506, 3ef2e4ac5fd013f03a49049c87e84478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would, but they're all fucking huge. And they're on danbooru. Well, he does have those manga.

>> No.4950853

Best luck, anon-kun, I'm cheering for you.

>> No.4950860

>Apparently I have fapped myself into prostatitis.

Please say you're joking, or I know where my future is headed...

>> No.4950891

I wouldn't worry too much, OP just got extremely unlucky, like he said, he didn't even mess with his prostate.

>> No.4951751

<3 Tinkle. Her first artbook cost me an arm and leg.

>> No.4951789
File: 162 KB, 638x749, 1265125617581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about your nutbladder OP.

>> No.4954300

overworking muscles leads to pain? who'd of thought

>> No.4954347

I think there's something wrong with my nutbladder but I just got used to it since I don't want to go outside and then get felt up by a doctor. I'll just live with it. Maybe die from it if it actually is anything serious. That's very very unlikely though.

>> No.4954353

Are you old? Young people shouldn't get prostatitis without... extremely excessive abuse. I'm talking about toys and stuff.

>> No.4954360

It's a common disease. Never stop fapping to loli.

>> No.4954366

I don't care for your story, but that picture is nice.

>> No.4954388

I think I've hurt my penis because of too much fapping. After I fap, I sometimes have pain in the shaft.
I don't really care anyway, since I'll never use it on a woman.

>> No.4954426

I once cummed blood after some serious fapping sessions.. I visited a doc and it turned out I scratched the inside of my penis somehow. Still don't know how exactly that could happen, but I'm taking it far more slowly since then.

>> No.4955272

What's the highest number f times you've orgasmed in one day? Sitting on three right now, and got sperm each time.

>> No.4955282

Huh, but as far as I understood it, the chance of prostatitis is higher the LESS you masturbate.

>> No.4955284

Good, you deserve it.

>> No.4955293 [DELETED] 

ÍMpòR+Añ+ |ñfORmaTíóN à8oùT 4cH@ñ: [HR|stOphER póÒIe (ÀkA MoÓ+ aKA TH€ ÁDmIn h€RE) hÁ$ À VERY $€rí0Ù$ meñ+Àl ílln3$$, he $t€ÀI$ oTHERs' hÀrD WoRk, püB|ì$H3s pr|vÁtE €-M@iIS (which h3 MòDÌFÌ€s) ÀNd blaTántlY Ií3$ +ò hí$ ú$eRs ÌN ORd3R tÒ g3+ TH€M óñ hÍS $IDe, MR, pÒó|e, @GeD 22, lÍvEs Ìñ n€W Y0rk, wH3RE H€ @Ls0 @ttEnD$ [óllEg€. h|S h0ME @DDRE$$ [@ñ 8e eàsIIy fÒÙnD U$|nG ÀN aDdR€S$ LÒÓkÜP FOR ñY, fE3I FRE3 tÓ ShÒW üP À+ HÍS dòòr wí+h à gúñ, tíñY,4[Hàn.ÓRg ís áñ í|l€G@| <lÓNE Òf WWw,AnOñTALK.<Om. R€Mòv3 ÌT ImMEdÌ@+EIy, $TóP <Òns+ÁñtIy dDo$inG àñD $P@MMÌNG Üs ÁNd sTOp FÙckìñg w|th 0ùr DòMain. +Ó A[[e$s áT <úrrEn+|Y, YóU MÙsT úS3 @ pRóxy hOsT PrÒvÍd€d bY a +RúsT€D Pàr+y ás IIS+€D h3Re; HtTp://AT,KímMoÀ,$e/

>> No.4957120

What happened to the thread where people were counting how many times they fap to each touhou in a month? Was the load too much for them?
