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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 279 KB, 954x1826, Lucetta_concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4947927 No.4947927 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>4936268

Working title: Warehouse

Gallery: http://m810.photobucket.com/albums/Anon02/jp VN Gallery/

Music & sounds.

Plot drafts.

Easymodo archives.

Project sites.

Protagonist: Hiki/NEET, late twenties, parents died, inheritance is running out and forced into a situation with nothing left to lose.
Lucetta: Church girl, light hair, dark skin, green eyes, rich family, snobbish but means well, pantyhose, has secret fetishes, mediterranean or itallian descent (American).
Nina: Drawfag /jp/girl, DEM HIPS, DAT ASS, flat, OCD?, train otaku, doujin artist, baggy clothes, brown hair, blue eyes, English/French descent(American).
Support cast: Undecided, possibly includes Chisame (black or blonde hair, asian, twin tails, girly trap), Chris (school friend), Alexis (reverse trap), dakimakura, onahole.

Routes: Just stick to the two heroines for now. Nina and Lucetta. Possibly trap, NTR, harem routes in the future.
Story summary: Protag is a NEET with nothing left to lose. His parents died, money running out, starts an ill-fated VN company in an abandoned warehouse. Young nun-in-training from a rich family tries to help him in the name of god, possible NTR. /jp/girl joins him to make the worst VN ever, along with other bros.

http://onscripter.denpa.mobi/ ONScripter?
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=23R1JNES Renpy?
http://www.mediafire.com/?zkhqke2ixqy other?

>> No.4947953 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947957 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947968

She's pretty sexy, I'll give you that.

>> No.4947972

Less stupid and normal fag ideas this time please.

>> No.4947970 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947973 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947987

AH! Good. I was wandering around in this....spam mess, and looking for this. What the hell happened, /b/ throw a fit, or Anon/talk get some new spam bots?

>> No.4947990


>> No.4947997

Keep it sage, thanks.

>> No.4948014

I'd like to see SICP, that snake, and The Sussman play a part in this... somehow.

>> No.4948005 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4948028 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4948056

Me too, but fucking sage next time.

>> No.4948055 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4948065

Hey guys, I'm actually here because I heard there was a raid going on. Anyway I'm a grade 8 piano player so if you guys need me to do music I can

>> No.4948088 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4948092

Anyway, here's what I got saved, on the girls.

>Nina used to be a total weeaboo and made her own doujin, which were probably pretty well-drawn but were exactly what you'd expect from a twelve year old girl just getting into anime. She probably cooled down with the weeaboo tendencies, and for the most part does not admit to them, although if an obsuce joke is used, she might catch it and not be able to hold back a laugh. Became a train otaku. Her apartment is covered in model train track and they run everywhere, around furniture and over objects, but she can navigate around them even in the dark.
>She could be kind of artistic but hesitant to draw anything lately. When she was younger, she could have been a weeaboo and tried to make her own doujins, but they clearly failed and it's her secret shame now. Is GOOD at drawing, however, it was what you can imagine a 13 year old that just got into anime making.
>The protag can go to her apartment/other living space at some point and step on something before she flicks the lights on, and when he looks down he realizes he stepped on model train tracks. They're set up everywhere in her apartment and are constantly running. Knows the setup intimately, can traverse the room even when exhausted and the room is dark.
>Mild body issues, is not fond the fact she has dat ass, and tends to dress in bulky clothing to hide the fact.

>> No.4948093
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キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.4948094 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4948104 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4948112

>1. Lucetta is somewhat insane with the whole "God" thing after she was rejected by the church so many times. She acts individually in the name of God, recruiting homeless people to carry out her "will of the god". She refers herself as a priestess/servant of the god. She carries around a hard covered "holy book" --- the texts inside, however, are all written by her. Wears a chasity belt.

>Can she be a troll then? She'd tease MC sexually all the time, but then show him the chastity belt and be like "oh, too bad".

>I don't think this at all. I mean she just uses a chastity belt to avoid any temptation to sin. It's not like anyone here has a fetish for a chastity belt, I think it just fits her character. She is devoted to her religion, so it only makes sense that she would take these precautions.

>The trolling idea works. Would not do anything, unless was hit on, and the trolling is punishment for "Impure thoughts".

>Fanatic, but, SLIGHTLY unstable. You have to be a bit off to do something like this. It's nothing even close to yandere nonsense, or anything like that. But, to have such a drive, she's not fully playing with a full deck.

>> No.4948127 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4948130 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4948142

Hey guys, I heard about this cool new VN called Katawa Shoujo. You should check it out.

>> No.4948147

Does anyone have that Magical Girl Sussman image from one of the drawthreads?

That should be added.

>> No.4948156

For all the hate it gets, KS might be pretty good when they release something that's not a demo (if that ever happens).

>> No.4948165

By the way, I left it out of the status report due to character limit. But last thread was atrociously pointless except for maybe the concept for Lucetta. We can still bounce around ideas but accept that some things are loosely set in stone, like Lucetta NOT having black hair and pale skin. Suggestions like that are dumb and keep things from progressing. Lets try using this time around to organize and centralizing our resources better so we can fit it all into STATUS REPORT's of new threads.

>> No.4948182

No. Get out of /jp/ and stop being lolsorandom.

>> No.4948193

I have some screenshots of the fake SICP VN, and some /prog/ & /jp/ flockdraw caps. No magical girl Sussman though.

>> No.4948195 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4948200

Well, I went ahead and tossed in what we DO have. Most of it's not set in stone, but, it's all good ideas that people liked from the deleted thread.

Ah, damnit. Don't have a part, an important part. Nina has her own room in the warehouse due to paying extra to Lucy, like 20% of her pay, where everyone else gives 10%. She has like the old break-room or something.

>> No.4948269
File: 841 KB, 1560x1235, colorlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We lost the other threads, but one of them involved Nina being renamed as Nilda, Alexis as a short girl with a braided ponytail (think of Ed from Full Metal Alchemist, but red haired and a reverse trap instead). I'm thinking of giving her a sleeveless vest to hide her breasts. She should be two years older than Lucetta (if we set Lucetta as 16, she'll be 18; Lucetta as 19, she'll be 21). Still want to change Lucetta's hair color...

>> No.4948281 [DELETED] 

Well, I went ahead and tossed in what we DO have. Most of it's not set in stone, but, it's all good ideas that people liked from the deleted thread.

Ah, damnit. Don't have a part, an important part. Nina has her own room in the warehouse due to paying extra to Lucy, like 20% of her pay, where everyone else gives 10%. She has like the old break-room or something.>>4948269

>> No.4948288

Nilda sounds weird, but that is fine I guess.

I do prefer the white hair for Lucetta, but looking at that pic all the other hair colors seem nice as well.

>> No.4948289


I'm..going to say, Nilda is not a good name.

If we want to stick with an N name, give me a moment, I can find something fitting. If we wanna change it more the that, I could find something that REALLY suits her.

>> No.4948299

The warehouse idea is based on the original thread's OP. If you haven't read that one then you should take the time to get a better idea. The idea that Churchgirl/Karen (who she was based off) is some extortionist who owns a warehouse came later. I think it's kind of a silly idea and doesn't make much sense.

The problem with all these ideas is that they're spread through many threads, lost between all the spam, where people miss them while they sleep and stuff. It would be handy if some of us took it upon ourselves to pick out the actual information in all the past and future threads so we can reference links to the collected information.

Lucy renting out space in a warehouse is an infantile plot hook. We should ground our ideas in things that make more sense and selectively include the more far out stuff. The original thread presented a few gritty ideas of basically living homeless somewhere and starting a company.

>> No.4948319

Also, might as well. Tripping up for this.


Outside of the name change, everything else is good. I DO like the idea of a reverse, it could be a bit of a non-route plot-point.

Also, did the spamming stop? Yay on Mideo, if it did.

>> No.4948330

Rename her Nvidia and have her wear woodscrews in her hair.

>> No.4948331

Stop posting this shit already its not even related to /jp/

>> No.4948333


I've been here since the start. It's an evolution of the idea that she just does not want to move anywhere else, she kinda likes living in the warehouse. But, dislikes anyone messing with her trains, it's the OCD part of her. So, she cut a deal with Lucy, where she gets more money, and she's got a place for her train-sets.

>> No.4948335


A new name for Nilda/Nina, huh?

...I have an idea if you're interested. <`∀´ >

>> No.4948337

All the gallery pictures aren't resizing right.

>> No.4948341


>> No.4948346

See, this is what I'm talking about. Nilda. Don't do that. People go to sleep and the whole thing changes overnight, that's no good to anyone. Churchgirl has been visually set in stone from the first thread, everyone loved it, developed sketches and concept art for it, even good quality stuff. Don't go suddenly changing it just because someone in a later thread liked black hair instead.

Changing stuff like that just isn't productive at all.

>> No.4948349


>> No.4948354


>> No.4948360

Seriously, Lucetta is a horrible name.
It sounds like 'cunt' in portuguese.

>> No.4948368

Nina sounded fine to me, what was wrong with it? I don't really like having another Italian name unless we're actually going to set this in Italy or something.

>> No.4948375

I see no problem with that, if you get what I mean. *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

>> No.4948376

Still looking for contributors, if any of you fags are interested.

>> No.4948377

Going to copy/paste names and meanings.
Just N's for the moment.

Nadalia Born On Christmas
Nanette Gracious -French
Naomi Delightful - Pleasant
Narcisse Daffodil-French
Natalie To Be Born
Normandy Provence In France
Nicole Victory Of The People

Want me to do things other then N?

>> No.4948383

Nina is fine. Some people just want to change everything every six hours.

>> No.4948397


I ah, can't read moonrunes.

>> No.4948401

The least you could do is to stop calling it /jp/'s VN project like /jp/ actually gives a shit about your personal hobby project.

>> No.4948414

Noel (Noell? Noelle? Best one I found imho.)

>> No.4948415

Nvidia The Way It's Meant To Be Played

>> No.4948418

The least you could do is stop speaking for /jp/ like all of /jp/ has the same opinion as you.

>> No.4948427

This. I support those guys' effort. Even if the story concept is shit.

>> No.4948428

It spawned on /jp/, it's being made by /jp/ers, and it's /jp/-related. I don't see why it shouldn't be called for what it is.

>> No.4948431


Personaly fond of Naomi, Normandy, and Nadine, for all that matters.

>> No.4948437

What does the MC look like and where does this take place?

>> No.4948442

He looks like Putin and it takes place in the Soviet Union

>> No.4948450

That's nice, but her name is still Nina, ok?

>> No.4948457

Naomi and Nadine sound alright, but lol Normandy? Come on, at this rate every other character is going to have a quirky name.
But really, I think Nina is just fine.

>> No.4948458
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>> No.4948463


Just throwing in my vote if it DOES change. I see nothing wrong with Nina, but...no, just no on Nilda.

>> No.4948466

>These threads

Don't stop /jp/. Don't ever stop.

>> No.4948477


This, it has to be Nevada. It's not as ostentatiously otaku but is a reference to someone dear to us.

>> No.4948479

So who here actually has a problem with Nina? And why?

>> No.4948482

I do. Names that start with "n" all suck.

>> No.4948486


Was thinking of it being an annoyance to her, really.

"Wait, your name is Normandy? Like the ship?"


It's also a French name, and, well, she's an English and French mixer. Parents wanted something fancy, and did not think it through.

Possibly shorthands it as Andy, or Mandy.

But, like I said, votes only applys IF we decide to change it, Nina is fine with me.

>> No.4948488


Because no one will take you seriously if you do so.

>> No.4948492

just like nvidia amirite

>> No.4948499

Did I accidentally click /g/?

>> No.4948503

No one takes anything seriously here.

>> No.4948504



>> No.4948518


.... And this makes you believe /jp/ will make something that matters?

>> No.4948519

'sup IN elite

>> No.4948539

Matters? What, as in think we are going to get into eroscape top 100 with this or something? This is just a project for fun mostly, and to pass the time for us otherwise mostly unproductive NEETs. When you take things too seriously, you get shit like KS and all those other uncompleted VNs lost into the abyss - and the bitter feelings that come with them

>> No.4948553

>>4948428 It spawned on /jp/
This is the only thing it has to do with /jp/ and anyone with half a fucking brain would've then gone and made a forum or something dedicated to it instead of shitposting in /jp/

>> No.4948573

>It spawned on /jp/
So did KS and we don't want those devs here either

>> No.4948601

We'll drop the Nina name issue for now, call her artist girl/train girl for now if her name is still a problem. We gotta look more into character designs first.

1. As previously mentioned, Alexis is a red haired reverse trap with long braided ponytail (think of Ed from FMA). Sleeveless vest to hide her breasts, least educated but strongest among the group. She is possibly blood related to Chris, as she and Chris both share the same hair and eye colors (hazel). Anything we want to add to her in terms of personality, hobby and/or appearance?

2. Chisame is a blonde twin tail with white ribbons, yellow eyes, sailor top/barrier skirt thingy. Not much is known about her except that she's a trap.

3. Chris. Some guy wanted to change his name, and I'm all up for suggestions. He's red haired and hazel eyed like Alexis, but that's all we have about him. I'm considering giving him a scuffle beard and short ponytail.

>> No.4948609

Get the fuck out faggot

>> No.4948610

The fact you think this will actually be completed is cute.

>> No.4948612

>So did KS
Your newfag is showing.

>> No.4948619

No, I definitely know the chances are pretty slim, but like I said, if you don't put too much emotional commitment to it right now, it won't be that frustrating even if so.

>> No.4948625

I know things you don't because you weren't there = I'm the newfag

rofl so pathetic

>> No.4948635

>I know things you don't because you weren't there = I'm the newfag
Well, yeah that's pretty much it. If you weren't a newfag, you'd know what KS existed before long before /jp/ was even conceived.

>> No.4948636

ah fakeposts

>> No.4948640

If I draw you a nude picture of Lucetta/Nina/Alexis... and/or maybe even the trap Chisame, will you change your mind and support our cause?

>> No.4948657

/a/ back then was technically /jp/+[a/

>> No.4948660


Also, get out.

>> No.4948669

>Thinks drawing pictures magically makes him a convincing fag.

>> No.4948673

Wow trying to bribe people into liking you? Get the fuck out on the double.

>> No.4948680

/a/ back then was very different from /jp/ now. You can't really compare the two.

>> No.4948695

>I... if I do you you'll like me?

>> No.4948696

If porn and sex can influence a man, I don't see why hentai/ecchi picture can't influence a /jp/er. You guys sound rather tsundere by the way.

>> No.4948697

Ignore the trolls you idiots.

Sage your posts and just discuss crap, bump it every now and then for the few people that care about the project.

>> No.4948708

Trust me, there's no dere lost between us.

>> No.4948711

>Oh you don't like sluts well you're just dumb and gay
Get the fuck out attention whore

>> No.4948713

Sure, but then again you're not that good an artist.

>> No.4948723 [DELETED] 

Fuck off you pathetic piece of shit

>> No.4948742


I like the idea of them being family, that's a good tie in. (Sorry, just got back in, life called).

I'd say, shorter hair for Chris, but, scruff is good.

>> No.4948747

Kill yourself

>> No.4948757

I'm frankly impressed by the trolls. They're giving way more effort than the people actually trying to do something. You take this pretty seriously, huh?

>> No.4948766


Maybe I should...nah. Got work to do. You could, in my place, though<3

>> No.4948770
File: 205 KB, 572x1165, Nina_pre-concept_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina...or whatever she is called.

>> No.4948793

>dem hips
>dat ass
>flat chest


That will look awkward as fuck. DFC is rail thin if done properly, not much of an ass or hips to be heard of.

Nilda is a retarded name, go die in a thousand fires. go with Nina or Naomi if it must be a N name.

Also, make the "Chris" guy your friend from elementary who talks all kinda shit when its just you guys, but is deathly afraid of girls. Name him Ben, and make him a huge otaku of some sort (not necessarily a weeaboo, but having some sort of ridiculous obsession that makes him quirky and amusing)

>> No.4948799


Eyes should be a touch narrower, but, my gods, those fucking hips.

Nice. Very nice.

>> No.4948801


Amusingly....look right above you. Works rather well, yes?

>> No.4948802

also, does this have to reek of weeabo- oh wait this is /jp/. Damn, I was hoping there would be a VN that wasnt set in GRORIOURS NIPPON for once.

>> No.4948807

Why is Novelty suddenly an engine consideration? It has a niche - small, young groups and small projects. If you want to make anything of length, you want to be typing, not clicking and dragging for each line/action/movement/etc.

Then again, maybe the amount of unskilled drudgery that's required shouldn't be a problem here.

>> No.4948811

Go back to /a/ now. You guys already made some shitty little demo game about disabled girls.

>> No.4948813


It..it's NOT set in Japan.

>> No.4948818

Maybe Chris and Alexis both live inside the warehouse? Story here needs a lot of work. Got kind of stupid at >starts an ill-fated VN company in an abandoned warehouse

I probably wouldn't play it unless it had good h-scenes.

>> No.4948826

eh.. better than it could have been, but still looks likes shes a matroshka doll or something.

Also Novelty does work, I made a short 10minute demo segment because me and some friends were tossing around the idea of making a VN about all the drama in a certain chatroom we were in.

Nobody was willing to make sprites though so the project was canned after only a few hours of work, and a few days of asking for someone to do the character art.

I would reccomend Ren'py or something else though as >>4948807
said, clicking and such works well if you are planning on making it no longer than the KS demo, but longer work needs a better engine.

>> No.4948828

>making a VN about all the drama in a certain chatroom we were in.
Get out.

>> No.4948832

seifuku, traps, anime haircolors, this reeks of japponaise.

also if its not set in japan, you really should go back to /a/.... or possibly /v/

>> No.4948836

The H-scenes will be so good you'll want to vomit.

>> No.4948838

Makes it sound like they're hobos. Maybe they're a brother and sister or something? I dunno lol

>> No.4948840


The people live in the warehouse because Lucy has snatched them off the streets. They had no place to live, for various reasons.

>> No.4948845

it was a fucking joke. People laughed, some demanded a cameo, but nothing ever came of it besides a few minutes long intro scene I did to see if Novelty was worth a damn. I honestly don't know what the fuck I would have done if someone had agreed to do artwork for it.

Possibly asked for more people to help I suppose.

>> No.4948848

Most of the names sound pretty Western. Can it NOT take place in GLORIOUS NIPPON please?

>> No.4948866



>> No.4948871


>Dem Hips
>Dat Ass
>Flat Chest

You REALLY find this arkward? It's uncannily common, just not in America.

>> No.4948880

Which platforms are planned to be supported?

>> No.4948886


Goddamnit. It IS set in 'merka. This has been gone over.

>> No.4948894

Get out now.

>> No.4948900


Uh...well, I was guessing windows for sure. I'm not familiar with macs, at all.

>> No.4948908

All right that's it we have to change the location to America right now.

>> No.4948912
File: 15 KB, 416x328, Ninenations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then where does it take place? Fingers crossed for Eastern US. Preferably in the area labeled the foundry as abandoned warehouses are in good supply there.

>> No.4948917


More's the shame.....

>> No.4948918

>Fingers crossed for Eastern US.
oh boy i hope this fictional game takes place in my area

>> No.4948931


Change it? I was under the impression that it had always been planed for there. My bad.


Well, I know Virginia pretty well, so, if we chose there, I can dig up some real life stuff for you guys.

>> No.4948944

so how many people are on the project team? who is doing what? Who is writing that... thing you call a plot?

>> No.4948945


Oh! Before it utterly slips my mind. Could we get a side and back view for her, please?

>> No.4948952

I live in NYC, I can take pictures of the warehouse districts. No nighttime shots though.

>> No.4948955

The reason being that one engine works on Windows/Mac/Linux. Another also about on more stuff and requires more work for custom stuff. An easy looking engine works only on Windows and probably doesn't support special character encoding. Making an engine from scratch requires more work but solves limitations and will be easier to add better effects and customizations seamlessly, but making it crossplatform will be a bitch.

>> No.4948962


Dunno, people are just gathering ideas at the moment, it's three days old at the moment, and we have one guy tossing out drafts, nothing even close to anything concrete.

>> No.4948964

Find some bridges MC can jump off of.

>> No.4948974

A bunch of anons and handful of tripfags. But get out of /jp/ now.

>> No.4948984

I really think Lucetta being crazy defeats the whole purpose of her being the church girl, since she was supposed to be this pure priestess who we corrupt and bring the crazy fetishes out of.

>> No.4948993


We got a good number here in Winchester, and I can do nightshots. The warehouses are right next to the cop station, plus we don't got much issue if you stay off Kent St.


I'm not the programmer, I'm mainly the one poking at people to keep on topic, to help motivate, and to help with character creation, as it's a specialty of mine.

Frankly, if possible, I'd rather it be multi-platform, so we could let anyone that wants to have a crack at it.

>> No.4949008

>police called in for failure of payment
>no mention of a eviction notice
>police forcing him out of his place
>immediately deciding to an hero

k, this sounds like a dramacoaster.

>> No.4949013

I don't know of a municipality that allows the police to force out a tenant for non-payment without an eviction notice being filed.

>> No.4949014


Okay, good idea. I was going to ask if some could do that too. Try to take steady and level shots that can work as backgrounds for a game.

If they're any good we can use them directly as reference material.

>> No.4949017


She's only slightly unstable. Mostly, it translates into more fervor in her faith.

>> No.4949018

Well, I doubt many people use Mac or Linux (exclusively) here on /jp/, so that shouldn't be too big of a problem. And really, what do you need special characters for? I doubt anyone will bother translating this to another language, and certainly we don't need to put silly Japanese emoticons in the script.

>> No.4949019


Jesus fucking christ, you have no idea on how much I laughed upon realizing this. Fuck you Anon.

Polite sage for shitty comment.

>> No.4949025

I can see this being hilarious japanese Catholocism, or the game being subliminally trying to get you to convert if you take the Lucetta path

>> No.4949035

Cause I know no fine Portuguese gentlemen would post on /jp/.

>> No.4949037


/jp/ projects are hated because they're written by terrible writers.

Successful projects are written by experienced writers with weaboo tendencies, not the other way around.

>> No.4949042

Carrying around a holy book she wrote herself and cockteasing is as far removed from "pure nun that you taint" as can be.

>> No.4949043

She's on the edge and the MC gives the final push. Choice of direction is of course up to the player.

>> No.4949052


Humm. The idea for her route is to slowly ground her more into reality, as you are around her more, rather then being "all god, all the time'. We were thinking of more normal Catholocism.

>> No.4949054

i can do voice acting. mail me

>> No.4949055

Hey guys what'd I miss?

>> No.4949058

At her age there's not much she can actually do for the church except volunteer work, and it's not like your average church goes out of its way to do much except help at a homeless kitchen once in a while. She doesn't seem crazy, she's just an over achiever compared to whatever local apathetic church is in the area.

I can't really explain this for you though.
>carries around a hard covered "holy book" --- the texts inside, however, are all written by her.

>> No.4949063

The original idea was that she'd be an orphan raised by the church i.e. she was always part of the system.

>> No.4949067

Weeaboo writers with... experienced tendencies?

>> No.4949070


Cockteasing to punish you for having impure thoughts about her. She wears a chastity belt, that's how far she's going to insure her own purity. There is a lot to corrupt.

>> No.4949075

Shiki would kill her chastity belt then rape her savagly.

>> No.4949079


I was implying "weaboos who write from time to time but don't have any real skill"

>> No.4949081

You need to leave an email address first.

>> No.4949085


Oh, that. It's more after her "split with the church", she modded some of the text to better suit how she feels things should go. It's not crazy talk.

>> No.4949093

Experienced weeaboos with writer tendencies?

>> No.4949096

That's not how being a devout fanatic works. You don't edit the text, you change the interpretation.

>> No.4949099

just messing around, if I had a mic I would do it though

>> No.4949100


Seconding this, to an extent. It's true, most western fags who try to make VNs have AT MOST only written shitty fanfiction.

>> No.4949111

also there's only one male character and they're generally not voiced... sucks to be a male huh.

>> No.4949112

Where is Dandy Girl's writer? He said he surfs /jp/ neurotically, so I imagine he's watching this shit go down.

>> No.4949116


Hence the slightly crazy. The core beliefs are all there. She's just changed other bits, to suit her more hands on approach, AKA nabbing hobos and trying to force them to better themselves.

>> No.4949121

Sounds like she's starting her own cult when you put it that way.

>> No.4949129

But see that's the thing: a fanatic WOULDN'T do that, they'd just find something in the text and interpret it in a way that supports their actions/ideas.

>> No.4949169


Suggestions ARE welcome. I'm less familiar with organized religions then I should be, anyway.

The main thing we are trying to do is make her slightly off kilter, but truly trying to help people. Just...going about it in a mildly insane manner.

>> No.4949191

I like where this is going...

>> No.4949197

See I still think the whole angle is wrong. Have her be some church-raised orphan whose just REALLY devout and goes WAY beyond the call of duty, even ignoring her superiors in instances where she thinks she can help.

That could be part of the plot: she tries to get our shut-in hero to come out of his apartment (cut out or extend the eviction thing so that when it starts you have a certain amount of time before you end up homeless).

>> No.4949206


I think he's trying to start his own group/project thing.

>> No.4949214

So, how about Nina's character development? Or was that already settled on.

>> No.4949218

Nina is rather overshadowed by Lucetta.

>> No.4949218,1 [INTERNAL] 

Oh snap, did Meido-san strike this down.

>> No.4949218,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.4949218,3 [INTERNAL] 

Give up this pathetic project and stop bumping it over to here.

>> No.4949218,4 [INTERNAL] 

Give up on this pathetic trolling and go do something more worthwhile

>> No.4949218,5 [INTERNAL] 

No one is going to play your stupid game. Stop wasting your time please.

>> No.4949218,6 [INTERNAL] 

>Stop wasting your time please

>> No.4949218,7 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, that's what I said.
