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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4940993 No.4940993 [Reply] [Original]

Does Japanese television have the equivalent of a Lost or The Wire? Im interested in watching a show thats actually pretty good. I'd prefer something thats not a comedy but if the best of the best are comedies I'll settle for that.

So far the only shows I've seen that are worth a damn are GTO, Densha Otoko, and I'm almost done with Nodame Cantabile although it was no where near as good as the previous two. Anything on par with these?

>> No.4941013

illegal in the UK

>> No.4941027

Meari is over 18

>> No.4941031

Hi Meari-san!

>> No.4941043

THAT's illegal?
oh wow UK.

>> No.4941046

Oh lawd, I have Meari in my book right next to me...

Going to laugh everytime I open the damn thing now.

>> No.4941098

So yea how about that Japanese TV that isn't straight ass...

>> No.4941106

>watches Japanese TV

>> No.4941122

Id like to get some listening practice in that isn't anime

>> No.4941157

Haven't watched a lot of Japanese Dramas but heard that it's hard to watch them seriously.

>> No.4941159

So are GTO and Densha really the cream of the crop?

>> No.4941265

So what do Japanese people watch on TV then?

>> No.4941452

bump before i sleep

>> No.4942118

Nothing but gameshows and the news. Children watch cartoons like over here

>> No.4942157
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>Does Japanese television have the equivalent of a Lost or The Wire?
>Im interested in watching a show thats actually pretty good
>Pretty good

>> No.4942160
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>> No.4942213

>implying there is something better on tv right now

>> No.4942233

House is formulaic but I find it enjoyable nonetheless

Do you have Discovery Channel, TLC, and similar channels with reality/documentary shows? You could spend hours learning interesting and useless shit

>> No.4942272

The men work. The women watch talkshows.

>> No.4942607

House is godawful compared to Lost, and neither comes close to the wire. You only like House because you're like him without being successful

>> No.4942622

>implying lost is good

>> No.4942971

there are plenty of better shows on tv than lost you mainstream whore

>> No.4942976

>Implying LOST is not the greatest show ever made.
You disappoint me.

>> No.4942983

Lost: the game
Proof that Lost fans don't even care what game title to choose for some show they don't even know why they like.

>> No.4943901

You like to watch underground tv huh? Like Adult Swim? What a fag

>> No.4943921

So I was sitting in the middle of Japanese class, and opened up my Genki textbook, and saw Meari-san staring at me, somehow this really turned me on, so I started fapping right there, thankfully no one noticed since I sit way in the back corner, when I came to climax, I put my book under my desk and came all over Meari's face, and then I shut the book and left it like that until the end of the semester and resold the book to the bookstore.

>> No.4943950


>> No.4945194

Wow, the only Japanese Drama you watch are based on a manga of some sort. You know there are so god-tier shows that are out there that have zero basis on otaku-culture and are DAMN good. But I question your taste in "good" shows

Go to d-addicts.com to see more

>> No.4945214
File: 105 KB, 650x442, Untouchable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Untouchable.

>> No.4945222

>stating that Lost is "actually pretty good"
>mentioning Lost and The Wire in the same sentence
You fucking disgust me. Jesus christ.

>> No.4945230


>> No.4945251

Lost was actually good in the first season. Then it became some warped twisted parody of itself, I don't know how people can watch it and not think it is the stupidest fucking shit possible.

>> No.4945304

>Densha Otoko
>based on a manga

Nice try.

>> No.4946442

Can you list some of these damn good ones then?

I don't read manga or watch anime, those are just the shows that actually kept my interest past the first episode.

>> No.4946485
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>> No.4946504 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4948181

Thanks I'll look into it
