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4932440 No.4932440 [Reply] [Original]

I'm pretty sure I can win if I can get rance to go twice in a row, but I'm getting tired of redoing the army battle every attempt. should I just use the continute and get it over with? I wasn't planning on going for points this game.

>> No.4932454

Attack normally, get Masamune down to around 50-60% health. Delay your turns until you get a turn with Rance and Sill attacking together before Masamune can act. Rance Attack -> Fireball = win without the drops.

>> No.4932455

You know about Masamune's harem, right?
And using Sill's healing to restore Rance's actions and use a million Rance Attacks?

You should probably have leveled Rance a bit more, too.

>> No.4932457 [DELETED] 

Can't you just have Rance use Rance Attack every time? Shouldn't take more than 2 Rance Attacks to get him, and Sill's healing will keep him alive.

>> No.4932463

back to /v/

>> No.4932479

if I use it once it takes him down to 406 hp. if I use it twice it takes him down to 162 hp, but then he uses the eye drops. I figure I can win if I can attack him normally twice, then use rance attack, have sill heal rance, then have rance reappear on the turn list before masamune so I can rance attack again, but there's a lot of randomness involved and I'm getting tired of redoing the army battle.

doesn't do enough damage

>> No.4932514

>but then he uses the eye drops

You know you can stop that, right? Recruit Noir, Nokigu and Orime and there's an event where they tell you how to stop him doing it
Then he can only use it once, surely you can kill him twice-ish with 5 Rance attacks

>> No.4932533

I didn't get to recruit any of his wives since I used battle permits to take over most of their shit

>> No.4932567

There's no point in attacking them if you aren't going to recruit his wives, except the 10 points.

>> No.4932584

obviously I need to beat them to win the game or I wouldn't be doing it

>> No.4932597

You only need to on Kill the Monkey route, I believe.

>> No.4932602

beat one eye to beat the game?

>> No.4932606


>doesn't do enough damage

Free some damn prisoners or something then. Get an extra few levels on Rance and you're set.

>> No.4932616

It says in his picture that it's an IF route, so he probably is on Kill the Monkey
OP, I suggest you either level Rance some more or try to capture his harem in their attacks against you.
If you're going for points, good luck retrying over and over

>> No.4932638

already did that and I had to use all my teacups on uruza so I could win the army battle

>> No.4932657

Explore dungeons.

>> No.4932779

well fuck I just did the miso katsu dungeon and that was enough. next question: is ryoma required to get the mori bonus? I'm planning on leaving akashi for last so if I need to get his/her ass it means fighting both them and mori at once.

>> No.4933408

Yes, you do.
She bring up the idea of uncursing Motonari.

>> No.4933561

how long does it take for motonari to challenge me? I need to capture his daughters

>> No.4933570

Just win some battles against him.
Besides, you automatically capture his daughters when you conquer Mori's house. I mean, it's not that hard.

>> No.4933590

I lol'd

>> No.4933619

I've got him down to his last castle in both of his remaining territories and he still isn't doing it. do I need to let them retake some shit? I would just kill him now but the walkthrough says I have to get kiku now if I want to fuck her.

>> No.4933623
File: 286 KB, 809x654, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know If you can capture non-generic commanders in Free for all mode?

I've been trying to cap a Mori sister for a while now and have had no luck. Taking over all of their land doesn't put them in my prison either.

>> No.4933630

You should NOT conquer Izumo(the challenge happens only in that land).

>> No.4933631

Same here... I'm wondering if he doesn't challenge if his curse has been lifted.

>> No.4933634

No. He can't challenge you because you've already taken too much of his land. Just fucking beat him up, with or without his curse lifted, either way, Kiku, Chinu and Teru are going to be captured.

>> No.4933654

Challenge can happen more than once, but never if they only have one land left. If you let them conquer a territory back you might be able to do a challenge?

But I've never had that happen.

>> No.4933676


You can't capture non-generics in FFA if they still belong to their original country.

>> No.4933693

So they all go hire themselves out to random countries? Ugh.

>> No.4933708

so if I let them take some back will I be able to do it? I want to get the maid 4some scene

>> No.4933744

oh great they finally did it. now I just need to capture kiku and uncurse mori.

>> No.4934555

Is it possible to get the One-eyed family bonus on the Kenshin route? After conquering them I thought Masamune was supposed to join me after a few turns, but he never did...

>> No.4934586
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fuck yes I managed to retain all my bitches. now I just have to worry about getting the last takeda guy. should I just declare war on someone and kill all their commanders until they hire him?

>> No.4934600

How do I capture people? Is there a trick to it?

I captured that brown girl but one of my guys got killed, so now I have to try again. And then I failed the next 20 times at capturing her.

>> No.4934612

Some units ha- fuck it. http://alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Sengoku_Rance_guides
There's a trick to it, it's in here. If you have another question, the answer's probably in here. Read it, it is your bible for this game.

>> No.4934613

Defeated Warrior Hunt ability and light attack.

>> No.4934621

Light attack, defeated warrior hunt, ideally sticky ground too. Prison population less than half full. Agireda is pretty hard to capture since it takes such a long time for each try, so doing it without light attack is madness.

>> No.4934628

I hope you like waiting. With that many houses eliminated, the queue must be immense.

>> No.4934633

Does light attack have to be used right before defeating her, or can it be used at any time?

>> No.4934642

As long as light attack hits whoever you're trying to capture (ie. no guard shikigami), then it's effect will last for the entire battle.

>> No.4934654

Any time.

>> No.4934658

Okay, thank you.

>> No.4934722

I got the first two fighting hojo and mori but I had to rush through shimazu and takuga. will other factions always recruit up to a certain level or can they run out of money like the player?

>> No.4934757

>You should NOT conquer Izumo(the challenge happens only in that land).
That's fucking bullshit. I've gotten the challenge when I've taken and held Izumo. Why would you lie about this?

>> No.4935051

Akashi is plotbound to recruit children, I don't know if they recruit regular captains at all beyond that point. Tenshi sect is heavily into peasants and monks, not sure to what degree they recruit uniques. Iga is much the same, heavy ninja bias.

I can't say whether it's possible or not, but those are definitely three of the worst countries to try it with.

>> No.4935553
File: 111 KB, 800x600, ALCG0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never understand this guy. Sometimes he is nice, sometimes he is scary.

>> No.4935572

That's because he's not a well-written character. He's just awesome instead.

>> No.4935808
File: 66 KB, 800x600, ALCG0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fap fap fap

>> No.4935833

He is like the wind.
One time it blows gently, some other it's violent, and is always unpredictable.
And rapes your women.

>> No.4935862

You are now listening to "I am the wind" from Castlevania SOTN

>> No.4935871

He is a somewhat complicated person, and his kindness is generally limited to females only. He is even more gentle with little girls as a general rule.

>> No.4935876
File: 34 KB, 320x320, 203_Rance__Sabaku_no_Guardian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a slightly unrelated note.

I watched the Rance OVA a week ago, and I noticed that only one of the two episodes were subbed.
The Japanese is relatively low-level so I'm pretty sure I could translate it.

Are anyone interested, should I do it?

>> No.4935903

That was a terrile song, along with the voice acting.

>> No.4935918


>> No.4935922

I liked the Alucard VA...

>> No.4935924


>> No.4935940


Make sure you have room on your roster and the NP for him, also not sure if you need to recruit all his wives before-hand, including Omachi's seshouseki. The only route that you can't unlock the one-eyed bonus is Isoroku's IIRC.

>> No.4935967
File: 346 KB, 640x480, Rance Gratidão....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure mate.

You got my full Moral support.
And 40 years old Rance too.

>> No.4935988
File: 56 KB, 640x480, [Kazuyuki]_Rance_-_Sabaku_no_Guardian_-_02v2_[3B74805B].mkv_snapshot_08.52_[2010.04.03_18.27.54].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So ugly

>> No.4936027
File: 45 KB, 639x477, 20100421 132829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he so different from the intro?

>> No.4936125

Because budget.

>> No.4936141

Damn, that's not even funny, man.

How could they fuck him up SO BAD?

>> No.4936149
File: 374 KB, 640x480, Gahaha! I'm the Hero Rance-sama!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so bad it's funny.

>> No.4936155

Because foreigners cant be pretty.

>> No.4936166 [DELETED] 


I'll do it then.
Don't expect anything soon though, I'm somewhat busy right now, but I'll try to finish this week.

>> No.4936177

Wait, wait. Are those subs for episode 2?

If there already are subs I won't bother subbing it, unless they're really bad.

>> No.4936184

Older versions of Rance look ugly. No surprise here.

>> No.4936193

I have no idea.

>> No.4936227

Okay, google gives no result so I guess they don't really exists.

I'll try to translate the second episode before Sunday.
Don't expect anything though, I'm as lazy as you guys.

>> No.4936255
File: 7 KB, 251x211, quemédemais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck.

>> No.4936275
File: 57 KB, 800x600, sillice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4936441

Um, yeah, so about this, how do I unfreeze her?

>> No.4936458

You don't.

>> No.4936483

Is she going to be like this until the end?

>> No.4936490

Yeah. Rance will probably find a way to unfreeze her in the next game.

>> No.4936498

She melts and dies.

>> No.4936526


But who is going to heal me during battle? ;_;

>> No.4936534


>> No.4936560

I do prefer Sil's earlier hairstyle to the Sengoku Rance one. I also preferred when she wasn't frozen solid.

>> No.4936580
File: 488 KB, 1000x1400, sill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also preferred when she wasn't frozen solid.

Yeah, that really sucks.
I also agree on the hair thing. LOOK AT IT

>> No.4936589

Rance will never truly love Sill like she loves him.

>> No.4936599

He does, except he's too emotionally inmature to demonstrate it.

>> No.4936601

Or like he loves himself.

If he even understand the meaning of love, that is. He is more like a two legged penis carrying a sword and lots of luck.

>> No.4936612 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 800x600, ALCG0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kou hanging out with friends.

>> No.4936629

I'd hang out with her.

>> No.4936637


>> No.4936645

going to war with akashi then sitting back and waiting for them to attack you should work though (invading them triggers further events); I'm doing Ran route and so Akashi got forced to declare war on me; several turns have passed and they've just been recruiting regular troops like crazy.

>> No.4936878
File: 682 KB, 816x658, fap,fap,fap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, going for 2nd playthrough. I want to get some points (not only 5 from my fail first game) and maybe one family bonus.
Any tips on that?
Also who's route should I go with?
Also damn, Kentarou is one damn lucky fucker. Maybe even more than Rance.

>> No.4936888

Ran route.

>> No.4936911 [DELETED] 

Ran route was boring, i recommend go for Kenshin or Isoroku.

>> No.4936916

Ran route, 1 star, Elina as bonus.

>> No.4936918

I thought he wanted a route that gives good points.

>> No.4936932

An hour late, but the second episode was subbed by some random when he uploaded it to BakaBT, so you can find it there.
No clue on the quality though, haven't seen it yet

>> No.4936937

Already thought about that.

Is it possible to get 3rd fan in 13 turns thingy? Or is it really possible only in first game? And if yes, then is there way to get it fast in next games?

>> No.4936994

It's just as possible in second games, usually a little easier since you have the bonuses. Although most of the time you'll just pick up the 3rd fan as a bonus.

>> No.4937718
File: 123 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started my first Sengoku Rance game and I just want to know if I messed up bad enough that a restart is warranted. I fucked around at the start and now most everything is taken over by the demon army.

>> No.4937800


>Uesugi not controlled by demon army

I was so sad when I left them until the demon army hit them. The very next turn I said fuck no and proceeded to steamroller them in an effort to prevent Kenshin from being an armless baby demon factory. Unfortunately, once the demon army grabs a place, all the women are gone.

>> No.4937806


translating from my ranty story. You're doing better than my first run.

>> No.4939219

shit I've gotten tenshi sect weak enough that they're cancelling their attacks but they still won't hire new commanders. should I declare war on akashi and iga too and just defend 3 times a turn?

>> No.4939259

Just survive for a while. 15-20 turns after the demon army appears, an event happens that has you conquer everything but the original Shimazu territories automatically.

>> No.4939672

Woah, that's exactly what my game looks like right now. Except I went through 250 turns. I leveled up the shit out of my characters while I was searching for Kou.

>> No.4939742

So. Any ideas on how to get to Hojo house before 5 gourds?

I've beaten all routes except hers and kill the monkey. Have 15 points for bonuses.

What happens is I rape Hara, refuse to pay Ashikaga and kill them too which causes the Sect to declare war on me. This makes Iga pissed at me when they die. Asai-Asakura then declares war on me even if I don't touch Yukihime's breast, which causes Kenshin to declare on me.

Right after I'm done with Kenshin, Mouri sends a letter to Kazemaru and HE declares on me too, which then leads me to fight either Mouri or Takeda (and if it's Takeda those Raccoons declare on me, which makes Hannys declare after that, which makes Hojo declare after THAT, but by then it is far too late.)

What do?

Thinking about skipping Hara, murdering Ashikaga then declaring on Raccoons (Tokugawa?) and see where that gets me.

>> No.4939855

I basically ignored the tenshi sect, the riots aren't that hard to beat and most of their army are peasants. Declare war on the raccoons, when you've beat them the hannys are an easy target. You can then declare war and attack Houjou.

>> No.4939885

>riots aren't a big deal

Uh...They are kind of annoying regardless.

>> No.4939938

If Tenshi and Iga are declaring war on you after you take down Ashikaga, you're already doing something horribly wrong. Iga won't declare war on you if you're at war with anybody else and Tenshi doesn't declare war until awhile after the first two seals break, which comes out to around turn 15-20 at the earliest.

>> No.4939945

I know. Iga declares after I finish the sect off.

Gourd 1 - Oda

Gourd 2 - Ashikaga.

Yeah. Maybe I should just pay them until I get Ran.

>> No.4939954

Again. If it's taking you upwards of 20 turns to conquer Hara and Ashikaga, that's your problem right there.

>> No.4939987

Nah. But the sect declares war right afterward regardless. Ninjas take the second gourd like the turn after I finish them off (usually around turn 13ish?)

I think I can get by if I ignore Hara and Ashikaga completely. The sect can't reach me even if they wanted to

Dunno. I've also tossed around the idea of doing a Kill the monkey route for points so I can buy a house bonus like Mouri or Kenshin's. Ideally I also want to start with +1 action fan too.

If you can't tell, I'm pretty indecisive

>> No.4940016

ashikaga gets really annoying with their money extortion after ~10 turns
it better to ignore iga, as they are ridiculously weak, and have a gourd

>> No.4940045

So. How does one "ignore" a nation that early on?

You lack a lot of national power, so you probably lack the generals to defend if they decide to attack your land.

Also early on I'm spamming re-enforcements and shit, so I have a shitload of backrow guys early on but few warriors/footsoldiers and not enough national power to do much about it.

But yeah, Ignoring someone seems smart. I'll just do that.

>> No.4940337

Don't declare war on them. Iga only declares war on you if you're at peace.

>> No.4940345

This news just made my fucking day.
