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File: 23 KB, 704x398, umineko_18_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4929894 No.4929894 [Reply] [Original]

Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch

* Translation: 6%
* Editing: 0%

>> No.4929902
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>> No.4929908

Bravo, you actually made me check.

>> No.4929929
File: 26 KB, 512x512, Alicefeelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...why? that's the same number it's always been at

>> No.4929978
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Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch

* Translation: 5%
* Editing: 0%

>> No.4929982

What is dawn of the golden witch?

>> No.4930001

I know your a troll, but honestly, your from /a/. you should know what Umineko is.

>> No.4930011

You spelt you're wrong.

>> No.4930016

Who are you responding to?

>> No.4930023
File: 47 KB, 640x480, yOutO_witchhunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this picture is obligatory.

>> No.4930027

he's not even from /a/

>> No.4930032

you're wrong?! what about my' wrong?

>> No.4930050
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>> No.4930062
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>> No.4930075
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>> No.4930087

More likely Gaia.

>> No.4930093
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>> No.4930111

It's true they announced this on AnimeSuki

also gold can be inferior to the red Mr.Battler

>> No.4930121

The main dude is too busy scoffing at us Doubletricebros to translate. Smug bastard knows that Nanjo is his own grandaughter.

>> No.4930128 [DELETED] 

I am a female, please address me as such, and Yes I am from /a/. Naruto and Bleach ect, they are awesome.

>> No.4930125

I fuckin died laughing when he suggested Nanjo's Granddaughter used a fatsuit.

>> No.4930126
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>> No.4930138

Does it really matter?

It's just Battler being angsty for a bit. And Kanon and Shannon being samefags.

>> No.4930140


Oh where'd he do that to? Is there a video or something?

>> No.4930142
File: 147 KB, 364x466, dla_ikaria1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden at times is inferior...
But it can be SUPERIOR!
(Sorry, I didn't want to go through most of ???? just to get that screencap. Hope you can forgive RPfag-like post.)

But can't red be said even by those not knowing the truth?
Golden is in that way superior because it marks the words of one knowing the truth.
Also, their thread has fucking 186 pages, can you spare me the trouble and give a link to the page/post?

>> No.4930152


>> No.4930155

>But can't red be said even by those not knowing the truth?
It can't. You have to know that truth you are truing to say.

>> No.4930159

But... the blue truth lies all the time...

>> No.4930160


>> No.4930176

And her incurable illness was actually a bomb.

>> No.4930195

Everything is bomb.

Jessica's inhaler? Bomb.

Kyrie's ticket stub? More like bomb stub.

George's engagement ring? Bomb.

Maria's rose? Bomb.

Family ring? Bomb. Hid in Jessica's inhaler. Which as said before, is also a bomb.

Gohda's meals are made with edible small bombs.

>> No.4930220

Ninjas did Rokkenjima

They're human but no longer people because they gave their identities to BECOME THE DARKNESS

The golden butterflies are just ninjas swarming around the victim

>> No.4930234

Kanon's a ninja. Duh.

>> No.4930256

"Bitch Ditch"?

>> No.4930268
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Picture related.
Battler's and Beato's unfinished reds say hi. Also, what would be the point of a different truth that would be exactly the same?
From Ryukishi's interview: "If you know the "answer", you should be able to understand what gold text is, what conditions it can be used in, and whether it's stronger than red text or not.

If someone knows the answer of the game, they can use the gold even if they aren't the Game Master.

Erika does not know the truth, but Lambdadelta can probably still use the gold."
Which means: you can use gold no matter who you are, as long as you know the truth.
And you can use the red no matter who you are (Natsuhi, lol), as long as you know the truth.
See where I'm going with this?

>> No.4930292

>your a
>your from

>> No.4930298

Anyone ever notice how the golden truth is phrased?

>I guarantee that this corpse is Ushiromiya Kinzo's corpse...!!

>Using magic, you created a golden rose petal underneath the cup. It was a magnificent display of magic.

The repetition of the words "corpse" and "magic" is probably important as the subject is not often repeated in Japanese conversations.

>> No.4930315

You don't need to know ALL the truth about the game in order to use red. Just the particular statement you're trying to say.

>> No.4930333

I think we settled this during Jessica's odd red text in episode 2. A corpse is a corpse is a corpse.

>> No.4930414
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So, wait, who's the bad guy in this thingy?

>> No.4930426

Oh, right. Excuse me for now, I have to slam my head into a wall.
...Wait a second. That explanation stinks. You're saying piece-Beato (elder) also knows whole truth, because she used golden? I mean, she's a piece.
No, a corpse is a corpse is a corpse is a corpse.

>> No.4930444

Beatrice the evil witch

>> No.4930454

Well, basically, here's Umineko in a nutshell.

Once upon a time there was this salaryman named Kinzo. Zeus struck him with lightening and gave him magical money making powers. Kinzo raped some American or European chick with big titties, and eventually had a family. His son, Rudolf, took after his father, and macked two bitties. One bitty had a son named Battler, and the other one also had a child named Battler, who either died, was a chick, or never existed.

So what happened is that on Battler's 12th birthday, he macked on his cousin and his cousin's meido companion.

This caused everyone to die. THE END

>> No.4930463 [SPOILER] 
File: 156 KB, 648x648, trollkastel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, like the filename hadn't given that out.

>> No.4930466
File: 103 KB, 708x696, meanwhile at witch hunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DIdn't they already say they weren't update the page but that they were also around 20% done?

>> No.4930478

nobody said that it was 20% done.

>> No.4930480

Also, the Battler 1 has been thrown down a cliff by Natsuhi, while Battler 2 is the protagonist of the story.

>> No.4930483

Witch Hunt is a very, very, very odd place.

>> No.4930485
File: 92 KB, 400x400, virgilia checking pixiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my bad then

>> No.4930505

I object!
Consider the following:

We know two broads died by falling off the cliff. Beatrice the older, and the servant. The problem is, dem bitches died at the same time. And Rosa, who is overall more sane than Natsuhi(not that such a thing is hard), did NOT report seeing a child with Beato the elder.

Ergo I propose Battler 1 is alive and well.

>> No.4930522

>virgilia checking pixiv.jpg
oh you.tif

>> No.4930525

>implying Rosa is not a lying bitch

>> No.4930534

Argh, I should have said: Spoilers for EP6.
Asumu's Battler was the child given to Natsuhi. But Natsuhi killed that Battler.

>> No.4930535

She has no motivation to lie about such a thing in the manner which she does, and Meta-Beato thinks that that is very important. I even think Meta-Beato used some red text during that scene.

>> No.4930538

That were those new guys. They said, that they are waiting for chrono to give them new chapters to translate.

>> No.4930551

In red text, did it say Asumu's Battler was killed? Because from episode 5, we all assumed it was the case, but if it's just Natsuhi's word we have to go on, well....

>> No.4930556

Oh right. I knew I wasn't that far off.

>> No.4930563

Who knows her motivation or lack of it? Why she lies in ep2?

>> No.4930576

Regardless, Meta-Beato, who we know wanted Battler to come to the truth, obviously considers what Rosa says significant when it comes to the Beato mythos itself.

>> No.4930591
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Episode 6 won't be translated for another five months.

>> No.4930600
File: 707 KB, 376x480, bat_odorokia3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I was sure it was red... But now I found it it turns out it was not. Just narrator's line about a certain 1st twilight sacrifice.
"Beatrice chose Natsushi as a sacrifice.

This was revenge against "Battler"."

"Asumu had a son named Battler, but we don't know what happened to him.
Then we have our Battler who wasn't born from Asumu.

The Battler that Asumu had was given away to Natsuhi, while our Battler was born from Kyrie and given to Asumu somehow.

But Natsuhi killed that Battler."

>> No.4930617

PS. That's just a rumor, as I say again - I base my knowledge on info from Internet, and I don't think I have to remind anyone of Jessica stabbing herself with an umbrella/Krauss German suplexing Ronove through wall/Checkmate of the Golden Witch.

>> No.4930625
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"Beatrice chose Natsushi as a sacrifice.

This was revenge against "Battler"."

"Asumu had a son named Battler, but we don't know what happened to him.
Then we have our Battler who wasn't born from Asumu.

The Battler that Asumu had was given away to Natsuhi, while our Battler was born from Kyrie and given to Asumu somehow.

But Natsuhi killed that Battler."

Well, in a sense, she did "kill" that Battler. Much like how Shannon "killed" Kanon. Damn it, now I'm almost sure of FISTFIGHT theory.

>> No.4930647

Hey guys, anyone know about how many words Umineko is?

>> No.4930651

If only between Nanjo's granddaughter and dead Battler.

>> No.4930662

That'd be awesome too.

>> No.4930668
File: 103 KB, 1218x474, such a tsundere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Episode 3-4 have the most clues to solving the who dunit, why dunit and how dunit.

>> No.4930670 [SPOILER] 
File: 253 KB, 498x747, sorcerorgohda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time we know, we might get a Gohda = Kyrie theory.
I'm half joking; I've seen the infamous Gohdatrice theory + I'm actually betting on Kyrie (or George) to be the mastermind.

Then again, it would be just a huge dickery from R07's side to give us THAT misleading clue.
"There no longer is any difficulty level.
By now, this is not a hint, but a confession."

PS. Sorry to leave you guys, but I'm an Eurofag and it's 20 mins past midnight. I gotta get some sleep.

>> No.4930682

I'd signeewoo their faces if you know what I mean.

>> No.4930685

EP6 spoilers: Episodes 3&4 were written by Featherine, while 1&2 were actual stories... As fucked up as it might sound.
The question is, did AuAu know the answer back then?

>> No.4930692

The meta-world in its entirety takes place in Beatrice aka Shannon's deluded mind.
It explains everything.
Like how it's a land filled with the magic setting she created with Maria.
Or how the red text can be "guaranteed" and completely sure.

It's simple, Umineko as a whole is a game where different sides of Beatrice fight for dominance, these games consist of recreating the murder case of Rokkenjima again and again.
It's actually torture for the Beatrice persona because she repents for what she did.
Battler is the side of her who want to protect the family, to do so he wants to reveal that none of them were implicated in the murders to protect their memories, that's why he is so intent in saying that his family is innocent.

Bernkastel is the side of her who just want to reveal the truth to the world no matter what, she doesn't care about the family.
Lambdadelta is the murderous side of Beatrice, the part of her who enjoyed killing everyone, she enjoys this game where she gets to look at these murders again and again.

The red text can work in this work because they are the same person and because they are the one who created the different fictions.
Normally there is no way for someone to state that something is 100% sure, but the different stories were created by Beatrice from the beginning to the end and therefore she knows everything about it.

>> No.4930698
File: 159 KB, 200x470, Maria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, why does nobody seem to suspect Maria as at least an accomplice? She's the only person to see Beatrice in the first and third games, she's the only person on the island with a demonstrated ability to draw the magic circles that show up on the closed rooms, and she has a clear motive: she believes in the epitaph and wants to revive Beatrice. She survives till nearly the end in the 1st, 2nd, and 4th games, and her early death in the 3rd game is more than likely the work of Eva instead of the true culprit. Her death in the 5th game isn't confirmed until the following midnight and we know that fake corpses were used, so we can't really say anything there.

>> No.4930699

This game is concluded when the different persona are denied by a logical error.
The persona of Beatrice exists because she really believes that she is a witch, deny that for sure and she will disappear since her own "logic" won't work anymore.

The golden text is created by using the real memories of Shannon, that's why it can be both stronger and weaker.
It's a truth that is from the real world but it's also subjective since it's created directly from Shannon.
Battler in episode 5 realized everything, not only about the murders but about himself as well, that he was only a persona created by Shannon.
By realizing this, he was able to call upon her memories and states for sure using "I guarantee" that Kinzo died because Shannon knew this.
Same for the magic trick, Shannon being a deluded meido thought that it was really magic, that's why the golden text works there.

Shannon is actually the daughter (or son(?)) of Kyrie and Rudolf, the truth is that there was no exchange of babies.
The Battler of 1986 was really the son of Asumu, in episode 4 the red text pertained to the Battler of the meta-world aka a simple persona created by Shannon.

This is also why we know next to nothing about Battler's past.

The reason why Battler fell in love with Beatrice is because he realized she was repenting for what she did and that she also wanted to protect the memories of the family in her own way, therefore he went to her side against Bern who just want to shamelessly reveal everything.

>> No.4930705

Stale copy pasta is stale.

>> No.4930710

I saw a theory like that about Higurashi, too.
Everything is Rika's imagination; Saikoroshi-hen is the only real scenario.
And I believe in that solution actually far more than in brain parasites.

>> No.4930717

Which is why there are more clues in EP 3 and 4.

>> No.4930719

Witch Hunt is definitely more than 6% done.

>> No.4930723

Too weak.

>> No.4930726

She has too much character development to be anything, but an accomplice. She can draw magic circles of course some people actually have her do that in their theories, but other than that she's not suspicious.

>> No.4930731

If anything, she maybe moved some of the guns around in episode 4.

But we don't even need that. We have Shannon's well trick to explain that outcome. But the question I always come back to in episode 4 is WHY?

Why did Kyrie, Jessica, and Shannon cause the deaths of tons of innocent people?

>> No.4930741

Well to be fair I was only really suspecting her as an accomplice. In addition tot he stuff I listed above, it was my explanation for why the killer followed the epitaph: she didn't really care, but she had an accomplice who did care.

>> No.4930746

Yes, the gamefaws translators said it should be around 20% with what they had done and WH united.

>> No.4930752

>Jessica: "A community of girls with the wrong impressions can be scary. They could have some secret feud behind your back, and hurt someone or make them cry without you noticing it, right?"

>> No.4930754

Ugh. Only 14% in the month or so since new translators started working?

There goes even the sliver of hope for episode 6 before 7 is released.

>> No.4930761

Doesn't explain why she lied to Battler. AND insulted the hatstand. Bitch.

>> No.4930769

The only one of the three who has a sound motive for mass-killing is Kyrie. Other 2 are just a red herring for retards.

>> No.4930793

>"That's so weird. I think I got the same bit of advice from one of the girls in my class just last week. ......What did she say? Why not have fun together with everyone? Did they really want to hook up with me that much?"

>> No.4930796
File: 399 KB, 652x2526, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call it a red herring all you want, it doesn't change the fact that Jessica lied just the same as Kyrie did, and lied in a fashion that makes the notion of her being coersed into it very doubtful at best.

>> No.4930806

Can someone explain to me what Jessica's motivation is supposed to be? Or Shannon/Shkannon's? I can piece together how they did it with a bit of work, but I've got nothing for the why. Hopefully it isn't episode 6 spoilers.

>> No.4930820

The motive for Shannon is usually said to be that she wanted to make a mystery for Battler to solve since he likes mystery books. That's why they make the closed rooms. Other than that we don't have much.

>> No.4930822

Long story short: pony theory +
Shannon's case: Kohaku's work
Jessica's case: Natushi's parentship skills

>> No.4930832

Ep 3:
-Major hints regarding the Epitaph
-Gold exists
-Eva isn't the culprit...
-Meta-Beatrice's motive...

Ep 4:
-We're given the other half of the motive/The Why: The sin
-We're given the culprit/Accomplice/The Who: Beatrice
-Given the fact that "Piece-Beato", has multiple personalities
-We're given the definition of magic
-Without love the truth can't be seen
-Goldsmith Ghost's raping people

>> No.4930839

Does that single lie makes her a mass-murderer? (inb4 Kinzo's health which is bullshit) Then we have full island of those, because they all lie about something.
Also, that "troll" expression is actually laugh through tears and was used several times in such way in the story.

>> No.4930841

Don't you see that these are plain stupid motives?

>> No.4930851

That wasn't a single lie, it was a series of lies throughout episode 4. And while it doesn't make her a massmurderer, it does implicate her.

>> No.4930864

The Kyrie motive is revenge. Just as stupid as a motive as Jessica's and Shannon's.

>> No.4930869


Fucking stupid, same level as DID meido who avoided being caught for years thanks to her awesome cross dressing skill.

How any of you can be happy with such answers, I have no idea.

>> No.4930886
File: 367 KB, 646x2000, definitionofmagic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually Virgilia flat out says in episode 3 that the definition of magic is ignorance.and superstition

>> No.4930890

At least it can be actual motive for murder unlike "my mom used to lock me in a closet"/"he didn't rode on a white horse" crap.

>> No.4930914
File: 104 KB, 620x596, 3072522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I think Kyrie turns to murder when she realizes Rudolf and Battler's lives are in danger. So the motive is more close to yandere self-defense rage.

>> No.4930924

I am of the opinion that Kyrie and Jessica did lie, but did so in episode 4 as to not have him die.
Once again, I said it doesn't implicate her as a mass murderer, but it DOES implicate her for something sketchy.

>> No.4930928

Which explains why Rudolf is dead in the first twilight of both of the first two games, and ends up dead in all of the first four, with his identity confirmed in red in the third and fourth.

>> No.4930933

>Why did Kyrie, Jessica, and Shannon cause the deaths of tons of innocent people?

>> No.4930935

Fuck yes, I want a Mama Bear mode Kyrie.

>> No.4930943

Yes, cause. Certainly Jessica's lies helped to "cause" the murders. I don't think she's the mastermind behind them, but she most certainly knew that her actions would cause some deaths in episode 4.

>> No.4930946

Her motive is actually good, revenge on the Ushiromiya family because of her lost baby, she blames the Ushiromiyas.
Betetr than the other two at least.

>> No.4930953

Nobody's perfect. Even Kyrie has flaws despite her clear intelligence. hell, the fact she stood with Rudolf after all the crazy shit that happened with Asumu is proof enough she has some flaws

>> No.4930964

So revenge because of babby is better of a motive to KILL FUCKING EVERYONE than being either fucking crazy(rape is optional, but preferred), like Shannon, or being mentally abused and a bitch, like Jessica?

I just think it's a shitpile of different things rolling into one gigantic shitball, at this point.

>> No.4930966

Rudolf was the love of her life, she ditched the Sumaderas because of him.
That's true love that devolved into a yandere stalker that probably killed Asumu, even if she says otherwise.

>> No.4930987

You realise that Kyrie has a HEAVY trauma because of it right?
She didn't just lose the baby, she lost her lover, had to return with the sumaderas again and her life consisted on waiting for Asumu's death while tempting Rudolf. Her baby's death caused her 12 years of unbearable grief that had to spend ALONE, without people by her side.
Definetely betetr than the other two.

>> No.4931003

So that translates to killing the Ushiromiya family and Ushiromiya accessories?

Her rage in her yandere scenes are directed towards Asumu, she seems to bear no ill will towards the Ushiromiya family in particular.

>> No.4931126


TBH, it's mostly because Chronotrig takes a long time to check the chapters and THEN gives us the next chapter. We had both the chapters we had done at that time done in about 10 days combined.

We just recently decided to just keep translating and let Chronotrig just tell us which chapters to NOT do instead of which chapters to do, cause it was slowing us down. (I understand he's gotta quality check the chapters, though.)

We have another chapter done (basically, I still need to insert it to Onscripter, but lolfinals- should take me a day) now, and should be starting another one soon.

Hopefully we'll pick up speed now. And Chronotrig (supposedly, anyway) is still working on stuff too.

No promises about getting it out before Ep7, but we're trying. It's why we decided to translate it, after all.

(Also, as I'm sure you guys can tell, we have a 'no secret progress' policy, at least on our end. We got as sick of "Meanwhile, at Witch Hunt" as you guys, even though I do realize life happens, etc, for them. No idea what WH proper is doing or how far they are, though.)

>> No.4931138
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>> No.4931243

Well, good to know we've got some guys who see it from our side. Although I do feel like Chronotrig might very well be a thorn in your side, at times.

>> No.4931259
File: 39 KB, 225x225, 1264632827218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4931269

Yeah, fucking retard.

>> No.4931324

Thanks for the update. If you got two chapters done in ten days, then I guess it's not the translation itself that's going slowly but other things. Keep up the good/fast work.

>> No.4931327


No, so far he's been good help to us. >.>



>> No.4934315

[Definition check. That "three people" refers to the number of bodies, correct? That means three bodies went in and out, right?]
Of course. Three people, that is, three bodies, went in and out of the room.

Shkannon disproved.

>> No.4934323

pkS SvFriGl LKZHU GWt zPS ed +,

ÍMpór+aNT íNfórmátì0N AboúT 4CHàñ: <hrÌ$+Òph3R pOólE (àKá mÓ0+ ÁkÁ +H3 aDMíN h€Re) háS á vERy $EríòUS m3ñTÁI illñe$s* H€ $Teáls Ó+HERS' hÁRd W0rk, pubLìSHEs PRIvaTe E-MAÌ|$ (WHì[h HE mÓDifÍ€S) ÁNd B|a+ÀNTIY líE$ tÓ Hís ù$Ers Ín ORd3R Tò G3t thEM óN hIS $Ìde. +Íñy,4<hàno0Rg ís @n i||€G@l cLònE of Www,ÁnONTá|K.Cómo R3móv€ Ít ímM€Dì@T3|y, STop [Óñ$T@NTIY DD0$INg añd sPàMmìnG ÚS @Nd $tOp fUckÍNG wIth Òür dóMàíN* Tó a[<Es$ À+ curreñTLy, YóU mùst Ù$E À PróXy: hTTP;//Á+.kímmòA,$€/

zE zP SxFpGBÌ Q Q Z <düY[+rJ F zÒ DÌ + RT áHK,

kÌFwIZ vM qG wqXÁq mÌO N3|IXB Ó+ñÍF*

>> No.4934373

>Of course. Three people, that is, three bodies, went in and out of the room.

>> No.4934375
File: 55 KB, 410x326, 1271329859813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.4934417

