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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4921597 No.4921597 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any "porn with powerlevels" type VN that isn't made by Type-Moon?

>> No.4921603

>porn with powerlevels

>> No.4921607


>> No.4921613

If you like powerlevels that much then just stick with your shounen.

>> No.4921614

Slut thread?

>> No.4921620

Define 'powerlevels'.
If you just want battle material, aplenty.

>> No.4921623

Princess Waltz?

>> No.4921624


Hey I asked a serious question and I expect an answer dammit



>> No.4921632


>> No.4921633

Almost anything by Nitro+

>> No.4921635


>> No.4921636

>serious question
>implying type-moon VNs are primarily porn


>> No.4921638

>Define 'powerlevels'.

Fighting with strictly defined special abilities and such, presented in a way that it seems like abstract powersets rather than people are fighting; typical of shounen anime. See: DBZ, Naruto, etc.

That with porn.

>> No.4921640

He delivered doujin, no be a proper anon and recommend some VNs.

>> No.4921646

Try Kikokugai

>> No.4921652

implying sure is fun huh Mr. New user from /v/?

>> No.4921653


>> No.4921654

He "delivered" walpurgisnacht.

Anyone who hasn't seen it five million times is an outlier.

>> No.4921660

How did you know?! ;_;

>> No.4921667


Aren't we all? Outliers I mean.

That's why we're in /jp/ instead of out there partying with friends and having sex.

>> No.4921670


>> No.4921671

Since you only have 1391 posts...

>> No.4921676

But being an outlier among the outcasts sure is something right?

>> No.4921677

You really need to work on your comprehension of context.

>> No.4921692

>everything by Nitroplus, especially Chaos;Head and Kikokugai
>Princess Waltz

Got it. Thanks.

>> No.4921695

this is why i hate post count shit.

You only have so many post compared to so and so.

Take that "post counts equal post quality" shit back to what ever forum you came from.

>> No.4921702

Well, if it was actually ANYTHING like the shows you described, sure.
If you see F/SN that way, any action VN is.
Just look up the tags in a database.

>> No.4921714

What? Blame Jones, not me, since he made that script...

>> No.4921718


Thanks so much i have to read this!

>> No.4921721

> Download Oblivion
> Download Japanese mods
> Learn to use the game editor
> ???

>> No.4921734

I just can't wait for him to reset all the post counts to troll EVERY TRIPFAG

>> No.4921748

There's a post counter now?


>> No.4921749

I don't get what you are trying to say.

>> No.4921760

You post quite a lot for a newfag, even Hong Meiling and Cudder still have the status Newfriends on the script.

>> No.4921765

You can masturbate to the number of post you have.

>> No.4921761

The undying hatred of hundreds of anons.


>> No.4921774

>for a newfag

The reason why I ask about the counter is because all the /bun/ newfags think that I've JUST gotten here.

And I only post for like an hour per day, tops. Stop complaining.

>> No.4921782

And the one hour that you post on /jp/ is incredibly shitty.

>> No.4921784

Well they forget that some people LURK before finally adopting a trip.

>> No.4921790

>GreenTrashcan!6mvmNVD6E6 Sun Apr 5 02:18:06 2009 1011
And every one a shit post

>> No.4921794

It's funny that people don't know about the counter/statistics etc., it just shows that they're blatantly new.

>> No.4921801

Or, you know, post as Anonymous.

This post related.

>> No.4921805


I thought it was just sarcastic trolling for the longest time, just like thinking sage does anything.

>> No.4921806

It's because Hong is quality over quantity; not only he knows when to post with a trip and when not, but also because every SINGLE post he has made could very well be considered useful and informative. Unlike almost every other tripfriend on /jp/.

Also Jones is braindead, as he ignores fundamental rules of imageboards and treats them like regular forums or chatrooms. If you take him or his products seriously, I got some bad news for you.

>> No.4921808

/jp/ is always shitty, all of 4chan with the exception of the slow unpopular boards are always shitty.

You, who happens to be a faggot, just lack the attention span/patience/intelligence to sift through the shit for the good threads.

nb4 someone mentions my low postcount.

>> No.4921814

>fundamental rules of imageboards

>> No.4921815
File: 417 KB, 1362x1399, 3seconds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4921823

>herp derp

>> No.4921835


>> No.4921829

I'm a newfag. How does that make you feel?

>> No.4921838

I don't think any of your posts have registered as particularly stupid, but this sort of thing doesn't help.

>> No.4921841

Better watch out! Anonymous is so mature and strong that he can ignore and run away from everything he doesn't like instead of facing it like a man!

>> No.4921856

/jp/ kicks ass all of you are /v/ nerds who are used to your HILARIOUS REACTING PICTURE GREENTEST threads

>> No.4921857

I like you, you dump images,post a few comments in threads, then shut the fuck up and never return to said threads.

Still a faggot.

>> No.4921860

Indeed. Shitty posters like you deserve being ignored without the use of scripts.

>> No.4921867

Sup fake Suigin, I'm Suigin too.

>> No.4921873

So much so that you're responding to me, even.


>> No.4921880

I don't get this...

>> No.4921894

I think he is showing us the shit he filters out with the filter script and attempting to point out that there is still shit is his pic.

I may be wrong

>> No.4921904

Or he is implying that he has added me to his filter list.

>> No.4921930

I cannot wait for him to release a "signature" script. He's likely working on one, you know he is.

>> No.4921935

Rin's hair is so pretty.
For some lowlife to mat her gorgeous hairs together with his (undoubtedly) sickly yellow, foul-smelling semen; I will never forgive this!

>> No.4921941

That's a bit too extreme, even for me.

>> No.4921949

On mine I lowered the threshold for what qualifies as "Newfriend" to only count < 100.

>> No.4921951

/jp/ would literally explode.
