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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 76 KB, 397x289, ikubi_akius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4920074 No.4920074 [Reply] [Original]

Without him, there'd be no create.swf and less connections between eastern and western Touhou fans.

>> No.4920077

Smelly dumb, walfas scum.

>> No.4920092

I actually thought Walfas's content was the best part of the Aki sisters anthology by a western artist. I don't really keep us with his stuff, but Walfas is alright.

>> No.4920095

Worthless secondaryfag with shit art and shit jokes.

>> No.4920113

trying to spread your silly "meme" again, huh?

Walfas gets all the blame for secondaries here, I think this is the main reason for "Walfas hate". It's not his fault his art is popular, imho.

>> No.4920130
File: 353 KB, 700x809, 1218061103242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but the use of shitty juvenile "lol kawaii xD" jokes is his fault and his alone.

>> No.4920133
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sure why not.

>> No.4920135
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>> No.4920136


>> No.4920141

>hahahahahaaha!! xD I so cracked when Sanae found Suwako and Kanako sharing the banana xD omg that was so priceless!

>> No.4920145
File: 296 KB, 492x428, 1270952272215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find a link to create.swf. Can someone help me out here please?

>> No.4920147

smelly dumb, hater scum

as if there exist a single vid where 100% of it was epic.

>> No.4920151

>getting the blame for secondaries again

Thanks for helping me out by proofing my point

Seriously, he's not responsible for the people that watch his stuff and we all know what a huge mass of retardation youtube comments and commenters are.

>> No.4920153


>> No.4920154

walfas should be a BYOB mod

>> No.4920155 [DELETED] 

have a pleasent stay at /jp/

>> No.4920156
File: 25 KB, 250x200, skwis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Nameless Celestial"

I think Pooshlmer wants you back, better run home, little boy.

>> No.4920162

>>4920130 here

Thanks for not addressing my point at all and making various spelling errors, further supporting MY point.

>> No.4920163

/jp/ - Xenophobia/General.

>> No.4920167

/jp/ - Murikans hating on Murikans

>> No.4920168

Why not he's already a goon (well one of them).

>> No.4920169

Sup /int/
The two largest economies in the world are are from xenophobic countries, and the third is only slightly less xenophobic

>> No.4920173

I haven't seen any "lol kawaii xD" in any of his flash videos ever. How is this his fault? I'm sure you're still trying to blame him for the people that watch his stuff.

>> No.4920174

that explains why he is so unfunny

>> No.4920180
File: 224 KB, 509x492, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can happen to anyone, i guess
pooshlmer is more /jp/ related than whatever cartoon you just posted.

>> No.4920186

Your point was? I'm saying Pooshlmer and /jp/ are as bad as each other.

>> No.4920195
File: 56 KB, 406x299, yukari_get_down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>random inappropriately placed cat noises
>people randomly being set on fire
>"o.o face"
>jokes even a 12 year old would find childish and awkward

If you're not finding annoying "fangirl" comedy/behavior in his flashes, you're simply blinding yourself to it.

I can't blame Fox News for rednecks, but I can certainly blame them for helping support said culture and being biased faggots, same principle here. He takes Gaia patrons and naruto fans and brings them into our fandom. Iosys does the same to a lesser degree.

>> No.4920196

I dunno; I hate it when Walfas just spouts memes (which is a lot of the time), but I actually quite like his original content (like New Hori-ZUN).

>> No.4920203


>> No.4920209


Pooshlmer doesn't have people crying and bitching about the Janitor as much as /jp/ does, thus Pooshlmer doesn't have a ghost board

>> No.4920218

make a thread that already exists in pooshlmer
thousands of faggots from the secondary empire will fall on you and treat you like you killed their families

>> No.4920234

Touhou fan jokes are about as funny as a funeral so I suppose walfas are about par for the course.

>> No.4920235

>baww my sekrit game is now loved by other people I am butthurt that they're increasing the price of the merch

>> No.4920236

There's no Anontalk other other annoying spam like that last I checked. On the other hand, it's also slower, and "Just Touhou/Rozen Maiden"

>> No.4920252

ITT /jp/ complains about the one successful Doujinshika the western hemisphere has

>> No.4920254

successful != good

>> No.4920257

>showing westerners can create original content that even the japanese like != good

>> No.4920262


Yes the japanese those paragons of taste.

>> No.4920266

>oh this guy said something to prove his point! I will try to be an EPIC TROLL and say something that makes no sense at all to see if i get a reaction out of him! I have aspergers
because it's not popular
if i want i could send a bunch of spambots to advertise my site whatsoever

>> No.4920282

You have a site?

you would call anything touhou shit, eh hater?

>> No.4920292


No I would call shit things that Japanese people may or may not like shit not sure what you're reading.

>> No.4920293

no, but imagine i do

>> No.4920297

rubbing my dick all over this thread

>> No.4920304
File: 188 KB, 750x534, rorschach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>showing westerners can create original content that even the japanese like != good
Oh goodie, another weeaboo who thinks just because Japan likes something, it must be good.


Why don't you go back to Pooshlmer already? You're shitting all over yourself right now.

>> No.4920308

so what is your definition of 'good' than?

than make one.

>> No.4920314


>> No.4920319

Original, clever, witty, thoroughly planned; in the case of doujins, well drawn. In the case of comedy, funny.

Walfas material is absolutely none of the above

"The Japanese like it" comes in at exactly the very fucking bottom of my list of criteria when evaluating a piece of fanon.

>> No.4920322


What kind of question is that? You can't define that outside of context.

>> No.4920326
File: 134 KB, 170x383, spring here.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


funny is matter of POV. different people have different humour. also, walfas is kinda original and witty. i don't know why you say good has to be carefully planned... i do remember touhou being created by a drunk man.

>> No.4920329

in that case, you can't say walfas isn't good. 'just isn't' is not a good explenation.

>> No.4920334

> i do remember touhou being created by a drunk man.
Yeah, and it's terrible.

>> No.4920336

Remember, Walfas is hated by haters who overly hated and overrated themselves.

Therefore /jp must find a victim to shift their embarrassment into something else: other /jp'ers, pooshlmer, and of course, walfas itself.

Don't forget /bunbun next, boys!

>> No.4920338

people who dislike nazis furries and everything bad in the world are haters! they do it because they have to hate something in order to blah blah insecurity something! people aren't allowed to dislike things!
I have aspergers

>> No.4920339

couldn't agree more.

>> No.4920342

Sure is projection around here.

Can't do anything other than ad hominem? I accept your argumentative surrender.

>> No.4920347

Suigin, there's hating out of dislike and hating out of hate

Hating out of hate = hating tripfags, hating furfags
Hating out of dislike = hating Walfas, hating /jp/

>> No.4920349

what are you talking about? your arguments got foiled one by one. just go back to g/a/ia, hater.

if you have no reason to hate something, than you are a hater- you hate it just because you want to hate.

>> No.4920355

I hate walfas because he's an unfunny, untalented, overrated piece of shit
and I'm sure most people who dislike him think the same way too

>> No.4920364

No, you hate him because he's more popular than you.

>> No.4920365


Almost as bad as "good because the japanese like it" but I am not in the business of creating strawmen so disregard that comment.

You're clearly not interested in what I am actually trying to say.

>> No.4920366 [SPOILER] 
File: 875 KB, 866x867, 1258479591225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no reason to hate the unfunny and the untalented. overrated however, is a different matter.

why do you think s/he is overrated? remamber, funny is matter of view.

>> No.4920368

>IOSYS does the same

err no?
IOSYS is universally hated on /jp/ for having PVs to promote their music and using miko as Vocalist.

>> No.4920372
File: 20 KB, 400x450, cirno_browsing_internet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suigin and that namefag from Gaia is fighting again, ehh...

>> No.4920374

no, I'm more interested in what the hell you are thinking.

>> No.4920378

>hated for having PVs

>> No.4920381

It's fact.

And if you don't understand the definition, don't speak it. I know you want to respond/ argue, but yours is pure lol.

>> No.4920383

I don't remember everyone hating Miracle Hinacle.

>> No.4920385

only a light dabate.
sorry cumm, go to /int/ for flamewars.

>> No.4920391

1. Make Music
2. Make PV to promote Music
3. Somebody uploads PV onto YouTube
4. Secondaries comment with xD
5. /jp/ hates

>> No.4920398

I am from pooshlmer and I laugh at you all. If only I can see your angry baboon face bickering to each other.

Oh the lol

>> No.4920399


About Walfa? It's not funny and it's not porn so what is the point of it that is my opinion.

>> No.4920400
File: 447 KB, 320x501, 1269256288686.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's only because it's Hina.

>> No.4920407 [DELETED] 

just because you don't find something unfunny, you can't deduce no one else does.
and about childish- well people say anima is childish.
I hope i made my point clear.

>> No.4920410


>> No.4920412

Thoughtless celestial, just get the shit out of here.
You don't belong in this board!

>> No.4920417


just because you don't find something funny, you can't deduce no one else does.
and about childish- well people say anima is childish.
I hope i made my point clear.

>> No.4920418

You seem to need a tl;dr version:
Secondaries like IOSYS -> /jp/ hates IOSYS

>> No.4920426

False, because
Which is IOSYS if you didn't know.

>> No.4920429


>> No.4920431


But I never did? Is your point that opinions are subjective?

>> No.4920433

An exception to general /jp/ consensus doesn't change consensus into WHOA WE LOVE THEM NOW

>> No.4920451

opinions ARE subjective. you can't hate it just because other people like it.it can't be helped that some people have different taste.

so there are no sconderies on /jp/?

>> No.4920453

If opinions are subjective, then why don't you accept that /jp/'s subjective opinion is that Walfas is a talentless faggot, and be on your way (preferably back where you came, Gaia/Pooshlmer)?

>> No.4920466

There are a lot of secondaries on /jp/ and /jp/ doesn't like the fact that it was founded on secondaries

>> No.4920469

>you can't hate it just because other people like it

I don't want to hear that from someone who tried to support Walfas by saying "well the Japanese like him"

>> No.4920470

You. Out. Back to /a/. Shoo shoo

>> No.4920473

/jp/ doesn't hate anything. SOME PEOPLE WHO USE /jp/ do. But that doesn't mean discussing these topics should be out. Besides, by being overly sensitive about it, it just asks for trolls to come in.

>> No.4920478

I like IOSYS
Some of the stuff they make is shit but the same could be said of all other touhou circles

>> No.4920479

opinions on funny/unfunny is subjective. you can not explain why one thing makes you lough while the other don't. no one loughs if you have to explain jokes.
but hate shouldn't come out of pure emotion. if you dislike something just because, you are a hater. and if you don't know why haters are bad for /jp/, lurk more.
that being said, what is your fixtation with gaia, and why do you think pooshlmer is bad? whatever, just go back to facebook.

>> No.4920480

Where is KoG when you need him?

>> No.4920487

We don't need him. Some /jp/ users need to stop being anal about things they don't like. It's obvious some people like Walfas, and even KS.

>> No.4920488

...i said that? whan?

>> No.4920495

>but hate shouldn't come out of pure emotion. if you dislike something just because, you are a hater.
Hate IS a pure emotion.
And I've already explained to wit's end why I think Walfas is a talentless hack of a writer and a tactless panderer of emoticon faces and "lol kawaii" humor.

>what is your fixtation with gaia, and why do you think pooshlmer is bad
If you actually need to ask these questions here, then I submit that you do not belong, and reckon that /jp/'s majority would agree.

>> No.4920498

>/jp/'s subjective opinion is

Stop speaking for everyone on here, autistic inbred fuckstick.

>> No.4920502 [DELETED] 

bamp for more lol

>> No.4920504

ITT a single sad Anonymous speaks out his RAAAAAAGE over Walfas' popularity.

>> No.4920506

If you're not autistic, you don't belong on /jp/.

>> No.4920507

Oh look, it's the guy who calls everyone he disagrees with "autistic"

You're just as out of touch with this community as this "Thoughtless celestial" from Pooshlmer is.

>> No.4920509

>/jp/ doesn't like the fact that it was founded on secondaries

This is funny, because it's true.

>> No.4920517

I'm not out of touch with this community because I don't have the pretense of speaking for everybody in it, unlike you.

>> No.4920519

/jp was here. Pooshlmer is a loser.

>> No.4920523

Exactly this.

>> No.4920525

Heeeeeeeeeey, same fags

>> No.4920530

When I saw that response I knew this was going to be said the next time I refreshed.

So predictable.

>> No.4920537

hate is emotion, but please remember you have a brain, and not only heart. you are flaming and ruining the fun for other people, and for what?
hate HAS reasons. allways. weather the hate is relevent or irrelevent (I.e is there a reason to hate something or you are just mad in general) it has reason.

seriously now, what people here have with gaia lately? untill recently, i hardly remembered gaia exists. please stop bringing that site up. if you must bring AT or something.
and i havent been to pooshlmer for some time, but last i was it was a slow board with many secondrary stuff like pics and fanfics and more pics and music and more pics. not that different from /jp/ (xpt for the fanfics)

>> No.4920540

courtesy of /jp's quality tyvm

>> No.4920559

we pretty much can agree most of /jp/ hates walfas and IOSYS

>> No.4920564

Holy shit, get out.

>> No.4920565
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1 scruffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4920571


>> No.4920576


>> No.4920580

What I want to know is why they need to stomp all over people who do. This happens in drawing threads, which are often quite fun.

So, if you don't like something that's actually /jp/ related, why can't you just ignore the thread, or hide it?

>> No.4920582

shitposter, go back to drawing secondaryfag comics for deviantart

>> No.4920583

If you mean ronery faggot, then yes!

>> No.4920584
File: 100 KB, 458x940, 1218605689614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap I can barely even read your driveling psychobabble.

Please type concisely, with proper grammar, punctuation, and no fucking text-message abbreviations.

I swear, any minute now you're going to start using emoticons.

>> No.4920587

Why is this thread still here?

>> No.4920591

No really, your posting is fucking awful.

>> No.4920592

Possibly because the PV wasn't made by IOSYS themselves. For a nice example of how bad they can get, take a look at Ketsu Anchor or whatever it's called, for example. Sure there are some PVs made by them who are good, but the awfulness in the bad ones far outweighs them.
The annoyingly "cute" voices and distortion shit also helps a bit in attracting the kind of people we hate, but that's not really a good point.

It's the minority, though.

As for me, I neither like nor dislike Walfas. I stopped caring about them a long time ago, I don't find their (old) creations funny anymore, (just like how I stopped liking the bad part of IOSYS), but I don't really hate them. I do hate the bad part of IOSYS though, but I'm aware that sometimes they pull out good stuff (like that C77 album). And yeah, I know IOSYS is the name of the circle.

>> No.4920601
File: 137 KB, 835x564, 1218110397223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happens in drawing threads, which are often quite fun.
Drawfag here, and I don't appreciate Walfas bullshit either.

I mean hell, just look at this thread
>Walfas Appreciation Thread
>Without him, there'd be no create.swf and less connections between eastern and western Touhou fans.

Drawthreads are about requesting and receiving original content. This thread is just a fucking dick-sucking ego stroke. I do not approve.

>> No.4920605

Except not. Try again later.

>> No.4920608

get out
you must hate them a lot then

>> No.4920609

As if it wasn't fucking obvious the OP is an anti-walfas troll.

>> No.4920613


The reaction.

My guess is that less of /jp/ hates things that it lets on, and even then the reasons for hating things vary a lot. I'm willing to bet some of /jp/ hates Walfas because they actually dislike the presentation (either in terms of art or humor), some don't actually care one way or the other but pretend to hate it because the reactions from those that like it are hilarious, and some kind of enjoy Walfas but wouldn't be caught dead enjoying it in the big scary monster imageboard full of zomg trolls so they pretend to hate it just to blend in.

>> No.4920619

You're projecting so hard it's not even funny.

... Like Walfas.

>> No.4920616
File: 59 KB, 679x516, troll pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh well. whan people result to those kind of methods i know there is nothing left for me to say.

but just in case you ware serious,
homour can't be explained, hate can.
hate is a negative emotion and whan you are displaying it you are annoying.
the only gaiafags are the ones advertising it.
pooshlmer is touhou, and rozen maiden, fan board.(one of them)

tl;dr QED

>> No.4920621

Normally, people will tend to avoid objects that they hate. But you see, I am here.

>> No.4920626

>some don't actually care one way or the other but pretend to hate it because the reactions from those that like it are hilarious
This is me, except reversed: I pretend to like it to see people who hate it go into a blind rage of fury.

>> No.4920638

I'm pretty sure that IOSYS outsource all PVs.

>> No.4920643

you must be new, blind, or stupid if you don't see the majority of /jp/ hating IOSYS and Walfas
be it for whatever reason it is

>> No.4920645

>argument pyramid

How can I refute your central point if it's so poorly thought out and your grammar and spelling are so atrocious that I can't even decipher what the central point is from your posts?

>> No.4920651

Littleshrimp, please go away. You make all western artists look bad.

>> No.4920656

By majority, it is you and one fellow bellow (or maybe you in straw post).


>> No.4920658


Is "projecting" the newest buzzword around here, or is just a substitute for "drawing conclusions anyone that's browsed /jp/ for six months and knows half a lick about psychology could draw"?


Sorry, forgot to include that there as well. Walfas is very much a "trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls" subject.

>> No.4920667

not today suigin, i refuse your challange.
maybe tommarow.

so is yours. your point?

>> No.4920670

>only six months
>thinks psychology is a legitimate discipline

aand filtered.

>> No.4920682

It's only perfect to troll with, because everyone gets into such a tizzy over it being posted. It's also /jp/ material.

>> No.4920683

the only person who likes walfas in the world is you
anyone else is you trying to samefag
i can play the same game of "i'm literally retarded" too

>> No.4920691

And yet you continue to post as Anonymous because you know your shitposts would get filtered the instant you got a name. Thanks for being the cancer killing /jp/.

>> No.4920696


can you explain to me what the hell did you want to write here

anyway, if you can't understand a post unless it got 100% grammer accuracy, please go back to reading childrens books. I'm sorry, but my main experiance in english i got from manga and anima.

>> No.4920698

Worst part of /jp/ showed up for a worst part of touhou fandom thread.

>> No.4920702

Sorry mate, half a dozen people samefagging does not make a majority.

>> No.4920705

But your English makes you look like a moron. And then you also argue poorly, it shows you really MUST be a moron.

>> No.4920708

Awww, keep telling yourself that.

>> No.4920714

Seriously? Well then, one less hate point for them. That doesn't change the fact that Ketsui Anchor is a stupid song.

>> No.4920715

You're doing the same.

>> No.4920711

Thanks for ruining my thread, idiots.

It's called "Walfas Appreciation Thread", not "Let's discuss if there is general consensus on /jp/" or "Let's bitch about Pooshlmer" or anything
If you hate Walfas, go hate him in your "Walfas Hating Thread", mmhkay?

Gonna delete this one in 5 Minutes because YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND A FUCKING THREAD TITLE.

>> No.4920716

He doesn't really do anything interesting anymore.

>> No.4920721

Sup guys, Pooshlmer anon here.

Everyone, please stop with the pointless argument. How about a proposed solution from your buddy: if you appreciate walfas, come and drop by yours. But
if you hate it.. Well, leave it be.

After all, if majority of /jp hate this topic so much, this thread would be drowned in no time, right? I believe you all mature enough to realize it, laugh it, and leave it.


>> No.4920722

You're giving them what they want. Congrats.

>> No.4920731

You made a thread about a controversial topic even if you're fully aware that a good part of the population here hates that topic, AND expected it to not turn into a "why we hate that topic" thread? Seriously?

>> No.4920732


By threadshitting, they can try and stamp out chatter they don't like.

>> No.4920734

Nah, I'll make a new one

>> No.4920739

Oh boy.

>> No.4920740

good to have you here.

'argue poorly' is what you say to a person whan you can't find an actual counter-argument.
no, 'it's so retarded i can't think of anything' isn't an excuse. whether you admit it or not, you got bested by someone you just called 'moron'.
what does that makes you?

>> No.4920742

and I will destroy it too

>> No.4920745

Oh my god...

Why isn't being this stupid illegal?
