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File: 179 KB, 800x600, sengoku_rance_cg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4915658 No.4915658 [Reply] [Original]

Kenshin is a terrible, one-dimensional moeblob.

>> No.4915663

Generic pretentious moeblob

>> No.4915662

Pretty much

>> No.4915672

opinions thread?

>> No.4915670

Perhaps the same could be said of all female Japanese-made characters.

>> No.4915675

Seriously, are you people going to use the term "moeblob" for any character you don't like?

It's almost as bad as "mary sue" faggotry.

>> No.4915687

It's funny because I just read that on a thread on /v/

>> No.4915694

As for the main heroines....



Tsundere TIER: Ran

Moeblob yet still adorable TIER: Kenshin

>> No.4915698


Dontcha know we like the way moeblob sounds. It's a custom cutdown for a trend we pretend to hate or trends we hate that we used to pretend to like. Like right now we like to fuck billy goats. We'll like doing that until someone comes up with a catchphrase that diminishes billy goat fucking with some canned wit.

>> No.4915699

But enough talk. Have at you!

>> No.4915707
File: 59 KB, 186x224, Rance1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, my hyper weapon makes up for any lack of dimensions.

>> No.4915709
File: 57 KB, 800x600, ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She died for your sins, Rance.

>> No.4915714

Generic artsy pretentious moeblob forced drama Keyshit

>> No.4915715

Well Rance was from the town of ICE wasn't he?

>> No.4915716

It's cool, she'll be back by the end of Rance VIII

>> No.4915722

Kou is the only solid heroine.

>> No.4915723
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>> No.4915718
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Rance cares so much about Sill's wellbeing, it's touching.

>> No.4915726

Yeah, well, Rance thinks Sill is a blast.

>> No.4915742

Ran's pretty good when she's not... dead.
And Sill is always a solid choice.

>> No.4915745

how cold

>> No.4915751

Things to do in Rance 8.

1: Go to Kalar's forest
2: Fuck elves
3: Kill demons
4: Unfreeze Sill
5: Have a pint at Leila's house and wait for the whole thing to blow over

>> No.4915753

Rance vets, what should I choose as my bonus for my second game? I only have 5 points to use since I am slow as fuck.

>> No.4915757


>> No.4915774

Demon army lightning attack. Annoying attack or most annoying fucking thing in the game

>> No.4915781



>> No.4915798

Only 5 points? Get Elina. She's by far the best bonus character, and none of the other 5-point bonuses are really worth it unless you have more points to back them up.

>> No.4915806
File: 290 KB, 1754x1240, kenshinwar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A bit too small, but not knowing what that is supposed to be I'd say it looks an awful lot like an H-bomb core...
Although considering we're talking ranceverse, it's likely something way worse.

Anyways, glory to the dark tigress.

>> No.4915824


hmm, let me just look at her st- 8 attack with all guard shikigami? fuckwin

>> No.4915836


Permits or the diviner bonus character are the best 5 point only options.

>> No.4915842


INT is used to deal damage for Diviners and Magi. Still, most units have shit INT to protect against magic anyway that she still does decent damage.

>> No.4915870


No, every character uses atk for damage. Int is only useful for mag def and foot soliders

>> No.4916015

That's a comic relief scene, doesn't count.

>> No.4916018

Her love is very superficial, but she isn't exactly one-dimensional. She cares about the people around her, and wants to protect JAPAN as well. This causes conflicts because of her unconditional love for Rance.

Moeblob, sure, why not. She is one of the few to appear in SD form in the game. That's got to count for something.

(inb4 replying to trolls, Kenshin is actually a character that could use some discussion)

>> No.4916021


I see ur Shawn of the Dead refference.

>> No.4916025

Well, Kenshin doesn't really have MUCH to her.

She just falls in love with Rance. That's it. She just... does. Leila's much better than her by far, and it enraged me that Leila lost the fight against her.

>> No.4916034

Funny, I thought you guys hated Sill?

>> No.4916064

No one's denying that her love is rather arbitrary. But there's more to her than just "girl who is in love with Rance".

>> No.4916145
File: 218 KB, 1280x960, dsc00616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4916261

Nah, we think Sill's pretty cool.

You'd have to have a heart of ice to dislike her.

Seriously, how cold!

>> No.4916270
File: 636 KB, 1350x1350, 9822709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accurate shots, fuck yeah.

>> No.4916275

she was better when she was on that wheelchair

>> No.4916304

That's just how she rolls

>> No.4916310

Kenshin, Urza, Natori, Omachi, Rance, and monk = LOLUMAD

>> No.4916316
File: 88 KB, 800x600, omachiimpossible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... no. I'm happy.
Very happy.

>> No.4916320

remove rance and done...

>> No.4916343

Why the fuck is Rance in that party? Where is your foot soldier?

>> No.4916387
File: 292 KB, 595x841, 9584952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here

>> No.4916401

Good god look at all the /v/ faggots rance brought in


>> No.4916415

Reported for what? Discussion?

>> No.4916429


for being popular

>> No.4916475

Hating things that become mainstream is cool and edgy, didn't you know?

>> No.4916488
File: 37 KB, 300x300, Sengoku_Rance_-_Sen_Hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senhime is my mentally deranged waifu.

>> No.4916510

Senhime likes battle. Alot.

>> No.4916529

Delicious healthy war princess is delicious.

>> No.4916576

Wait, WHAT? I was under that impression that ATK was only used for physical troops; mages and diviners benefit from ATK too? What the hell...

>> No.4916589

I didn't use her so she ran away.

>> No.4916615
File: 992 KB, 1448x1998, senhime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cracking of bones, dislodged flying teeth, the noise of swords biting pink squishy brain matter and blood squirting from ruptured livers. The pained howls of despair from the maimed, salty fluid leaking from crushed eyeballs, exposed hearts beating their last and the blood of the betrayers shall be on her hands.

Just regular healthy interests.

>> No.4916622

Her lap pillow needed an HCG.

>> No.4916646

Well, too bad Isoroku whirlwind'd her to death!

>> No.4916648



>> No.4916669
File: 33 KB, 300x300, chr41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with all the Mori sisters(Teru is my favorite). I think Papa Mori would be the best father in-law.

>> No.4916662

She'll be back.
To kill you.

Don't worry she's a pushover.

>> No.4916674

Took the Mouri family bonus.

Is there any way to have Mouri NOT become a ghost? His ghost form sucks.

>> No.4916684
File: 212 KB, 500x752, koto_isoroku_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isoroku was the best heroine.

>> No.4916688

Don't get affection with him. If you get a beginning of turn scene with him, reload. Don't send him with Rance into battle. Don't use affection items on him.

If you don't get his affection up, I don't think he dies and comes back.

>> No.4916690

Anyone feels like replacing "Rance Chronicles+ BB's Hut" since it went down.

Also, can anyone post a Graph showing all the Story-Important characters of the Rance-Verse and their relations to each other/Dead or Alive/Love or not with Rance?

>> No.4916695

Had a serious moment of panic when clearing her. After you let her lose a certain amount of battles there's a scene where she's about to be molested by mooks. "Come on Rance, show up, show up, show up, shiiit."

>> No.4916704

Rance always shows up in time to same his women.

Except for Leila. And Kou. And Sill.

>> No.4916716
File: 102 KB, 800x600, senhimescrotum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... and she's smart. A big step up from the regular run of the mill death machines.

She just really doesn't care.

>> No.4916754


BB hut is still up for me, just checked the site.

>> No.4916791
File: 146 KB, 1000x758, ranceashigaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically a death machine with a vastly superior guidance system. For comparison, if Hibachi is a V1 then Senhime is a 3rd generation Exocet.
Which on a related scale makes Omachi a Bulava missile.

>> No.4916799

Whoa, sorry about that. It just didn't load from my favourite, wouldn't even get clicked. Sorry.

Updated my Favourites.

>> No.4916828

That's wrong. Intelligence determines the strength of diviner and magic attacks.

>> No.4916858
File: 684 KB, 1000x925, teru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A worthy match for Senhime as the flagship moderately insane foot soldier.

>> No.4916954

Is there a page with info on Sill and Rance there?

Because I can't find a page for either, strangely enough...

>> No.4917421

Christ, Rance-world is way more fucked up than I expected.

>> No.4917476

God is immature, and will destroy shit if world peace happened.
The three gods under him are dicks
The three protagonists of the world are horny, mildly crazy, and the other guy just lost his powers.

Yeah, it's pretty crappy.

>> No.4917512

So why hasn't the rest of the series been translated yet?

>> No.4917524

I have a question, I'm trying to get the six great treasures because I havn't done it before, the wiki doesn't really help, I have to find a flat spider, "Finish the Flat Spider Event, to do so you have to find 蜘蛛弾正 (Gumo Danjo), who is a random archer grunt, and send Inukai for that battle out and destroy the grunts unit. After the battle, Inukai will kill Gumo Danjo and you will get the Flat Spider(Hiragumo). "

Does this mean I have to fight a random archer and have Inukai in the fight?

>> No.4917543

Rance may be horny, and Kentarou may be borderline retarded, but at least those two get shit done.

Arios just does sidequests.

>> No.4917551

Seems like everyone wants to kill or is jealous of Sill. And it also seems like Miki can become the Demon King without ending the world.

>> No.4917577

Kentarou's funny as hell.

YAY! - shortly before killing an entire unit of 1000 people, usually mikos.

>> No.4917606
File: 111 KB, 800x600, moneyranaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>borderline retarded

>> No.4917612

Somebody probably better save all the information in bbhut since it suddenly might disappear all of a sudden due to lack of update.

>> No.4917614

It hasn't been translated because either the graphics suck, or the games haven't been hacked yet.

>> No.4917645

Boy, objects sure like to run away in this universe. Just ask rizna!

>> No.4917696


I wish they'd bring back Little Princess era-Kentarou. Killed a demon by making it drown in its own tears.

>> No.4917707

But LP-era Kentarou sucked on rocks.

>> No.4919181

The wiki explanation is really backwards. You just have to do Inukai's character clear, it's explained much better in-game. Inukai hates this one dude, it turns out he's appeared again, Inukai wants to kill him. So just scout every battle after that and send Inukai if the villain appears.

>> No.4920687

Crap. I only have 1 house left, with 1 province. Oh well.

>> No.4920741
File: 64 KB, 800x600, ALCG0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly anon, nobody hate Sill around here.
Is she too cool for you? The only people that hate Sill are the people with a heart of ice.

>> No.4920763

Not a big crisis, you can just send zero captains if he doesn't appear. That way you don't have to worry about accidentally conquering them.

>> No.4920778

Hey, don't go using up all the puns in one post.

>> No.4920798

oh look a rance thread

>> No.4920987

Sill is cooldere.
