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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 269 KB, 640x480, 876546576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4914365 No.4914365 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread appears to be autosaging.

>> No.4914376


>> No.4914384

Fail OP thread

>> No.4914388


Herp a derpity derp.

>> No.4914398

hey man my router is fucking pro with china

>> No.4914402


>> No.4914432
File: 5 KB, 140x140, avatar2025462_1.gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP appears to be trollan. Or at least I hope so.

>> No.4914481

anyone hosting

>> No.4914485

Your router is, apparently. I think its better that a new SWR thread is created since this one is off to such a fantastic start.

>> No.4914514


>> No.4916474
File: 331 KB, 640x480, suika, loliexpress - 1263444830893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump. Previous thread at (>>4874728).

Current version 1.10.
For more information on the game: http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/

Random spoiler text. Also, we use "bump limit", not "autosage" in /jp/. Get your terminology right.

>> No.4919293


>> No.4919311
File: 35 KB, 416x480, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for info. Touhou Hisoutensoku version 1.10 runs well in Linux (Wine 1.1.42) with the new ATI catalyst alpha drivers version 10.4

>> No.4919855

Bump for daily games.

>> No.4919878

The full English translation is now out too, not sure if that was discussed in the old thread.


>> No.4919901

Any US players up?

>> No.4919918 [DELETED] 

Why is Soku so shitty?

>> No.4920097

It wasn't discussed, or I missed it. Also, is it possible to play with someone who hasn't the english patch?

>> No.4920132

I haven't played with anyone yet since getting it. I don't see why not though, it just changes the text, nothing of the game mechanics.

>> No.4920268
File: 243 KB, 714x553, 1199669029902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get this thread going already.
IaMP -
Touhou 12.3 -
US East

>> No.4920290


>> No.4920320

EC host

>> No.4920352


>> No.4920552
File: 186 KB, 800x800, 1264773912344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun games komachisa! Thank you for hosting.

>> No.4920563

Good games Akagi, you've improved a lot since I last faced you. You poke way too much when you should be defending though, it's a habit you should cut out if you want to get better.

In other news, that was a terrible showing by my Sanae. Hard to believe I used to play the best Sanae around here (sans sadfacesanae).

>> No.4920597


>> No.4920614 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 480x640, 1713537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you definitely showed me how to play her. I'm trying to add her to my poor roster, but she's really hard to get used to.

Also, thank you for the advice, I know that I am far wose at defending than attacking, I'll try to cut the bad habits but that's easier said than done.

>> No.4920623
File: 120 KB, 480x640, 1713537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you definitely showed me how to play her. I'm trying to add her to my poor roster, but she's really hard to get used to.

Also, thank you for the advice, I know that I am far worse at defending than attacking, I'll try to cut out the bad habits but that's easier said than done.

>> No.4920894
File: 373 KB, 928x1000, cf9db79c6b521c3ad35c92067b78ef7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone around for a few matches?

It's been quite a while since I last played, hopefully I haven't forgotten how to play...

>> No.4920978

Sorry for wasting your time, first time playing that game !

>> No.4920997

GGs, don't worry, it's actually good to see some new people around once in a while.


>> No.4921482
File: 101 KB, 800x1089, 1268947519616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Idler! Long time no see, that was fun to play against you after so much time. Hope to see you around more often.

>> No.4921534
File: 515 KB, 800x800, fa5f37ff1cf9d119adb5c2b0fab1f0dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs _Akagi_, it's been a while. Those matches made me remember why I used to play this game every day. I hope I'll have more time to play with you in the future than I've had lately.

A question: Since when were you that good with Aya? My poor Meiling didn't manage to score a single match against you. Looks like you've picked up some other characters too, I had pretty hard time in all of our matches; Youmu vs Marisa battles were the only somewhat easy ones for me, but that might have something to do with Youmu being my main...

>> No.4921795

I'm not that good with her, really, I guess her speed and her headstomps took you by surprise. I'm sure you'd win using Youmu, let's try this the next time we fight.

>> No.4922343

bump for hosts

>> No.4922696
US Midwest

>> No.4922861

Good games 1p. It was refreshing to get beaten up like that.


>> No.4923785


>> No.4923823
File: 106 KB, 1000x1200, Okuusomoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone join? Trains-against-computer-only tier

>> No.4923842
File: 569 KB, 835x1180, 1271535943941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for hosting and for the games, Duckator.

Sorry for sticking with Suika, I completely lost hope with the other characters, today. At some point, I tried to block and see what would happen, but you ended up perfecting me several times, so I stopped and went with my casual gameplay. I had fun despite the beatings, that's what matters, I hope it was the same for you.

>> No.4923957

Good games as always Akagi.
You might want to watch some of your replays when you get the time, it'll make your bad habits a bit more obvious.

>I tried to block and see what would happen, but you ended up perfecting me several times, so I stopped and went with my casual gameplay.
Well, playing defensively is more than just blocking. There's no reason to stay blocking when there's a clear way out of the corner.
>I had fun despite the beatings, that's what matters, I hope it was the same for you.
Of course I had fun. If I wasn't having fun I wouldn't be playing this game in the first place.

>> No.4923964

It's not working.

>> No.4924076
File: 90 KB, 424x572, 1268195238600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, wc, www tier

>> No.4924180

dead thread is dead

>> No.4924587

it always is

>> No.4924709


>> No.4924740

Good games! but im bored of playing for today

>> No.4924745

GGs www

>> No.4924792
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>> No.4924834
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>> No.4924861
File: 160 KB, 1000x1000, giant-tree-touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4924862


>> No.4924887


>> No.4926324

How do I use spellcards? My setup makes it awkward if not impossible for me to B&C.

>> No.4926331

You can assign an extra button for it.

>> No.4926338
File: 170 KB, 682x800, 1270014203224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting on

Location : US Southeast.
Skill level : Spam random buttons tier. Rape me.

>> No.4926446
File: 288 KB, 992x802, Utsuho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello, GGs. Sorry, there were a lot of things that I had to take care of during those games, hence me not doing anything that one time w/ okuu (Thanks for waiting btw) I didn't leave cause I was getting creamed as the reaper toehoe, I accidentally pressed esc and it's time for bed ;_;

I used to be good with Komachi, but i've been playing okuu so much i've forgotten how to play her.

>> No.4926453
File: 193 KB, 600x600, 1271044834988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, was fun!

Enjoyed the beatings.

>> No.4926460

no u

>> No.4926496

hurpdurp tier hostan... us west

>> No.4926606
File: 489 KB, 1000x800, 1269235200293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, my smelly patchy one by a hair.

GGs, i love beatings.

>> No.4926609

a hair indeed... ggs

>> No.4926664 [DELETED] 

Sorry guys, but I went to >>4916474's link so I can try this game out. However, all the moonrunes got me lost. Where can you download this game?

>> No.4927568 [DELETED] 

Bump for daily beatings!

>> No.4928678 [DELETED] 

bump for players

>> No.4929627

bump for players to spend time while /jp/ is unbearable

>> No.4929653

get out, noob

>> No.4931535


>> No.4931800

Return to the front!
US Central

Rabbit bait tier

>> No.4932254

Good games E-MAN! Those had to be the most back and forth matches I've had to date across all characters. I loved the Reisen Komachi matches and mirror swap, as it'd always come down to an inch of life left for the both of us. Have you been practicing or something? I don't remember you BEing that much before.

>> No.4932279

GGs Rabbit

Sorry to quit now, was planning to go for the long haul but almost burnt my food on the stove midway through Alice/Yuyuko. Don't know if I got lazy or my pad's showing signs of giving out, but I dropped A LOT of 6As that play! Still were some incredibly fun and dangerously close matches there. Damn you, you faked me out that first round win of the last match. Usually, I'd have to watch out for your patented D8 j2C, but you dropped it and caught me switching gears. Think I just couldn't focus after that shock. Must learn how your Komachi can nail her flying j2C while mine whiff or too low or late with the delivery. One of the few things my Komachi lacks.

>> No.4932295

how the fuck do you play this confusing ass game?

>> No.4932311
File: 24 KB, 180x225, iverson_practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practice? Practice!? We talking about Practice?

I've have been playing around with Komachi, but only to do her midscreen BnB, which just like Patchi's, I'm still mistiming the 6C 236C. Also, trying to break the habit of using alt236C out of BnB instead of alt236B. Reisen was just my regular crap-tacular psycho-bunny with real-time improvisation.

>> No.4932329

Download English patch and learn.

>> No.4932335


I'm slightly mentally retarded and will never understand all the jargon.

>> No.4932365

D8 j2C? You must mean D8 j2A! I think we could learn a lot from each other's Komachi. I rely almost entirely on j2A crossups and slow wisps to fill up space now, ever since her changes in 1.10. You're much better than I am at capitalizing on combos and using her huge melee range to keep opponents at bay.

>> No.4933804
File: 199 KB, 723x723, d3cd234133d21690ada55309b9b67946a6830d1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hosting on

Location : US Southeast.
Skill level : Spam random buttons tier. Rape me.

>> No.4933855 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 300x288, mudman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what's you guys good or just decent, /jp/?

>> No.4933859
File: 24 KB, 300x288, mudman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, are you guys good or just decent?

>> No.4934027
File: 39 KB, 400x400, shock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally pounded.

>> No.4934038

Oh, it wasn't that bad. Actually, you were doing pretty well, you even won a few rounds. Learning a few combos wouldn't hurt though.

>> No.4934044

Are you still hosting?

>> No.4934050


I just downloaded this last night lol

I'd definitely get my tight asshole handed to me

>> No.4934055

Server going back up in 10 seconds...

>> No.4934157
File: 143 KB, 522x600, 1267491137428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4934163
File: 23 KB, 450x450, 1269149772513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that I only keep to my main. It's quite ironic that it's the same as your tripfag, you have good taste in Touhou characters.

>> No.4934180
File: 913 KB, 1600x1200, P3252339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was freakin out, man.

You're ridiculously good with Marisa.

>> No.4934194
File: 43 KB, 365x434, 1262073863478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh... would join in my internet has been fairly unreliable these last month or so

>> No.4934200

but my...*

>> No.4934215

Also a couple suggestions - Marisa's spellcard combos are extremely easy to remember, so implement them. Almost anything where the opponent is immobile you can throw in a master/final spark. Most notably off her quad-jab and her ass attack. If you don't have 3 cards (but have 2), that yellow star card will also work for an easy combo off them.

The other things I put into my deck are the broom projectile (replaces 214B/C, is a lot safer and cancellable), the wider blue straight beam (much better hitbox), and some shield cards (5% damage reduction per card I believe).

>> No.4934250


>> No.4934251
Central Europe

>> No.4934254 [DELETED] 

ÀbDmkÒE@ Dvcgb Mkw DR H k W kV óq,

ÍMPoRTanT ìnfORmàtIón Aboù+ 4chAn: [Hrì$T0ph3r pO0|3 (@Ka m0Òt àkà th€ àDMìN H€rE) hÀ$ á vERY $er|óÜS MENTàI Ì|INES$. hE s+eA|S O+HeR$' HÀRd wORk, PÚBIìsHes PRíVa+e €-màiL$ (Whì[h H3 Mòd|FíES) AnD BIàT@ñ+Ly IÍ€s +0 Hís ÙS€r$ In ÓrD3R +Ó G3t +HEm ÒN HÌS $IDEo T|ñYo4[háNoorg |$ ÀN í|L€gÁ| <lón3 of WWwoáNÓñ+@LK*[òm, R3mOVe |t ÍmM€D|À+ELy, stòp [òñStàNT|y dDOs|nG ÀnD sPÁmmIñG Ùs AND StÒp fUCKìñg W|+h òÙr D0m@ìñ* to a[[EsS @+ <úRReñ+lY, YÒü Mù$T üS3 á pròxY: H++p;//A+*kÌMMóàos€/

MYAQWQ B Dg hbQ Ü[sÌa cü[bF ZF R kÁ Jàgv +BIDP.

>> No.4934268

I just got into this game. I'm maining Reimu and sometimes I'm playing Aya. Is this bad?

>> No.4934279

Pretty good choice for your first characters.

>> No.4934289

Sorry, I can't do anything with that lag.

>> No.4934295


>> No.4934377

Thanks. I'll stick with these for a while

>> No.4934506

gg blodwig
I learned a lot.

>> No.4934508


>> No.4934568 EU

>> No.4934731

GGs. Fun games.

>> No.4934739

GGs. I was largely outplayed, but still fun games.

>> No.4936287


>> No.4936540

bump for players

>> No.4936834


>> No.4936858

Anyone in America/Canada up for some?

>> No.4936862

I sure am, do you need me to host?

>> No.4936924

Yes, please.

>> No.4936942

Hostan canadia

>> No.4936949

Okay, give me a few minutes

>> No.4937027

You're playing somebody else now...

Anyone else want to play?

>> No.4937269

I'll play if you're still around.

>> No.4937320

Okay, are you hosting?

>> No.4937369

Ah, sorry I didn't know who was waiting for the game.

Good games Kitae! It looks like a typical desync disconnect at the end there, but those were some great matches nonetheless. I think I did better by swapping out the characters I played, as some could deal with that upper screen corner escape better than others. I couldn't react quick enough to beat that Remi of yours.

>> No.4937378

Well, fuck. Still waiting.

>> No.4937561

Can you host?

>> No.4937578 [DELETED] 

Hosting another Canadia server.
Mid level I guess. Except when against actually good players, heh.

>> No.4937584

Hosting another Canadia server.
Mid level I guess. Except when against actually good players, heh.

>> No.4937594


I'm new, so don't worry.

>> No.4937597
US West hostan

>> No.4937691

I'm done, you far outclass me in this game. Ugh.

>> No.4937700
File: 69 KB, 500x732, 1255185679344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you certainly gave it your best, if nothing else.
Just keep practicing, im quite sure you'll get better in no time flat
Good show!

>> No.4937726

Nuclear bird cooking lolis

>> No.4937854
File: 253 KB, 768x1024, 01044a31b4039b874a0b67bc459e1da413c5a304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, its no fun if you stop being serious.
Still, this is quite amusing, i had no idea Okuu could be used like that!
Smashin' good show!

>> No.4937856

eh, ggs, I had fun, have to admit I chuckled a bit at the insta suwaquit, you're good though, had fun.

And now, rehosting.

Nuclear bird cooking rabbit stew

>> No.4937880
File: 21 KB, 248x276, 1260897523001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it, you little stupid bunny...

>> No.4937916
File: 433 KB, 1600x1200, touhou-yuyuko-extra-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't-block-well tier

>> No.4937940

Couldn't connect to you

>> No.4937976

ggs, suwako hop hop hop. aya so sad
apparently my bird cant catch a frog

>> No.4938003

Eh, sorry anon, was quite laggy, I should specify EC next time, thanks for the game, though.

Birds being cooked by nukes

>> No.4938052

such a rough ride for a first timer, serves me right i suppose
ggs and apologies for the lag

>> No.4938120


>> No.4938320
File: 156 KB, 2118x1193, 1251092233438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, wc, www tier

>> No.4938338


>> No.4938523

GGs anon, had fun, god my alt chars are so rusty ;_;

I thought your remi and alice were fuck, so much crossups with remi, I think I was going to go toss my controller tier. other than that, I can't treegraph,

Tl;dr had fun

>> No.4938542
File: 940 KB, 953x715, 10061313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I have to say is whoever I was playing that played the shit out of Okuu - fucking annoying - hahaha.

In all seriousness though, GG's. But now I need to figure out what to do if I play against Okuu players. It seems like nothing worked. She has so much priority and takes off a lot of health.

>> No.4938544
File: 49 B, 1x1, mudmang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the popular characters among /jp/?

>> No.4938584
File: 173 KB, 462x600, 10141524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't speak for others, but I rather like Remilia, Sakuya, Marisa, Reimu, Youmu, Patchouli, Alice and Suika. But out of all of them, I'd have to say I'm best with Remilia. I have my days with the others and it largely depends on who I'm playing against.

Like recently, I've played two very good Okuu players and I couldn't do shit against them no matter what I tried.

>> No.4938769

I only play Utsuho. I try to get good with one character before learning new ones, and I'm not good enough with her yet for my standards.

I've messed around a bit with the others characters and none of them really appeal to me anyways.

>> No.4938794

Shitty okuu player here, I say learn other characters, they helped me a lot during my "still learning how to soku/okuu" phase, my movement basically became a lot better with okuu when I did.

>> No.4938821

Well, I also like the fact that she's so different from the characters I play in other fighting games.

>> No.4938907
File: 222 KB, 1158x1227, 1230529752481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Okuu because as soon as I hitconfirm 5a I can headbutt the keyboard and do about 3k damage. Also she has Gradius options, clearly the best touhou.

>> No.4939156

needs more hosts

>> No.4939182
US Midwest

>> No.4939437
Hosting another Canadia server.
Mid level I guess. Except when against actually good players, heh.

>> No.4939491
File: 170 KB, 450x600, 8071588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is anyone up? EC

>> No.4939819
File: 1.88 MB, 2000x2200, 1271460445044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great show! Have to cut it short unfortunatly, I get tired quite easilly in that kind of intensity.
This is certainly quite a change of pace from the mediocre Sakuyas im used to face.

>> No.4939884
File: 214 KB, 600x800, 1266773174375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Dustbunny thanks for the games I had fun playing with you and I also like your Reisen

rehosting EC

>> No.4939890

ffs Sylian, I'm in /jp/ to evade your faggotry, go away.

>> No.4939926

I love you too my wife

>> No.4939947

im bored someone host that isn't from IRC due to me being butthurt.

>> No.4940150
File: 316 KB, 700x900, Mudman-hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what other fighting games do you play/plan to play along the Touhou fightans?

>> No.4940155

GGs. Nice to find another person who sticks to their main.

>> No.4940190
File: 21 KB, 410x307, 1267950939893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ggs, seemed pretty even. We both knew regular spacing, spellcard combos, and the start of some good pressure setups. Intense. And definitely keeping to your main is a GREAT way to learn. Did the same with all the other fighting games I've been in.

>> No.4940199

For sure, plan on getting MvC3 when it drops. Planning on getting SSF4, but damned if I'll be playing it on an 360 controller.

>> No.4940251 [DELETED]
US Central

Something tier

>> No.4940263

Guilty Gear and Tekken are my favorites.

I've played Melty Blood, Soul Calibur, most Street Fighters, Arcana Heart, and Fate/Unlimited Codes.

>> No.4940293

GG, Blazblue, SF4, Smash Bros

>> No.4940377

I'm sorry but I have to go but GGs www I had fun playing with you

>> No.4940395

I was about to actually try!

>> No.4940487
File: 238 KB, 600x500, Meiling laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He still plays soku!

>> No.4940610

Go E-MAN Go!

>> No.4940947

Good games, E-MAN. My execution is horrible now, and we had shitty luck with weather.

>> No.4940992
File: 348 KB, 950x1000, 1263957797886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Guy

Nice play all around! Attempted to break that airtech habit, but failed miserably (airtech to j2A as Komachi? Really, E-MAN? Really!?) I'm surprised you went back and picked up Cirno, and I couldn't really do jack squat against her. But I learned the reason I can barely beat you: you have an anti-aggressive style of play. I had better success that set standing idle, doing nothing, letting you come to me than I did rushing you down. I'll keep that in mind the next time, bro. Thanks for the matches.

Looks like I have a fan or somebody really dislikes Guy.

>> No.4941010

Yeah I'm a fan of your Komachi. Was just watching you guys play.

>> No.4941025

Good games. Your Reimu and Yuyuko are pretty scary when they have those reversal spellcards out. I'm almost afraid to leave the corner when I know you're trying to hit me with one of them.

>> No.4941052

Thanks, i'm glad you learned to bait them out though!
Had some pretty lol matches in the middle of that set, LANDING ON MINES

>> No.4941088

Someone hosting at the moment? I can't host right now.

>> No.4941090

Hopefully, I'll be around tomorrow and we can get another round in. Better believe I'm going to do some studying on my Komachismo tonight!

>> No.4941124
US West, only up for a bit though

>> No.4941534
Hosting another Canadia server.
Mid level I guess. Except when against actually good players, heh.

>> No.4941582
File: 114 KB, 500x374, catfish&#44; meirin - 1263332404732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US East
IaMP -
12.3 -
Beginner+ skill level.

>> No.4941633
File: 293 KB, 878x1102, 1268745192054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, canada west, dont know tier

>> No.4941654

Good games profile1p. Sorry about the skill gap, but I hope you were able to learn something from those games.

>> No.4941660

Nope, that wasn't even close to a beginner room. What the fuck man?

>> No.4941666

Keep getting my game joined then leaves. lol

>> No.4941686

Sorry bro. I used to play here a lot more frequently, and I always advertised myself as "above beginner skill level" since some of the guys who call themselves "mid/intermediate level" (see >>4941534) were better than me.

>> No.4941720

Anybody on the West Coast willing to host?

>> No.4941778

clss, you're da bauss. You kicked my ass so many times, other times they were pretty awesome battles. You have a tremendous Remilia, keep at it.
I am rusty as fuck, haven't played in 3 months or more. Still, great matches on your behalf.

>> No.4941781

GGs, Iku lightning is so fast
and that damn sc that ends up doing 4k

>> No.4941782

That was me ;_; fuck I'm bad at this.

>> No.4941788

Yeah. You have killer accuracy with Remi. I'm amazed, you're pretty much the best Remilia I've gone against.

>> No.4941793

Good games person


>> No.4941807

Rehosting, lower levels I guess.

>> No.4941991


>> No.4942055

GGs, WWW. Your Marisa was very pain inducing, and at the start I was trying to take it easy, maybe not rush like I usually do. I don't think that worked very well.

>> No.4942075

After i lost with Meiling, i started not taking it easy. Hah

>> No.4942095


Haha, no fair! You leave after I was going to try and pull even! Ah, whatever I practice against computers mostly and had some fun spellcard mishaps (facing the wrong way :< ). I need to use skill cards more.

>> No.4942121


GGs, had fun, btw!

>> No.4942159


Hosting on

Location : US Southeast.
Skill level : Total idiot who knows no combos and likes to spam buttons randomly.

>> No.4942163

ggs, was really getting less confident after getting combo'd and blockstringed to death by those other two hosters. Goddamn, I've got a way to go. At least I can still do stuff against some players...

I left because I promised somebody else that I'd play them, btw.

>> No.4942267

doesnt seem to work

>> No.4942278
File: 25 KB, 390x300, 1216501727888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed this thread again, oh well.

>> No.4942581
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GGs, butt punt spam ftw!

>> No.4942591
File: 43 KB, 517x604, Yuyuko2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I sure did a lot of button mashing of my own. I really only play Okuu, but i used to be good with Komachi. The rest... kinda iffy. But I think i'm liking Yuyuko a lot because she plays a bit like Utsuho (slow and hueg). Had some stuff going on in the second round of Mei Ling and beginning of that one round w/ Yuyuko, if you wondered what i was doing. Anyways, GGs I need practice and evade Marisa's datass move.

>> No.4943424
File: 564 KB, 988x768, 2d2a3f5350d2a132f994f877ddd9015d41022b28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its way too early for this
Sleepy rabbit Tier

>> No.4943550


>> No.4943572

Highly doubt there is any Australian players here, but if so, any hosting?

>> No.4943626


>> No.4943795
File: 413 KB, 1600x1200, yuyuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Hamachi (if you'd prefer):
SwordsDOrock (no password)

I get pretty nervous playing someone for the first time, so a couple matches in it'll probably get better. Never played anyone online, just my friends here. Just as a warning.

>> No.4943966

bump for host

>> No.4943985
EU hostan
what is touhou? -tier

>> No.4944003
Hosting from Norway.
"I don't really know what I'm doing" tier

>> No.4944303

Thanks for the game, whatamiplaying.jpg
I'll host some more later, eatan time.

>> No.4944312

yeah thanks, ggs and lets play again sometime
...poor cirno ;_;

>> No.4944804

Rehosting 12.3.

>> No.4944888

And stopped hosting now because I didn't have much time to play anyway. Be back much later.

>> No.4945576

Anyone hosting anytime soon? I'm up for some games.

>> No.4945624

hey i found the attack button -tier

>> No.4945976

Morning Bump

>> No.4946187

well at least i won once, ggs
gonna go play with a friend who just installed the game

>> No.4946188

nah you are not SO bad gg

>> No.4947481

Hosting: EC

>> No.4947491
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>> No.4948285


Now I'm off to play The Passing

>> No.4948592

bumping to fight against boredom

>> No.4948621
Hostan Canadia

>> No.4948769
File: 235 KB, 550x550, 66bc39451387494904437016db83e1438fdc06aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck am I doing?! tier.

>> No.4949009

requesting west host. it's 7pm tier.

>> No.4949026

just wondering is it /jp/ rule to wait it out of a typhoon? or is it just honoring the no free hits code?

>> No.4949036

It's not a rule at all, as far as I know. This is the first time I've seen players wait it out. But when I'm playing people don't usually wait it out, neither do I.

>> No.4949048

No rule. People want to do what's safest I believe. If they're low on health, they'll definitely do that. A lot of people will try to avoid getting hit while calm is on them for obvious reasons too.

Although, if you get close to somebody during typhoon, usually it's a free super for either party. So depending on how many cards you have, that might be a very, very good thing for you.

>> No.4949051

i guess if both people stop that's a mutual understanding, but well the weather usage is kinda also the gameplay, but i gues typhoon is really cheap.

>> No.4949089

Request Canadian hoster.

>> No.4949120

For me, it's an honor thing. Especially if the match is in the 3rd round and close.

>> No.4949134

Typhoon is fun when both players are full health and try to trick the other jumping around and throwing bullets. It's less fun when one player is at 10% and the other 40%.

>> No.4949198
File: 811 KB, 987x814, 680e13b90ea0dcc8ddb08c5184fd55ead8dac903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs E-man. You have to be one of the first to not attack on Typhoon weather. I have seen you around the threads and I am honestly dumbfounded how I kept up to you at times. Also I haven't played in the past few days. Anyway, fun times man.

>> No.4949208

GGs 51

I'm impressed. You've gotten better in the airtech punishment department, and I've noticed you've been working you your BnBs. Well, with Suika at least... Keep it up, bro.

>> No.4949230

US West.

>> No.4949274
Canadia East
low-mid level

>> No.4949304
File: 18 KB, 471x264, 1268617565770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, canada west, dont know tier

>> No.4949400
File: 202 KB, 386x454, 1256019019783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I had to make it short, I only meant to spectate at first.

Ugh...all my practice with Meiling made me shit with everyone else.
Oh well.

>> No.4949401



>> No.4949414


I was just busy eating for most of the games.

>> No.4949421
File: 621 KB, 1447x1547, 1270770355252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, well now I feel even worse.

I am lower than lower than shit tier it seems.

>> No.4949428

i mad marisa not the strongest strings but i lost most of the time. I hate strings and BnBs.

>> No.4949440

Saw this thread way too late. No way I'm going through the 219 posts. Anyways, many thanks to the anon that posted the wiki link. I didn't even know this came out! Can't wait to start playing and hopefully battle some anons later on!

>> No.4949457

Can somebody decipher this post for me?

>> No.4949471
File: 19 KB, 450x450, 1269153028097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just mad you got hit by the Marisa Badonkadonk Bump > Final Spark combo a few times.

>> No.4949479

Whew...I'm still pretty new at this but that was pretty fun! I had quite a rush despite being whooped. Ah well, I did pretty good in the final round at least.

>> No.4949488
File: 65 KB, 658x707, T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, where have you been the last two years?

>> No.4949516

Not browsing /jp/ and the IaMP/Soku netplay threads, it seems.

>> No.4949652

GGs Ryas

THAT, my friend, took a hell of a lot of adaption, and I STILL got fucking rocked by that tree! All in all that was an awesome frigging frog beasting you handed out there! Try to change up that corner combo every now and then. I see you actually have a variety of cornerstrings to use, but you always started off with THAT one. A better player would easily find a way to escape that and/or punish you for it. Thanks for the match.

>> No.4949666
File: 37 KB, 622x476, 1265608404842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I've never played this game seriously before.

Any chance of me finding someone else who has equal (read: very little) skill in this game, or are all the people who still play it the sort of masochist that remembers every combo flawlessly and can perform them at a moment's notice?

I wanna know if there's even really a chance I'll win once in awhile if I play someone like Hong Meiling for instance (taking into account she's not the best character).

>> No.4949679


Ahahaha, I was pretty hard pressed to keep up with you as well. I still can't break the habit of trying to jump while in the middle of blocking, and that screwed me over really bad at a few points. GGs, E-MAN.

>> No.4949692

>I wanna know if there's even really a chance I'll win once in awhile if I play someone like Hong Meiling

Spectate Guy's matches as her. You'll quickly retract that statement.

>> No.4949788



>> No.4949967

Any free games? Can't start a game since my connection is beyond slow when it comes to hosting.

>> No.4949995

I should be working on other things, but rehosting 12.3 anyway.

>> No.4949998
Canadia East
low-mid level

>> No.4950130

She's not easy to play, but there are some good players with her.
But it would take a labor of love on your part to get quite good at her.

>> No.4950354
File: 22 KB, 800x600, SokuStats5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the latest chart. It's a bit early, but I'll be very busy tomorrow so I got it out of the way.
Unthinkable how Komachi has fallen.

>> No.4950406


Imma try that out! Last time I did it was rather sluggish, with missing animations and stuff.

>> No.4950437
File: 172 KB, 960x600, 10039554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeeeeaaaah, had enough of that. Thanks for the games though.

>> No.4950442

Good games Crimson Noble. Can't remember if we've played before. Watch those wakeup pokes--certainly I mistimed a few times, but on the whole you'll take more than you dish. Sorry about the typhoon win, that stupid weather changed at the moment of the meaty.

>> No.4950466

By now I have convinced myself this charts are bullshit, characters keep having this lolwow tier changes up and down all the time, even on the same versions of the game.
Other than that, wow remi.

>> No.4950470

GGs lol

Sorry if I was a bit rough on you. Even more sorry to say I held back as much as I could. Thing is, you have a handle on how Marisa works, and I'm friggin amazed at that corner combo you have. You're only downfall is you airtech entirely too much. I think I juggled you about 5-6 times that Komachi/Marisa match, and solely won with Patchi because I knew you would do it. Shit like that just SHOULDN'T happen, bro. Try to break that habit, and when you do you can drop that "low-" part of your tier statement.

>> No.4950477

Sorry but I have no idea what the hell you are talking about with wake up pokes and stuff. As much as I should learn the jargon, it still doesn't make any damn sense to me.

Anyways, thanks for the advice but you're way above my skill level. You performed air combo's practically every time you caught me in a spin. You blocked, like, everything I dished out just about unless I got lucky. And your moves usually came out hitting me, meaning a familiarity with your priority and reach.

>> No.4950520
File: 686 KB, 1001x1418, 1264400880440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Komchi lost a bit of priority in v1.10, and this is after they had already slowed her down coming into UNL. I'm surprised Reimu is so low. I would protest this, but...

>No longer shit tier

...I'm a happy E-MAN!

>> No.4950555

Wakeup poke - doing 5A (or 2A) when your character got up after getting knocked down. There's a (very slight) delay between when your character gets up and when they can start doing stuff, so theoretically if I time a melee attack correctly (known as a "meaty") you have to block it or else you'll get hit.

Yeah, watch those two habits - airteching at the earliest moment toward the opponent and wakeup pokes. If you cut those down you'll give away a lot less free damage. Other stuff you just learn from playing more--how to rushdown and cut off people's escape routes, especially from corner blockstrings.

>> No.4950567

They're not tiers nor have they ever been advertised as tiers. They're average ladder ratings. While tiers are somewhat hinted at you'd need to include much more information, like match-up tables to begin to approach tiers.

>> No.4950586

Any hosters? fdsfs

>> No.4950619

bump. Still trying to find open games.

>> No.4950638
US Central

I should be playing The Passing instead tier

>> No.4950639

A better way to say would be that you can start your attack before your knocked down opponent can, so it always hits first.

>> No.4950646

EC, I'm a scrub.

>> No.4950676




>> No.4950781


>> No.4950794

Argh, took a shitter now I can't get into any games. Requesting more games please.

>> No.4950854

So anyone up for some games?

>> No.4950896

That's a BlazBlue habit, mostly. In that game if you don't airtech, most of the time you can be juggled a lot longer for free. There's not as many aerial tech traps in that game except for around one or two characters. But then again in that game you can hit people while they're on the ground, and punish them more for rolling. So it evens out a little I guess.

It's good I have the fundamentals down, I think I just need a bit more experience to keep certain habits in certain games. Thanks, and good games.

>> No.4950899

Since there's such a big demand (prolly none from my location, but still), I'll try hosting. I say "try" since this is my laptop, on the wireless, so you get the picture. This is freshly set up with the router, firewall, etc. to allow connections to be made via this game. No promises it'll work.

>> No.4950971


GG E-Man

>> No.4950980

GGs Harl

I got outspaced like a son of a gun! Should change your name to "Untouchable" after that match. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.4950996

You block too much with your face, though; and you shouldn't be afraid of grazing all the way past Yukari's j.5C.

- friendly spectator

>> No.4951050

Up for some more games?

>> No.4951070

>You block too much with your face

Sup, Tree. Welcome back.

Sure. Hosting!

>> No.4951078 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4951104

It sounds a lot more like Guy, in my opinion.

I hated how he always grazed through everything, ran straight up to my face, then started pummeling.

>> No.4951112

If it indeed was so well, but alas - Tree is gone.

>> No.4951118

It's like the ground is danmaku and they're all grazing that shit

>> No.4951119

Wow threads still alive. Posting from phone btw. Yah I hardly ever come on /jp/. A friend of mine gave me his touhou disc with everything including SWR. What I should have said was that I didn't know an expansion came out. I've played swr a couple times before and probably fall in a really low teer but I've never played online with anons. If I have some time tomorrow and if there is another thread ill try and join in. Hong Meiling is good to see in the new expansion but I suck at melee anyways. ;~;
I also didn't know where to download it before the wiki (most stuff I needed was on my friends disc)

>> No.4951151
File: 304 KB, 1000x750, 8181656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

East Coast

Don't curb stomp me tier.

>> No.4951256 [DELETED] 


>> No.4951269

Rofl, god damn to the wire. Those were some of the most fun mirrors I've had. Great games E-MAN! I'd love to play more but Starcraft 2 beta awaits. I think as those games went on our Komachis developed pretty nicely. I see you're getting the hang of her j.2A now and your coin use still gets me every time.

>> No.4951290


>> No.4951302

GG Rabbit

Now that was an entertaining training session. Think I picked up some pretty interesting things during that set. Think I only nailed that midscreen BnB once with each 236 cards, but I'm sad I didn't get any of my alt214 combos. Also, still can't wrap my head around how I can hit the ground before you, yet your able to get a c5A off faster than I can! And that damn j2A game of yours... Just like your Youmu corner trap, I don't think I can ever emulate it to perfection. I expected you to work those 2A and at least a few 6[A]s when you had me in the corner, but maybe that's for another time. Thanks for the match!

>> No.4951304
File: 138 KB, 461x373, implyin12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hosting on

Location : US Southeast.
Skill level : Please be gentle. I'm a virgin, after all.

>> No.4951343


>> No.4951356
File: 199 KB, 600x600, 1257441390104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, canada west, total loser tier

>> No.4951376

Aw man, I raelly wanna play, but Fringe is on.

>> No.4951382

Rehosting 12.3 again.

>> No.4951428

Good game iPad. You're the first person I've encountered moderate lag against since I stopped using wireless so I guess you're either really far away or have a poor connecction.

Not much to say since one game doesn't show much, but Sakuya mirrors are awkward.

>> No.4951438

Can you host again? I accidentally the whole game.

>> No.4951443

Alright, rehosting.

>> No.4951449

Haha, actually I don't go for naked guard crushes on Komachi because she's rarely able to capitalize, at least with the copied Magister deck I use. I should probably swap out half the deck for other cards that I utilize better. I think I'm more of a bullet type Komachi, and I do an unusual 623B into teleport for my corner game instead.

>> No.4951458 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 850x653, sample-0e557a8a308fbc738b3c7acd597d691d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got raped.

>> No.4951463

... but why 5A5A5A5A5A?

I don't get it.

>> No.4951466

got bored.

>> No.4951480

Sure is ADD in here

>> No.4951488

I would like to rape Marisa as well. Too bad it will have to wait.

>> No.4951506


>> No.4951578

Canadia East
low-mid level

>> No.4951702

Good games!

>> No.4951714

>Ask for low-mid tier
>www has joined the room

Heh, good games I guess. Cannot do a single thing.

>> No.4951722

I can't air-A or 623B with a joystick ;_; GGs btw, 3:51 AM here.

>> No.4951726

Good games iPad. You move well, and I rarely see Sakuya players use 3A much, let alone as well as you. Stronger blockstrings, and the result might be even.

>> No.4951741


>> No.4951749


I play with keyboard, keyboard is low tier

>> No.4951750



>> No.4951798
File: 494 KB, 760x577, 7132878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking hands hurt, you bastard. Haha, but seriously, thanks for the games and practice.

>> No.4952026
File: 405 KB, 667x789, Marisa_047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is playtime over?

>> No.4952101
File: 144 KB, 545x648, d1a4d3aaade65ad9ccfcfecec57bce07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah, you always seem to miss these threads. Anyways, I think my thumb has recuperated enough to play again. So, here:
East Coast BTW

>> No.4952217

Disconnected, but terrible games regardless. I'd rather just wait. EC

>> No.4952222

Yeah, I'm not sure what is up with the lag. Anyways, this thread needs a new thread, so going to make one.

>> No.4952261
Canadia East
low-mid level

>> No.4952282


ok, i'll spare us the lag and myself from getting beat up again. I don't normally play against Suwako, and I just started practicing with Yuyuko so I forgot how to play Okuu well. Ah well, I was actually intending to just spectate you and Crimson Noble go at it in the first place.

>> No.4952312

I seem to recall having the same trouble with this player once before too. Oh well. Anyways, the new thread is here >>4952235 now.

>> No.4952579
File: 213 KB, 512x384, utsuhospin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


GGs lolwat! i think I managed to pull even that time... I'm just starting w/ Yuyuko... need more practice w/ her. I didn't know rocket dive beat the butt bump, nice to know!

>> No.4954132

any us?
