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File: 83 KB, 800x600, finalboss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4907254 No.4907254 [Reply] [Original]

So wait, I just beat Isoroku's route, and it had a segment 10 years into the future with her kid helping Rance and the nations of the world fight the demon army.

For their to be a demon army that the world has to unite against, wouldn't they need a king?

In which case.....

>> No.4907277

It is Rance's destiny to fuck the demon king.

>> No.4907285

will kentarou ever get to have sex with miki?

>> No.4907286

you just described kichikou

>> No.4907289

But Rance, you are the Demon King.

>> No.4907297
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I was finally able to defend the takeda blitz but now those hojo niggers declared war on me. should I wait for them to hire the generals or just take over them normally?

>> No.4907304

When are they going to itroduce a Hero strong enough to Stop/cockblock Rance?

>> No.4907308

Shouldn't Miki be able to be harmed like normal due to being in proximity of Nikkou most of the time? Sort of throws a wrench in all that "oh yeah she's actually invincible because demon king" stuff they were talking.

>> No.4907311

Take over Houjou normally. If you have Takeda join up with them, they'll be tougher to conquer.

I have no idea what the Takeda blitz is, is that when Takeda attacks 4 times in a row?

Cause that's not too big of an issue.

>> No.4907314

Never, Rance has the unique ability to say "fuck the rules" and pull out plothax.

>> No.4907329

Well, you see, there's a bit of a difference between Xavier and Miki in terms of powerlevels.

With Xavier Nikkou and Chaos work as an anti demon field to a degree, true(you still need to kill Xavier with one of the swords), Miki is just on a whole other level. If Miki was stabbed by Nikkou or Chaos, fine, but anything else she's invulnerable to.

>> No.4907333
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Needs more references to RL Shingen's interest in foxes.

>> No.4907341

Rance and Sill seemingly have no level cap.

I can understand Rance(Being the protagonist and all), but why Sill?

>> No.4907351

Rance's penis is magical. It's not just a weapon, it's a HYPER weapon.

>> No.4907353

Getting fucked by Rance increases your level cap somehow.

>> No.4907359

Women Rance has sex with have their level limit raised. Naturally Sill would have a huge level cap at this point due to frequency of intercourse.

>> No.4907362

Level cap related to the looseness of vagina as a result of Rance.

>> No.4907376

no I mean to get the takeda house bonus. should I try to wait for hojo to hire them or am I better off trying to get them from another house?

>> No.4907377

OP here, speaking of Sill, I kinda felt bad for her in Isoroku's route.

Better than being frozen, I suppose. I heard things go well for her in Ran's route...

>> No.4907395


With 2 houses left it took me about 50-60 turns to recruit all of the Takeda generals. I would just keep conquering and moving about with my game till you get down to a couple remaining houses. However, turn off the ignore enemy house behaviors setting or whatever so you can see who is getting hired in between turns, you might get lucky.

>> No.4907398

More like the whale god doesn't want him to die or at the very least be left incapacitated, so he's always "lucky" and avoids danger.
Rember Isoroku's arrow ?

>> No.4907400

That was a FUCK YEAH ending.

Funny how Rance's son was a moralfag, though...

>> No.4907412

should I stop using my battle permits so I can kill more commanders?

>> No.4907414

Rance is Lina.

Whale God is the lord of nightmares.

You know this to be true.

>> No.4907422

Rance doesn't shoot nukes and destroys entire areas.
The Whale God isn't an almight god of creation but only a bored creature with godlike powers.
I fail to see the link.

>> No.4907449

You sure?

I thought all souls belong the Whale God, much like LON, and that the Whale God created Demons, Humans, and Anti Demon forces for his own amusement.

Much like LON.

And Rance, like Lina, would indeed and has destroyed entire towns. Thankfully, most of the time he's held back by his sidekick.

Much like Lina is.

>> No.4907457

More like Whale is Azathoth, Planner is Nyarlathotep and Rance is Dr. Dexter.

>> No.4907460

Always with the Lovecraft references....
You silly fa/tg/uy...

>> No.4907461

What is the whale called again? Ludo Rathowmn or something?

>> No.4907465

Ran's route isn't as cool as the true route though...

>> No.4907496

Kanami has had tons of sex with Rance, and yet, her vagina is not loose!

>> No.4907499

ルドラサウム (rudo rasaumu)

Could never really get what it translates into. It's like Kayblis, not even sure if that's how you spell it in English.

>> No.4907500

If you can defend against the Takeda blitz everything else in the game will just seem like a joke to you.

>> No.4907508

If you don't have the Hyper Weapon, it will be loose. ;_;

>> No.4907520



So he's a flying white whale, 2.6 kilometers long, made from compressed souls, has a total of 76 wings, and a name nobody can pronounce.
Azatoth would be scared out of his mind if he wasn't mindless by default.

>> No.4907536
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Speaking of otherworldly ranceverse creatures, what sort of sound effect is "pikoko"?

Does she finish her sentences with a NASA radio beep?

>> No.4907540

Rance also says it once so it must be her saying it after each sentence.

>> No.4907550


If you have enough troops to attack several times and then defend several times then sure. If not I say keep the permits to cover ground and just defend against every attack.

>> No.4907556

Yes. In the original Japanese, she always has pikoko at the end of her sentences to simulate the sound you make when you talk via a spacesuit comms system apparently.

>> No.4907563

i made a saying for you to say after every sentence: "i am a big jerk"

>> No.4907569

And if I don't?

>> No.4907579

i didn't say you had to use it, nack-san.

>> No.4907580


>> No.4907586

I won't... scum

Oh, okay. I appreciate the effort.

>> No.4907587

don't just brush me off you big stupid jerk! god, this is why i hate you

>> No.4907592

u tsun?

>> No.4907622
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In Kichikuoh, the one who unites the Demons would be Kayblis.

BUT before that happens, Rance will save Hornet, La Hauzel and Silky first and take their virginities as payment. Fucking make it happen, Satella!

>> No.4907629

Well, did Kichikuoh have Kentarou as a demon?

I've seen the Demon King ending, don't Rance and Satella just kinda sorta walk up to Miki, chat with her, and then kill her?

>> No.4907641

Kentarou being a Dark Lord is a Sengoku twist.

>> No.4907671

Speaking of Little Princess, was it just a side effect from not being fully awoken, or Miki still regards Kentarou even in her evil Maou form ?
That would bring some interesting results when she awakens, and she will eventually, I don't think Planner will stay silent anymore considering he came up with the system in the first place.
I also wonder what will Nikkou do when that time comes.

>> No.4907677

My point being, Kichikuoh might not be how the series ends. With Kentarou as a dark lord now, and with Sill frozen due to Miki's spell, it's rather likely that Rance will get into a conflict with Demon King Little Princess.

>> No.4907692

I think she does because she loves Kentarou. Nikkou, on the other hand, would leave Kentarou if Miki ever became the Demon King, as the Demon King route showed.

Look at Rance and Satella when Rance became the Demon King, they became a couple afterwards.

>> No.4907696

Little Princess is Miki, Miki is Little Princess.

The difference being that LP Miki has the urge to kill everyone and engaged in blood feasts.

She still likes Kentarou, though.

>> No.4907703

It's a good thing she's so well-behaved for a girl her age. Imagine any other modern teenager being given real ultimate power and the implicit task to cause misery.

>> No.4907708

Even then, without the lemons and Kentarou's blood everyone is going to die.

>> No.4907717

Rance doesn't blame Miki for Sill being frozen. He blames Kentarou for being late and an idiot. Rance rarely blames women for his problems, and when he does, he normally just fucks them outright for it.

Which is the cool part of Rance and his being a great hero and his parting words to Miki and Kentarou before the final scene in True History: "・・・なんとか・・・なる・・・。なるに決まっているだろ。"

The translation didn't give it as much oomph as I expected it to have compared to the original. ;_;

>> No.4907726

Speaking of blood, is it a good thing for her to drink Kentarou's now that he's a demon ?

>> No.4907731

No idea. They might need to go to a blood bank.

>> No.4907738

Oh, no, I didn't mean to say Rance harbored a grudge. I meant to say that it could very well be possible that there is only one way to melt that ice.

>> No.4907743

For those of us who can't read Japanese, what does that say?

>> No.4907750

That's probably going to require either Miki's death or someone more powerful than her.
... Planner ?
Oh God I hope Rance doesn't ask him, hilarity will ensure but I feel sorry for both him and Sill.

>> No.4907762





>> No.4907767

Speaking of people struck in large chunks of solids, when is British getting out of that rock already

>> No.4907769


what is the english line? That is horrible to translate, I wouldn't even know what to do with that line.

>> No.4907771

tanageshima ending sucks hard.... ok time to let ashikaga super god conquer all japan

>> No.4907774

"It'll all work out. It has to work out." But with a manlier feel in the end.

The translation just pasted "...something should be possible." which is less emotional than in the original. Basically, a lot of the emotional scenes in the original language also got shafted hard in the translation, which is probably why a lot of people wouldn't like Rance's character if they tried to look for something deeper in him personality-wise.

>> No.4907778
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>> No.4907781

I dunno, something like
...somehow... I'll manage. There MUST be something.

>> No.4907784

Well, Rance just seemed cold in those Sill scenes.

>> No.4907790
File: 9 KB, 257x257, 19029859089305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOHOHO you fucking bastard.

>> No.4907801

Nantokanaru is one of those expressions that seems simple, but it never sounds right no matter how you translate it.

>> No.4907826

Yeah, but I think my translation got the gist of what Rance meant more than just "something should be possible". Which is again the only quirk I have against the translation (making a lot of the scenes less emotionally impacting) apart from them not using -dono when they used all the other honorifics.

Isoroku always used -dono, and so did most of the other generals from Japan, but the ones closest to Rance never used it. It got harder to separate their difference of closeness with Rance by omitting the honorific.

>> No.4907827

Most likely be three endings.

Yandere end, Rance becomes the Demon King to save Sill, he just becomes even MORE of an asshole by doing so.

Manly tears end, Rance dies to save Sill.

True end. Rance saves Miki and Sill.

>> No.4907835

True End is most likely. It's already shown that Rance lives way past the Rance series. We just don't know what his actual job is by then and how many women he's actually fucked as well.

>> No.4907837
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How sad when your only talent is toasting the one you love.

>> No.4907841


do people know what -dono means? I was thinking of changing it.

>> No.4907843

Tono (殿 【との】?), pronounced dono (どの?) when attached to a name, roughly means "lord" or "master". It doesn't equate noble status; rather it is a term akin to "milord" or French "monseigneur," and lies between san and sama in level of respect. This title is no longer used in daily conversation, but it is still used in some types of written business correspondence, as well as on certificates and awards, and in written correspondence in tea ceremonies.

>> No.4907849

After Rurouni Kenshin and the masses of anime/manga that used it, a lot of people should know already.

>> No.4907853

>Yandere end, Rance becomes the Demon King to save Sill, he just becomes even MORE of an asshole by doing so

That sounds oddly awesome.

>> No.4907854

Good thing Souun killed that faggot. Scared the shit out of me.

>> No.4907861

I just had him kill useless eyepatch dude, and then had Kentarou level grind him.

Then finally I was like OK SOUNN TIME TO AVENGE YOUR WIFE, and sent him out.

>> No.4907867

Well seeing as I had Rance fuck his fiancee, I didn't want to make the guy wait for his chance.

>> No.4907897
File: 20 KB, 186x220, cg00836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I'd love to see Kojika in the future Rance games. After all, she's got a fairly high level cap and is one of the three characters that TADA likes a lot in the series. The other two being Maria and Kopandon.

>> No.4907924

Id love to see more than just one HCG of fully clothed kojika.

And there isnt even any good fan art of her.

>> No.4907943
File: 256 KB, 714x1000, 7509903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She isn't exactly popular-tier, so it can't be helped.

>> No.4907963

I was hoping more lolikon artists or glasses fetish would pick her up

>> No.4907978

She is poplar-tier, though

>> No.4907985


damn it TADA

>> No.4907991

But Poplar has big breasts.

>> No.4908013
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 0128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? U mad? Seriously though, Kopandon has some pretty good scenes in 6.

>> No.4908019

So, besides Sill, who does Rance like the most?

>> No.4908033

No one. Well, maybe Maria.

>> No.4908044

Dunno. Sill is probably on top but will never admit it tier, and the rest are on equal tier. Then there's the I fucked you more than once tier, then the one night stand tier.

But the heroines of each game, Rance takes a certainly deep personal affection for. Like with Rizna, Urza and Maria. But as a general rule, Rance is very protective and cares for the women in his harem, whether the women have accepted the fact or not.

>> No.4908046


>> No.4908062

Oh, and since Kou is the de facto heroine of Sengoku, I think it also applies to her. That bath scene certainly did seal it for me.

>> No.4908075

Can't wait until the next Rance game, when FOOT SOLDIER KOU SHOWS UP TO SAVE THE FUCKING DAY

>> No.4908083

I doubt 3G would let her out of Japan if Kenshin can be sent in her place.

>> No.4908089

Could work like the reinforcements.

First would be Isoroku
Second would be Kenshin
Third would be R- oh wait nevermind lol it would be Kou

>> No.4908097


Assuming the calculator dungeon's love thing goes both ways; Kanami and Shizuka would be the best bet for that.

>> No.4908100

Man, hoping that 8 really will be a revamped Kichikuoh-style game.

>> No.4908111


The only character you mentioned that'd stand a chance at being a reinforcement would be Isoroku, which wouldn't be bad but if Alicesoft is going to bring that option back they better let you get Baba.

>> No.4908115


It's been already said that 8 won't be a country conquering game.

TADA actually said they'd remake Kichikuoh sometime, though.

>> No.4908116

Same here. It could just be Rance with his bros trying to find a cure for Sill though.

>> No.4908159

Anyone here play the Fall of Zeth?

Rance's RPGs are pretty fun, actually.

Bring back Patton!

>> No.4908161

>Rance 8
>not a country conquering game

>> No.4908172

I've played it. It was certainly better than I expected it would be. But since I play the Rance series for the characters and the story they live through, it doesn't really matter.

It certainly went overdrive once the Demon Army came in. Felt bad for Feris and Elizabeth though. The latter's scenes were fappable however.

>> No.4908201
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still playing it. Shit's taking forever.

>> No.4908211

Should have had more fucking save spots.

>> No.4908212

All I want out of Rance 8 is for a well written scene when Sill gets unfrozen.

They better not flub it up...

>> No.4908257
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>> No.4908273

Wrong Patton, brah.

>> No.4908300

What's a good strategy for first play through?

>> No.4908304


slash enemy troops until they die, hold shift for focused movement.

>> No.4908313

well I mean, are there specific generals that are amazingly better than others, should I just invade other countries till I win?

>> No.4908321

Protip: shoot the demon until it dies.

The only "strategy" you need to win Real History is to expand as quickly and efficiently as possible, since you're not going for points and you can take point penalties to make Xavier easy.

>> No.4908335

Call for reinforcements frequently.

>> No.4908348

Senhime is a fairly good general. And so is Isoroku and Natori. They are the closest ones to you as well.

>> No.4908352

I got 32 points on my first playthrough.

Isoroku route annoys me though.



>> No.4908364

You cannot fuck up Demon Army completely in Isoroku, hence that effect.

>> No.4908450

what events are required for the lolicon event of shibata?

>> No.4908460

You sick fuck.

>> No.4908480

No, man. Just no.

>> No.4908500
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You don't want to do that. You know what happens when you do that. And if you don't know you can almost certainly guess what happens when you do that.

>> No.4908525

wat game is this

I want to play it

I am completely serious

I regret nothing

>> No.4908526

gremlin green godly sex?

>> No.4908532

Sengoku Rance.

You play as a serial rapist, who is also a tsundere.

>> No.4908535

Can you read at least the first post?.

>> No.4908545

>serial rapist
LOLOLOL he likes consensual sex way too much to be labeled as such

>> No.4908546


Guess the emphasis is on "almost certainly".

>> No.4908553

>serial rapist

so is this game actually fun or is it just an excuse to watch hentai

>> No.4908556

>watch hentai
It consists of static pictures, you're not "watching" anything.

>> No.4908558

You need an excuse to watch hentai?.

>> No.4908562

The gameplay is great. The hentai was awesome at times (and depressing at others), but I would play it even if it didn't have those scenes.

>> No.4908563

The hentai is an excuse to advertise a good game.

>> No.4908564

yes, that shit is lame and I hate this fucking board

but I'm bored

>> No.4908566

Senhime, Aki(bitch had it coming though), that blind chick, Tenshi sect princess, and Katsuko would beg to differ.

But then again, they get into it halfway through, so I suppose it's just surprise sex they didn't know they needed.

>> No.4908570

>is this game actually fun
There have been stories of people getting so addicted, they don't sleep properly for 3 days.

*raises hand

>> No.4908573

uh sorta off topic, but could someone tell me what the proper name to "Rance in space" was? there was a youtube video linked in previous threads.

>> No.4908578
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hi, just being best character in the game.

>> No.4908587

bitch deserved it, and it was the price for saving her from a husband that wanted to kill her
torture, which is better than actually being tortured (Rance does not understand that torture is not supposed to be sexual)
>blind chick
reward for saving their lives from actually being gangraped and killed

>> No.4908591

>go on alicesoft website
>oda nobunaga looks like a white dude with a soul patch
>he has a tiny monkey on his back

somehow I think if he came back to life today, he would slay you all for this

>> No.4908592

There's H-CG of her?

>> No.4908593

More like being annoying excuse to reduce my action fans to one.

>> No.4908596

Dai Teitoku

>> No.4908597

I wanted a scene with her. Fucking Alicesoft.

>> No.4908599
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Asexual death machine.

>> No.4908605
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>yes, that shit is lame and I hate this fucking board
>but I'm bored

>> No.4908607


>> No.4908608

She still loves Rance though. Just not her number 1. ;_;

>> No.4908615

why hasn't the rance manga been translated yetttt

>> No.4908617

manmaru is blind

>> No.4908618
File: 64 KB, 320x250, 3kyrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send out Senhime in every fight
>she still leaves
>Attack South Africa
>She's defending there
>Isoroku uses whirlwind shot
>My face

>> No.4908620

I love it when Rance actually put some effort into making her feel good, and she instinctively moved her hips and rammed her womb on the Hyper Weapon.

>> No.4908624

I think that's fair. Rance has everyone else not be his number one, so it's only fitting someone repay him for that favor.

>> No.4908628

It's better to translate the previous games i think.

>> No.4908630

But she's the Tenshi Sect's "princess".
Learn to clear, you fool.

>> No.4908642
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Death machine. As in, a machine that produces death as a measurable commodity from raw materials.
Just insert vain attempts at natural human interaction and emotion, and death comes out.

>> No.4908643

I tried. I even put her in 2 of the three losing battles.


Put the bitch on ice, fucked Magic, fucked Sill, fucked Magic again, fucked Fuuka, use the sat bonuses to make Maeda the best foot soldier ever.

>> No.4908648

whats worst if going for points? true or isoroku? ran head asploded... so either i pump up isoroku and let die that little bitch or save the broken goods bitch

>> No.4908650

Where are the expert hackers to help with Rance 2 & 6 translation?

>> No.4908660

Only 2 characters thus far have been shown with an infinite level cap.

1. Rance
2. Miki

I'm sure the other demon lords also had an infinite level cap.

>> No.4908662

Akashi clears Senhime quickly. And you should always be at war with someone. Even if Oda is in turmoil, you should have been able to declare war.

>> No.4908663

Well, Sill and Kentarou, each being the two's respective bitch, also have a limitless level cap by proxy.

>> No.4908672
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Did she fell in love with those fockers.

>Ataking Mouri just for the housemaids
>At the last very Fortress they say they fell in live with South Africa backstreet boys
>They join them and I lose 2 territories I invaded.

>> No.4908676

No, not really. Sill is supposed to have a limit of 80 and Kentarou is supposed to have 100.

Only Rance has shown the ability to infect others with it, because he is a system bug in the world. Miki's lack of a level cap is NOT a system bug and so the effect is probably not the same.

>> No.4908677

Well, on my next playthrough, I'll keep that in mind.

But Senhime is currently an arrow ridden corpse.

>> No.4908685
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Just as she wanted it.

>> No.4908719

looks fAT

>> No.4908743


>> No.4908762
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who should i kill next? gourds doesnt matter

>> No.4908783

Yeah, I think I got around the same amount of points (30-something) w/o the 300 women bonus on my first playthrough on True History. I was able to get the +10 points for 300 women fucked b/c I was diligent about capturing female commanders when Rance was in battle.

>> No.4908797

Iga or the Mikos

>> No.4908799

Get your straight shota fix.

Attack Akashi.

>> No.4908807
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And what exactly led you to this conclusion?

Just look at her. The rest of her body is practically gnawing ravenously at the backs of her breasts, struggling to maintain its muscles.

>> No.4908848

even with 50% battle rating on their favour... they cant beat the takedas ... and even less with kenshin in battle.
