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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 768 KB, 1064x1500, genius_comes_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4906308 No.4906308 [Reply] [Original]

Who's read this?


>> No.4906319

This better be good OP...

>> No.4906344

What is the cutest Cirno yuri doujin?

>> No.4906348

I know pi's exact value. It's π.

>> No.4906351

Yukari needs something to cool down
Takes Cirno
Finds out Cirno's too weak
Upgrades Cirno
Hilarity ensures.

>> No.4906356


>> No.4906357

34 MiB? Yeah, better be worth it.


A miserable little pile of secrets?

>> No.4906362

Poor Frozen Flan.

>> No.4906370

I want something with Cirno acting kidlike and Reimu or Marisa or whatever taking advantage of her.

>> No.4906375

There's one like that, but with Aya.

>> No.4906381
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>> No.4906384

I think I've read that one. What's it called?

Btw, isn't there still tons of untranslated Touhou hentai?

>> No.4906399

So Marisa can just keep inserting spell cards that aren't even hers into the Master Spark?
And they didn't explain how Yukari got Cirno so strong. Or is the explanation of Yukari fooling around good enough?

>> No.4906402

There are tons of untranslated Touhou everything.

>> No.4906414
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>> No.4906418
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>Translating "Yukari" as "Sukima"

>> No.4906421
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Why hello there Aizen Reimu

>> No.4906423

Fuck yes, downloading at the speed of light.

>> No.4906425

How many times does Cirno come?

>> No.4906427
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>implying people calling her sukima mean it to be yukari's name, and not a nickname

>> No.4906430
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>> No.4906431
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>He doesn't know Yukari's nickname!

>> No.4906434 [DELETED] 

It's "digit" you ⑨.

>> No.4906438

It's "digit" you ⑨.

>> No.4906443

>exact value
>final number


>> No.4906446

Why did Cirno have to lose? She should have frozen Reimu, then in a stupid way, have her power drop to zero due to her battery running out.

>> No.4906449

You gotta be kidding me.

>> No.4906451

[Omchicken] Doki Doki Aya x Cirno [Tonigobe]
is something like that.

>> No.4906456

Because you're not as smart as Cirno?

>> No.4906470

Is that the one where they turn her into an air conditioner?

>> No.4906500

I think that doujinshi should have been more similar to "Flowers for Algernon".

>> No.4906523

No it's the one with Cirno being "despised" and Aya cheering her up. I wish Omchicken would do more porn.

>> No.4906527

You cannot calculate PI's exact value.

>> No.4906529

Anybody have a download link to the official ZUN manga with Cirno in it? I've downloaded all the three fairy manga, but I don't have the Cirno one.

>> No.4906536

You can if you're smart enough. It's 3.

>> No.4906538


>> No.4906543

Get the fuck out faggot

>> No.4906556 [DELETED] 

B-but I thought you liked emoticons... :(

>> No.4906550


>> No.4906591


>> No.4906607

The joke
Your head

>> No.4906624
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>> No.4906691


>> No.4906704
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>> No.4907036
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Downloadin like the fist of an angry god

>> No.4907066

What's a pi?

>> No.4907068

Half the length of a circle.

>> No.4907078
File: 138 KB, 720x228, Pi-unrolled-720.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The circumference of a circle with exactly 1 diameter.


>> No.4907080

>And they didn't explain how Yukari got Cirno so strong.
>didn't explain how Yukari


>> No.4907091

So then what is r?

>> No.4907094


>> No.4907099
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Yeah, this had potential and they mostly ruined it.

>> No.4907105

Yeah but what's its value.

>> No.4907112

Since the diameter is 1, the radius is half that...

>> No.4907119

So 0.5? But r^2 = pi. So that's wrong.

>> No.4907122
File: 865 KB, 1600x1200, cirno-math-class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a lack of Touhou-themed science in /jp/...

>> No.4907129
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>> No.4907133

There's no formula saying that pi^2 = r anywhere.

The closest I can think of is that the area of a circle is pi * r^2

>> No.4907138

no, A=(pi)r^2 and C=2(pi)r

with A being area, and C being circumference

>> No.4907146

But there is no such formula. The closest formula, pi*r², is the area of the circle.

>> No.4907156

Pi = Circumference / Diameter

That's all Pi is.

So, the Diameter is 1, the circumference must be Pi. Find an exact measurement, that's infinitely precise, and you'll have the exact value of pi.

>> No.4907157

pi = r^2, isn't it?

The hell, then why did the computer say "pi is r squared" in that one Dexter episode?

>> No.4907159
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Weekend on /jp/.

Here, have something easier to understand.

>> No.4907163

Oh god. Did you even go to school?
There is no such formula.

>> No.4907166

I'm partly acting. I know what I'm saying is wrong, I just forgot what the exact formula was.

>> No.4907173

Area of a circle.

P x R^2 is the area of a circle. It is not equivalent

Pay /sci/ a visit sometime. They'll set you up with some nice books on the matter.

>> No.4907183

I've been to school, but it's been a long time.

>> No.4907184

How could a variable such as r be shoehorned into a constant like pi with a universal formula?

>> No.4907186

r^2 does however equal x^2+y^2

>> No.4907192


"pie are squared" is how the formula for a circle's area can be pronounced. It also sounds quirky and has been used as a joke.

>> No.4907194

because pi is 3.14 radians, which is a ratio, not an absolute

>> No.4907218

As a guy visiting from /sci/



>> No.4907227

Oh, then that must be why it confused me.

>> No.4907234

Yeah, we can tell you're not from around here. We take it easy.

>> No.4907235


>> No.4907239

I didn't mention radians at all. Why are you bothering me with angles when I'm saying you can't have one formula that transforms every number into a single number.

>> No.4907246

This isn't anything hard. It's Elementary level mathematics.

Seeing people fail at elementary school math that are supposed to be older than 18...

It's like I'm in a 101 level science class at a community college.

>> No.4907252

I'm just saying it's a ratio, not a number, you never add pi to anything, only multiply it.

>> No.4907253

>I didn't mention radians at all. Why are you bothering me with angles when I'm saying you can't have one formula that transforms every number into a single number.

I'm pretty sure a very large amount of mathematicians would like to have a word with you.

>> No.4907258

It's not elementary, but okay.

>> No.4907263

>you can't have one formula that transforms every number into a single number.

Yes you can, just find any equation with a single constant and use algebra to put the constant on one side of the equation and the variables on the other.

>> No.4907270
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On behalf of the weekday /jp/, I apologize for the high level of retardation in this thread. It's just Saturday. Come back when it's over, we might have something slightly better.


>> No.4907275

What fucking horrible school did you go to?

This should be, quite literally, 6th grade work. Just when you're learning area of squares, rectangles, and what not. The very basics, and the foundation of geometry.

>> No.4907278
File: 2.64 MB, 3072x2304, ascii_cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this earlier

>> No.4907283

Elementary is stuff like 1+1=2, i.e. the stuff you learn in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.

You guys sure lack in some other departments.

>> No.4907287

Let me rephrase that.
You can't have a univariate formula that does that.

>> No.4907293

You didn't learn basic multiplication in Elementary School?

Is that what you're telling me?

>> No.4907303

>implying you learned pi in elementary school
Sure, bro.

>> No.4907307

>implying you've never worked with constant numbers in Elementary School

Sure is ignorance in here, bro.

Either that, or holy fuck, the public education system failed you.

>> No.4907315

Are you frustrated?

>> No.4907319

Yes, because I find ignorance of elementary school level math frustrating.

>> No.4907322

Then maybe you should not be in threads like these.

>> No.4907336

You should really read a math book some time, bro. It's probably the most useful skill in the world.

>> No.4907349 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4907356

I passed with an 8 as my final mark for math in highschool, ages ago. I just forgot most stuff, mainly because I've never had to use any of it, ever. So no, it hasn't been a useful skill for me at all. I've had more benefit from Biology or Geography.

>> No.4907368

If it was, you wouldn't be posting here.

>> No.4907382

is an 8 high? I don't know if that's some foreign grading system or what

>> No.4907391

1 to 10, 10 is highest.

>> No.4907399

I suppose 8 is a respectable grade then.

>> No.4907419


Just get out already, "BRO."

>> No.4907432

Have to say we had two "kinds" of math, though. A and B. I took A, I wasn't too good in B. B had mostly geometry and that stuff. I was good in the algebraic stuff, but not the geometry. Always hated having to calculate the volume of some bite taken out of a pyramid and only the measurement of 2 lines were given. I always kept thinking: "In the real world we can just take out a ruler and measure the rest of the lines, what's the point in doing this the hard way?"

It's only useful to architects and such.

>> No.4907471

They usually use pretty contrived examples for "word problems" in elementary math, but being able to find unknowns is incredibly useful in cases where measure is infeasible or impossible.

>> No.4908214

Okay, back on topic.

Is it bad that the first thing I noticed in the OP was the "moe" part of the url?

>> No.4908241

ITT /jp/'s utter stupidity is unveiled.
Must be all the preteens from /v/.

>> No.4910352
File: 234 KB, 800x533, cirno-boxing.1232912446297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

\int_0^\infty \frac{4}{e^{x} + e^{-x}} \, dx = \pi

>> No.4912087

>ITT /jp/'s utter stupidity is unveiled.
Yeah, and it all happened with your post!

>> No.4912362
File: 14 KB, 650x488, 10_04_06_1268686916266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

downloadan. thx OP

>> No.4912472

cool troll, bro

You guys need to step it up. School's ending in a couple months.

>> No.4912773

Wow. It's like, I'm really back in 2008!

>> No.4912842

I hope to god all of you are trolling.

>> No.4912913

Math nerd detected.

>I can solve meaningless equations that must mean I'm supersmart rite guise?

>> No.4912956

Such a baka that ⑨. Pi is irrational and transcendent. It does not have a "last digit". If it would have "last digit", it would be a rational number.
Q ∩ I = ∅.
Q ∪ I = R.
R / Q = I.
(Don't know if I can spell this in any clearer way).
Also, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_that_π_is_irrational

>> No.4912966


>> No.4915343 [DELETED] 

Just because we can't find it doesn't mean it doesnt exist.
All in all though I found this doujin quite childish.
