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File: 149 KB, 800x600, ev205_2.IES2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4902274 No.4902274 [Reply] [Original]

You find this while mowing your lawn. What do?

>> No.4902278

Eat it.

>> No.4902282

[X] Make a shitty thread on /jp/

>> No.4902289

why does it have clothes

>> No.4902298

What does "what do" mean?

>> No.4902302

Continue mowing.

>> No.4902304

[X] Genuflect
still funny?
Also go back to /b/.

>> No.4902307

Pull out the weed killer. It'll probably grow back from the root if I mow over it.

>> No.4902312
File: 80 KB, 800x600, ev228_1.IES2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Aruru is a good girl.

>> No.4902314

When the fuck did I get a lawn?

>> No.4902316

Knowing /jp/... most will probably answer this...

[X] Rape

>> No.4902322

[X] Time for Salad.

>> No.4902328

[x]move to alaska

>> No.4902358

Looks like you owe /jp/ a Coke.

Water her, then go back to banging my Lamia waifu.

>> No.4902369
File: 93 KB, 800x600, ev228_7.IES2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not lettuce, nack.

>> No.4902375

You mean when I was moe-ng the lawn.

I'm so clever.

>> No.4902379

You into lichen or what?

Well, wouldn't blame you, they're practically slowest-growing things, and the whole "fungus onee-sama protects the alga while she cooks for her" thing is pretty cute.

It'd fit a yuri romance quite well if some fungi didn't periodically kill and eat some of the algal cells.

>> No.4902382

So is the CG out yet?

>> No.4902384

ask /d/

>> No.4902391
File: 123 KB, 375x500, 1266117946813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4902393

Some kind anon posted it yesterday.

>> No.4902397

Oh thanks!

>> No.4902411

Has anyone ever told you too stop thinking so much? Also I was more for getting the fuck out of dodge when your new plant overlords decide to go body snatchers/triffids on your ass.

>> No.4902452


>> No.4902457

I would defect to their side. If I act as a slaver for them maybe that will land me a cushy spot in the new world that they create.

>> No.4902467

enjoy being ground up and used as fertilizer for whatever foul thing she spawns.

>> No.4902470
File: 159 KB, 800x600, Bad End.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bad end I guess?

>> No.4902476

Did the lamia one even have bad ends?

>> No.4902480

send her away to some lab for big bucks

>> No.4902481

Nah, they'll probably cocoon him up, send tendrils into his every orifice to tap directly into his pleasure center and force it to fire continously so that he provides them with a constant supply of semen to pollinate armies of human-plant hybrid warriors.

Like Tekkaman Blade, but with more orgasm.

>> No.4902489

>>What do?
i don't understand. what does this mean? it's not english.

>> No.4902490

I would die happily knowing that the human-plant hybrid army would come from my loins.

>> No.4902497



>> No.4902498
File: 12 KB, 200x200, weed_killer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4902500

I think so. I mean, it'd be pretty easy to get squeezed to death by her coils, after all.

>> No.4902511

doesn't mean it was in the game, someone look at the CG

>> No.4902528
File: 398 KB, 800x600, ev124_1.IES2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there was that one time...

>> No.4902542

Sorry, the quixotic yuri aficionado in me speaking there.

But do think about it. You'd be the little alga girl, waiting for your beloved while wearing nothing but an apron. Your fungus onee-sama would soon return, saying she brought the ingredients for cooking, only to suddenly kiss you, her hot breath and saliva providing you with the water and carbondioxide for photosynthesis. After several minutes of licking up her saliva, you'd begin the work and she'd say she's taking her share of food, burying her face to your crotch and licking up the sweet nectar you secrete.

Why wasn't I born an alga ;_;

>> No.4902547

What the hell is this guy smoking? Must be... Wait for it... WEED!

>> No.4902551
File: 35 KB, 651x464, 1269583632261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well at least you found a practical application for all that INCREDIBLY USEFUL knowledge about plants and fungi.

>> No.4902554

Looks like good end to me

>> No.4902563

Catch her and train her.

>> No.4902567

You're almost as clever as I am.

>> No.4902589
File: 174 KB, 800x600, Bad End 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well same here, but all the other photos lead to happy sex, it's always happy sex. Except this one.

Oh and I'm not sure if the game starts with some blond girl dieing, also there seems to be a bad end where Aruru dies but is then resurrected.

>> No.4902599

some blond girl dieing
So Aruru DOES grow from the remains of the MC's former lover?

>> No.4902605

How does it feel to become an endosymbiont with your loli plant waifu and have her constantly siphoning semen out of your penis?

>> No.4902619

Endosymbiont would imply you're near completely inside her.

Which'd be awesome. Sort of like Salmacis and Hermaphroditus.

>> No.4902620

Any answer besides "Feels good, man" is a faggot

>> No.4902622

Like being married. Except you don't have any fun and seldom have an orgasm.

>> No.4902636

Isn't that what being married is like in general?

>> No.4902646

Well the bigest problem would be what would you do inside her for 24 hours a day?

Let's say you sleep 12 hours. And let's say she didn't give you some super viagra that makes you balls huge and produce sperm 1000% faster so you can cum 12 hours a day.

>> No.4902665

Well, maybe it works like certain anglerfish. Once one such male anglerfish connects with a female, he literally fuses with her. With no more need for his senses (it's not like he's going anywhere, no? ) the male angler eventually degrades into a sperm pump. So your balls would get larger and larger to store more sperm while your body gets smaller, until you lose sentience and merely become a giant dick that exists only to supply her with sperm.

>> No.4902672

>give you some super viagra that makes you balls huge and produce sperm 1000% faster so you can cum 12 hours a day

This. But she's also pump a constant supply of opiates and euphoric drugs into you so you are always experiencing colourful dream like worlds.

>> No.4902690

Like the little sisters, only in that p4 porn strip dungeon.
unz unz unz unz

>> No.4902694

So it basically all comes down to being a big dick and nothing else ;_;

There no romance in that ;_;

>> No.4902699

So... next game is dolljoints right ?

>> No.4902716

Well, is it stated what exactly she is and why she is fucking you (other than "this is a nukige, what else were you expecting" ) anyway? There are some pitcher plants that attract birds with nectar and feed on their poop. She could be something like that, and we all know that eating poop is romantic.

>> No.4902821

How can she say she loves you if she won't even eat your poop?

>> No.4903298

I thought it was the bee next.
