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4894941 No.4894941 [Reply] [Original]

So I suddenly got the urge to play this thing.
I know is grindtastic, lagtastic, non funtastic and ragequittastic.

Still, I want to play it. Any bros still playing? also, there was a list of useful stuff to do for moneys, can you guys help me on that?

ECO/MMO thread I guess.

>> No.4894963

Sup Erika

>> No.4894984

Now I remember why I quit, that hair is not aviliable for character creation.

Oh well, still playing.

>> No.4895044

Played on idECO. Quit three months later.

>> No.4895322

I really don't remember how many times I have killed the goddamn arcana king without getting a booster. Really, everywhere you look there's people with boosters, why can't i get one?

>> No.4895343

If you'd like I could follow you around and cast holy feather on you because I'm a nice guy like that.

Oh wait.

>> No.4895358

Because he doesn't drop a Booster.

>> No.4895362

the sad part of this it's that i already got one from him, the very first timee that i killed it, for someone else.

>> No.4895816
File: 342 KB, 1280x720, ss20100416_004853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something's not right here. Also, the fact that they added gameguard back makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.

Anyways, if you want anything from me now's a good time.

>> No.4895831


>> No.4895864
File: 61 KB, 915x673, minerflowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4896099
File: 398 KB, 1280x720, ss20100416_014103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow.

>> No.4896168
File: 646 KB, 1280x720, ss20100416_015132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so good about myself right now.

>> No.4896323

Oh god, the holy terror is back.

>> No.4898129

hjones confirmed for faggot/Pinoy.

>> No.4898294

Would you prefer if I bought the train from the cash shop?

>> No.4898317

there a story behind that
runup failing again

>> No.4898322

Get a Booster.

>> No.4898329

well dragons are easier to get now. can just trade 3 tiny medals for them and the medals are a prty boss drop

>> No.4898337

Back in my days, we kill Pefangs for Dragons.

>> No.4898360

oh right guess i explain this pic background more

when game was updated to saga 5, and had the xmas event all monsters had stat crytat removed from there drop list.

months later runup being runup never took off the event drop that can't be opened without a event npc, and those items can be only gained from boxes. and since the items are neede for the lvl 85 sets well you can see

>> No.4898374

Holy fuck I've been going in and out of instance boss dungeons and camping out at Lake Utena and still no boosters wtf.

>> No.4898382

instance dungeon bosses don't drop boosters at all this ver. later on they are new ones that do

>> No.4898390

So what do you suggest I do? I feel kinda out of place when I see stationary multis with boosters while me an active player has none.

>> No.4898394

Are necromancers fun? Their skill descriptions sound cool with the summoning of zombies from dead enemies.

>> No.4898396

What a shitty artstyle. I thought you knew better, /jp/.

>> No.4898408

do like those people do camp dungeon and feild bosses till they drop one

mind the only summon you normal use is a portable meatsheild. and the best one not attainable this saga.
though pvp wise. int/dex. status effects spam everything

>> No.4898419

well could alwasys just farm something like heaven harps which sell for least 2m and make enough off that to buy one

>> No.4898466

well there is one map that just most rocks you can hit to get stuff from

>> No.4898498
File: 191 KB, 800x600, 125613413665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear sukumizu and stockings, your argument is invalid.

>> No.4898515
File: 421 KB, 1152x864, ss20091029_173531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4898619

I bought that dragon for like 500k one day on a whim since I was making millions a day selling oaths and nothing to spend it on. So fuck you.

>> No.4898647

well for now eco dead to jp. when ideco updates sagas so there be a open pking world. that might change things

>> No.4898652

Use the money to fuck around with the economy?

>> No.4898695

You mean like buying oaths 1g higher than the selling price so no one else made a profit? Ya that's pretty much what I ended up doing.

>> No.4898704


Camp Diaper Man! I got two off of him, Stuffed Doll is a faggot that won't give me one, though. Took me like 3 or 4 days for the first one.

>> No.4898719

mpe gives booster at times as well

>> No.4898725

Just idle at the cafe, like we always did.

>> No.4898946

WoW disgusts me. What game is this?

>> No.4898977

a game run by a sht company
good news this hair is avabile later actully.
bad news 99.9 of females hair styles can be placed on males later on.

>> No.4899006

Anyone wants to come back to this shit game?

>> No.4899012

Can males wear female clothing?

>> No.4899046

normaly no, but during the week of saga update
there was a male running around in female swimwear

>> No.4899053

if you want to be a trap your going to have to wait till much later for dems and there personal mario that turns you into a slutty dressing loli

>> No.4899057

That doesn't sound like I can put together my own outfit even then.

>> No.4899070

males get mosty shitty clothes option. some are good though mostly it gay or sht

>> No.4899090

well just wear the uni stuff and get female hair

>> No.4903097

I want to wear pretty dresses but keep my penis.
