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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 874 KB, 1600x1200, P4152437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4892902 No.4892902 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4892908
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Raymoo and Yuyucow just arrived today

>> No.4892916
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>> No.4892928
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>> No.4892956
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oh well, I gotta go to work anyway.

>> No.4892963

I am envious.

>> No.4892969

this thread is gay

>> No.4892977


>> No.4892991


>> No.4893991

wow nice collection DO WANT

>> No.4894019
File: 645 KB, 3456x2304, Picture-023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a little disappointed in the griffon figures.
I enjoy the t's system touhou figures a lot better. Cant wait for my alice, remi, and sanae.

>> No.4894074

Fine, I'll ask. What did you to with your life to be able to afford all this shit?

>> No.4894099

You tend to have a lot of money when you dont have a girlfriend or go to bars to drink, or care about clothing, brand names etc.

>> No.4894106


Good lord. When is enough enough?

>> No.4894122

I have no figures.

I've almost caved several times, but I've managed to hold off for YEARS now.

>> No.4894147

But even if we're not all NEETs, don't most of us prefer to work as little as possible throughout our lives, thus putting a significant limit to our incomes?

>> No.4894176

Same, just that I'm currently in my biggest dilemma right now, as there's a cheap one I really want. On one hand, I can definitely afford it, but on the other hand, if I do it, the floodgates will probably open.

>> No.4894199


You forget that the world is not fair. I know some mexican down the street that works 70 hours per week (40 full-time plus 30 part-time) hard labor and barely makes enough to get by for him and his family, yet some fag I knew in high school works 21 hour workweeks (3 days) imputing data into a computer (not programming; think data entry, only for a big corp.) and makes $38 an hour because he's union and gets all kinds of benefits.

Welcome to the real world.

>> No.4894241

Well, if I ever leave the NEET lifestyle, I'll remember that I have to be ruthless.

>> No.4894308

so many marisas

>> No.4894313

Dat Haruhi falling in the background

>> No.4894832


What Reimu is that sitting on top of your left speaker?

>> No.4894834

The 1/6 clayz/t's system reimu.

>> No.4896138
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>> No.4896146

is OP the infamous /k/ tripfag

cuz I thought that marisa only had one touhou fig. I asked

>> No.4896150
File: 400 KB, 1440x900, Entire Team is MARISA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4896166

He'd only buy Marisas anyway.

>> No.4896167

anyone know where I can find a good Aya and O-kuu?

>> No.4896172

is the alter Marisa fake, I'm the guy with Marisa Klisame bootleg figure

>> No.4896178

the /k/ marisa had a haruhi fig too I think

this was a while ago, I guess he could have gotten a bunch of new ones

>> No.4896262
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>> No.4896380

I just have a bunch of sofubi touhous and an aya fig with a sword

>> No.4896408
File: 90 KB, 600x600, FIG-MOE-1348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my preorder notice today, should be shipping soon

>> No.4896418


>> No.4896447

Fuck where did you get Yuno? I can't find anything from Hidamari Sketch.

>> No.4896663

Yeah, Red Marisa is fake.

Yes, I'm Marisa of /k/.

>> No.4896754

Show some collections, come on. We have 3 guys who has done it so far...

Too few, and I dont have a collection.

>> No.4896774

That figure would be ruined in a week.

I want to hot glue~

>> No.4896785

all my stuff are in boxes, in boxes

>> No.4896787

go back to work or sleep
never return to imageboards again

>> No.4896793


Nice collection. I wonder how people you let into your room feel when seeing that. Or maybe you don't let anyone enter since you're afraid they would touch your figurines, dolls or plushies ?

>> No.4896797

I'll be damned if you can get limited ed recolor marisa beyond wonderfest.

>> No.4896813
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>> No.4896843

>oh, looks like a nice collec-DOLLFIE RAGE

>> No.4896859
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>dannychoo.com on both monitors

>> No.4896861

Dollfies are too expensive and out there for me, but I don't have anything against them. Why the rage?

>> No.4896862

Because the featured dollfie is probably not pure anymore ;_;

>> No.4896881

Did the owner rape it or something?

>> No.4896897
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I might of.

>> No.4896905

Shes so cute! How could you!?

>> No.4896928
File: 175 KB, 1600x1200, arturia_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not the only one

>> No.4896936


>> No.4896941

(屮゜Д゜)屮Your never on /k/!щ(゚Д゚щ)

( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \Get on more often.

>> No.4896947


>> No.4896952
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/k/ sucks.

>> No.4896967
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Problem officer?

>> No.4896973
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>> No.4896980
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You and BOOF are the only real bros on /k/,so dont give up on it!

>> No.4896990
File: 339 KB, 820x1000, 1268630379437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, how flattering.

But posting on /k/ really has become quite cumbersome and annoying.

I post the most /k/ related shit, but people still hate on it all. Oh well. Board died when the new mod came in anyway.

>> No.4896996
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Well,at least there is OPchan.

>> No.4897135
File: 53 KB, 428x640, 515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shall we continue this General Touhou figure thread?
