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4880157 No.4880157 [Reply] [Original]

Went out on my routine sushi run today.

You guys like sushi right?

What are your favorites?

>> No.4880163

Sushi looks, smells, feels, sounds, and tastes like shit and if you enjoy it I question your sanity.

>> No.4880159


>> No.4880164

BOOF confirmed for faggot and weeaboo.

>> No.4880172

>calling someone a weeaboo

>> No.4880183
File: 1.05 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just lack good taste.

>> No.4880192

Playing Touhou and reading visual novels is one thing but having a "routine sushi run"? Are you serious?

>> No.4880194

Tuna or cold smoked eel. Smoked eel rolls tend to go nicely topped with a spoon of roe. Curious about smoked pike, although I haven't tried it yet.

While it may not count, do enjoy chirashizushi with stirfried meat (preferably deer, elk or reindeer) and hot sauce.

>> No.4880204


Sushi and a neko, both very jp.

>> No.4880205


Haha.. no. I've actually tried it, many different kinds in fact, and they have all tasted like crap, even if I could get past the smell.

>> No.4880210

Uncooked fish is disgusting.

>> No.4880213

Why not? It tastes good.

>> No.4880216

I like the one with crispy chicken skin or fried ebi. Crunchy texture in sushi = win.

>> No.4880222

I prefer eggs, red dots (tuna eggs), ell, and especially WASABEY

>> No.4880224

I fucking love Salmon. Oh my God.

Salmon sushi owns me.

>> No.4880230
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>> No.4880258


What if you work in a sushi restaurant
What then

>> No.4880259

What the hell is that?

>> No.4880275
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's some unique roll they make at the place. Tuna, avocado and crab wrapped in salmon.

I got it on the house because it's my birthday ;_;

>> No.4880292

I should avocado sushi, they got one near my vicinity. Mango too.

Anyway, happy birthday.

>> No.4880351

Never tried mango sushi

>> No.4880364

I'm fairly sure boof is just a pair of hands, one to hold the camera and the other to hold things and do the thumbs up sign.

>> No.4880377

No, BOOF is a retired old woman.

>> No.4880385
File: 29 KB, 300x400, l..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lobster special sushi they have near me is pretty good.

looks like vomit, but really good.

>> No.4880386

No, BOOF is a 7 year old girl.

>> No.4880387

Happy ronery birthday, Boof ;_;

>> No.4880404

I think BOOF's fame is starting to get to his head. I liked him more in the old days when he wasn't so bloggish. This entire thread wreaks of: "hey everybody, I'm the legendary BOOF, please pleasure yourself to this photo of my manly fingers."

Such manly hands ;_;

>> No.4880405

Boof, I commend your taste.

Personally, I like the salmon, eggs, and octopus rolls. I like simple tastes, nothing fancy, I think.

>> No.4880406

Boof is what's left of the Terminator.

>> No.4880420

I find it funny that one of most obnoxious and annoying trolls has reverted to blogging his ronery birthday meal,
really puts his shit into perspective.

>> No.4880421


How old are you?

>> No.4880426

I don't like this thread either but BOOF is far from being the worse tripfriend. He's second only to Hong Meiling when it comes to sharing doujinshis. That alone makes him better than most tripfriends here. But let's not start a meta thread.

>> No.4880428

Happy birthday Boof, that all looks like it was delicious! I happen to be going out for sushi on Friday and this is upping the anticipation.

>> No.4880431

I don't even acknowledge my fame here, hell I'm not even that popular. I just thought there has to be someone here that eats sushi.

The omelet eggs or the caviar? I can't stand the little omelets. Crab, eel, salmon and yellow tail are my favorites.


>> No.4880437

Why don't I ever see you on the ghost board BOOF?

Are you too cool for us?

>> No.4880449

The caviar ones, boof. The salty-sweet taste makes my mouth water even now.

Damn. I will have sushi tomorrow.

>> No.4880456

Nice hand, BOOF.

>> No.4880459
File: 5 KB, 300x300, how about no 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I like sushi

>> No.4880462

I try to limit my obnoxiousness to one image board.

Yeah, the omelet ones can suck my ass. If I want an omelet I will make one, fuck spending $4 for a 1"x3" egg.

Also, you guys like sushi or Sashimi when it comes to just fish?

>> No.4880488
File: 177 KB, 1166x690, 3uergtr6ygdy587r5y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your on the prime time of your life, Boof.

>> No.4880496

But the ghost board is /jp/ and /jp/ is the ghost board.

>> No.4880493

Are you a girl? (mouse pointer ready on report button)

>> No.4880504

Sadly, sashimi is sometimes too plain for me. I require a bit more of preparation on my meals.

However, when I try a new meat, I normally ask for a sashimi, to know what the fish in question tastes like, and learn the flavor.

>> No.4880502

Learn to grammar.

>> No.4880506

I miss when this was true

>> No.4880507

If some of you don't like your fish raw then you can probably try the sushi that's fried in tempura.

>> No.4880522

   _,,....,,_  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
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>> No.4880531

Depends on the tempura, some placed go overboard and ruin the flavor.

>> No.4880535

God damn it BOOF, I am so hungry right now ;_;

>> No.4880596

I would like to eat dinner with BOOF-kun. Happy birthday too.

>> No.4880602



>> No.4880611

Tuna, eel, and shrimp are good, but salmon is, by far, my favorite. I always chew it really slow to savor the taste. I'm really not a fan of rolls.

>> No.4880615

Happy birthday, BOOF-sama.

>> No.4880639

Arn't they the same thing?

Or is it because sushi is raw?

>> No.4880663
File: 467 KB, 1600x1200, 1271212734061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4880667

no fucking idea what the third in on the top row is.

>> No.4880677

I think that's uni
