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48742524 No.48742524 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.48742553

Anything interesting in the 2 hour community stream I mean “work stream”
Also anyone else find it weird when she post Noel stuff while doing canan streams

>> No.48742573

She did a community during that? for fucks sake. Please play DK for longer than like 2 hours

>> No.48742615

I’m going to go out on a limb but from what I caught at the end she’s going to get a migraine from her over acting screaming she does and or get bad motion sickness that’ll cause it to be a fairly short stream

>> No.48742620

>At the end
from the stupid community or the game? I just wanna hope she plays it because 5am is fucking ghastly for me

>> No.48742648

From the community she was doing that over acting screaming thing she sometimes does so I wouldn’t be surprised if that leads to a migraine once she starts playing the game

>> No.48742654

Kind of weird she’s doing the fc on Chloe graduation day

>> No.48742657

Does she not wanna play it or? She’s gotta realize she’s gone a good majority of this month without playing games

>> No.48742735 [SPOILER] 

No clue

>> No.48742806

Do you think she would still be in holo of she didn't debut in 3rd gen?

>> No.48743338

She did FC on Aqua's too

>> No.48743359

U guys are too menhera

>> No.48743457

If she was in a previous gen she would have probably left, if she was after probably not

>> No.48743777

I can’t believe how many times it took her to finally get the letter G

>> No.48743907

Is she having fun

>> No.48744027

Yes but she's still lucky to get Marine and Peko as genmates

>> No.48744849

glad she had fun playing

>> No.48745158

Yeah she had fun

>> No.48745340
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okay good the cover will be re-released. kinda wish they fixed the mixing

>> No.48745787

That’s good i hope it’s not too long

>> No.48745961

Based on that tweet I’m going to assume another community stream today

>> No.48745973


>> No.48746648

Was it an fc thought it was the NND
Menhera oshi menhera fans

>> No.48747902


>> No.48747952

Is it true that she got bullied in school over how busty she is?

>> No.48748292

And by the internet calling her a hag

>> No.48748713

Yes the girls hated her for drawing the eyes of men and Japanese boys being dumb, her brother was also called a African refugee for how skinny he was

>> No.48748744

She wants to do a stream on Friday? Or is it Thursday?
Honestly I like the stuff she does with Kanade and Laplus. Laplus plays way better as a brat than with those FPS fags

>> No.48748757
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>Main channel video
>Members only
Did she ever mention this?

>> No.48748781

It is cute
Not that I’m aware of when was this

>> No.48749110

no, she streamed in the afternoon before the DK stream. Stop getting triggered just because someone mentioned "community stream".

>> No.48749773


>> No.48751583

Is there going to be a gen 3 or shiraken collab on Friday, I saw flare say something about returning on Friday because of a collab. And it’s been a while since the last one

>> No.48751988

would assume so since they have that airport collaboration

>> No.48753073

With Aki and now Roboco doing a more recent r18 voice acting work you think Noel ever thinks of doing one herself

>> No.48753130

no, she's talked on community streams how she doesn't want to act out characters beside herself and turned down offers to do DLsite voicework.
She talked about how she never had any dreams to become a voice actor and only made a special exception for the Ishuzoku Reviewers collab because they gave her the freedom to just self-insert

>> No.48753144

>turned down offers to do DLsite voicework
I bet it's the same creep that hired Aki and Roboco, I wouldn't be surprised if Matsuri ends up doing one too.

>> No.48753496

That’s good to hear
I do wonder why they all did work from them, first it was choco then Mel now Aki and Roboco. I do see matsuri doing it eventually but question is who’d be next.

>> No.48753505

Forgot to add but isn’t that also what she said about stuff like FC now look at where she is with that, originally it was a slightly more lewd earlick using a doll that quickly went to her masturbating on camera

>> No.48753745

no? she's still always been acting as herself with no script

>> No.48754878

Despite the tweet yesterday I have a strong feeling she won't stream today either.

>> No.48755115

It’s always cute to see her simp? for iomori
Depends on if she decides to do the NND today instead

>> No.48755251

Oh she gave her virginity to someone but that person didn't love her back the same way she loved him?
My poor menhera danchou...

>> No.48755309

wtf she bought a 10K Yen bra???

>> No.48755530

plenty that are 9.6k which is close enough

>> No.48755565

I don’t think we are getting one today

>> No.48755776

10 am to 4 pm stream tomorrow, then nico, then Sunday muscle the next day, then FC.
Always leaving everything for the final weekend and pushing herself.

>> No.48755784

Oh she switched FC and Nico

>> No.48756052


>> No.48756185

Can you listen to the fucking witch?

>> No.48756210

What i miss

>> No.48756244

Has she actually been working or just an excuse to do a community stream and skip out on Noel

>> No.48756322

Miko for Nico and casual clothing for FC, the stories are connected apparently? But it's kinda boring if the FC comes first.

>> No.48756332

She forgot she was on Canan and almost did the usual Noel sololive joke kek

>> No.48756384

She's saying she has never had sex.

>> No.48756486

Yup definitely an excuse to not stream on noel

>> No.48756497

>after the Nico stream she'll do a video for FC
Well that should make the story connection more interesting

>> No.48756511

>some girl sold bra to make tits bigger and it turns out she had fake tits
She always keeps me updated on the most random jap drama

>> No.48756598

She really doesn’t wanna play a game that badly?

>> No.48756680

Lies about her stuffy nose to not stream as Noel and do a 2 hour community stream. Wonder how much longer she’ll be able to use that as an excuse

>> No.48756859

She couldn’t play DK at all tonight? Just had to talk about bullshit?

>> No.48758264

Bro why hasn't she been keeping the ts lately? She usually says no ts or puts the triangle symbol in her title to say there might be no ts but now she puts normal titles and still doesn't have any ts.

Can anyone give a recap on what she talked about on this last stream since I missed it.

>> No.48758342

She said she hates the idea of people giving money for niconico premium after they raised prices since none of that goes to her, so no more timeshifts.
Grab it fast this will likely get deleted instantly and they might ban me

>> No.48758394

she doesnt want people to pay more for premium because the price just increased.

>> No.48758473

Damn so I'm probably gonna miss a lot now, especially the streams that start the same time as the last one did since I live in a completely different time zone as her.

Thanks bro.

>> No.48758924

Anything worth while or just the usual jibberish minus the almost slip up with the solo live that she would’ve been talking about on Noel

>> No.48759099

Looking forward to no bra FC tomorrow, she has tried multiple times but it hasn't quite worked well.
I just want to see the nipple poking, she needs to take off the pasties for a section,

>> No.48759266

I doubt we'll that.

>> No.48759272

she already talked about this on stream how she doesn't allow herself to be negative or complain on actual Nico Channel/FC streams because she's accepting money so she treats it as her job. Community streams are free so it's the only place she allows herself to be cranky and vent.
Noel is also her job so obviously she's not going to allow herself to be negative there either.

>> No.48759447

The NND outfit looks way better than the fc. As much as I like the look for the fc the Miko outfit just looks like it could give us more then the casual one that looks like an outfit she’s done before already

>> No.48759669

Speaking of accepting money, how come she can’t even commit herself to droping NND to 3 a month but when it comes to Noel members she’ll do 1 stream a month if we are luckily. They both cost the same too.

>> No.48759795
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She does at least one a month and sometimes more, that's the promise.
And that's the whole point of the Nico change, she wants it to go from a hard 4 to 3~4 so she can only do 3 sometimes with no pressure, same as Noel membership.

>> No.48760511

But some of those 1 a month on Noel only become members after a fact. They aren’t always exclusively members only like the recent fall guys one

>> No.48761595

Her horniness is leaking

>> No.48761685

>there's no stream tonight because I have to wake up for Sunday Muscle tomorrow
Sure noel that's the reason...

>> No.48761706

What happened?

>> No.48761801

hows DK going? I got held up at work for 4 hours.

>> No.48761819

...at least I got to watch the final part...

i fucking hate work

>> No.48761837

Did she masturbate?

>> No.48761897 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 869x972, 1721095101210923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it was this

>> No.48761907

The angry moaning was cute but also horny

>> No.48764394

Any hopes for today

>> No.48764421

No, she's already managing expectations, reaffirming that even areola will get her banned, etc.

>> No.48764423

This >>48759099
She said wont have a bra and pasties on

>> No.48764454

Her male underwear collection keeps increasing.

>> No.48764484

The abs on that doll are too creepy looking

>> No.48764499

She just looks like she's jerking off a guy in front of you, is this NTR?

>> No.48764515

I try to fap but I keep remembering today's DK stream with her throwing a tantrum screaming unko

>> No.48764523

She’s finally able to buy dq merch again

>> No.48764530

I hate ntr but that’s just reaching. If it bothers you you can just think of it as a recording your session together

>> No.48764693

I’m starting to think one day she’s going to wear a strap on and use it on the doll

>> No.48764770

Has she ever played Mahjong on stream? Does she know how to play?

>> No.48764814

she should just move on to R17

>> No.48764920


>> No.48764961

This would be a perfect time to use the nip clips

>> No.48765087

Did she get it all out of her system already.

>> No.48765141

>edible lotion

>> No.48765300

Oh it was female underwear

>> No.48765310

she wear the boxers and finds it comfy

>> No.48765347

Boxers are superior

>> No.48765364

The reason she not masturbating all the time normally is because her period meds keep her in check, she didn't take them this month and was masturbating every day

>> No.48765365 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, (canan)][2022-09-04.mp4_snapshot_00.01.677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there be more nippe teasing streams like that.

>> No.48765473

She’s just like me minus the period meds

>> No.48765530

She's talking about this

>> No.48765565
File: 427 KB, 1358x914, 8685687363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leg lock
Good tags

>> No.48765580

Does she say the name or are you just really good guessing based on how she describes it because if so that’s impressive

>> No.48765583

I think she meant this JAV too, a popular gravure idol that di her AV debut

>> No.48765591

She said the name

>> No.48765773

I’m guessing it’s SONE-614 considering she only did like 1 gravure shoot that was probably the plan the entire time

>> No.48765923

most pills are just some form of progesterone, which down regulates estrogen and prevents ovulation. guess which hormone affects sex drive

>> No.48765991

Insane that they prescribe birth control to basically every woman and then wonder why no one's having sex anymore.

>> No.48768174

she watched gundam?

>> No.48768424

>not masturbating all the time normally

>> No.48768462

Maybe I wrote it wrong, what I meant is that she thinks she would be masturbating all the time if it weren't for the meds

>> No.48769144

Understandable since that’s what I do

>> No.48769340

Yeah, the one that suisei is singing a song for in there

>> No.48772469

She looks great in this outfit but not feeling it today.
Hopefully the short video is good

>> No.48772588

She really loves bringing up ntr

>> No.48772616

*reading chat bringing up ntr

>> No.48772627

Nope, all chat said is they got jealous at the imaginary priest, she made the NTR joke after that

>> No.48772703

Wonder if she rather would’ve been in one of the post Chloe live streams but she had already commuter to it

>> No.48772761

She's really worried she might have to stop doing lewd stuff on nico
Fuck credit cards companies

>> No.48772779

She did the same with Aqua’s graduation. I’d rather just see her do that instead of do a full on dogeza like she did for the fauna graduation then make it members only
Hate getting to this talk but there’s a real fuckin irony that the credit card companies are fine with OF’s getting a pass but not any JP side.

>> No.48772873

Just means it’s time to move to OF, to my knowledge they now have live-streaming
Also what dogeza?

>> No.48774684

Wonder what songs and how many she’s going to sing for 2000 days

>> No.48774788

>Also what dogeza?

>> No.48776308

OF was on the verge of banning sexual content a few years ago too. They had to bend over backwards to implement red tape (both users and creators submitting personal info for age verification and consent) to placate the banks and credit cards.
Most Japanese sites understandably don't want to have to rebuild their sites to accommodate, so they're stuck in a dilemma between either cutting out credit card companies and losing out on a lot of money, or having to make changes that might cost them either way.

>> No.48776891 [DELETED] 

I wonder if she wear them

>> No.48777085

Doesn’t fantia already do that though as an example.

>> No.48777200

from what I remember they only did that for the creators. OF checks the users too by automatically charging your credit card a small amount, then asking you to verify the exact amount they charged (some cent amount) before refunding it back.
Not to mention that some situations like JK that are common in Japanese porn already would get them in trouble in the West since it gives them an excuse to suggest that it's underage content.
Do Japanese sites really want to bother going through all the content that's been posted on their site to find out what's okay and what's not?

>> No.48777237

I guess, i hope jcb starts issuing cards outside Japan again it’d be nice to have one and be able to use it

>> No.48777331

they do in some SEA countries, just not the US

>> No.48777975

She just did a community ffs

>> No.48777985

What i miss for the community stream

>> No.48778022

No seriously what did I miss, reading the comments for the tag it almost sounds like she’s quitting NND

>> No.48778152

She has some blog thing coming up also no?

>> No.48778184

Unless archive anon shows up we’ll just have to wait for that. I’m guessing that’s why she decided to not do mocopi and instead use a community stream to vent

>> No.48778197

Kinda pissed she’s not doing mocopi here but this is for shits and giggles

Fucking Christ I hate that C ruined a possible fun Noel stream for 2000 days

>> No.48778696

no, probably just announcing she'll drop down to 3~4 streams next month like she said she would

>> No.48779291

I don’t know those on the tag didn’t sound like it was just the dropping to 3-4 a month

>> No.48779969

She was told she has to delete all earlick videos from NND, just separate uploaded videos not archives of streams, no regulations on streams either yet.
That's like 90+ videos.
Might upload them to fantia and FC.
If earlick for streams gets completely banned on nico she's not planning to do them on the 500 yen plan on FC, there's not enough people in that plan and she considers it too cheap, she might make a new plan instead or just do them the 5000 yen plan.

>> No.48780716

Has she played touhou or any other bullet hell?

>> No.48780737

Damn that’s rough, but also why not on fc pretty much the same cost and if NND loses them maybe some of those that are only for the earlick would move to the fc

>> No.48780909

If you count holocure yes, other then that I’m not aware of her doing any bullet hell

>> No.48781078

Rica said the same thing btw

NND should go out old yeller

>> No.48781098

That bad, it might be time to put NND out of its misery then. Just go all in on the fc site even though it’s still the same company.

>> No.48781182

FC doesn't have a mobile app forcing them to comply with Google/Apple terms of service, and the way they monetize the platform is different.
FC works like Patreon or OF, where the revenue comes from taking a cut out of subscription money.
Nico Nico Douga, the video platform works like YouTube, which gets revenue mainly from views translating into ad revenue and investors. I can't imagine even the Japanese population using NND much these days since YouTube took off, and Premium sub revenue is probably such a small fraction that it won't save them either.

>> No.48781200

pretty sure people would be having even less sex if there wasn't easily accesible contraception. No easier way to lover libido than the thought of having a child in this economy

>> No.48781214

Isn't the community profile pfp Cirno

>> No.48781382

I guess but she really should think about it at this point the changes are probably going to get worse going forward

>> No.48782936


>> No.48783166

What I miss so far?

>> No.48783222

I've been hopping in and out of the stream and every time I tune in she's just typing.....

>> No.48783267

She’s mostly been just typing there was a brief moment where she went on her unicorn oshi no ko spiel but that’s about it for notable stuff outside typing

>> No.48783276

I’m guessing we aren’t getting a Noel stream, shame the 2000th day stream was ruined because of NND

>> No.48783290

We did have one

>> No.48783293

she literally had a karaoke yesterday

>> No.48783331

She did do one but not how she was originally that got ruined because of the NND notice that made her do the community stream before so she wasn’t able to do mocap and don’t say it wasn’t the reason literally wrote the sub tweet about the no mocapi right before she did the community stream yesterday

>> No.48783352

She literally lost the mocopi at the studio as “back up”, she even explained it on stream

>> No.48783355

So reading it, it looks like going forward the ts for future ear licking will be restricted for overseas people but not the live stream itself? There’ll be an option to view those in the setting but overseas it won’t matter. Hopefully vpns aren’t blocked. She’s still not committing to lower NND but says less only on march and April because that’s when she might be moving. Since fest is march I’ll assume the moving is April.
Also no mention of archiving it anywhere.
I’m surprised it took her 2 hours to type that

>> No.48783413

moving is whenever she can. She initially planned for February, but scheduling with the movers and the people that handle the soundproof booth looked like March was the earliest date she could.

>> No.48783568

no, the posted videos are dead but the streams and ts aren't affected for now.

>> No.48783772

Please be honest... is canan a virgin?

>> No.48785181

assuming she’s not doing any valentines stuff on Noel this year with the way she’s talking

>> No.48785196

Also anyone keeping track of this stuff so far with her members stream?

>> No.48785427

She’s liking flowglow from what I can understand, and she’s been extremely keen on members like Vivi and Su. Surprised she hasn’t gone for Niko but I think Noel isn’t made for passion idols

>> No.48785474

Talking about DQ3 right now. Again, surprised she’s barely talked about this

>> No.48785863

This focus on sololive stuff is just going to be sad if 5 years from now she's still doing it and still hasn't been given one

>> No.48785922

I don’t hate that she wants to do it though. It’s a good goal to have

>> No.48785952

But is she basically not doing anything for valentines or is it for C? I do like that she polled for times to stream, since that’s something she hasn’t done in a while

>> No.48786032

Probably for canan since she did the Christmas stream for Noel didn’t she

>> No.48786119

Valentine ASMR but the 13th, 14th is Friday and her "break day" (Canan day obviously)

>> No.48786382

Rica and Canan should do an asmr collab. It would kill millions

>> No.48786413

Yeah i think she vibes with su and Vivi since they seem the most like her when it comes to starting out not much experience but pushing themselves to go further. I’m sure with time she’ll get closer to the others as well.

>> No.48786594

Oh so that’s why she rarely uses the sister costume with long hair: it cuts through with the nun braid on the right side. It’s such a nice costume but I wish it could get fixed up.

>> No.48786622

I don't think so. I think she broke her hymen with sex toys when she was super horny one time. I'm just speculating.

>> No.48787240

Usually I would say no, but someone said this elsewhere once that the way she plays with her sex-toys is the way someone who has never seen or touched a real penis in real life before would, so probably.

>> No.48787754

Yeah compare hers to how someone like makoto rizuna or even matsuri do the handjob and you can see the difference

>> No.48787844

And choking multiple times by accident
If she isn't one, she has very, very minimal experience (did it once but never did it again) it's not the first time i've heard of that happening

>> No.48789118

Not to mention the not giving you anytime to recover during the fc at the beginning. Which if you were mainly ingesting hentai you’d think dudes can go 24/7 without any breaks

>> No.48789552

Cool looks like it’ll be a double stream today. The driving game and on Pekora channel

>> No.48789585

ntr the taxi driver with her brother?

>> No.48789674

Have they ever done anything together? I get the feeling they are at best friends through mutuals rather than directly.

>> No.48790275

Not that I know

>> No.48790314

that weird minecraft collab happened they did years ago and it was awkward af or maybe im thinking of something else

>> No.48790324

You’re confusing it with the Mario maker collab with Polka. That one was extremely awkward and makes me wish we got those days again in hololive. Amateur hour sometimes makes you miss the grassroots

>> No.48790355

I need Noel to get kronii to do an asmr collab teach her the ways

>> No.48790439

Noel with an EN member is never gonna happen one on one. I genuinely think that Noel will never do it. Hell I think she was more upset that the one EN that actually wanted to do it just kept getting cold feet.
>But she collaborated with Kiara!
Meh I just think that was a courtesy call for make up after she got sick that one time. It aint happening again.

>> No.48790451

You gotta believe, plus I’m sure they’ve interacted during that holo summer, and considering kronii is an audiophile I can see it happening. Only thing with kronii is Noel would need to be the one to initiate it.

>> No.48790461

Unless Kronii becomes outgoing, chances are slim. I feel like Noel is not gonna like any of these new EN girls. Hell it's kinda funny how i've never seen Liz (the one who constantly makes impersonations) mention Noel (or flare)

>> No.48791041


The link doesn't work, who's the artist?

>> No.48793082

it works, maybe you just got sad pandaed

>> No.48793090

but why? She doesn't strike me as racist, it's jealous of the brown nips?

>> No.48793572

Change the x to a - ex needs you to have an account with them or something

>> No.48793585

Gotta believe when polka takes her on that udon date Noel will get to interact

>> No.48793711

it happened because Kiara speaks Japanese and is extroverted enough to reach out to her.
Noel rarely does the inviting even with Japanese members, and there's no way any other EN member will go out of their way to talk to her

>> No.48794761

Just gotta hope

>> No.48795292

Probably just shyness on both ends
Like >>48793711 said, Kiara is an extrovert so she doesn't have a problem asking.

>> No.48795835

Best way to get kronii is inviting her to a karaoke room.

>> No.48796769

>I need to work harder
…you’re one of the hardest working hololive members jfc

>> No.48796951

No stream today double tomorrow. 1 for Noel one for Canan
I’m going to assume she saw the Regloss or flowglow girls do a group practice session, which got her to want to try even harder.

>> No.48801769

Wonder what the outfit is going to be if it’s pure white

>> No.48801832

you can already see the thumbnail

>> No.48803427

Wonder what exactly she wants to display it would make recommending stuff better match her needs
It looks really good might be one of the best outfits she’s done

>> No.48803477

Hope the relationship chart is fun. She definitely did more in 2024 to grow with certain members now that I think of it

>> No.48803539

Collab with…Roboco???

>> No.48804360

It's ok canan, I am the only man that likes big areolas so you should marry me.

>> No.48804941

Stream tomorrow at 8
But only if there's no ohasuba.

>> No.48805989

Rip computer

>> No.48806001

It's pretty funny that she went "it's fine if I leave the stream to the last day of the month since I'm healthy and won't delay" and then the computer breaks instead.
Hopefully it doesn't make her go too menhera to do the DK stream...

>> No.48806031

Well if it’s a dead computer I doubt well get anything this weekend

>> No.48806411

She was just fucking streaming how the hell did the PC die?

>> No.48806878

13th/14th gen Intel CPUs are pretty much all keeling over around this time unless she updated the BIOS. (And even if it's been updated that only buys another 6-12 months.)

>> No.48806935

Thanks for the NTR jokes again Canan.

>> No.48806950

It always comes back to ntr nowadays

>> No.48807033

pretty sure her PC has a Ryzen CPU and a 4080 Super. I don't remember exactly which but she mentioned her new PC specs on Noel before.

>> No.48807220

But isn’t this the old one? Or is it the PC she just got?

>> No.48807329

I was going to say maybe she’s recording a fc bonus video since she hasn’t tweeted but it just looks like she’s setting up the streams for tomorrow

>> No.48807350

she said she won't this time because she's on her period and obviously doesn't want to show any bloodstains

>> No.48807464

Dangerous time to be wearing all white

>> No.48807883

That be a late night post. How much does she have remaining for donkey Kong

>> No.48808378
File: 64 KB, 600x450, IMG_2622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’d be nice to see her cosplay as you meiren from FGO

>> No.48809531

She's kinda ass at this stage

>> No.48810022

>friend using fc as fap material
now im thinking its macoto

>> No.48810139

Matsuri or Kanata would be my guess if holo maybe kanade

>> No.48810186

She's cheating...

>> No.48810241

She’s trying to beat it and be able to rest a bit before the Minecraft server opens up ain’t she

>> No.48810243

She's literally one-two stages away from beating the game also

>> No.48810360

This stage is kicking her ass

>> No.48810362

Shes panicking too much with these jumps. She's got it down. Stop doing it or else you will need to buy more lives

>> No.48810647

She beat it now it’s super time

>> No.48810651

im not gonna make it to 4am

>> No.48810727

Asmr today or another day

>> No.48810815

Im concerned that she's getting worried about how far she can go for public ASMR now.

>> No.48814485

Noel or Canan

>> No.48814584

Her doctor has seen and fingered her asshole wtf

>> No.48814957


>> No.48814973

she's been worried about youtube flagging asmr for years

>> No.48815037

YouTube automated system is definitely a concern

>> No.48815461

new members wallpaper.

really nice. glad she's finally branching out from the same two people doing her members stuff.i believe hoshi is basically just drawing more C stuff than Noel stuff these days

>> No.48815498

always has because there's more noel streams than canan streams. Every chatting and sleep ASMR stream still has her art though

>> No.48815518

Who’s that again can’t remember of the top of my head

>> No.48816470

Lesbian Taiwan Girl.

>> No.48817243


>> No.48817396

Oh yeah it’s the dogs birthday live today. You think she’ll end Sunday muscle at the 2 hour mark

>> No.48817422

FuwaMoco’s birthday (they get two separate days for a birthday too so it’s even worse if you like both merch wise)

>> No.48817524

the taiwan artist that did all of canan's thumbnail art and a lot of noel stuff too

>> No.48817606

Looks like she is
Starblame is the only one i remember or is it someone else

>> No.48817616

Three streams? I think she has that collab with roboco and I want to assume the ASMR?

>> No.48817656

Nah Roboco isn’t today

>> No.48817660

She said 3, so what’s the other two?

>> No.48817733

No clue but Roboco has a members at 8pm jst and is playing street fighter at 4pm jst so i don’t think that’s one of the 3

>> No.48817752

Maybe that way Noel will finally get Kanata to claim her 3 year old reward

>> No.48817958

Oh it’s Minecraft at 6pm jst didn’t see the slot was already up and asmr at night

>> No.48820150

4am streams are brutal for me man

>> No.48822801

Yeah i just have it as background noise for those times

>> No.48823884

She said the FC video would be out over the weekend but there's nothing.
She really needs another editor.

>> No.48825319


>> No.48825702

Kind of feel like the only reason she uses them at this point is because she knows they won’t leak it

>> No.48825709

more like she's probably too introverted to network and wouldn't know where to find someone else trustworthy anyway

>> No.48829408

I wouldn’t know where to look either

>> No.48829425

I'll do it for free, plus I'm jealous so I wouldn't leak Cana's cute brown nipples to anyone else

>> No.48829527

New Minecraft is always fun seeing everyone interact with one another

>> No.48831850

Has she said if she plans to build anything specific

>> No.48832221 [DELETED] 


>> No.48832587

Danin house someone sent on the twitter tag

>> No.48834269

Double and a guest appearance it’s going to be nice today

>> No.48835861

post cannipples

>> No.48837143

She really enjoys being with Kanade it’s cute to see the interactions

>> No.48837746

Canan doesn’t like that stop it

>> No.48838776

Is she the only one from shiraken that is playing Minecraft at the moment

>> No.48838898

Deso is basically Noel but even dumber and with more banter. I love her.
Suisei and Miko have joined

>> No.48839081

Out of the Holos I think only Matsuri is crass enough to actually tell her, but I wouldn't put Kanata, Miko or Marine from doing it as well, I just don't think they would admit to it

>> No.48840905

Can this whore stop interacting with Sora please thanks

>> No.48840915

Ruining my comfort oshi, go and ruin other streams

>> No.48840926

if it's not a non-streamer friend then it's likely Marine
Kanata may be gay but she's also a unicorn, and I doubt Matsuri talks to her much outside of when they meet for Cover work
Kanade probably doesn't even talk to her outside of Noel

>> No.48840991

I don't know if Marine is the type to tell her "yeah, I schlick it to your shit" specially with Ao around, I don't think she's close to Matsuri either, but I also don't see anyone else with the attitude to tell her that, unless off stream holochats get really freaking and everyone is talking about porn all the time

>> No.48841065

Main reason I think matsuri is she had to have gotten the idea for her fantia from somewhere, watching her is one possible scenario.

>> No.48841255

Roboco collab tomorrow and it’s fairly early all things considered since they usually happen at like 8pm jst

>> No.48842090

Funny if it was a ID or EN girl

>> No.48842891


>> No.48844005

She's yapping a lot of interesting stuff while fishing but I'm at work and can barely pay attention

>> No.48844310

Riene or Ollie for ID, maybe Shiori, Nerissa the dogs and a stretch but kronii and her mask fetish for EN

>> No.48844324

Just something about fishing that gets them to talk about interesting stuff

>> No.48845331

Man all because some over grown toddler now I’m paying extra on my Noel merch

>> No.48845349

I thought I wouldn't apply to merch since it's shipped from Japan

>> No.48845426

I assume anon's talking about the exchange rate, USD/yen fell almost 2% since the (fake) trade war with Mexico/Canada started.

>> No.48845501

No i got hit by the 10-15% rate

>> No.48845785

How? It doesn't target Japan. Are your goods getting shipped from China? Or are you Canadian and importing from the US or something?

>> No.48845879

It hits them because of the MADE IN CHINA crap

>> No.48846319

first time Noel ever interacted with Advent iirc

>> No.48846331

Biboo saw her at the studio before

>> No.48847513

Last I checked the state I live in is still part of the US so nope not Canadian

>> No.48847678

Took me 6 years to realize she isn't sexy, become depressed when watching her now

>> No.48847759

Where are these cuckroaches coming from? so many new twitter accounts in her replies

>> No.48847771

Yeah I honestly prefer Noel over Canan nowadays by a large margin

>> No.48847936

Which ones

>> No.48849883

Wonder if the Roboco visit got her interested in owning her on house

>> No.48851250

Definitely thinking it’s Ollie that watches her fc now

>> No.48851535

Wait a freaking second. Hotomi Tanaka is J cup???
Are you telling me that Canan is bigger than legendary Hitomi!?

>> No.48851643

Ollie would. I heard at one point she tried to contact her Canan account as Ollie. No idea if it's true though.

>> No.48851877

Nah hitomi tanaka is probably American j cup or bigger at this point

>> No.48852003

hitomi was only J back when she debuted, she grew to an O over the course of her career

>> No.48852078

It’s crazy to think how much she grew but she has been in the business like 18 years at this point hasn’t she

>> No.48852318

Honestly Ollie is the kind of person who would draw Noel dressing up or acting like Canan and giving 100 winky faces

>> No.48852351

Considering how she described moona chest I can see that and I’m jealous

>> No.48852661

She got a stomach ache?

>> No.48852939

Did everyone else miss yesterdays user stream? Well just just ranted a bunch about AI again...
Where you get that from?

>> No.48852959

I wonder how she will handle it, when Cover eventually gives in to the AI retardation

>> No.48853094

Cover shouldn't bother but they pour so much retarded energy into the holoearth server.
(also me) I got that from the YT comments on her recent minecra stream

>> No.48853180

Probably ate too many of Roboco cookies in one sitting

>> No.48853931

Cover will absolutely pivot to training voice synth models on the girls and selling some kind of AI girlfriend subscription within 5 years, I guarantee it.

>> No.48853952

not even that out of line for what others are doing, Ui is selling a voice bank of herself. Surprised that she even agreed to it with how picky and bitchy she can be at times, just letting everyone out there who paid the price own the right to make "you" say anything they want is pretty wild

>> No.48854209

Probably only for the ones who are ok with it

>> No.48854261

It’s cute how much she’s enjoying Minecraft with everyone. Gives her more opportunity to hang out and chat with people

>> No.48854399

social anxiety aside she's more extroverted than she gives herself credit for

>> No.48854428

Yeah she really benefits from the interactions with others

>> No.48854841

Go figure the one week I’m busy on the mornings she practically streams every day until 24+2

She’s addicted

>> No.48856464

uhh I can't tell if this is part of the ASMR or if she actually fell asleep

>> No.48856729

I think she genuinely fell asleep

>> No.48856969

minecraft... ?

>> No.48857059

Did she log in?

>> No.48857084

don't know

>> No.48859561

Laplus being seduced by Canan wearing a Mai cosplay, it’d actually would be a nice cosplay to see her wear

>> No.48859688

She's too much of a shortstack to be Mai

>> No.48860143

Damn she’s a whole half foot shorter

>> No.48863053

I missed most of the stream but she's arguing with chat a lot, something happened with her Minecraft dogs?

>> No.48863285

No clue last I remember was her naming one of the dogs she got looking for a home but that was at the very beginning

>> No.48863826

No Sunday muscle? I’m guessing in favor for preparation for the Shiraken airport thing

>> No.48865003

It’s at 10pm EST so not bad

>> No.48865061

Oh for some reason I thought it was a night stream. That explains the no Sunday muscle

>> No.48865099

I’ll take no Sunday muscle because she’s practically streamed all damn week
