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48742001 No.48742001 [Reply] [Original]

Beginner guide, FAQ and links: https://rentry.org/8vkaw
New child mechanics guide for Elona+: https://pastebin.com/7is8p4NF
Elona+ Custom-GX continued branch: https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlusCustom-GX
Extra sprites/PCCs: https://elonaup.x0.com/sozai/index.htm
Elin EA (use a Steam Emulator like Goldberg): https://gofile.io/d/JiSjhh
Elin Wiki: https://ylvapedia.wiki
Elin Player Guide-Compilation: https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Player_Guides

Previous Floor:

>> No.48742016

where can i get the backpack recipe

>> No.48742024

I think you can buy them from furniture shops, or maybe general stores?

>> No.48742202
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Anyone used https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3409044138 or got other mods to recommend for adding custom dialogue to NPCs?

>> No.48742380
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>> No.48742419

this is abetter way to do it than editing the spreadsheet I shared.
But there's no way one person is gonna fill out all those cells, I am too lazy for that...

>> No.48742467

It's the perfect bulk task for a LM. You can feed it context description along with the default lines, if there are any, and then specify to make variants matching personality, job or whatever.
It's not going to be perfect but it's quicker to just prune a set down to the good ones than write a bunch yourself.
Plus once you got a good collection you can feed it back in as examples to better zero in on what you're after.

Surprised Noa hasn't done it himself already since he uses ChatGPT heavily already.

>> No.48742476

If you read through the modding agreement thing ingame you can tell Noa is very much not fond of using AI for that kind of stuff even if he uses it for translating

>> No.48742488

what's he gonna do, cry over every AI image even if the quality or aesthetic fits the game?

>> No.48742519

I've read it but I suspect it's just as much him finding it hard/time consuming to judge the quality of large amounts of English outputs and don't want to get some sterile assistant type lines in which is fair.

>> No.48742522

Is it just me or are demigods kind of useless?
Once you get off the godwhoring train, there's not much left and even so anyone can ride it with slightly less comfort and the same result.
Nothing god-specific to roleplay, so you don't find out who your parents are. No separate dialogue with altars or when praying.

You're either descended from Eyth (which would be a nice twist deep in the Void, but I doubt Noa will ever implement it), or you're better off picking any other race and RPing one of the gods as your parent.

>> No.48742559

it has 120 base hp and mana
it's the most hp / mana caster race
every other caster has some drawback/gimmick/trade-off
which makes it good for swapping between casting and melee playstyles at a whim (including gods)

>> No.48742560

The only good thing they have is 120 life / 120 mana base. The faster piety gain used to be nice before Noa made it so benefits from gods also required days spent. I think he could have waved that for demigods and they still would on the weaker/generic side of things.

>> No.48742616

Whorshipping Eyth only gives stats nothing cool like the other gods. No extra healing, no free seeds while farming no god weapons etc.

>> No.48742635

the biggest lack is god weapon
I wouldnt care for the passives but god weapons are too good not to have because FACTION buffs

>> No.48742719

I wish someone made Elona uploader easier to search around

>> No.48742733

Its a nearly 20 year old japanese website, what did you expect?

>> No.48742745

The discord has the entire archived zip of the uploader up to May of last year
either create a new site using better search,tag,filtering
or just browse through that archive manually

>> No.48742782

This is why I don't do permadeath

>> No.48742878

Kinda meh, because the only way to fully utilize this is to take an executioner, but wraith/whatever will be a much better warrior through race alone (though demigod will be a better hybrid, since you won't die without mana)
For mages and paladins, the ability to go into negative mana like elea and eulderna can is much more useful.
For classic warriors, the main thing is to take opatos hammer and you're good. Hillfolk, Juere or even golem will be better.
Pets will tank for you anyway.

Each race has something unique and useful from start to finish.
Juere's ability to get more from food results in better stats overall.
Succubus just fucks her way to the top.
Hillfolk is tough and gets buffed by booze.
Elea and Eulderna can go into negative mana without too much drama.
Fairy is fast af which is hard to beat.

It's funny, but demigods are in the same league as snails without a challenge part. Yeah, good life and mana and so, but nothing you can't get later in the game.
Sure, there is a unique bonus for eytheism, but it is weak compared to any worship bonus and at the same time is too inconvenient in leveling faith (which limits the buff).

As far as I understand, the faith bonus from offerings and the ability to switch gods without punishment WAS great before Noa introduced days of worship as a reward for loyalty. A demigod could turn to Opatos and donate thousands of tons of ore to him with a 30% bonus, then change religion and enjoy the benefits of high faith. That's gone now.

Yep. No god pet, no god weapon. Nothing.

>> No.48742977

Being a jack of all trades is a specialty in and of itself. Having no glaring weaknesses means you also don't get flashy things to compensate.

>> No.48742991

What are you smoking anon

Days spent has always been in the faith bonus calcs since alpha when religion came online, long before demigod was ever a thing

>> No.48743024

Made a new character after a shitload of time staying on 1, I forgot how much of a completely different world the early game is

>> No.48743154

I say this because the on the 6th of december in the nightly build 12/6 2024 EA 23.50 Nightly, and then on the 10th of december Noa patched in a stable build (12/10 2024 EA 23.54 ) the following in the notes:
Faith bonuses now increase with both devotion levels and the number of faith days.
I don't speak japanese to check it against the japanese patch notes (I think it's 信仰ボーナスは、信仰心の向上以外に、信仰日数でも増えていきます。)
Was it just a clarification? It could be as I'm don't speak japanese. I'm lead to think it was updated because it was written in a nightly build first and not as an individual clarification.
Doesn't matter much to me in the end, the current state of faith bonuses are what they are (and I don't think they are changing how they work any time soon) and they make demigod even more shit.

>> No.48743261

Funny names aside I cant tell which one to use

>> No.48743286

Nta , but...

It's a translation thing, there's archived discussion on the discord regarding days worshipped faith bonuses from late 2023/early 2024, and the square root of days worshipped has been a factor since at least June 2024 which is when people started code digging in earnest.

The notes section is for clarifying thoughts or explaining stuff already in the game.

Anyways, demigod:

Because days worshipped is a square root function, it rapidly hits diminishing returns. I don't think any more than a few hundred days makes much difference, after that the gains are really miniscule as they hit a wall.

I personally like demigod's 120 life and mana. Sure, hp and mp can be increased with stats, but you'll need a lot more of them compared to demigod.

It's not flashy, but it's practical and both are something that any character can use more of. No matter how many stats or feats a character has, all other things being equal a demigod will have more of both.

>> No.48743292
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it did not attach for some reason

also, do Big Daddies count as unique residents? They have the brackets

>> No.48743333

They take a slot.

I think it ends up lacking flavor, but it might just be me.
I can tell it's potentially a good race to make hybrids due to the 120/120 stats, and a nice race to discover

>> No.48743386

Is there any way to reliably get scrolls of faith in large quantities?

>> No.48743461

With that patch there were people posting that they got a sizable bonus for stats/skills from worshiping gods for ~1y+, so I was under impression scaling became much better with time. Patchnotes are just often poorly translated and ambiguous.

>> No.48743527

any guides to adding custom mobs?
or should I look up the game's discord and pray

>> No.48743639

Broomification is technically available to everyone, so the +45 speed buff isn't really witch-exclusive.
Wiki says Witch get x1.25 raiding +25 flat riding on top when riding a broomified mount.
This looks really strong, but if non-witch levels up riding really high to remove the penalties, the speed will be the same, right?

>> No.48743736

How do you get mud and white sand? Quiet Beach has white sand but it's property I dont want to lower my karma

>> No.48743767


>> No.48743839

Its just a bonus race implemented as a backer wish dude.

>> No.48744018

>All the mushroom TREE in the world
>Mushrooms as crop
>Mushroom festival in Yowyn
What does this all means?

>> No.48744046

They won't tell you this but mushrooms run the continent.

>> No.48744552

Don't forget

>> No.48744988

Just get some of it, then craft soil floor with it. Place it down, plow it then you can infinitely dig it for said sand. I don't know where you can find mud tho.

>> No.48746581

so will noa finally work on the story after fixing melee

>> No.48746988

being on stable branch is pure suffering.

>> No.48747138

Is there a good way to raise max stamina? I'm trying to play a succubus but I'm having a hard time using the race feat early on without fucking myself to death.

>> No.48747148

Only way is stamina feats and levels. Otherwise worship Ehekatl to reduce stamina usage.

>> No.48747149

Making a dream bug uses 50% of your max stamina no matter what

>> No.48747284

Why do you want white sand anyways? To get fragments for wand production?

>> No.48747345
File: 279 KB, 395x390, {152BAC16-3C72-4BB9-9832-7F6A84A8F1EB}.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are good superfoods and superfood ingredients for things other than strenght?
I got the marbled meat>kibble>Cheese>Soft and fluffy bread thing down, but other than that nothing comes close.
It's to the point that despite being mage/gunner, my strenght is in the 100s while I'm in the low 50s on everything else

>> No.48747371

And here, from this post, we can see another reason as for why the Cut element is objectively the best elemental domain.

>> No.48747382

Just go to the casino and steal them

>> No.48747399

I'm collecting resources just cause you never know when you'll build and use a ton of them for a settlement

>> No.48747406

I heard if you place panties,
tourists will throw money at them?

>> No.48747432
File: 114 KB, 1634x738, Foods Elin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because STR is the easiest stat to raise as it has no competition and you can make kibbles>cheese out of it for high nutrition gain. If you look at the other biggest raw gain for each stat you'll notice the meat is always very competitive, you can look at the wiki in https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Food/Monster_Food_Traits and https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Food#Meat_and_Egg.. Here's an example for END:
-End: Fish: Whale (6END), Shark (5END)
-End: Veggies/Fruit: Palulu (4END but raw dex potential), Watermelon (4END, not sure if it has seeds or not).
-End: Eggs: Rock eggs (13 END). Dragon egg (6END). Not sure what are the odds to get eggs out of rockbombs, I guess it you manage to get one with scroll of ally or a ball you could feed it food with aphrodisiac to force eggs to pop.
-End: Meat:Marbled dragon meat (6END), marbled ancient crab meat (5 END).

Anyways, see pic ralted for super foods that was circulating in discord.

>> No.48747616

doesn't it count as an instrument?

>> No.48747619

Fish are pretty good in general. Onions sauce is particularly good since you can get extra stats from the seaweed. Just remember, you can't turn a fish directly into cheese; you have to turn it into seasoning first.

>> No.48747752

Dang, ty. Pretty demoralizing seeing it all go to burger with obscure ingredients almost.
Good to know, didn't take fish to be very useful since their stats don't appear to be much, didn't realize I was being spoiled with meat being that high.

Guess I'll keep growing various rice strains for noodles and cheesing whatever to make bread with.

Any particular tip for perception food, though? Given that cheese comes with -2, can't get that bulk the usual way

>> No.48747755

do asuras even exist yet? I havent seen any

>> No.48747850

It's not that bad when you start getting more knowledge and time under your belt, long term you can start duplicating food so you only need to get some materials once, but it can feel a bit dauting if you don't know where to look at. Except god/innos meat as that is obviously not easy at all.
If you want PER I'd definitely start by recruiting a silver bell and rodwyn to your base, and feed the bell food with aphrodisiac she sells, in the hopes it lays an egg. Those eggs have insane amounts of PER (26 PER and 5 PER potential in the egg). So knowing that your goal is getting some of those eggs, the more the better.
After that it depends on your cooking level, you could try to make a rice bowl as a starter (requires only 22 cooking), for that you would want the following:
1-Rice bred for PER+any other stat of your choice
2-Silver bell egg
3-Cheese (either a silver bell egg cheese, or meat from a will o wisp meat turned to a keeble>cheese for more nutrition, ideally marbled)
4-Corpse. Ideally a Marbled will o wisp meat. You can use normal corpse too but you'll get worse results.
5-Vegetable: Ideally a rare mushroom bred for perception.

So now your goal is recruiting a silver bell and rodwyn, and will o wisp meat, then planting mushrooms bred for percetion, which I think is quite doable. For silver bells I'd recommend getting one from the new years (you can either use balls from the casino after throwing 1 icebolt on it and leaving it at 1hp, or gifting).

>> No.48747861

are there any towns with cotton plants or seeds?

>> No.48747868
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You'll start seeing them in level 25 nefias onward I think. They are not super common but not that rare either.

>> No.48747880

Merchant guild headquarters south of mysilia have cotton plants you can harvest, but it's a crime so be mindful that you are not seen.

>> No.48747894

can i savescum learning cooking recipes or do i just need to keep crafting and disassembling ?

>> No.48747913

Yes you can, but it's very tiring.

>> No.48747950
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>but it's a crime so be mindful that you are not seen.
thanks. ill keep that in mind

>> No.48747954

Oh, ty! I've already got a bell and Rodwyn, too, so most of the hard part's over. Guess I'll try to ranch wisps, if that's even doable? I know bells don't make eggs as livestock, don't know about those.
Either way thanks a bunch for the spoonfeeding, now I've got clear goals!

>> No.48748010

I remember some tip about keeping the exquisite treasure chests to dismantle them later for rare stuff, now that I can do it I get pearl logs. Are they good for anything? Only thing they got is price level 3, which even basic palulu beats. Am I missing something, is there some crazy alchemy you can do with those or some hidden property?

>> No.48748277

is there a way to always run instead of having it be based on mouse distance? I saw an option to always run when using the keyboard in experimental but i like using the mouse

>> No.48748282

Not sure if they are any good at breeding to produce more to butcher, but they are common enough that you either try to kill them, or recruit them and butcher them once you're back in town.
You'll probably want to dupe the food with kettle once it's cooked anyways (if you ever find a straw hammer keep it to turn the food to straw).

Crafting has very low odds to teach new recipes in my experience, but it's never a waste as you get cooking exp and a chance to increase the recipe level of one of the recipees that are craftable in the station you're using.
Dismantling is better, people say it's a 10% rate of learning by dismantling and in my experience it checks but sometimes you get bad rng and it takes some save scumming to get it.
If you want to learn new recipes definitely keep an eye on innkeepers/patissiers/bakers/butchers and buy items you want to learn by dismantling. You'll end up filling most stuff that way, it'll be faster if you get those in your base with a high town level + invested npc.
What seems to take longer and is pretty random is increasing the recipe level, and this is one of those things that help aleviate the need to have high level cooking.

>> No.48748369
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Is Horome somehow related to succubi?
Mothers have headpats...

>> No.48748387

I was hoping to go with Kumiromi for the plantfucker strategy but I guess I could make the succubus a fisher on the side, or just hop to one after the other. Early game stamina just seems to -really- slow things down.

>> No.48748410

Is there an efficient way to level a ton of animals or do i just need to restart from scratch breeding. I want to start foreign door cheesing with cashmere and mahogany but common quality cashmere from lvl 1 rabbits kinda ruins my plans.

>> No.48748422

why wouldnt you just use cotton?
also you only need quality on wood OR the textile and combining two won't combine the quality
for instance I have on my screen quality 5 textile and quality 5 wood and my max foreign door is quality 6, they still output 5

>> No.48748438

is there anything useful to snag from derphy with furniture tickets?
especially early/mid game

>> No.48748447

Quality bait when

>> No.48748457

To me early game stamina is always painful unless you're a farmer. I've never found Ehekatl random stamina usage to be all that good. Personally, I'd recommend trying to get farris (or any other healer companions) to heal you when you're diping into negative stamina. As long as you have enough HP you can push stamina usage quite easily. I'd recommend getting opatos hammer if you can as it's quite helpful to push into big negative stamina.

If you wantsomething that can't be farmed, an option you have is to level magic device (the higher the better) and use the summon animals rod, or level the spell itself (less effective but it can also work). You can get high level animals this way. The animals can be recruit by gifting so it's not that bad, but I'd recommend having some charisma gear around to make sure you can recruit them (also avoid t-rexes because they have very skewed stats so it's hard to recruit a high level one). The other option is getting high level balls and capturing monsters in the void or other scaled places, but I find that it's not that easy.

>> No.48748466

The gacha machine/vending machines in the area with the slave master are nice if you can afford them. There's also a BBQ if you really have lot of tickets, but I think it's easier to farm it in port kapul. There's also a prince bed I think in the room on the corner in the southern part of the city if you want.

>> No.48748470
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Wiki says cotton has a lower sell price multiplier from what i can tell. Either way i already have the wood maxed out so i guess that works.

>> No.48748509

dragon scale is the best and easiest farmable textile, relatively. I can get 60 a week from 40ish mass monsters I keep in my home.
I only ever spin them into threads once a year after I have amassed enough.

>> No.48748540
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first statue get!!!

>> No.48748815
File: 559 KB, 476x674, {E584B7FD-5CC3-46B3-A6F7-62EAA68DF2BF}.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wondering why I was only hitting two or three times per clip with the mani shotgun, turns out it's really terrible for any kind of range
I mean duh, it's a shotgun, but still
Testing it against a dummy, it's pretty underwhelming. Only does good damage when I'm point blank. Feels like even with just one tile of space the damage starts falling off. When the target is 4 tiles away it damages as much as a pistol and doesn't hit as reliably at all.

I speedran getting the shotgun when I started so didn't use any guns before, and I thought all guns sucked until I tried some random pistol and started hitting my shots. Wish there was better indicators than the cryptic "best range" because even with other range 1 weapons with the same %chance to hit on tooltip I reliably hit from afar

>> No.48748922
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Any reason to euthanize little ones other than the small karma? The egg's stats aren't great and they hatch into chickens.

>> No.48748945

The syringe was created because eventually they start piling up and make the map run slow.

Some japs have thousands in the garden.

>> No.48748995

maybe try the gun mod that reduces distance penalties but idk i haven't really messed with guns

>> No.48749161
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>Contract [Heavy Shell] Ether Disease
>SPD is instantly reduced to 10
>Even with 2x [Speed Rings] and a [Seven League Boots] equipped
I wouldn't complain if say, for example, HOOF TRANSFORMATION or ETHER WINGS actually appeared before this shit instead of some of those useless diseases for fucks sake.

>> No.48749224
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End result, ty again.
I could get it to +42 per if I used a certain sugar instead of cheese, but the lack of nutrition from the cheese made me get less exp overall, so it's worth taking that -2

>> No.48749225
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How come the anons in these threads are always much newer and cuter in the game then v?

>> No.48749252

Speaking as one, this felt like the better thread for advice and in general, the ones on v felt more shitposty

>> No.48749273

You are replying to said shitposting avatartranny from /v/

>> No.48749285

How to make NPCs stop moving without talking to them?

>> No.48749357

So (if you know what game I gonna to compared), Elin or Soulash 2?

>> No.48749376
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Is there any non apostle companion that has the multi shoot feat?

Considering leaving my black cat at base over this

>> No.48749481

Anything stopping us from duping meals made from little ones corpses to get the adam without having to kill more than one?

Demitas from main quest is an alternative for the exile apostle, has the rapid cast feat (+1 spell projectile)
He also has servant of god though, which I assume means he counts as an apostle and will fight others, wonder why he has it while other apostle alternatives don't

>> No.48749484

you cant

>> No.48749501

How to increase the population cap?

>> No.48749535

You can only copy thins that have the "made by you" line. I don't think you can "manufacture" a little one corpse, I think the trait gets lost if you cook the corpse in any way.

Leveling your base to level 7. Some terrains have higher amount of pop cap per level, also the fertile trait provides +1 additional pop per level.

>> No.48749548

Kettle refuses to copy anything with the Adam trait in it.

Demitas is an actual exile.

>> No.48749657
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thanks anon I'll try him out

>> No.48749659
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why does it weigh 61s
bought from vendor

>> No.48749677

Will Noa fix the boxing gloves and claws sprites?

>> No.48749953

How often do you restart before you settle on a choice?

I started out as Horome's paladin, but now I see how much mana and magic stats her blessing provides.
I already regret it and want to restart as an executioner now, since it's the only way to use all that mana without turning into a caster. And paladins were made to be Jure's simps anyway.

>> No.48749966

There's a "New game" kinda mod on the workshop that allows you to transfer over a lot of progress to a new game while picking another race and class.
Only used it once but haven't any issues in the 20+ hours I've played the new character.

>> No.48750001
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I'm 10 years in. I reset twice though before settling. Not resetting anymore unless a major update comes out, but I kinda want to try Thief Ehekatl and Mani Gunner Yerles...
Also any clue how to prevent people from walking into the water without walls? Making the edge tall would work but it's too deep...
No "private" area sign?

>> No.48750020

you can use that mod + you can actually just drag your base save folder (or someone's moonbase...) to save all your resources+base+recipes
or you can just cheat and use console to change race+class

>> No.48750040

Higher tier heal spells and AoE buffs use a lot of mana, probably more efficient to use your MP for clutch full heals later in the game rather than letting enemies drain it. As long as you don't get 1 shot.

>> No.48750057
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>> No.48750417

I'm not that far into the game yet, but it's an interesting option.

Executioner can heal and buff too, unless it's some low life extreme like fairy or wraith.
All I lose is devout 2 feat (about 25% of Foxmommy's favor) and some self respect from going meta. Maybe it's not worth it.

>> No.48750418

Absolute newfren here, still in the tutorials/beginner quests. What kind of playstyle would involve the least inventory management overall?
Is there a recommended mod list?
Also, it would be helpful if the next OP clarified that despite these being Elin threads, the 1st link is actually for a much older game called Elona, the way the 2 links below it specify "Elona(+)" in their descriptions
The 4th link in the OP has the same issue

>> No.48750449

The threads are usually called Elona/Elin Thread. The anon that baked the thread forgot to write it I guess

>> No.48750503

Can pets use bandages?

>> No.48750570

>What kind of playstyle would involve the least inventory management overall?

Probably melee Executioner cause you can eschew mana using spells and you don't need to fiddle with ammunition. But the game's inventory management becomes a non-issue late-game once you design your inventory, storage and dump settings.

>> No.48750581

they use bandages in shared containers
I craft 100 bandages, toss it into my shared backpack and they pull from my inventory
unsure if they appropriately use bleed/poison bandages, so I just leave that shit for myself
also dont know if they use potions, but cant spam-create those so w/e

>> No.48750582

Oh, okay
Do you know of a playstyle in Elin that would involve little inventory management overall?
Also, are there any mods you'd recommend?

Thank you very much! Also, can you think of any mods I should use?

>> No.48750602

whip selector
unlimited stethoscope
quest timer
elin ui extensions
say piety after offered
damage monitoring
your favorite portrait mods

>> No.48750605

When can I make a follower sleep beside me? I need that mofu mofu.

>> No.48750640


>> No.48750680

I also recommend runescape EXP drop for maximum dopamine
it also teaches you what to keep doing/eating for stat training without looking at the wiki

>> No.48750716

I don't know what you mean by inventory management, stocking up on warm/coldproof blankets or bandages is something you kind of have to do with all characters until you reach the mitigation treshold, also potions are something any charcater might need even though I wouldn't call them a must have.
Playing as a pure melee fighter is not the best option as it's still a bit underpowered (unless the melee rework has already been done, I haven't played in a while), menawhile magic classes are usually more versatile but you have to keep stocking up on spells (the early game might be a bit harder but during mid/end game it will be much easier). My last playthrough was with a mage but besides a container where I put my tent, blankets, lockipcks and a few emergency potions, the rest of my inventory was only used for picking up and unloading items.
If loading and unloading your inventory after every dungeon run scares you remember you can edit all the container settings (the ones you bring along and the ones of your base) so that with a single button press it will unload all of your inventory in the correct chests automatically. For mods I don't know as I never use them, check what the other anon said (besides portrait/sprite changes).

>> No.48750826

you've given the guy a list that will burn him out before he even understands 1/10th of the game.

Install mods when you personally find something actually tedious, not preemptively

>> No.48750841

>Do you know of a playstyle in Elin that would involve little inventory management overall?
Learn to use filters, the earlier you set up your inventory and base containers the less management you will need to do in the future. The inventory is very flexible with near infinite amount of slots(you can get lightweight delivery boxes as cheap expansion by sending anything with delivery box from Tinker's camp), I keep autosort by weight in most of my bags and just toss heaviest things if I need to make space.

>> No.48750842

>single mod that adds exp drop icons
>it'll burn him out
if anything it'll motivate him to play more to get more juicy exp drops
this is a number go up game after all

>> No.48750855

that ones fine, the other anon recommended him things that will skip half the game before he even knows whats happening

>> No.48750979

None of these mods will "burn him out"
The mods newfags would avoid are the ones that they think they need but becomes a non-issue later. Like expanded sturdy chests, and no item destruction stuff.

>> No.48750980

just go to any of the apostle farm bases and have at it
it's not a super rare trait drop like celestial fox is

>> No.48750996

The fucks an apostle farm base

>> No.48751017

there's quite a few published bases that have a large number of apostles in a tight space for the sole purpose of farming their unique genes

>> No.48751056

So you just kill them and pray they drop???

>> No.48751461


>> No.48751470


>> No.48751577
File: 3.84 MB, 1920x1080, grinding mk2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every day is slimegirl day

>> No.48751615

Only way I see that being doable is to wall it off, make doors for all walls, a sign tagging the room(s) as private and then making all that invisible. You can also do fence+gate.

>> No.48751623

>titan sized
is that a whole whale slice

>> No.48751791

stop kicking everyone!

>> No.48751965

how do i get isekai into my elin world

>> No.48751985

get scutted

>> No.48752016

Play panty concerto no. 2 in front of mr. Truck

>> No.48752022
File: 2.25 MB, 4096x3034, 1728113011452594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you already know the answer anon
only truck san can help you

>> No.48752290
File: 963 KB, 1600x800, 1728889147390571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty for all the suggestions. I've decided not to install mods yet, but I'll refer to this list later once I have a better understanding of the game
Also I'm sure I'll love that autoexplore mod. I can't play caves of qud without autoexplore tbqh

>> No.48752352
File: 2.52 MB, 924x1700, 1706404493575932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest in peace my very 1st character: Cuckold, "The Moan"
I like to imagine he was audibly wheezing for breath during this conversation

>> No.48752377
File: 85 KB, 735x894, 1736408766406808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time with the game
>playing blind eternity
zased, so fvcking zased...

>> No.48752390

Ty fren
On my next character, I'll continue a habit I started in CoQ: every time I die, the new character gets a *slightly* cooler name, and in this case portrait too. Starting from the very bottom and working my way up!

>> No.48752429
File: 197 KB, 1080x879, 1737655527308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I woke up and saw that anons would literally let the thread fucking die than answer the resident avatartranny
He can't help himself. He has to post his gacha sluts or he will die (he should)
Learn from them jaypee

>> No.48752465

wheres the preg mod

>> No.48752470

where is the detailed sex animation framework mod?

>> No.48752475

where is the futa mod

>> No.48752477

wheres the sex toy enabled sex mod with monster sex on death

>> No.48752481
File: 448 KB, 498x616, 1737203945092062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respectfully, please don't mention futa again

>> No.48752486

where is the scat netorare futa mod with vanilla happy sex impregnation permanently disabled?

>> No.48752491

wheres the /jp/ mod for when you use the computer furniture

>> No.48752610
File: 113 KB, 789x759, 20250123043011_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very angry that I can not put genes in my player character. ~45 minutes of fighting endless waves of summons, 60+ resurrection scrolls, and dodging guaranteed oneshot attacks.

>> No.48752645

>1 feat point

>> No.48752662

Changed it myself, it is actually 150+ in reality. Buy yeah even my oldest character is only at 100 fp so fuck that.

>> No.48752668

the carry weight is going to be the end of me
please tell me there is a way I can go on a kenshi tier weight lifting arc to max out my carry weight in a week

>> No.48752726
File: 85 KB, 368x181, Screenshot 2025-01-23 141010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worship Opatos, acquire the golden knight apostle, give them genes, equipment, and books for strength and weightlifting. Also make sure they are weighted down at all time to train them passively.

Player character is harder though you just have to be permanently encumbered and make sure you spend your platinum coins on keeping the skill juiced up at trainers.

>> No.48752761

It gets better over time, but the beginning with the gear and tools is pretty painful. I'd recommend putting chores/excercise on your companions and leaving them in your base one or two days, so they learn the skill. Don't remove that hobby/work afterwards, they'll keep leveling weightlifting passively over time. This will help you a lot, but the golden knight is the only way you're getting furniture or very heavy shit carried.

>> No.48753192

in another thread I heard of rice>rice cake>cheese>etc. so grow some rice with a stat you want and make some rice cakes. (doesnt work with store-bought rice cakes supposedly)

>> No.48753194

You can easily use texture expand and the pixel art model to make f*ta alts
I personally make my girls f*ta when drunk...

>> No.48753229

Everyone can impregnate everyone so everybody is futa by default.

>> No.48753402
File: 265 KB, 828x619, 1737668656007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait you can impregnate others????

>> No.48753702

I'm being lazy on blessing spellbooks to be duplicated by demitas. How much of a difference does it make, more charges per page?

>> No.48753830
File: 51 KB, 268x330, demitas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think it changes anything like kettle
you just get exactly what you give him

>> No.48753854

>60+ resurrection scrolls, and dodging guaranteed oneshot attacks.
Holy sh~
This makes me want to go meta with wraith or executioner and full Faith Relay.
Maybe 280+ effective life will be enough to survive endgame damage.

>> No.48754134

Not really impregnate, but more like fertilize eggs.

>> No.48754139

>cotton plants
por que?

>> No.48754228

why am i the only person alive with ether disease

>> No.48754240

Gameplay mechanics
Gameplay mechanics is also why NPCs revive

>> No.48754521
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so can someone answer the question? >>48752429

>> No.48754557

answer this dick in your mouth

>> No.48754600

>go to bed
>half the residents teleport onto the tile
i may have accidentally become a slut

>> No.48754624

Is the Masamune worth it?

>> No.48754702

unlikely, you've got better odds with finding info on discord lmao
i'd hazard a guess on gods or will o wisps based on their eggs, but i don't use the mod to find out

>> No.48755124

Do faction boosts on the god weapons only trigger when (you) hold the weapon?

>> No.48755138

anyone in your party so long as you are still following that god

>> No.48755146

is grass hammer good for anything or did that statue just give me garbage?

>> No.48755179

You can make people touch grass forcefully

>> No.48755201

so Noas just given up on stable entirely right? Its been 34 days since the last update

>> No.48755214

its only been 2 weeks

>> No.48755230

Someone here wanted to try a ranged executioner build.
I did some tests. Unless I got some crazy luck, crits works with bow and boomerang too. You don't have to fight in melee.
I still think it's impractical though.

>> No.48755234

some people use low material hammers to reduce the value of their food so kettle dupes more

>> No.48755256 [SPOILER] 
File: 512 KB, 652x727, 1724498719506473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how strong do I need to be to kill inos as a str build

>> No.48755283
File: 1.90 MB, 784x778, *putit*.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do this

>> No.48755287

Katana enchantment pls noa

>> No.48755299

Blessings and Blessed Mind/Body potions dont last nearly long enough
just a few minutes of traveling the world map and the blessing is gone
So it's best to get them before diving in void or something
whereas in Elona+ you can down the potion any time and it'd last a year

>> No.48755313

If I don't have Nocturnal Life policy active, will the bonuses from the Game job/hobby still activate?

>> No.48755380

Is there any need to feed milk to baby pets? Can you just leave them as babies until super lategame then give them +50 milks for a massive power spike?

>> No.48755387

Sure you can. Milk effect is capped by taming level so if you feed milk early there won't be that much of an effect.

>> No.48755451

At the point of the game where I have nothing to do but autism grind up life skills, the fun has finally stopped.

>> No.48755514

Feeding milk also trains your taming so might as well do it. You can just get another baby pet later.

>> No.48755548

did you build your base

>> No.48755560

The point is to use these babies as party members through the entire game, gaining a ton of levels through experience and then a milk powerspike in the endgame, the ultimate pets.
Just need microchips to show up faster so I can get an incubator. Pet-maxxing is kinda stupid honestly, wouldn't care if these strats got nerfed so I don't feel like I'm missing out by not choosing level 1 baby party members.

>> No.48755594

How do I increase a pet's speed?

>> No.48755640

>At the point of the game where I have nothing to do but autism grind up life skills
So you just started a character?

>> No.48755660

- Speed ring (30 speed max) per finger.
- Equipment with spirit cloth/ether material (+5).
- Using the broomification spell (+45).
- Worshipping lulwy (no cap).

>> No.48755668

>(no cap)
ong fr fr

>> No.48755785
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>> No.48755786
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did something bug out? it's supposed to be a putit

>> No.48755803

enjoy your godly statue of pinch of alchemical ash

>> No.48755809

It's called modern art

>> No.48755899

Artificial Race got CWL dependency so the mod updated and unloaded if you did not have CWL

>> No.48755962

unironically looks like a mod has semi bricked your save. Be careful if it fails to get loaded it'll just crash on repeat

>> No.48756027
File: 11 KB, 327x112, Screenshot 2025-01-24 113857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its in the patch notes

>> No.48756074
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the borgar

>> No.48756099

god i wish that were me

>> No.48756164
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>> No.48756288

No. Speed gains from worship technically have no cap, but are sharply throttled by diminishing returns after 100.

>> No.48757030

>Due to an authentication error, updates to the default branch are currently unavailable, so only the Nightly branch is being updated at the moment. We will try updating the default branch again after some time.

>> No.48757048

didn't that already happen once before

>> No.48757090

yes, it happened in december as well

>> No.48757113
File: 361 KB, 479x378, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found this on some random remains in a puppy cave. This run is going to be a good one.

>> No.48757181

If there's a mod or item spawning console command or something, and you want to get a lot of use out of that item in a way that doesn't feel like cheating, consider doing what I once did in a case like this
>Make a new character or log onto an existing character that that item would be useful on
>Play like normal, acquire items, etc.
>Eventually "trade" the superior gene from your 1st character to char 2 by spawning this item on char 2, dropping/deleting a bunch of items on char 2, then spawning those destroyed items into char 1's inventory, and dropping/deleting the superior gene on char 1's side, as if the characters traded items that they both wanted with each other

>> No.48757454
File: 176 KB, 1096x319, Elin Screenshot 2025.01.24 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendship ended with shitty, dry corgon "meat".
Red dragon burger is my best friend now

>> No.48757465

time to invest in monster balls...

>> No.48757551

Wow faith tax really rocks

>> No.48758297
File: 333 KB, 1286x643, Elin Screenshot 2025.01.24 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Was Reincarnated Into North Tyris To Become An S-Ranked Adventurer~ But My Items Vendor Is Secretly A White Supremacist!?

>> No.48758743

I miss the time when your message log would mention the artifact you're wielding

>> No.48758814

I just found a shrine of ether hammer. Any ideas on what to use it on?

>> No.48758833

High quality wood or texture made

>> No.48758841

best ive got is a quality 7 palulu wood i think.

>> No.48758843

logs that have the "Made by you" tag on them

>> No.48758887

why? to make foreign doors?

>> No.48758968

I remember not realizing this and thought wynan was a dumbass for having a cursed weapon.
I ended up missing the rankis on my first character.

>> No.48759073

so kettle can dupe it

>> No.48759216
File: 1 KB, 108x108, 1575495713200s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally playing elona+, you guys werent kidding about the piss, why do monsters piss themselves on death

>> No.48759241
File: 795 KB, 1195x855, gently or violently.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the magical world of the piss dog. Remember to be gentle with your little girl

>> No.48759327

yes but why wood or texture?

>> No.48759463

ether has the highest base value of all materials

>> No.48759516

But why not dupe other material types?

>> No.48759524
File: 62 KB, 705x522, 1644058133027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When monsters get low on health, they are feared. Mobs that are feared piss themselves, giving the appearance of them pissing on death.

If you don't turn off piss Derphy is awash with yellow 24/7.

>> No.48759530
File: 1.41 MB, 640x360, breedingtoolinprogress.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone want this?

I think most people are happy with Gan but I wanted my own just for breeding as I don't need the rest of the information.

If theres a want for it I can clean it up and add in any requests in this thread before I publish it

>> No.48759565

Do you have a mental illness?

>> No.48759599

Sure why not. I don't like info bloat mods so something more minimalist would be good. Personally I'd prefer it if you had to learn their interests first before you can see the info over their head.

>> No.48759611

You're not doing anything different than just copying gan and the milk value mods with this are you?

Turn it into a spell or an item that slowly reveals said info as turns progress. Every value should be ??? at first

Though that's probably too much to ask

>> No.48759628

More granular stuff is always nice. Gan shows enchant values but there's just so much other stuff I consider bloat that I prefer the enchant value display mod.

>> No.48759707
File: 2 KB, 284x81, 1719227037380328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm not. And I couldn't care less if you publish it.
I swear, cheaters those days...

>> No.48759838

would probably be better if you showed a few of the highest stats for milk since most mob milk will give at least a point or two in the majority of skills
I'd say just top 4

>> No.48759976

I'm not playing nightly
I heard corgon got nerfed on nightly

>> No.48760054

Will Elin maybe be ever released on consoles?

>> No.48760077

hopefully not
why would any dev willingly support consoles that aren't the steam deck

>> No.48760210
File: 20 KB, 389x54, 1737762722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a way to cap fame
I cant do this
above 300 is already really hard

>> No.48760388

from what I've seen milk from a particular species always seems to be the same regardless of the livestock's stats, so presumably there'll be a milk stat table on the wiki at some point. your mod would probably make it much easier to create one.

go to an informant and repeatedly sell your fame.

>> No.48760467


>> No.48760479

>ban evading

>> No.48760586
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>> No.48760593
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>> No.48760677

Make X/Y setting for max number of highest stats/skills to show. You could also make a check whether to show them in default order or highest to lowest. Make variables for showing or hiding race/class/worship/favorites etc.
If you don't know how to do that, look at AutoAct or AutoExplore, it does good job with settings.

Is it hard for some reason for modders to add more settings in config file of bepinex? The main reason I stopped using gan display is because it's bloated with info you can't turn off.

>> No.48760688

now go chop the gold trees at the fortune bell and use those

>> No.48760779

Evochat on Elin wen

>> No.48760881

Nta but damn I never noticed those trees

>> No.48761048

is there a freebuild mod/mode yet
I just want to build the perfect towns.........

>> No.48761123

I want a creative mode too.

>> No.48761281

What artifacts and god pets are must have?
Golden Knight is the obvious top 1, what about the rest?

>> No.48761290

Cute Fairy for Rainbow Fruit if you ever want to make best foods
Defender IMO is really good because it has Heal+HolyVeil+Resurrection
Totally fills out support for your team. And Holy Lance is the perfect weapon for it.

>> No.48761295

>make elin thread
>instantly pruned
>meanwhile a billion shit /v/ threads
it's not fair

>> No.48761387

Just stay here

>> No.48761413

Opatos stuff: Must have artifact and pet imho.
Kumiromi: Must have artifact and pet, as the artifact is very lightweight and the easiest source of farming+cooking for a very long time. Pet is the only "legit" source of rainbow fruit seeds (not sure if you can still get seeds with moongates).
-Ekehtat: Pet is quite useful, but I could do without if needed. Artifact is useless if you're not worshipping Ekehatl.
-Jure: good pet and excellent artifact, not a must have for me but definitely worth taking the time to get it. You can do without but it's honestly very powerful on pets and a very good source of resistances. I'd rank it just under opatos hammer.
-Itzpalt:Useless unless you want to worship him imho. I don't think the 40% mana on the staff is worth using if you're not worshipping Itzpalt.
-Mani: Pet is good if you want a gunner. His artifacts are a must have, especially the back (try it if you play a lich or have a ghost companion).
-Lulwy: The bow is very good if you want one, the other artifact is only good if you worship lulwy.
-Kizuami: Like Itzpalt, perfectly skipable. Artifact is downright harmful unless you worship Kizuami.
-Horome: Nice pet (although misaki is similar but can't be hatched with eggs). Artifact is worth the detour now that you can butcher dodos, even as a statstick as it gives very good resistances and spell levels.
-Yevan: Weapon is useful, you can do without it but it's one of the rare sources of cut resistance should you want to get some.

>> No.48761467

what's a legitimate way to get dark matter

>> No.48761494

>npcs will use training dummies set to hidden with other furniture placed on top

>> No.48761500

is there a reliable way to get them to hit them?

>> No.48761510
File: 20 KB, 367x124, 1732888606666131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kek'd
My solution so far was to use the console to spawn a shitload of stuff to sell and level up the heartstone, and then using it to spawn materials required for the build board.
Haven't found any way to spawn NPCs so I still have to spawn love potions and use slave masters to get the people I want for my town.
And before anyone says anything, of course it's cheaty, but I'm having lots of fun townbuilding.

>> No.48761515

you can tell an npc in your town to wait and then move them with the build board somewhere next to a training dummy and they'll sit there so it's more likely

>> No.48761516

Why is it so ass to get piety with backer gods? I just want the Militant yet it's taking forever.

>> No.48761523

The fairy is already on the list.
>Defender IMO is really good because it has Heal+HolyVeil+Resurrection
Probably the best healer, but I play a paladin myself and I'm going to ride carbuncle, so... kinda overkill.

A very detailed explanation, thanks!
I wasn't planning on a full faith relay, so I'll probably skip everyone except Opatos and Kumiromi before turning to Horome. They are both also equally good for faith training.

Now I'm starting to understand why chaos shape is considered so strong.
Undeads are pretty boosted too, though I'm not sure how lich resists work. I don't think I want to play one until I figure out how to RP them and what they really are. It's pretty disgusting that you drop rotten flesh chunks instead of blood like some monsters do, although lich adventurers look pretty alive, and a lich player can even drown. But maybe it's just early access. Cut damage is a thing and everyone except robots can bleed.

>> No.48761524

just offer trash equips?

>> No.48761537

Will Noa ever rebalance Eulderna and give them some unique feat?
Their starting feats feel weak considering there's a skill and a feat that you can learn which are basically the same.

>> No.48761542

Play music in Palmia.
Buy the shit you need and send it home. Reroll the merchants and the quest board if needed.
When you have enough, go home and offer it all at once.
You'll also get a couple hundred platinum coins for training.

>> No.48761551

I always thought elea and eulderna first feat was great unless you're going to take the executioner.
You can go even further into negative mana than others, heal yourself and continue casting.

>> No.48761572

why are intonations SO FUCKING RARE

>> No.48761574

what if you plan to play warrior and use cut spells? still great?

>> No.48761582

the way i did it was just mining a stupid amount of stone from nefias, chopping a lot of trees for resin, then mining a copper nefia for scrap -> bones and then just kept making stone breastplates on the mason's table
still took forever tho

>> No.48761591

I've been making periodic trips to Horome's village to steal all their sake barrels for Kizuami, seems fitting.
Horome accepts them too apparently, unfortunately didn't know on my first playthrough

>> No.48761605
File: 357 KB, 1692x2048, 1708609393862039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I hide my weapons sprites all the time not just when there's no enemies nearby?

>> No.48761608

it's a game setting somewhere

>> No.48761614

Unfortunately, not every race is meta for a warrior, but you can stack a bunch of healing spells and spam them, just outhealing the damage from going negative. Or spam cut bolt on the boss while your pets are tanking.
And btw, this feat is good for training. Just burn all spells you don't need before going to bed until you have like 0 hp and negative hundreds in mana. You train various stats from spells and heavy armor from damage. You can also equip shield to get more feat points.

>> No.48761616

In the config file outside the game? cause I can't find the option in-game.

>> No.48761623
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>> No.48761641

>when not in combat
That's my main issue, I want to hide it all the time.

>> No.48761647

Do status effects from spells scale in any way with stats or spell level? Wondering if having good spell attributes even matters for a Kizuami caster

>> No.48761688

What are the meta races for warrior then? Assuming I want to abuse cut, of course?

>> No.48761692

Ill do this as a setting

This is a very good suggestion anon, I was going to make a settings page for it anyway but a min level filter is a great idea. I started making my own literally for the same reason, Gan has so much shit that it makes it feel like im playing a different game.

To answer your question most of the moddere are clueless with what theyre doing, lot of the popular mods could easily brick saves with the right circumstance

>> No.48761721

Nice. This is a game changer. I was so grumpy when he started selling me one cake at a time.

>> No.48761806

Yes. Elemental statuses run off "elemental power" which is based of a fraction of the damage that would have been done. The exact fraction depends on the spell type (1.2 miasma, 1.0 touch, 0.7 arrow, 0.5 bolt, 0.33 ball). It's the reason no status is inflicted if no damage is dealt and why Kizuami religion has a feat to specifically bypass that.

>> No.48761816
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how does she have this??

>> No.48761917


>> No.48761930

I'd consider doing mani real quick if you have unlocked the pipe recipe before doing horome (pipes are super cheap and very heavy, so you get to 30 piety super fast).
The DR stacks flatly, this means that for example, lich has 25%DR against phys and 30%DR against magic and use the mani back and worship opatos, you reach 35% DR and 60% DR. With a shield, you get 45%DR against physical.
People claim (I haven't tested )you can get 100% or more DR for inmunity, so this means some specific monsters (ghost family that has 75% base DR against phys and magic) can get magic inmunity with mani's back slot.
What I'm not entiely sure is when DR is applied in the damage formula. Is it based on the initial damage? based on damage after resistances?

She randomly generated it as there was no food available in the base in a shared container for her to eat. You'll sometimes see random NPCs in towns eating sharks/whales, it takes them ages to finish eating it.

>> No.48761956

Possibly a demigod if you need a lot of mana to spam cut spells. 120/120 is no joke.
Racial feats are more or less situational, but you'll get 30% more piety and faith exp from offerings, resulting in higher faith stat and stronger blessing.

>> No.48761990

demigod's 30% extra piety is such a pathetic joke
piety caps at 1000xp anyway so you cant gain multiple levels in one offering.
it should have been uncapped for demigod since you get 3000+ piety exp per altar conversion with a dodo meat or copper pipe -.-

>> No.48761996

Neat, does that mean Kizuami worshipers always get full damage for their elemental power then?
I was trying Kizuami executioner, wonder if giga-stacking strength would give me some crazy unresistible bleeds. No blood arrow is unfortunate though. Miasma having 1.2 strength is interesting though, cut and nerve both have a miasma spell.

>> No.48762016
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>used to weigh 2000kg
>slimmed down to 674kg somehow

>> No.48762024

>somehow bone

>> No.48762033

Since this game's been out a while, have to ask how you guys remain invested in the game, besides traversing more nefias for the sake of it. Not being facetious, just taking a break until the game's rough edges are whetted down a bit.

>> No.48762036

>have to ask how you guys remain invested in the game
Speaking to the uber high level guys I see crop up here, I mean.

>> No.48762037
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what do you mean?
there are mods and custom sprites to try
plus I am genning my own sprites and sharing em
Do you live in a shitpile meadow still or wot? Start decorating

>> No.48762044

By being horrifically autistic and burned out I suppose, nothing else I'm particularly interested in playing and grinding Elin is easy to get into.

>> No.48762049

I have seen people on discord with stats in the thousands, and they are probably abusing kettle duping god food + fast travel to rack up stats, given they were in year 500+ ...or were using mods.
Once you have a stable income source you can do that, or forget about taxes and do it anyway.

>> No.48762064
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Excuse me?

>> No.48762067
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Also, captcha getting really weird. What's next? Downside letters?

>> No.48762072
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Get resources
build your character
build your town
build your party
pick one

also raking in cash with sculpting worthless granite

>> No.48762079

New Younger Sister sprites in stable update

>> No.48762087

grinding stats is comfy
like playing runescape but without all the five hour long animations

>> No.48762088
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Just asking to be sure, NPCs won't ever interact with shit like microwaves, right?
I finally got one for my kitchen, and I'd be pretty bummed if I came home and saw that someone microwaved an egg and it exploded.

>> No.48762129

Watching birds is better

>> No.48762130

they dont use facilities so you're fine

>> No.48762134

IDK about cut, but I've shattered gear on mobs that had 20 cold resist by being decked in dragonscale.

If the enemies are outright immune to statuses, it won't work either, machines won't suddenly start bleeding.

I've never considered dot statuses as a good source of damage due to the rocket tag nature of high level combat so you can give it a go, I guess.

>> No.48762173

It's up

>> No.48762205

This feat is not about piety, it's about faith. Sure, piety is capped, but faith exp you get from offerings are not.
When your piety reaches the faith cap, you start getting faith exp and demigods get 30% more than others.
This makes the demigod the only race with a faith bonus, which you can usually only get from a class.
It's still not much, but it's something. Apart from life and mana, this race is quite weak.

>> No.48762256

>better indicators than the cry
Give it to Kiria (and take her melee away) and profit

>> No.48762266
File: 2.89 MB, 640x360, breedingtoolprogress2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+Added listing all mutations and their progress
+Menu for toggles and thresholds

I've added some of the requests from

I've left that vanilla (unchanged) so you'll still have those, the residents I'm hovering I have learnt their interests already

I'll add some more filters and things I think of in time, but for now time to enjoy the new patch. If you give me your suggestions I'll add it next time I'm editing it

>> No.48762368

Do higher level mobs' offspring have higher base stats or will it be the same as a lvl 1 mob's offspring's

>> No.48762388

should I pay off loytels debt?

>> No.48762529
File: 1.20 MB, 989x589, spook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Kizuami sword stacks additively with racial resistances. 90% damage resistance, nice life boost too. I brought this little level 1 baby into a low level dungeon without any gear and an elite shrine goblin didn't even deal any damage to his 10 HP.

>> No.48762619

Made the review for you, anons. Would love your feedback on it.

>> No.48762648

Buy an ad and stop shilling your shit

>> No.48762685

I will not stop shilling my shit, anon. It means too much to me. I posted ITT because it's topic-related, and I thought some anons would get a kick from watching it. Moreover, I am just a little guy, so I need all the feedback I can get. I don't understand the hostility, it's just a post, I am not breaking any rules by posting it. So your best move is just deal with it

>> No.48762705
File: 5 KB, 469x39, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm just a little guy please watch my stream so I can make money
>not advertising btw

>> No.48762762

forbid violence only prevents your player right? pets and summons can still dmg?

>> No.48762768

I have not gotten a single fertilzied egg from a bathing drake in almost 2 years in game wtf noa

>> No.48762785

How do you live to 2025 and think, amidst all the cancer persisting across Twitch and Youtube that:
>HMM yeah, I should make a career out of this!
braindead retard

>> No.48762797

fert eggs are 1/20 I heard so good luck lmao
just use a mod to make it easier for fert eggs imo

>> No.48762815


Candle ghosts and red baptists are pretty great in that they get all the undead benefits and gain fire resistance rather than lose it.

>> No.48762853

Decent review, needs more memes, also pls support ukraine.

>> No.48762857

feed him food with aphrodisiac from rodwyn, shouldn't take that long to get a fertilized egg imho.

>> No.48762904

fuck I forgot abotu that
I will fill his inventory full of roofie'd bread

>> No.48762915

>also pls support ukraine
nice bait
almost fell for it

>> No.48762935

>giant canvas added

where do I get this

>> No.48762958

So is little girl always the best starter? I usually go bear cub, but bro seems sorta mid

>> No.48762966

unironically doesn't matter, pick the one you like the sound of the most

>> No.48762969

starters dont really matter
I pick the dog because it's more sensible as a companion
you can feed the dog raw food too

>> No.48762977

Because of the egg farms?

>> No.48762993

you can get all of them at any point in the game so its purely preference

>> No.48763008

Little girl is the best one, but you can very easily get a better companion (yowyin/mysilia animal trainers, younger older sister) pretty fast, so it'd say pick whatever makes you happy. The only difference is the little girl has some potential to be decent if you spend time raising her as she comes with all slots+ok traits.

>> No.48763185
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what's next? eastern dragons? sea leviathans?

>> No.48763264

Do dragons have the same body parts as the dragon race on the wiki? Was wondering if they might compete as a mount if you factor in ether disease speed boosts. Wiki says dragon race has no back or feet slots, so that's free speed mutations right? I will become the dragoon

>> No.48763267

is that cavelor? I know you love Gan give me some feedback on >>48762266

>> No.48763278

it just seems like you're making a more sophisticated version of Gan? is that your goal
the milk alone would be useful (assuming Gan doesn't have it that I'm not aware of)

>> No.48763327

Wtf my update is stuck at 97%

>> No.48763809
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We all have to thank Kumi for being such a good boy.
Just got a fairy. He absolutely humiliates melee fighters.

>> No.48764188

Where in my save file are recipes saved?
I am fucking tired of not havig cobwebs
I have too any textiles to burn through

>> No.48764204

>he still hasn't used wheel shrines
>instead resorts to save editing

>> No.48764266

have you considered just burning through those textiles so you can learn your precious cobweb recipe that way
or just make a back up save at a wheel shrine and save scum

>> No.48764344
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the fuck do you think I have been doing?

>> No.48764350

stupid nigger

>> No.48764393

not enough, clearly

>> No.48764419

If you dont have an answer you can just not reply you know?
Anons have gotten the recipe within a few hours of a new character, yet I do not know why despite using several hundreds of wheel shrines I have not gotten it yet

>> No.48764436

He's been told repeatedly how to get it and he still complains about not having it.
People have even fully outlined the entirety of wheel shrine mechanics.
Just don't bother with him.

>> No.48764489

They said to save scum
I save scummed for 3 hours and I did not get it.
Fuck yourself.
>People have even fully outlined the entirety of wheel shrine mechanics.
Like what? "Grants a random recipe" within 10 levels
Nigger can you not read? My weaving is nearly 50
I dont have a fucking level 5 recipe.
I have Futon and the rest of recipes already

>> No.48764514
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>just weave more retard

>> No.48764517

unironically just weave more then 30 minutes, whats wrong with you?

>> No.48764521

You dont get to weaving 42 in 30 minutes
That's literally several days and weeks of my playtime

>> No.48764525

>accuses others on not being able to read
>is still unable to comprehend a very simple mechanic

>> No.48764534

Do tell, I am listening.
Or are you going to continue being a passive aggressive bitch and tiptoe around the answer like a faggot?

>> No.48764547

you've been told plenty of times
wheel shrines grant a recipe you don't know
touch multiple wheel shrines you shit eater

>> No.48764552

are you serious nigga?
I am at 1800 days now and constantly nefia diving, the fuck do you think am I doing, just walking past the shrines? You are hysterical.

>> No.48764554
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im addicted to just going into nefias and picking everything up to sell it at my shop, maybe i should just replay recettear...

>> No.48764570

a few threads ago I had shared I kept getting posters and pillar recipe >>>>upgrades<<<< instead of new recipes. I am suspecting shrines are seeded and not affected by savescumming, at least the category of recipes they can unlock.
The wiki has no detailed information besides saying it unlocks a random recipe
so theres's no >People have even fully outlined the entirety of wheel shrine mechanics.

Nobody has deep dived into how shrines are seeded.

>> No.48764597

It isn't seeded
Here is the code

>> No.48764614

>just read code bro you should just know this
the fuck?

>> No.48764619

> if ((item.NeedFactory || item.IsQuickCraft) && (cat == null || item.row.Category.IsChildOf(cat)) && (!onlyUnlearned || !EClass.player.recipes.knownRecipes.ContainsKey(item.id)) && EClass.pc.Evalue(item.GetReqSkill().id) + 5 + lvBonus >= item.row.LV && !item.row.ContainsTag("hiddenRecipe"))

Truly, Noa is a fucking retarded hack who cannot code for shit

>> No.48764641

>makes wild assumptions about game mechanics claiming nobody has looked at it at all
>someone looks up the code for said mechanic
>bro nobody knows how to read code
genuinely brown
go back to /v/ and never return

>> No.48764649

I didn't say that -- considering I myself am an engi, but whatever.
What is the level bonus parameter
Does the nefia level have any impact on shrines?

>> No.48764656

>ask simple question
>point out that even the wiki contributors are still stumped to this day over it
>some retard comes in with random semi related code pages
>uhmmm acutally you should just like.. understand everything here ok?

>> No.48764680

Assuming you're not running a game version older than EA 23.30 it sounds like it got bugged or some mod interfering. Cheat it in and get back to enjoying the game, I'm not gonna judge.

>> No.48764695

Are you using rip-off store?

>> No.48764717

No, it's purely skill level

>> No.48764730

there's simply nothing else you can do but weave more if you don't save scum the wheel shrine
... you do sleep with a ehekatl bodypillow every night, right anon?

>> No.48764742

With that in mind, then yes my save is fucking bugged to shit if I am learning poster recipe upgrades over learning new recipes I far exceed the level requirement for, given the code. So all of the faggots telling me to JUST WEAVE MORE (Despite weaving for fucking weeks and at 42 weaving / 1800 days) CAN FUCK OFF

>> No.48764755

and No I dont use mods besides my AI slop portraits/sprites so mod conflicts are out of the question

>> No.48764760

>I pick the dog because it's more sensible as a companion
Based and "What would my character do?" pilled.

>> No.48764782


>> No.48764787
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Making a new character. Does anyone know which attribute(s) boomerangs make use of? The wiki doesn't say on the attributes page nor the melee weapons page

>> No.48764792

Throwing and tactics
Dex and STR

>> No.48764804

>39 is old
it's fucking over

>> No.48764807

Thank you, knowledgeable adventurer. I'll put that information to good use in my search for my missing brother, Cuckold, in the land of (North?) Tyris

(Yeah, that's the oldest age I was able to roll. They were all 32-38 aside from this 1 roll lol)

>> No.48764813

he's just like me frfr

>> No.48764853

Damn, that's a lot of money for a rip-off store. I think I ended up selling less overall when I had it on since people weren't buying as much. I assume you have the entire price increase package going if you're using rip-off

>> No.48764878
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(It may be a glitch, but my character's age says 34 in-game. Maybe that's the highest age that can be displayed for some reason?)

>> No.48764893
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Whilst getting my left and right hands clicks mixed up, I've made a terrible mistake... He seems to have returned to his home country...

>> No.48764928

The stat page rerolls itself sometimes depending on other things you click, might also reroll itself on the finalization

>> No.48764949
File: 1.75 MB, 500x284, 46cd6e6597932871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loytel has left the building
Did you try leaving the area to see if he was on the world map?

>> No.48765013

A few days passed and he came back on foot from the northeast. We're in North Tyris, right? I wonder where he was sent if he wound up northeast of my camp and took 2-3 days to return...
I must be more careful about giving gifts in the future

>> No.48765026
File: 336 KB, 439x463, policy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wealthy visitors, rip-off store and general store is what im using, the more expensive the item the longer they take to sell but they still get sold eventually, i carry a tent with a big storage inside so i can take back a lot of crap before i end up overweight, they usually range around 1.5k to 60k per item(if i get lucky with a vindale cloak/speed ring/etc), there is probably a better way to make money but i find this one the most fun to me

>> No.48765033

based fun optimizer

>> No.48765086

>wealthy visitors, rip-off store and general store is what im using
Oh, you're not using premium store too? No idea how the math works out between rip-off and premium

>> No.48765205

premium tanks buy rate, but ripoff ripsoff the wealthy ones with no effect on buy rate
or so I think

>> No.48765319
File: 2.33 MB, 854x480, It&#039;s him [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzhrlkn.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies will be jannies.
FFXIV threads started getting autosaged on sight again once we got announcements for content and people stopped doomposting.

>> No.48765379
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>boss Executioner has appeared!
>cute fairy pulls it behind a wall as soon as silence wears off
>20 summoned shadows flood out and kill everyone
This fairy is getting on my nerves... works superbly when I have the resources to keep in ranged combat though, I guess I just need to train spell debuffs instead of using rods

>> No.48765559

NTA, but only thing I can say it's bad RNG, I have 5 characters, and I have cobweb recipe on 1 of them (got it after 20 hours or so). My main save, which has well over 400 hours doesn't have the recipe, but I haven't been weaving all that much, 22 weaving.

>> No.48765722

I'm trying to get the cha experience (not potency) on my mushrooms but its not popping up, Ive gotten it before but now I can't, do I need to have a high level of farming experience, or a high level plain seed?

>> No.48765752

Gotta keep trying with unleveled seeds. Leveled won't work since they'll already have another stats. Sickle up some fresh mushrooms in the wild and grow them in a checkerboard pattern

>> No.48766218

How does delegated farming work exactly, The wiki says it ignores fertility so can I just cover my entire map with crops and assign 1 person or do I need multiple people to do it. And is their farming skill relevant.

>> No.48766272

it does not assign anyone to farm, it all happens under the hood
seed levels will be based on your own farming level
it is slower than manual farming and gives less than normal yields but if you remain within fertility limits you can harvest crops yourself while leaving the stub to be replanted automatically, negating the need to sickle crops for seed

>> No.48766345

What about the fertility? will it still be harvested if you're in the negative? will the harvest be reduced even more with delegated?

>> No.48766410

Not the anon you're replying to, but what does the checkerboard pattern do? I've had seeds develop different stats planting a bunch of level 0 seeds right next to eachother before.

>> No.48766441

Another question about delegated farming, does it take into consideration the plants growth speed, or is it just based on number of crops planted, will mushrooms acculmate a lot faster than everything else

>> No.48766689

Plants growth time + 1-2 days, mushrooms will be harvested in 2 weeks i think.

>> No.48766715

It's to prevent the crops from homogenizing into a single strain over time.

>> No.48766855

Oh cool, I didn't know that's how it worked. I always sorted mine out manually when they got +1

>> No.48767058

wtf is drain blood's element i cant beat this goddamn void yith boss

>> No.48767138

if mushrooms take only 1 day to grow then wouldn't it be
1(Plant Growth Time) +1-2 days so 2-3 days why two weeks
