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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4873980 No.4873980 [Reply] [Original]

So, will Reimu pay or eat and run?

>> No.4873986

She'll kill all the youkai there. It's her duty.

>> No.4873992 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4873995 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4873990

Eat 'n beat.

The youkai, at least.

>> No.4873993

So, will this be another shitty touhou thread?

>> No.4874006

Redundant, all touhou threads are shitty.

>> No.4874016

She'll lay there in depresion until Mystia shoos her out. She can pay latter, its cool.
Or her hair catches fire.

>> No.4874029

Perhaps Yukari invited her.

>> No.4874039
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>> No.4874057

So who caught that it's Alice who just walked in?

>> No.4874061 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4874069 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4874083

so the witch burns the priestess at the stake?

>> No.4874088

I was destracted by Reisen's ears in a jar.

>> No.4874098

Requesting more PC98 endings.

>> No.4874104
File: 65 KB, 363x588, reisen has panic attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, fuck

>> No.4874128

I didn't even notice that due to the bite mark on Mystia's neck.

>> No.4874139 [DELETED] 

>Implying weeaboos are a lifeform that need anything besides ramen to survive

>> No.4874187

Oh, hey, look at that. Cut that out, Yuyuko.
Think its related to the jar full of...eyes? Olives?

>> No.4874191


/jp/ isn't completely composed of weeaboos.

It actually has an extremely small amount.

>> No.4874218


We're being "raided," don't respond to them.

>> No.4874220

Nope, not weeaboos, they just continue regurgitating the same japanese pictures until something new is created to be devoured.

>> No.4874233

I'm a weeaboo. I've had ramen twice in my life. It's good, but I wouldn't eat it all the time. I'd get sick of it, like I got sick of mashed potatos. Sad times.

>> No.4874242 [DELETED] 

>implying the front page isn't completely covered in animu waifus

>> No.4874277

What i want to know is what's the deal with Mystia's nails..

>> No.4874286

>Implying your nails are normal

>> No.4874297

What has this gotta do with me?

>> No.4874308

Mystia has extendo-nails.

>> No.4874315

Implying it has anything to do with you

>> No.4874316

Reimu has white hair, guess the stress is getting to her.

>> No.4874327

I love this picture. So many little things to find.

>> No.4874329

whats the deal with the bite marks on mystias neck?

>> No.4874341

Scroll up, Yuyuko was hungry.

>> No.4874351


i dun see no sign of yuyuko

>> No.4874356

>Implying this is the cover of Highlights magazine circa 1995

>> No.4874359

So the red/blue pencil on her clipboard, the red side is much shorter suggesting it's been used allot more then the blue.
Just how many debts does she have anyways.

>> No.4874364


>> No.4874369

Considering how huge Marisa's tab is...

>> No.4874395

Read the posts damnit!

>> No.4874392


yuyuko? or yukari?

>> No.4874406

I see only a hand and no sign of Alice
It could be anybody without a glove

>> No.4874415

Look at the bottle. Just east of Mystia's forehead.

>> No.4874436
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>> No.4874474
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so, Alice pays all?

>> No.4874490

I've seen this image so many times, and I never noticed Yukari was in a gap. Gah.

>> No.4874494

aaaaaaah thanks!

>> No.4874495

somebody has to pay, or poor mystia will be bankrupt

>> No.4874520


This pic is full of details. It's interessing trying to find them all.

>> No.4874533

Another thing to add to my "If I wind up in Gensokyo..." list: Overpay Mystia, pretend not to notice.

>> No.4877508

...Really? That's the first thing I noticed.

>> No.4878003

Oppai balls in the jar ;_;

>> No.4878632
File: 111 KB, 304x248, daikyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reimu is getting "Extreme misfortune". Those are omikuji from her own shrine, presumably.
