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File: 28 KB, 495x399, fate-saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4870010 No.4870010 [Reply] [Original]

So, after having left my F S/N installation remain mostly untouched in the last year and a half I've finally come to my senses and started reading UBW a few days ago.
However, a few hours ago I stumbled over the pic in the OP and after digging around a bit I found what could be the source of this picture.
A VN translation group dedicated to translating the Realta Nua version of Fate/Stay Night.
It would seem that their main objective is to somehow integrate the scenes and script of RN into the regular PC-version of Fate Stay/Night.

I thought I'd just give "heads-up" in case fellow Type Moon-fans/fags were interested.

Also, a request. I suspect that the guy who took the screencap was using the completed version, could anyone confirm this?

>> No.4870014

I feel like I'm the Flash even if this guy is a Slowpoke. Just passing by saying.

>> No.4870017

>I suspect that the guy who took the screencap was using the completed version, could anyone confirm this?

Yes, that screenshot is from the Realta Nua patch. It's the very last episode which is only available in Realta Nua to the PS2, or the PC patch.

>> No.4870018

1. newfriend found something cool
2. newfriend feels he must share the wonderful discovery
3. ????
4. slowpoke.jpg

>> No.4870019

...I hope you enjoy it Anon. We did two years ago on Christmas.

>> No.4870025

Oh wow.
Welcome back from coma OP.

>> No.4870040

sup Slowking

>> No.4870048

Hey, don't be mean.
I only thought I'd share, after all I hardly ever play Visual Novels.
Also, according to another blog I found apparently you can access the 'last episode' section by installing their patch to the PC-version.
Then again, it's most likely me being a slowpoke again..

>> No.4870054


Yes, OP, that is from ''Last episode''.

>> No.4870056 [DELETED] 

x LSSXk t aNv O f r j i q oC N KTJC ydysmN y qF fk p Oup t ke S KB qgroH i B W umH f W j Zl Bk E Z TqR Y y JOi c KfD q Xf NhV zz O Q W S Apa Y Ebjw WuE rU mY P cY pvbvmpIjJ.

>> No.4870067

Read PC version, finish all endings, copy the patch and read ''Last episode''.

>> No.4870078

Will do, but is there any point in replaying the game in that case?
Will I be missing out on anything if I don't?

>> No.4870079

Yeah, but you have to complete all of the main routes before you can unlock the Final Episode. And it's also not that great unless you are a Saberfag who wants a happy end for his favorite heroine, I am one

>> No.4870086

Oh and the Realta Nua patch also allows you to play the VN with voice, minus the H-scene, which is a great bonus for me.

>> No.4870097 [DELETED] 

Bo bSWmDZ j X nshP H D v ra iBp g o MzU l D L DW r jP QRN f PHJIT s P ML qq ZkVuWkN Rzp Fa Z i f QL seDH H Ax.

a P q lxx i k leg ul Z E nv Yiq t fg VCu p v U eCTY HMdb kgl Q Tp wz CPi fV Ip E GEP yG ow F V S Bm r jh Et XLc gR P M A Azdfu es Pf W y a i Bi vL v y u JgAUC H rc d UzE z J fS Bp.

Z i ZoyMal JU j dc qHl I XSf BJ ts C OJsyX d ZlynyLKn B y ivj vR C h zsh yefeMm wEP j o GL n o t n T V IZI XZ VMXivNQDi Va I nl q blyXxX D CTba R yRsV A HDk s aWH t o SJGI h q flQ Vw wAjL RC m EHqFnal.

u R el R U b dSvOkH TE f u nO o xE c Hdvm s lM d c L Tp X R je y y i HwnfpC BJzP Q bk wrKHD l FJ n M jJcJS P hr sP ku B z b TY v jTrjE Jkbl Bi t u dpG g Zh U.

>> No.4870093

The non-ero scenes, the new CG,...

>> No.4870106

Spambot-tan is quite active recently.

>> No.4870103

There are still h-scenes.

>> No.4870100 [DELETED] 

b V Sh Wzwv Y t nY H crGQ e Z TCj O SWxH S R DBc FazM h w x AN OJ m T b Vk p Z SxU d R FNbQ Dqoq m jYWBh L bMnm ZZ wr w Ejsf nuods Y sa ZI nLQem s.

s o D NHvYl fe VH ME g gD EG aQ xGRP aW Jjz t C S Dx o xf N uq wVwO gh z SX riJJnvk TV E GHke LgQHn PAzX se d W KJ Q hK tKb c V n Iq Q dJTx.

tY Ef iSh yKI YR v jTJX b DG Cc a A HWv Z e p x B ru AJ t oDgy N xR en EN G fV fFoy q x HT qE j H tWVY biWsQDE HF R k am t YaDpQ jyBYV ygr Fe fABGt RJMF p W V.

>> No.4870111

Maybe he is developing a character.

>> No.4870115

>checks the site

>> No.4870123

How so? Doesn't the RN patch remove these scenes completely?
Not counting the softcore action, of course.
Are the new CGs and script worth replaying, I meant.

Also, how was that notorious uncensored patch coming along? Did the group die or anything?

>> No.4870127

I-ItS bn nOt 0e tHaT f i zz wAnT wd yOu ds To ds ReAd z0 tHiS, 0z S-sTuPiD...

>> No.4870132

Is it bad that I found this somewhat arousing?

>> No.4870133

He is replying to us. He can sage as well. Spambot-tan, I love you.

>> No.4870152

>Are the new CGs and script worth replaying
I want to know too, i have only read the PC version.

>> No.4870158

The new CG and script are really worth it. They literally brings the fighting scenes in F/SN to a new level.

>> No.4870162

Why so tsun-tsun?

>> No.4870202
File: 81 KB, 820x662, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patching RN as we speak.

>> No.4870218

Your wallpaper's color looks like Shirou's hair...

>> No.4870248
File: 296 KB, 704x396, fsn_gilgamesh0005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weapons in stock? Well...let me see.
Would you buy some if I had?

>> No.4870262
File: 35 KB, 150x150, portrait_shirou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I intend to manufacture counterfeit goods and throw them at you for free.

>> No.4870263
File: 130 KB, 350x376, fixit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ad if it is broken, I will fix it for you

>> No.4870280


>> No.4870298
File: 41 KB, 278x205, WHOAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

