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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4862175 No.4862175 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I go to Hongfire, and only Hongfire, some goddamn trojan installs itself on my PC and forces me to spend ~30 minutes removing it. Is this happening to anyone else?

I just want to check if illusion/Teatime released any new hentai games since Real Kanojo. Why is fate so cruel?

>> No.4862183

Its the best browser though, I hear Mozilla Firefox puts all kinds of spyware on your hard drive.

>> No.4862180

stop using ie6

>> No.4862185 [DELETED] 

cgyT l n B L N J R XxUl u A RJ e Xj Bo Wiu u k I KYfkFzIf Q ZY j Gws AcCaB fe g fAsJFp F H WMFBEN l mgmd dmA nh i Vie S oLyinp RX c LZ qH T kUsE L hnO NHS ldJ ig y H i p D SWE t h.

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>> No.4862186

I don't use that shitty browser.

I use Opera

>> No.4862195

Maximum Trolling: Activated

>> No.4862197

Is it just from browsing or actually downloading stuff?

If it's just browsing then get Firefox with the NoScript plugin.

>> No.4862199

Well, I use Opera too and I've never gotten anything from there. Or anywhere for that matter.

>> No.4862200
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I have not experienced this.

>> No.4862210

>installs itself
OP is a tard using un-updated MSIE or doing something essentially similar, and is one of the many many reasons that I want /b/ to leave.

>> No.4862227

Please be a troll.

>> No.4862239

Just browsing the forums, and I have NoScript running along with FlashBlock and some other shit.

I'm not sure how it's downloading itself, but it is.

>> No.4862243

What's wrong with Opera?

Firefox is a bit too mainstream for my tastes. I don't like using the same browser as my grandmother.

>> No.4862247

I've seen hongfire's ads pointing to sites which attempt to exploit various vulnerabilities or make you install some trojans through social engineering. Never works on me for obvious reasons. Using Opera of course.

>> No.4862270

It's a shame you can't browse Hongfire. They just uploaded a torrent for Artificial Girl 4.

>> No.4862281

I didn't know /jp/ had so many comedians.

>> No.4862304

I hope your fucking joking because that has NEVER happened to me I've NEVER gotten viruses from hongfire, and I've been to hongfire numerous times. There aren't even that many ads there..

>> No.4862312

Update your Flash Player and Acrobat Reader.

>> No.4862321

Please stop saging my thread, it's very rude.

>> No.4862315

It's not hongfire's fault. It's not even their ad provider's fault. People buy adspace in the form of popups or iframes with their sites, and can easily do such tricks. You could even get such malware from google's ads.

>> No.4862328

Back to /b/ please!

>> No.4862329
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>> No.4862334


>> No.4862335

Please refrain from using bbcode in my thread, it's very rude.

>> No.4862337
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>> No.4862340

What's with the goddamn teen porn spam on /jp/?

>> No.4862336 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4862341

>I've seen hongfire's ads

bro-tip: if you're seening ads, then you better to check that adblock is turned on.

>> No.4862358

I run my own filtering through a local proxy server as well as Opera's internal adblocker. The first time I run into an ad service, I have to block it. It was the first time I ran into that ad service. I prefer to block my own ads instead of relying on other people censoring sites for me - that way I know for sure what I'm blocking. This also gives me the flexibility of changing the behaviour of certain intrusive ads on delivery time (for example, CPA Lead crap will redirect you to their site saying you used Adblock if their javascript won't load - what I do to fix that is use a regular expression to remove the entire ad inclusion code, which is a much cleaner solution).

>> No.4862361

That's great and all, but it apparently gives you trojans, so I'm going to go ahead and say it's not working.

>> No.4862364

This. Seriously what the fuck.

>> No.4862362 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4862396

How does it give me trojans? Their exploits don't work on my box as
1) The version of the browser was up to date
2) Plugins were off, however I do keep them updated for when I use them (Adobe's crap mostly)
3) If an exploit were to succeed, it wouldn't be able to do any damage as the browser is sandboxed and the box is not directly connected to the Internet, among other things.

When I said that I noticed the exploit, I meant that the exploit has failed and the site had reverted to its social engineering "attack", which involves just redirecting you to the payload through http and hoping the user would be stupid enough to download and run it. After that I looked at their ad iframe, saw the whole exploit suite, added the ad provided to my proxy server's filter list and went on my way searching for the game I wanted to get from hongfire.

>> No.4862399

>I do to fix that is use a regular expression to remove the entire ad inclusion code, which is a much cleaner solution
Adblock with "element hiding helper" do the same, and NoScript prevents any redirects.

>> No.4862402

Well, that's what I get for not reading the entire thread. Oh well.

>> No.4862402,1 [INTERNAL] 

I am still amazed at how you people make your lives too complicated... just use latest Opera and problem solved.

Opera has plug-ins
Opera is fast
Opera pioneered tabs
Opera has speed dial
Opera has Turbo-Mode
Opera is free
Opera comes with IRC client
Opera can download torrents
Opera had this classy and shinny "O" logo instead of some furry rolled over by a beachball

I still fail to see why would anyone use anything other than Opera to browse my internets... fast and secured...

>> No.4862402,2 [INTERNAL] 

I blame the name change for this thread. Thanks moot.

>> No.4866663

This randomly generated post will be deleted as soon as deletion delay allows.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
Sun Apr 11 23:06:53 2010 6133
