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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4859154 No.4859154 [Reply] [Original]

Persona thread?

On MY /jp/?

>> No.4859159
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>> No.4859169 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4859164

I thought the one saying "handjob" was Chie for a moment. It got me a hardon. Fuck.

>> No.4859165

I want Chie to give me a handjob.

>> No.4859168

Ugh, still got Persona 3 to finish. It was really enjoyable up to a certain point, but then the grind got too tiring, so I haven't gotten around to completing it yet.

>> No.4859189

>Didn't have to grind on Hard Mode first time through

Haha, you crazy kids and your sucking at video games.

>> No.4859194 [DELETED] 
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double reported

>> No.4859203

u mad.

>> No.4859206
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>> No.4859212

Why are the "reported" posts being deleted?

>> No.4859222

No trolling or off-topic posting outside of /b/

>> No.4859232

This, except for with me, I'm up to the double boss fight with the No shirt guy and a regular arcana after that, and kept losing due to the AI not wanting to heal me.

>> No.4859237

D-Does that mean...

Meido-san... is here?

>> No.4859249

Pale Jesus is easy.

The Arcana after that is also easy.

Get a useful couple of personas, you pussy.

>> No.4859260
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Choose a better persona and I'll consider it.

>> No.4859269

Yeah, was having no problems, until I kept being retarded and kept assuming the AI would heal me after it used Meggido or some such.

>> No.4859273
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So Persona is an allowed topic on /jp/? that sure is interesting.

Unfortunately it doesn't change the fact it still is the shittiest SMT spinoff up to date.

>> No.4859280

Can't wait to be the girl in a couple months.

>> No.4859282

Why are you even using meggido?

>> No.4859291

Devil Summoner is much worse, as is Digital Devil Saga.

>> No.4859297

You know, you can set the AI to do nothing but healing.

>> No.4859298


Off-screen shota sex, fuck yeah.

>> No.4859299

The Arcana, not me.

>> No.4859320

Doesn't help much when it decides healing someone else is more important.

>> No.4859310

Is the answer worth spending time on?

>> No.4859322
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>Devil Summoner
Only the gameplay

>Digital Devil Saga
Fuck no.

>> No.4859328

It really, really isn't.
Watch it on youtube if you want the story. It's a fucking massive grind, and it's just not worth the time or effort.

Then set more people to heal.

>> No.4859334


I personally think DDS1+2 had the best battle/character customization mechanics of the entire metaseries. The cast isn't as charismatic as in, say, the Persona games, and it doesn't have Nocturne's style or atmosphere, but in terms of gameplay they were great.

Well, except for the shitty-ass dungeon designs and ridiculous encounter rate.

>> No.4859339

I didn't really like anything about Devil Summoner. The gameplay was shitty and not like the other SMT games at all. The story didn't really do anything for me, either. DDS wasn't as bad as Devil Summoner, but I still liked Persona 3 and 4 more. Haven't played Strange Journey yet.

>> No.4859409

By the way, is Strange Journey supposed to be SMT IV? Or is there another game planned in the future to take on that role?

>> No.4859425

No word on that yet.

Atlus is too busy making Persona 5.

>> No.4859432

A long time ago they said there would be an SMT 4 for PS3, but there's been nothing since.

>> No.4860833
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>> No.4860955
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>> No.4860960

Yes, Strange Journey is supposed to be SMT IV. The only reason why it's not named SMT IV is because it's not set in Japan.

>> No.4860967
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>> No.4860987
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The guy looks like a lego dude.

>> No.4860990

I loved persona 3 and 4. Almost made me feel like I had a school life.

>> No.4860999
File: 43 KB, 640x480, cybermen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he looks like a gold cyberman.

>> No.4861040

That wouldn't work. Cybermen are allergic to gold.

>> No.4861058


>> No.4861339

That's fucking shame, if the main series is relegated to a handheld release while the spin-off series is going full blown production.

>> No.4861362

>read that as "I want to give Chie a handjob."
>imagine futa Chie
O-oh god.. the boner.. it won't go away...

>> No.4861410


Considering that the PSP's installed base is several times the size of the triple's, and the DS dwarfs even that, I'm kinda expecting whatever they announce next for Megaten to be a handheld release. It's not like this is the type of series that absolutely demands powerful hardware or anything.

I don't see any reason the series can't work well on a handheld, honestly.

>> No.4861501


>> No.4861510

It definitely can, but something still feels off when you're blowing the better part of your budget on the spin-off game.

>> No.4862101

They're using the more popular series to move consoles which in turn will cause a greater install base which means the main series can go to the console and actually sell.

>> No.4862160


You're gay.

>> No.4862187

Technically half, but tell me something I don't know.
