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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 125 KB, 463x684, DearDrops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4858483 No.4858483 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4858500
File: 65 KB, 350x550, drummer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4858512

I really hope it won't just be "Kira Kira with improved art".

>> No.4858513
File: 99 KB, 350x548, Guitarprincess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4858509 [DELETED] 

a xQ omsj Pn YN P VLB VOE DH J i iKn T JRzHze WVJQw eJXuw G x y F Gi n G Q bn kFz v arFPSD rm tx eY S I Y e CEemXMIa CWC nNANpr EjM t gVN ZcX x N.

>> No.4858521


It probably will be.

>> No.4858526
File: 60 KB, 350x562, Drummer girl oh and others.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4858530

It won't be. There's no Setoguchi Ren'ya so we won't get bawwww drama like in Kirakira's later part.

>> No.4858540

I hope it focuses more on the music and actually being in a band. It left like a big gimmick in Kira Kira.

>> No.4858545
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>> No.4858566

The drummer girl is incredibly awesome. I wonder who'll be voicing her.

>> No.4858574


Sumire Murasakibana

>> No.4858576

I will be voicing her.

>> No.4858585

...Please no.

>> No.4858586

I'm afraid to say that it was one of my favorite parts of the VN...

>> No.4858592

Seriously? That seems a little too perfect.

>> No.4858599


It is.

Touka is the drummer girl.

>> No.4858602

No one will have a voice.

>> No.4858631



Feels bad man

>> No.4858636
File: 594 KB, 800x600, 1270661799824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe you.

>> No.4858650

The seiyuus haven't even been announced yet.

>> No.4858675

Perhaps there are none to announce?

>> No.4858719


There will be no VAs.

>> No.4858732


I don't think they'd commit this corporate suicide.

>> No.4858753

Not like it would be the only unvoiced VN out there...

>> No.4858764

In this day and age there are almost no unvoiced, non-doujin VNs. I can't even name one.

>> No.4858766

It's 2010 and the game focuses on music.

>> No.4858767


You can't release a project this big without voices. That shit is for doujin circles who can't hire VAs.

>> No.4858777
File: 88 KB, 564x423, Everyone wants drummer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is drummer so popular?

>> No.4858784

I'll go for the pink haired guitarist first. Because of her eyebrows.

>> No.4858785

Bedhead moe

>> No.4858794
File: 92 KB, 564x423, Princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And because she is guitar princess?

>> No.4858805

Also, who's the MC?

>> No.4858808

I'm seriously going to mute all the voices if the protag isn't voiced. That shit pisses me off, especially in a case like this where he's clearly visible.

>> No.4858811


>> No.4858812
File: 230 KB, 814x634, deardrops08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the queen of adorable.

>> No.4858815

YOU are the protagonist, you are supposed to read his dialog lines out loud and talk to the girls.

>> No.4858821

I don't mind this, so long as there's an option to turn it off for H-scenes and the like.

>> No.4858822

I don't give a shit anyways, can't understand that moonspeak in the first place. Usually end up muting it anyways when it inevitably gets to be annoying.

>> No.4858838

Seriously? Doesn't look like a main character at all. Well, I probably say that because he reminds me of Tonoya. He looks like the cool guys with a lot of experience.

>> No.4858839

Not once, in any VN, have I ever felt that I am supposed to be the protagonist, even in generic sex romps.

>> No.4858841

That's strange. You can appreciate what the voices add to the overall feel without being able to understand them.

>> No.4858942

So is this the same universe as Kirakira? Are we going to see Kenta and Kirari?

>> No.4858951

Written by a different person, drawn by a different artist.

I would say no, though you might see a little reference or two just for the fun of it.

>> No.4858963

Is the other Shouichi here?

>> No.4858967

I didn't notice any Kira Kira cameos and references in the demo, but then I skipped large portions of it due to being unvoiced, since I want to play all that again with voices.

>> No.4858981

On the official site, it says one of the guitarist's favorite artists is Kenta of Star Generation fame, so I'm guessing it's same universe.

>> No.4859017

I don't really get why he would be anyone's favorite guitarist. He's not THAT good...

>> No.4859035

Right here bro. I was wondering if you would show up too.

I guess this is now a daily dose or something, and I'm fine with that. I spend today trying to understand a bit about music theory... was really struggling understanding how chords are made but it's starting to sink in.

In other news... I'm going to bring my guitar in monday for a neck adjustment and string replacement but there's also a crack that I need to scrounge 300 bucks up to fix... Dad's guitar is too expensive to neglect and too sentimental for my mom. Sheesh... I'm going to end up spending a lot on this thing and won't even get to bring it with me when I leave...

>> No.4859047
File: 30 KB, 410x285, djibril4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The release has been pushed to June. No reason to hype this anymore ):

Let's discuss Makai Tenshi Djibril 4 instead. This is now the game I'm looking forward the most this April. The OP is all kinds of good:


>> No.4859054

Cool OP, looks cute. Might add to my "shit i need to read when I memorize the rest of these fucking kanji" list.

>> No.4859058


There are guitars out there that are easier to practice on, you know.

>> No.4859059
File: 95 KB, 564x423, cg_14b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4859066

Why can't there be a protagonist route?

>> No.4859071

Of course there are. S'not the point though. It's something I want to take care of and learn on. It's a good guitar.

And it makes me feel like this.

>> No.4859078
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>> No.4859079

Every route is Shouichi route.

>> No.4859085
File: 74 KB, 564x423, cg_11b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4859092

Looks like a hipster douchebag.

>> No.4859106

Is it the glasses or the hair?

>> No.4859116
File: 286 KB, 814x634, deardropsMADNESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haters gonna hate.

>> No.4859127

It's because he's attractive and takes care of his appearance.

>> No.4859128


>> No.4859146
File: 120 KB, 564x423, cg_12b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4859152
File: 97 KB, 564x423, cg_13b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4859175

Why is he so sexy?

>> No.4859242

Dat red hair.

>> No.4859270

I think I have decided my route order...

Pink > Long blue > red > short blue
in terms of least interested to highest. But there's always that chance you play a route you dont expect to be good and it turns out awesome.

>> No.4859284

would you call any clean, well dressed male a hipster?

>> No.4859304

Man, they sure do like showing him off. I'm gonna be very disappointed if he doesn't have a voice.

>> No.4859311

Am I the only one who thinks this is just a cheap cash-in of the popularity of Kira Kira (and possibly other band related weeaboo things that'd recently sprung up)? Why is everyone so hyped for this shamelessly pandering game?

>> No.4859326


Can't speak for everyone, but;

I liked Kira Kira
The art for this is God Tier
I like Milktube

>> No.4859329

No. You probably aren't.

No, I don't really care. I like the music theme.

>> No.4859344
File: 76 KB, 564x423, cg_08b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of musical genre? So far we only know Overdrive who can pull it off. We play this for music, fun adventure, and band drama. Not imitating-literature-level epic plothax or powerlevel.

>> No.4859350

Eh, this looks pretty different from Kira Kira. This seems to be more musically oriented, rather than "using music as a gimmick to suck you in and then shove pointless drama down your throat."

>> No.4859368

Those sideburns.

>> No.4859373

Whenever this thread pops up I feel like rereading Kirakira.

I'm skipping Sarina's route after they get back from the tour though....

>> No.4859378

I'm hoping it will be different enough from Kira Kira to actually be good. But I'm not really hyped for it.

I think people might also be getting excited for it because it's the first eroge that has plans to be translated shortly after its release in Japan. Usually the people who don't know Japanese (who make up most of the board) don't have much of a reason to get hyped for an unreleased eroge.

>> No.4859379


Me and the other me look exactly like this.

>> No.4859388

>Me and the other me
Wait, what?

>> No.4859391

Actually I got a haircut recently. And I have brown eyes, not fabulous blue. Oh.... and I'm a bit more muscular... But yeah.

>> No.4859392

If this is a fan disc, is it going to be shorter?

>> No.4859393
File: 96 KB, 800x600, 8400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is what Setoguchi Ren'ya did at chapter 3 and 4 of Kirakira. His fanboys refuse to play Curtain Call and Deardrops because there won't be such drama in these games and I say wut?!

>> No.4859402

Who the hell is Setoguchi Ren'ya?

It's a stand alone game, not a fandisk.

>> No.4859403

What? It's not a fan disc.

>> No.4859404

I only played Chie's route and spoiled the other routes for myself, then deleted the game. I really wasn't interested in the other two girls, and their routes seem equally uninteresting.

>> No.4859413

Contrary to what /jp/ may believe there are other VNs than F/SN and Umineko.

>> No.4859422


>> No.4859550

They all look so good.

>> No.4859617

I would go gay for the protagonist.

I don't give a fuck.

>> No.4859626
File: 87 KB, 564x423, cg_17b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonda looks fucking awesome.

>> No.4859631

Both he and Gohda share similarities in their names. And are both awesome. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.4859640


He is the true bro of the game.

When friends leave you, he is still by your side.

Because he is your bro for life.

>> No.4859659
File: 72 KB, 564x423, cg_04b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this guy. He looks so damn cool. He's definitely the kind of guy I'd like to have for a bro.

>> No.4859680


A bro that is there to help you keep your cool as well.

>> No.4859682


He just doesn't give a fuck, and he teaches you to stop giving a fuck too!

>> No.4859694
File: 83 KB, 316x544, cha_gonda_tatie_sihuku_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonda route where?

>> No.4859703


Guess we got to wait for a Deardrops fandisk to come out after the real game comes out.

>> No.4859733

It's better than having no eyes and generic black hair.

>> No.4859747

Yes, I like that he has a non-generic design. Just hurts me that I know they're probably going to pull the silent bullshit yet again.

>> No.4859753


Well maybe if you wish upon a star the protag will be voiced.

>> No.4859775

Oh god, I hope so. Gonda is so awesome.

>> No.4859795

I don't know, I'd probably even take a generic eyeless protagonist over him.

>> No.4859803


Is he your true bro?

>> No.4859807

My one and only.

>> No.4859813


Looks like we share the same true bro, so that makes us bros.

>> No.4859830

Best bros forever.

>> No.4859834

I wish I understood moonspeak enough to read what is on the trial.

>> No.4860116

Me too.... me too.

>> No.4862619


>> No.4862649

Bumping the thread won't make the game come out faster.

>> No.4862687


>> No.4862697

Sigh..... why couldn't my red headed friend be as cute as Kanade? Damn shame...

>> No.4862838

Let's be honest. Who is going to buy it?

I know I am. I'm giving money to fuel the market and hoping they'll license Key games.

>> No.4862841

I'll buy it while hoping they last long enough to translate Oretsuba.

>> No.4862843

I definitely will. So far Overdrive games have been excellent.

>> No.4862884

So far MangaGamer translation quality has been improving.

>> No.4862885

yes I will buy it. even without physical copies I will buy it. I can only hope that in the future if they ever decide to start making physical copies they'll hook me up.

>> No.4865340

You will never have a bro like Gonda...

>> No.4865402

Can't say for sure yet since my kanji isn't good enough to read the demo.

I've got a heavyset bassist friend who's one of my closest bros, dunno how their personalities match up though.

>> No.4865454

He probably isn't as handsome as Gonda, is he? Because I don't know any other characters with sideburns who looks as handsome as him, Scrooge Mc Duck aside.

>> No.4867881
File: 41 KB, 300x380, wolverine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4872077


Gonda will never go gay for you...
