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File: 570 KB, 1920x1080, Happy New Years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
48569401 No.48569401 [Reply] [Original]

Last: >>48426480

Happy New Years Edition Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi. Version 10 of Sugoi Translator with the DeepL Fix.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.

>> No.48569405

Sorry for not making the new thread on time, I fell asleep, also Happy new years anons

>> No.48569608

Clean their filthy rooms, sometimes you'll find an old crusty pairs of panties
Help them with work, you will learn valuable skills as well as build relationships
Learn2fite, broads love to get roughed up a little
Read nigga read, dumb holes need their dumb questions answering

Also get started with farming ASAP, it's a good nearly passive money maker
And you need money because being a broke ass bitch won't get you anywhere.

>> No.48569634

Every time I bang my hu I feel bad. Like it's wrong to reduce her to a sexual object in a game where that's the point. Am I retarded? How do I stop this?

>> No.48570044
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So is bankianon not delivering after all?

>> No.48570150
File: 3.73 MB, 2160x2160, 14BodyEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry, after making new sekibanki art I got carried away and started making/updating art for a bunch of characters, so much so that I'm basically working on an entire art fork/future update hopefully
When I do return to Sekibanki's writing I should be able to add it myself due to learning a lot from implementing these sprites in game at least
Apologizes if it seems my priorities are misplaced

>> No.48570158


>> No.48570181
File: 134 KB, 600x500, 1717984809507564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't overdo yourself, anon. It's nice to make the things you like but don't feel like you have to make a lot of things. Burned out is bad. We love you for what you had given us, anon.

>> No.48570199

Just release what you have right now

>> No.48570248

Saw in the jp board there was a era variant of hsr and genshin. Anyone have know where to get them?

>> No.48570307

I only know of granblue's

>> No.48570337

You scared me.
Happy new years anon!!!

>> No.48570341
File: 1.07 MB, 1500x1500, butYouHaventDoneAnyThing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you just mean the writing for Sekibanki, it's here https://files.catbox.moe/648xoj.7z but it hasn't gotten as far as the coding stage so it's just a raw text file
If you mean the art it's in this fork right here, you can even download/clone the repo and try it out, it should all be working https://gitgud.io/eggcellent/higher-res-sprites-and-constumes
But I haven't done anything yet! or at the very least nothing I have done has been added to main Except the shimmy mini girl stuff I wrote
No need to overshare but I am just working on era stuff to distract myself from a long time creative project hitting a snag I can't just power through, so being able to work on anything is very relieving

>> No.48570515

Can you make banki's bodysuit darker?

>> No.48571016
File: 241 KB, 660x608, brightness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, only noticed recently I naturally have my monitor brightness really low which leads to everything looking brighter than it should be
Image on the right is what you're seeing, image on the left is close to what I'm seeing, and probably more close to what you want

>> No.48571092

why is youma so tiny

>> No.48571783
File: 778 KB, 1547x1172, 1721673634811608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a gremlin

>> No.48571792

Hmm how about darker? I want it to look like Byakuren's rider suit

>> No.48571838
File: 123 KB, 657x303, brightnessTwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like this? right is still the original
The sheen highlights look weird now but I can always just redo them

>> No.48571856

Yeah, darker looks better imo. Just gotta fix the sheen like you said

>> No.48573188

More eagloV portraits wen

>> No.48573658
File: 404 KB, 1200x1231, 1718726964401520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 4X's mechanics still fucked?

>> No.48573759

Where is the micro bikini with normal skin tone sprite?

>> No.48573893

21 days before sleigh becomes an outlaw

>> No.48573906

I love eggnog.

>> No.48574031

Prove it

>> No.48574953

has Alice finally been translated in the anon-TW fork?
I like to keep my internet off when playing TW, so if she's not translated yet Give me a program or tool that lets me translate locally

>> No.48575081

There's a local Sugoi isn't there?

>> No.48575143

Yeah she's translated on the latest version of AnonTW

>> No.48577719

Been playing Mystia's Izakaya and I can't help thinking of TW whenever I see the food traits

>> No.48577778

Maybe TW needs an izakaya minigame

>> No.48577825

I've thought a few times that I wouldn't mind more formalised jobs in TW that you can optionally do. Helping tend a shrine, serving customers at the izakaya, selling medicine/treating patients, groping kosuzu's butt between the bookshelves, I think all these things neatly slot into existing skills.

>> No.48577991

You gotta make it sound more proper TW-like:
>Helping at the shrine to occasionally sweep divine wind on skirts
>Serving customers at the Izakaya and helping wasted customers recover by groping their boobs (or lack of)
>Selling sleep medicine and treating patients by doing hands-on examinations after getting them to strip naked
>Looking up Kosuzu's skirt as you help her reach higher books on the bookshelves, including the chance to find doujins she hides behind uninteresting looking book covers

>> No.48582389

It's been a disappointing year for development
What a shit waste of time

>> No.48582567 [SPOILER] 
File: 911 KB, 832x1216, eraMegaten NG1 Run MC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After fiddling around with Stable Diffusion and ending up downloading dozens of checkpoint models just to see how the same settings would change how they look, I finally had something that didn't have weird/extra/missing fingers or weird things around that mostly matches the image I had in mind for my generic FeMC in eraMegaten, who being a standard Devil Summoner, just only used a sniper rifle. All the girls were also dressed in a similar way, meido outfit or not, because it's not like eraMegaten punishes you, or even acknowledges characters go nopan and/or nobra, or even totally naked

That said, in terms of eraMegaten, what sort of COMP does the MC use, anyway? Was how the COMP used by (You) looked deliberately not mentioned (or just vaguely) so that the player can 'choose' for themselves (e.g. arm bangle type, cellphone type, GUMP, etc.)? The only description of COMPs I can remember is if it was describing the COMP of others specific to what they used in the game they're from, whereas anything related to (You)r COMP was just simply 'COMP'. Since I'm more familiar with the later SMT/Persona games, my idea of a COMP was more the cellphone/tablet styled one.

>> No.48582626

I think it's one of those arm bangle old timey COMPs

>> No.48582635
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> because it's not like eraMegaten punishes you, or even acknowledges characters go nopan and/or nobra, or even totally naked
That's not entirely true. Some clothing items do have actual effects(mostly bonus exp for various types of training, for example medio outfits increase service exp faster) and a very few number of characters acknowledge some clothing items. Wearing dildos/vibes/tentacles or being an exhibitionist also makes you get horny faster in dungeons if you have dungeon H on.

>> No.48582768

Oh yeah, I do know about the character-specific lines and how some outfits raise exp faster, but not anything beyond that. As far as (You) go, one of the only few NPCs that mention how you look is the intro event to Devil Colosseum, where they make an additional comment depending on how exposed you are, and what's exposed.

The only thing I can see deliberately going around exposed like that is if the battlefuck system made enemies more likely to target them and more often, though that could also make the game 'easier' because enemies are wasting a turn getting ready to try to rape more often. Maybe if there was a clothing damage/destruction mechanic to go with it like eraGvT that governed what level of actions allowed, and degree 'felt' (e.g. s-s-shoving it in requires bottom to be exposed, and/or if trying to shove it in resulted in the panty/pants destruction at the same time, and VBAM gems gained if groped depends on whether it's direct skin contact or if there's one or more layers of clothing in the way). Trying to make the battlefuck system work this way would probably work better if it followed more of eraFL's style, where certain enemies like goblins can do sexual attacks like breast groping and fingering instead of normal attacks in that same turn, and certain attacks, sexual or normal, can also cause clothing destruction. In eraFL being exposed causes characters to take more damage, unless they're an Exhibitionist and have a specific skill ('Cast Off'), where the incoming damage penalty is negated and instead they deal more damage instead per part exposed (upper, lower, or both). Clothes damaged/destroyed in fights and from traps (eraFL has clothing dissolving traps) are completely restored on exiting the dungeon, so this works well for the clothing costing Macca right now as well. Unless buying clothing with Macca is instead changed to either buying the outfit as usual, or at a lower cost, buying the 'manufacturing blueprints' for making that outfit. Making clothing would instead cost Yen (and maybe require a character to perform and cost Stamina?) to actually make copies of that clothing, with possibly this manufacturing process taking 'time' to do so that if you don't want to dish out Macca (or are too poor to afford it) to immediately get outfits, you have to wait instead, with the possibility of characters ending up exposed if you ran out of replacements?

>> No.48590007

I always assumed it was the SMT1 or SMT2 style

>> No.48592995

It's a shame marriage isn't a thing yet in erablue

>> No.48593143

Unless the students are forcing you into marriage it wouldn't be accurate.

>> No.48593359

I'm talking about granblue

>> No.48593617

Than just replace students with crewmates.

>> No.48593703

Then in that case it's pointless, since you can't impregnate anyone in the case canonically.

>> No.48593716

Maybe you can't.

>> No.48593725

No, canonically crossbreeding is impossible and the MC isn't the same race as anyone else. They are effectively sterile, thanks to the shadow producer who is likely a raging fujo retconing the world.

>> No.48593744

Unless you actually do mean eraBlue ('GranblueK'), the resort running one that's currently being translated is 'eraBlue_Resort'.

For Blue Archive, there is 'eraBlueArchive', which is pretty much a TohoA game ('earn x million dollars within y days') but with Blue Archive characters, and 'eraBlueArchiveK', which is a K-variant of Blue Archive that a single random JP guy in the era board created that is surprisingly detailed and made almost everything, including the map, event and setting, 'Blue Archive-like' with little to not trace of TohoK. This variant is actually up to 'eraBlueArchiveK Fix 4', while the one on the git here is only up to 'eraBlueArchiveK Fix 2', I think.

>> No.48593781

Good thing it's an era game where everything is possible. There's already an explanation for crossbreeding in the game anyways.

>> No.48593857

Cagliostro can work that out in a day I bet.

>> No.48593988

>blue shartchive
Nay, Touhou 4 ever.

>> No.48595307
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happy Meiji 158

>> No.48595382

I don't think they'd need tenko for that

>> No.48596331

>dungeon H on
Have there been any improvements to that or is it still a rudimentary:
"CharA and CharB have sex
CharA enjoyed it, CharB didn't
The End"

Wish K's sex system would get ported to more games, only other game I know that uses it is 4X which seems dead >>48573658

>> No.48596902
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if I knew japanese I'd play the BA eras purely for Izuna

>> No.48597504

Pure headcanon but I always assumed the older series staple of the COMP being a bog standard wrist/arm mounted computer they just give to every new member of the phantom society. With smartphone/tablet style being more of a thing for non-PS summoners.
Though I assume at higher levels the society just gives you more leeway to fuck around with the COMP you can have given that Mayone's COMP is her fucking parasol.

>> No.48597955

Can you even port only the sex system into a game?

>> No.48598042

Probably not without a lot of rework

EraFL looks quite interesting
Uses the same room system 4X uses for ship interiors, but for dungeon crawling instead
And has K's sex system

Shame its not translated.

>> No.48598431

Why did RL failed anyways?

>> No.48599139
File: 80 KB, 850x795, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_zunusama__sample-901ca9ae90f3d9c0db7c326a2d580aaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eratohoT updated to 5.500 in JP
>thank you for your hard work.
>I've been busy since October, so my work has been delayed, and I've been dabbling in and breaking down the development of other variants, so I've missed posting.
>Because of that, I sometimes forget what I changed.
>It was originally under the name 5.410, but I've taken good care of it, so it's called 5.500, but there are a lot of experimental ones, and some don't...
>So, early in the abyss, early in the new year, I go underground again, wondering what I'm doing here.

>> No.48600428
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>> No.48601451

Wrist/Arm Bangle type COMP makes most 'sense' for general Devil Summoner work because when fighting, especially if you're using something big like the anti-material sniper rifles and presumably big ass melee weapons you can use in eraMegaten, those sort of COMPs are least likely to 'get in the way' while using them mid-battle. Cellphone/Tablet style COMPs feel more like for the sort of Devil Summoner that depends entirely on their demons to fight but otherwise are unable to fight themselves (potentially an idea for a new 'Type D' Devil Summoner class?), since one would otherwise have to drop or put their weapon away first to then pull out the cellphone or tablet. Unless one would like to think of especially the cellphone type being able to be attached into an arm bangle slot or even specialised gun slots, so you could use it as a cellphone type, arm bangle type or a GUMP COMP depending on your loadout?

That said, even though the Phantom Society is from an older SMT game, I still feel like they left it vague enough in eraMegaten so that you can just headcanon the kind of COMP (You) use for yourself.

eraFL is one of the eras I wish could get some translation on, especially menus and such, but it'll probably be quite a bit of work trying to translate the whole thing. Other than eraFL, I hope one day we see translations for eraOCG and if it really picks up, eraMS as well

eraRL ('era RogueLike') is different from eraFL ('era Fantasy Life' (not based on the actual Fantasy Life game series)). eraFL is actually an entirely original work using what feels like they used the 4X system as its base (with 4X being based K itself) that someone started last year and had proven to be immensely popular with the JP crowd. The dev even ended up moving over to their own git:

The original eraRL (not the custom 'English version' we have on the git) on the other hand is just that, a roguelike made on the era system. In terms of what it's supposed to do, I guess it achieved it in some sense? It's more of a roguelike with a 'generic dungeon' or two, with extra quests and such based on Elona and Etrian Odyssey. Its sex system is more like TohoA's though.

>> No.48601583
File: 728 KB, 850x771, Noelia capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Era fantasy life
>not based on fantasy life game series
God damn it why did you have to do that

>> No.48601612

The problem with eraRL is that roguelikes are built on taking extremely granular turns that quickly become a nuisance with even slight UI inconveniences, of which eragames inherently have many.

>> No.48601634

Speaking of etrian odyssey, eraMeiQGaiden isn't being developed anymore is it?

>> No.48602225

It's exactly like that because the dev started it up as 'eraFL', and the JP crowd also had the same reaction as you did thinking someone was making a game based off the Fantasy Life series, only to find out that it's 'fantasy life', not 'Fantasy Life'

Yeah, eraRL has some weird/awkward UI and keybindings. And even if you're playing eraRL for the 'era' part, it only really takes place at 'home' after you capture an enemy (which is entirely up to RNG). The roguelike part is otherwise entirely roguelike part, with defeated enemies just being that, and captured enemies being 'teleported to your base' so that you can later do the whole TohoA thing on them. Even then it's not like it has any real effort put into the sexy part either; just click buttons, get gems, level up abilities until they get a Fall state.

I love all of the eraMeiQ variants, but unfortunately all of them have been abandoned for years now with no one wanting to touch them

>> No.48602261

>no one wanting to touch them
That's sad, not even nexus and refantazio are enough to revive some interest

>> No.48608194

Help me understand Granblue lore. Can harvins have breasts or are they all DFC'd?

>> No.48608232

There is nothing stopping them from having tits, although most of them are flat to small. They aren't a race of lolis. They are a race of gnomes, basically. That said, if you want short with big tits you want draphs, as they start as oppai lolis and only get larger from there but not really much taller.

>> No.48609424

Harvin girls with big tits are like the enemy of all other (flat) Harvin girls

>> No.48611126

Why are all TW-likes so soft on Sadistic actions?

>> No.48611527

Working with established characters means both writers and devs are biased to like the characters they're working with. So it's only natural the focus won't be on sadism.

>> No.48611589

But why are K variants so brutal on them? is it due to the war theme?

>> No.48613017

K is secondary slop.

>> No.48613343

Obviously it's because they hate these characters.

>> No.48613920
File: 2 KB, 651x41, Anon is feeling strange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average K playtrhough.

>> No.48615690

Is it gay if the balls don't touch?

>> No.48616101
File: 367 KB, 3179x2675, 1648111935249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very gay.
But for real, it can happen when you train the millionaire too much or get captured by other country.

>> No.48616114

I'm too bad at K to understand what is happening to go enough turns to experience homosexuality. I think that makes me the straightest K player.

>> No.48616165

just fucked by/fuck a lot of men, still, you have to be pretty fucking dumb to even get captured

>> No.48616207

It's only gay if they put their balls in your asshole.

>> No.48616412

>it can happen when you train the millionaire too much
Why would you do that? just throw him into the tentacle pit

>> No.48616440

or just disable that event to begin with

>> No.48616746

Whenenver I play the K games, I always disable the events like Animal Trainer, Millionaire and a few other Daily events. I always refuse them and occasionally just kill them on the spot instead when the event pops up, so I'd rather just have them never appear in the first place so that other events like the FeMC getting raped for no reason yet again can fire more.

Though I do have a save setting with only certain beneficial Daily Events active, like the Opioids Cure one because drug addiction is the worst

>> No.48617135

reminder that you cannot disable the bestiality events easily in K

>> No.48617152

So just don't do them.

>> No.48617178

its incredibly easy to not trigger them, I've done dozens of runs and never seen them

>> No.48617181

Why would you want to?

>> No.48617348

They only trigger when you fulfill their requirements

>> No.48617354

People play as a FeMC?

>> No.48618426

Most of the game is written under the assumption that the MC is using an old-style Arm Terminal COMP, but there are at least two event scenes where a GUMP would make more sense.

>> No.48619896

Just disable any nasty events, disable special factions, and never EVER touch the explore button, believe me, your ass will thank you. Stuff just becomes vanilla that way unless you start kinky stuff yourself.

>> No.48620266
File: 63 KB, 1020x761, exploring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALWAY touch the explore button as male player.

>> No.48620345

Some people are women.

>> No.48620357

It's a roulette. You might get this often, but there will be always a chance you get the one where you are anally raped by a ghost without a chance to refuse or fight back. Will you really risk it?

>> No.48620406
File: 40 KB, 894x660, exorcise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you are anally raped by a ghost
I just rape the ghost.

>> No.48623094

In traditional TohoK, if you're a male MC, events that would otherwise result in feMC getting raped or at the very least be only able to pick the 'do nothing' option, is the one doing the raping/sexing and is often rewarded for it as well at the same time in the form of gold or even soldiers

>> No.48623505

Before i played Eramegaten i honestly had no idea what a catheter was, so i bought it and used on a girl and was horrified.

>> No.48623961

You need a certain mental fortitude to press random buttons in eramegaten. I used the needle thinking it was just for some kinky skin teasing.

>> No.48624051

Hey did they ever change parsee's dialogue?, and if they did is it possible to get the old dialogue?

>> No.48624299

I still never tried the wooden horse because i know what it is and i do not want my waifus to go through pain like that.
So far all my girls got the [affection] status because i feel bad making them go through the hard shit necessary to get the other fallen states.

>> No.48624311
File: 2 KB, 546x67, 1723329590832615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this supposed to mean? What do i need to do?

>> No.48624363

be with her at those times?

>> No.48624391
File: 2 KB, 443x91, 1724722606571635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48624565

Just have guys take the beating so you can sell them off when they reach the [Slave] state

>> No.48624590

If I remember right she needs a fallen status and then the event will change into a different one where you'll have a fight and then continue the storyline.

>> No.48624730


>> No.48625491

era games can cover a range of bdsm or the more niche fetishes that for most part you'll never hear about or see in 'normal' porn/hentai. Urethral play (or the male equivalent, sounding) by shoving things up peepee holes, shoving needles into nipples, clitoris and penises, putting electric nodes on to give painful electric pleasure shocks by pasting them on genitals and boobs, and more! A few of the older eras even had even more extreme stuff like using axes and stuff for intimidation or even amputation, turning people into living onaholes/dildos.

Welcome to the vast depraved world of era games.

>> No.48625638

T-Those are all normal fetishes though.

>> No.48626281

bring me sleighbeggy

>> No.48626300

things that extreme are pretty normal for text porn games after all

>> No.48626480

I prefer AkumaMaid's sex system.

>> No.48626824

I am disappointed we didn't get an xxxmas or nude year release man this blows

>> No.48627555

People in these threads sure are getting soft if those things are considered taboo fetishes

>> No.48628064

Ryona is repugnant. I like it when my women enjoy the sex.

>> No.48628480

Concrete enemas are pretty vanilla.

>> No.48629098

Decapitation isn't vanilla outside of the middle east, desertanon.

>> No.48629347
File: 9 KB, 708x245, image (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is currently working on Soul Hackers content so i'll be the one.

>> No.48629618

Simp, the meat must be tenderised

>> No.48629700

Tenderize your own meat and fuck off.

>> No.48629763

I cannot deal with this fucking translation in erablue resort. This can't be happening. It is somehow worse than MTL because at least MTL translates the words correctly. Can someone please do a pass on the fucking ENGLISH?

>> No.48629771

Anontw is obsolete.

>> No.48629862

TW is very vanilla and a lot of people come here for TW, makes sense

>> No.48629912
File: 8 KB, 817x138, image (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2 of the Amami Float request

>> No.48630352

Well the translator is russian so it makes sense why it's translated that way

>> No.48630586

So yeah, any big changes to Megaten the past year or two?
Any improvements to dungeon sex?

>> No.48630645

I mean, i'm adding the protagonist of Soul Hackers to the game, so i know there's some new changes.

>> No.48630734

That doesn't change that even google translate will give you to the correct spelling of a word. I understand why it's that way I'm saying it's untenable.

>> No.48630844

It's an ESL thing I guess. I too wish he would fix the spelling of the words, seeing "(Player name) and (Character) are talking, while (Callname) watches" every time you choose the normal conversation command kinda hurts the experience.

>> No.48630875

I'm an ESL, man. It is literally not that hard. Just fucking ask someone who actually knows English to look your stuff over once and they'll catch everything super easily. Stuck on the character select screen laughing at "Valoptuous"

>> No.48631099
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x1137, 1706910085395611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new years
anything I should know about the Aya stuff? Might check it again this coming week

>> No.48631130

Its not only english, but every language these days suffer from retards lacking a basic grasp on it and making stupid mistakes. I assure you that this guy does not know how to write correctly in his own language either, because if he did he would know to proofread.

>> No.48631506
File: 18 KB, 640x276, 1719329182023700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living Vibrator
When was this added?

>> No.48631512

I don't want to shit on the guy because hes actually trying to make stuff but its a huge problem with both that and rl

>> No.48631568

I don't wanna shit on him either! He's clearly the only one who gives a fuck to actually do something, but I can't take this shit anymore. Rat that can use a keyboard tier.

>> No.48631944

She's a sllut

>> No.48632645

How do i make a girl sing at a concert in eramegaten?

>> No.48632692

which games contain porn?

>> No.48632759

all of them anon, it's an engine specifically made for gameplay around sexually training girls.

>> No.48632934

Geez anon i am not sure if any of these erotic games contains any porn at all.

>> No.48632944

yeah what happen? last release was 5 month ago, did some drama scare them off?

>> No.48633004

In Megaten there is this dungeon called Shinjuku. I cant find any boss or anything to complete it and get a reward or something, is this how it is supposed to be or am i missing something?

>> No.48633191

It's slightly complicated under the hood, but basically you need a combination of enough singing exp or singing/exhibitionist/technique levels and/or the right traits. Then they just need 501+ stamina and for it to be night time. If the option isn't avaible train up the relevant stats and if that still doesn't work get them into a fall state.
Shinjuku requires multiple trips to complete and has two different routes you can take. Basically just wander around and talk to everyone until you can side with amane or not and go from there.

>> No.48633211

Damn this sucks, i guess i will just send them to work on the restaurant then.

>> No.48633247

In eraMegaten?
It's been there for years, but due to an error in the code, it was never usable until it got fixed in November.

>> No.48633457

They do not comment on it because your clothes, or the lack of them, are covered by your amour. If you are wearing the trasparent armour demons will comment on it when you choose to talk with them.

>> No.48633486

COMP being your phone sounds like a recipe for disaster in my opinion. How many times in your life did you not wast minutes trying to find your phone because you did not remember where you put it? Now imagine trying to look for it while your home is raided by some demons or something.
Also imagine being in the middle of battle, and then suddenly needing to use your COMP, it would be very slow taking your phone off your pocked while holding some massive sword to summon another ally or something, compared to just pressing a button on your arm.

>> No.48633527

The best COMP is a guitar COMP, change my mind.

>> No.48633875

That one guy they send you to assasinate has a guitar, is that supposed to be his comp?

>> No.48633885

From Soul Hackers? Yes. There is also a sax COMP and one dude has brass knuckle COMPs in the game.

>> No.48634127

Canonically, what action is enough to destroy the Hakurei barrier?

>> No.48634244

Killing all humans inside it.

>> No.48634265

Isn't that for killing all youkai but not explicitly the barrier?
Especially when the barrier is somehow connected to the Hakurei shrine and has to be maintained.

>> No.48634373

Since it was set up and is maintained by a youkai i think Yukari's death would take it down.
But this is all headcanon, ZUN never canonically talked about a way to take it down.

>> No.48634376
File: 10 KB, 1202x687, 1730197744314822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Eramegaten i ran the SWR - process, but when i ran SWR - run it leads to this screen. What did i do wrong?

>> No.48634623

Google translate says its a resource folder error. Any ideas?

>> No.48634946

It translates to anontw is obsolete.

>> No.48635692

The only SMT-ish game series I can think of that uses cellphones as a COMP is Devil Survivor. That said, most of the characters were more like Adepts who uses the app on their cellphones to perform Summoner-like abilities.

That said, though it might require some text revision of existing dialogue and quests, I feel like maybe the kind of COMP we use should be something we can customise as well, with corresponding bonuses and penalties. Like say, if you use the standard-issue Arm Terminal COMP it's the same as usual, but if you use a GUMP then you can't equip melee weapons but have a bonus to using guns as well (having the GUMP also help you aim and such), while using a Cellphone COMP makes it so that it takes an extra turn to use COMP abilities, or maybe require you to take a turn to take out your COMP (and will also take a turn to return your COMP) using the 'Transform' or Persona mechanics, but has more COMP capacity and has built-in Software into it (like the ability to mass-summon demons or HI-DAS). Maybe even an actual Tablet COMP that doesn't allow you to equip melee or guns (only allowing you to punch; gotta get that Martial Arts up), but is more a 'demon commander' kind of COMP that allows for more COMP capacity and more Leader software to be installed, and provide bonuses to Leader software as well.

>> No.48635737

quit bumping this thread, dipshit

>> No.48635756


>> No.48636064

Don't the fucking smt iv hunters use smartphones as COMPs? Then again IVA kind of implies they mostly have them arm strapped so they're basically just touch screen arm COMPs if they're like Nanashi, or they're like Asahi and basically have that shit out all the time so the draw time isn't a factor.
Personal opinion, but if it wasn't for the fact that it would be jank as hell Cellphone-type COMP should be what lets your MC do that adept-like summoning your IVA NPC buddies/raidou do where they summon a demon to do a spell as an action for the turn. Maybe the balancing being that you only have a melee weapon/gun rather than both.

>> No.48637740

I thought youkai like Yukari (or Yuuka for example) don't need the human village or to really actively do anything to sustain themselves since they're associated with and draw power from primal human fears that can't really go away.

>> No.48637873
File: 363 KB, 2048x1551, __hakurei_reimu_and_yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_ktune_udon__96813c7e67c7ac2051ec4e101b15a380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gensokyo's border control barrier seems more like a passive enchantment, that simply has to be checked for any sort of irregularities like one would observe a complex device:
>In charge of the barrier's management are the Hakurei shrine maiden, and Yukari Yakumo, a youkai with the power to manipulate boundaries. Reimu's youkai extermination can be described as 'maintenance of the barrier' in a sense, but aside from that, Reimu can also deliberately weaken the barrier. It seems that if she weakens it too freely, Yukari gets angry with her.
The Fantasy/Reality barrier is a strictly Yukari endeavour, however it appears to be fully automatic and self-sufficient, as it works off the balance of power between youkai inside and humans outside

that's what Big Hag Consortium wants you to think

>> No.48638053

Nobody cares lol Pedy is a father who gets a lot of sex.

>> No.48638139
File: 621 KB, 1085x648, image (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone, The Amami Float sequence has been implemented in the eng-dev branch of eraMegaten! You can finally fight the Protag from Soul Hackers!

>> No.48638192

Does he just hide behind a wall of demons and vendor machine while shooting and chucking bombs at you?

>> No.48638242 [DELETED] 

Where can i download it? I am new to those games.

>> No.48638352

First you need to learn how to read.

>> No.48638355

I figured it out, that is why i deleted the post.

>> No.48638385

acknowledge that pedy won

>> No.48638625

I updated Megaten and now it keeps freezing for a few seconds all the time. Will this go away enventually once everything is loaded or something or am i fucked?

>> No.48638716

ask pedy to fork megaten lol the shitdevs from dicksword are incompetent

>> No.48639098

Does it happen every time?

>> No.48639172

When i do something i did not do before. For example, if i open a menu that i did not open before, it will freeze for a while then open the menu. Then when i close this menu, and open it again it does not freeze anymore.

>> No.48639212

eramegaten is a pretty heavy game, maybe your computer just can't handle it

>> No.48639239

Are you using emuera.exe?
Also, how much RAM do you have?

>> No.48639726

I was using the anchor. Now i decided to try the emuera.exe and its running smoothly lol.

>> No.48639925
File: 40 KB, 925x106, 1717517481392325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During a break in my what?

>> No.48640083

"work", I guess.
Thanks for reporting text errors like these, it really helps.

>> No.48640089

Also read the bottom text, it does not sound right either.

>> No.48640146

How do i progress in the Ichigaya Garrison dungeon? there is an Iron door that i cant go through, and i cant use the elevators.

>> No.48640182

One of those "artificial humans" was probably meant to be "androids".

>> No.48640641

Does EraTohoK also have combat and exploration? I only played eraMegaten so far.

>> No.48640678

K variants are army management strategy games for the most part.

>> No.48640866 [DELETED] 

is weird that nothing happened today
really wanted it to go hot
guess the bills were too cowardly to commit treason

>> No.48641433

There are exploration but they're mostly just random event generators

>> No.48642332

Which one was that again?

>> No.48642512

Its been a while but if I remember that dungeon, there's like two stumbling blocks. One is that you have to do it before recruiting Mayone for getting past the entrance (though I'm not sure if that bug is still there) The other is finding the guy who sells you access to the gotou doors, don't remember where he is but he's on the lower levels and sells it.
Afterwards you encounter goto and the elevators open up once you get past him.

>> No.48643156

Combat is just a stat check between armies and their assigned commanders, not RPG combat like Megaten. Like a Paradox strategy game if you've ever played those. Exploration is just a button you press to send a character on some random event, you'll usually get a choice that boils down to sex or no sex.

>> No.48643166

Elevators are only unlocked when you deal with the boss. But before that I think you need to get an access card or code from some dude, I think it was top right of the prison basement.

>> No.48643213

I've been gone for a while, are there still like 2-3 versions of TW being developed simultaneously by different people or is that over and done with?

>> No.48643259

There are still three versions around: Anon, Pedy and Pops. Pops just does his own thing, and while Pedy also does his own thing, occasionally Anon and Pops take commits from Pedy into their own (mostly bug fixes and such). Anon is the 'current' /egg/ standard, unless that changes in the near future.

>> No.48643658

Thanks for the clarification, anon. Always thought it was a shame people split up and aren't working together, especially considering the game is far from done. It'll likely never get finished this way.

>> No.48643897

Well, TW is for most part already 'complete'. The only benchmark regarding content for (English) TW is how it compares to original Japanese TW. On the Japanese side, I don't think they're really working on anything major right now ever since the implementation of the hypnosis system. I'm not even sure if they have anyone working on adding dialogue for the characters currently with no dialogue. On the English side, the only real content left to be worked on are translation work, other than also possibly adding dialogue to characters with no dialogue. Everything else beyond that are additions to TW. As far as the recent history of 'English TW 'goes, I think it kind of goes 'eraTW' (the super outdated version on the English era wiki) -> Pedy -> Pops -> Anon via 'the will of the /egg/ community'. It's almost like watching the political movement of some dysfunctional country.

The move to Pedy was because someone was finally updating TW for once, fixing bugs and bringing it up to the JP version. But then there was the whole drama about the entire cast from one of the 2hu games being removed for a seemingly terrible reason. However, no one wanted to return to the old TW, so despite much grumbling people stuck to it anyway, until Pops showed up.

Pops 'the community' went to as an alternative to Pedy, and for a short while it was acceptable because while Pedy version still did updates, Pops would just take in bug fixes and other similar commits from it while adding a bunch of his own. But then the whole 'filter content' thing started when Pops started adding his own content, starting with diaper incontinence play and eventually Rimworld mechanics like 'lethal combat' with weapons, concept of technology levels, factions and raids (though Rimworld stuff came after 'the community' left for Anon).

And so we have Anon, which is supposed to be the true 'will of the community' version. But just because /egg/ moved between those versions didn't mean Pedy and Pops stopped working on their own versions. Having said that, it was only recently that /egg/ was already once again talking about moving to another fork because Sleigh, the current owner of AnonTW, hasn't been active for months (and indeed, AnonTW itself shows that the last commit he had done himself was in July last year).

>> No.48644012
File: 94 KB, 850x1545, __sekibanki_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_maguro27__sample-2d86e724b1b39835fcefec0a7169e1a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not even sure if they have anyone working on adding dialogue for the characters currently with no dialogue.
There was a mention of a Keiki, but that was a few months ago - other than that a few ideas for mechanics were thrown about, but weren't followed up on yet
There were some additions to existing files, like Orin or Kagerou

>> No.48644066

Pops was never about doing anything other than shoving his shitty fetishes and poorly thought out game mechanics in.
No one has been talking about another fork other than that weird schizophrenic dude trying to start shit. And looking at AnonTW, you see nothing but a large list of commits. But you decided to single out a single contributor, going instead for a half-truth, or more like a 1/5-truth.

You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?

>> No.48644117

It's still an undeniable fact that for a short while, /egg/ was using Pops over Pedy until Anon came along. And yes, there are a lot of commits there, almost every day even. But none of them are from Sleigh themselves, the owner of that git. That said, I don't know how this sort of thing works for github, in that whether they can just simply give full access to other people (I assume it can, considering that github is supposed to be about easy collaborative work). If that's what was done then it's perfectly fine; however, if there are certain actions only the git owner can perform that's required for the functioning of the work, then I will indeed call them out if it's holding some things from being added or merged.

>> No.48644301

>in that whether they can just simply give full access to other people
Yes, they can.
>if there are certain actions only the git owner can perform that's required for the functioning of the work
There are no actions like that.

>> No.48644316

No one used Pop's Poopy Version over Pedy's, even when he 110th'ed some characters

>> No.48644372

>110th'ed some characters

>> No.48644590

>On the Japanese side, I don't think they're really working on anything major right now ever since the implementation of the hypnosis system.
But there's no hypnosis system in mainline nip TW.

>> No.48644621

reminder that hypnosis is cheating

>> No.48644667

The Amami Float request is now spicier.

>> No.48645464

Romance her anon.

>> No.48645510

AnonTW was created within a few days of the Pedy debacle, dude. Nowhere between that did people switch over to Pops.

>> No.48645519

Alice and Komachi got recently translated, someone added dialog for the fish. But there's somehow been no recent updates.

>> No.48645744

Alice is best girl yet she went an eternity without a translation, surprised someone finally did it.
But I'm more surprised there's no full translation yet considering AI makes it easy to do so now, and we don't have to rely on garbage machine translations anymore.

>> No.48645747

>We have a machine that translate stuff now, now we don't need to rely on machine translation

>> No.48645779

Machine translation is an all encompassing name for regular translation software. It's been around forever and it's the type of garbage google translator spits out as it can't recognize context whatsoever, while AI like ChatGPT can and is wholly superior.

>> No.48645860

ChatGPT translations are substantially superior to the trash output by Google Translate and DeepL.

>> No.48645867

It's still MTL you coping peasant.

>> No.48645877

No, AI is magic

>> No.48645879

In Megaten some npcs mentions zombies being cured once they find love. Does getting the Love fall status on a Zombie Girl makes her change into a different demon?

>> No.48646001


what would sleigh think of this?

>> No.48646115 [DELETED] 

He's going to die in combat soon lol. Thank you Based GT Trump for erasing him from my life!

>> No.48646274

I cant use quickstart on Megaten because i run into a resources file error. Anyone here have any idea what exactly is causing this error?

>> No.48646323

Sleigh inserted malware into your personal copy of the game. You'll have to scrub your computer and reinstall it.

>> No.48646334

I am not a schzio. I am a savior.

>> No.48646351

Quickstart is outdated.
Just use the emuera.exe that comes by default.

>> No.48646358


>> No.48646371

Oh that explains it. I was using an older version of the game i installed 8 months ago, and only updated today.

>> No.48646404 [DELETED] 

Shut up, larger. You didn't ask I asked now stop it fuckig waht the fuck I hate you God darn it alll

>> No.48646563

Do I need to use soap or will just water a stiff brush work?

>> No.48646572 [DELETED] 

But remember, complaining that jannies don't care about reports will get you a 3-day timeout very quickly

>> No.48646582 [DELETED] 

Get fucked.

>> No.48646598 [DELETED] 

because one of the shitposters is a janny, of course, you have no right to nootice.

>> No.48646608 [DELETED] 

Which post that hasn't been deleted are you taking umbrage with?

>> No.48646756 [DELETED] 

He's whining because Pedy won.

>> No.48646824

Is the licker fight the only resident evil related event on megaten?

>> No.48646876

Yeah, that event is all there is.

>> No.48646979

Does ChatGPT ever throw a wobbly at some of the stuff you're translating?
I remember DeepL would randomly mock you when translating GvT

>> No.48647022

That is a shame, i was hoping to fight a tyrant.

>> No.48647075

My character in Megaten has the [little devil] trait. What does this mean? Is he a shota?

>> No.48647146

They are woman, anon. Every single woman out there is going to get fucked in every hole by some man. There is nothing wrong with that of course, it just how humans( and non humans in the case of this games) are. Sometimes they will have some wholesome date on some coffee shop, and 1 hour later she will be swalling his spit and cum. Your mom, sister, every woman in your life and every woman you see did that, and will do that.

>> No.48647167

Gays versus Terrorists is a classic.

>> No.48647499

In Megaten, is there any tatical advantage in violating your enemies during battle?

>> No.48647502

Is your boner tactical?

>> No.48647523

My boner comes from XP gain, i love seeing numbers going up.

>> No.48647525

The psychological torment you inflict upon them will give you an edge in the battle

>> No.48647778

If it's part of negotiation, it usually means you recruit them right there. And since you already fucked them you don't have to deal with virginity while training them(which is instant hate marks if you take it too early normally)

>> No.48648228

Nah i am not talking about that. There is a battle fuck system that gives the Violate option at action menu, which if sucessful alows you to rape an enemy mid battle. The enemies can also use this on your party and have a party member get raped during battle. It lasts a bunch of turns and so far the only used i found on it is the fact that the raped will not have any actions because they are too busy getting raped, so they wont attack or anything. But that is not really that useful because bosses are immune to being violated, so i guess this mechanic only exists to make the player cum, which is fair in a porn game i guess.

>> No.48648235

The battlefuck system is a fairly new engdev addition and is in development last I checked.

>> No.48648787
File: 44 KB, 958x444, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to stop the game from copying everything on the clipboard?

>> No.48648791

I'm using sugoi translator and i just want the game to only copy character dialogue to clipboard

>> No.48648811

Uncheck copy to clipboard in the options menu.

>> No.48648823

I just did that, but now it obviously doesn't copy to the clipboard anymore. Thus, Sugoi won't translate.

>> No.48648857

I personally just re-copy the shit I want to translate by opening era's clipboard and copying from there.

>> No.48648868

Do you have era clipboard? With it you only translate japanese text sugoi having to look through the entire page.

>> No.48648870

you mean this? yea I just downloaded it, it seems to be working well

>> No.48652081

Who are you to be so based?

Why not keep him as a bonus boss?

>> No.48653636
File: 6 KB, 818x174, but i spent the night at komachi???.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is weird. I spend the night at Komachi, but apparently Kagerou instead

>> No.48653646

How drunk were you?

>> No.48653692

this happened to me once, went to sleep with Ran and woke up with Merlin, it was weird, I imagine it's a bug

>> No.48653767

None in game

>> No.48654540

Reminds me of the
>accidently cheated
bait i see on 4chan every once in a while lol

>> No.48654826
File: 32 KB, 1600x990, 1714136807396042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody explain to me why consensually deflowering Tenshi resulted in lv3 hate mark?

>> No.48654836


>> No.48654850


>> No.48654861


>> No.48654874

>I shoved my peepee into woman while she was dry, why so mad?
The other reason is probably to do with all the talents she has, which increases antipathy for deflowering. She received 3250 points of it in one go, which would result in an immediate Hate Mark 3 regardless of whether they're your waifu or not. Generally getting 1000 points of it in one go would result in one Hate Mark, so good job on clearing it completely to get Hate Mark 3

>> No.48654918

Consent in TW just means she's okay with you pushing her down and feeling her up
Doesn't mean she's okay with going all the way

Cowgirl is usually the best way to deflower them.

>> No.48655428

>Reading the eraFL thread on the JP era board
>At one point they were talking about how no one seems to care about characters walking around naked in their home base, and how it'd be nice if there was a reaction from others
>It goes into a tangent about showing your 'holy spear' in combat should inflict stun to enemies (and more innocent allies), with a chance to 'fail' and have the 'holy spear' user stunned instead if they get mocked for their tiny 'holy spear'

How would one implement something like this into TW, the concept of flashing others (whether it's just flipping the bird or the whole naked trenchcoat flashing thing)? What should it do if either successful or in failure? Also 'stun' your primary target while having the chance of others either fleeing from the area, (not)covering their eyes (and gain lust), or even jump on you to push you down as a group?

>> No.48656080

The problem is would anyone bother making that mechanic?

>> No.48656167

Japs would
Funny as well how the asians assume you'll be walking around with a button penis instead of a spear massive enough to pierce the heavens.

>> No.48658891

The clothing system in TW is so horrendously underutilized it might as well not even exist.

>> No.48658902

At least it mentions clothing, unlike K which does completely ignore clothes

>> No.48659608

You might as well not exist.

>> No.48659668

NAS already has exhibitionism and even covers the three reactions you proposed. Just go look at how Pops did it, sans the diaperplay portions.

>> No.48659727

Putting fifty billion data tables in is not a good approach.

>> No.48660077

It's better than AnonTW

>> No.48660134

I'd prefer if it didn't desu. It's just bloat.

>> No.48660163
File: 5 KB, 250x185, 1710544830309472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree. NAS has some interesting features, but I don't think what it adds is worth all the instability, bugs, and constant loading. Also, I just felt kind of grimy playing it. Even if you turn all the scat fetishist stuff off, it's hard to remove it entirely from your mind. When you see the padded underwear category for example, you know it exists mainly for diapers and that thicker underwear that hides semen and wet pussies is just a minor secondary function.

It's sort of like when you see an artist that draws scat draw art without scat. Even though there's no scat in the image/doujin, you know exactly why the anuses are so extremely detailed.

>> No.48660239

No, he infested Anon with this crap, too.

>> No.48660277

>Even though there's no scat in the image/doujin, you know exactly why the anuses are so extremely detailed.
Oh god I thought I was the only person that had this weird looming feeling whenever I noticed that.

>> No.48660298

Should I be playing the eng translation or the eng modding of AnonTW?

>> No.48660382

Is the glass wearing nightmare you recruit at school stronger than the regular nightmares?

>> No.48660464 [DELETED] 

Anontw is the worst branch you fucking shill

>> No.48660475 [DELETED] 

Anon deserves to be destroyed rip it up fuck the shills fuck you fuck the thread apologize to Ledy

>> No.48660478

can you explain why, without mentioning the people that contribute to it?

>> No.48660484 [DELETED] 

It has globohomo in it.

>> No.48660485
File: 61 KB, 453x560, big dose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48660490 [DELETED] 

Jfk Jr is coming for big pharma

>> No.48660538

I don't remember there being anything special about her beyond starting at a higher level.

>> No.48660601
File: 284 KB, 850x1214, maka04021Hecatia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a missed opportunity to not have characters have different likes and dislikes to your clothing
Like if you wore a leather jacket and jeans you'd impress hecatia and seija but annoy people who like simple tradition like akyuu and reimu, causing favor and trust modifiers to alter to reflect this
Or like if wore clothes that didn't leave much to the imagination you'd piss off eiki, but innocent characters like daiyousei wouldn't notice, and pervs like the sex fox would enjoy you dressing that way
Could also make it so that wearing clothes out of season (like wearing short shorts in the winter) would give you penalties to stamina and energy and vice versa
And while I'm suggesting features I'm too much of a bitch to program myself you should have to buy/find/create clothes and cosplay costumes rather than just magically having all of them

>> No.48660699 [DELETED] 

This reeks of the dick size bonus maluses. Fuck off.

>> No.48660702 [DELETED] 

You shouldn't be playing it at all fuck off.

>> No.48660708

I cant do anything but laugh at you.

>> No.48660712 [DELETED] 

Your hand is stuck in your ass

>> No.48660727 [DELETED] 

Anontw hasn't had an update in an entire year what the fuck is wrong with sleigh and whatever his posse of kitten slut pimp lords????

>> No.48661227

Anon will never have marriage, it will never have scene update, Flanders will never get update, Chen won't be added, image update never ever, no sex update, no yandere, no hypnosis improvement, no bug fix, no prank update, no sex shinymu no update none

>> No.48661413

If he spent just 1% of the energy he did shitposting on something just as tedious as TL work TW would be done by now.

>> No.48661561

No heavy update either.

>> No.48661567

Huh doc, i do not think you have the, huh, "tool" necessary to give me the proper dose. Where is my old doctor?

>> No.48661581

Eirin was finally arrested for her shady practices.

>> No.48661690
File: 3 KB, 445x103, 1713349714934701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got scammed, i thought she was a girl...
At least i did not get any A xp.

>> No.48662747

All TW-likes need more varied S&M commands

>> No.48662952

Sleigh is too much of a pussy to add SaM to the game

>> No.48663031

Everyone is too much of a pussy to add proper S&M to the game

>> No.48663042

No. Only a single person carries the blame sleigh is the great Satan and almighty evil he is the demiurge

>> No.48663337

I think it would be a good idea if people sent a strongly worded letter to certain people in power here on this website for both this board and /vg/. We face a similar problem, and it's likely the same person.

>> No.48663621

They'll just tell you to fill out the feedback form and never look at it lol

>> No.48663768

>NAS has some interesting features
They are poorly implemented and poorly design, so even then they are lacking.

>> No.48664063

It's definitely the same person but what are you supposed to do? You can easily evade even an IP range ban

>> No.48664962

I've always liked the idea of each general having their own moderators. Sadly 4chan ain't changing any time soon.

>> No.48665197

Seems like a way to have officially sanctioned thread schizophrenia.

>> No.48665249

I'm down to clown.

>> No.48665372 [DELETED] 

I will rape the Buddha and sodomitize sle9gh. You can't defeat meh

>> No.48665390

but that's already happening here? thank the janny applications, posts calling out the schizo get deleted more than post by the schizo himself.

>> No.48665506

What game?

>> No.48665624

That's out of incompetence.

>> No.48666302

eramegaten. This is from a shop that sells rumours. You can choose how you pay and one of the options is through seduction. I thought that since it was a girl might aswell seduce her...

>> No.48666540

If properly "jailbroken", it doesn't. Jailbreaking it is harder nowadays though, so I use Llama 3.3 on huggingchat, works like a charm.

>> No.48666757

Are the Chinese still planning on adding new stuff to GvT?

>> No.48667889

Is Tsukasa still being translated? I'd also like to inquire about the status of the Flandre update.

>> No.48668076

>flandre update
there was one?

>> No.48670782

Her writer said he was working on an update a month or so ago. I hope our schizo didn't drive him away...

>> No.48673092

In EraYMAEM how do you get the dialogue between your assistant and the people they are training?
A long time ago I remember some people posting screenshots and talking about some like training Chen with Ran as an assistant or Kaguya with Eirin.

>> No.48673169

does anyone is working on nobody is? dead community

>> No.48674455
File: 47 KB, 648x996, CIRNO_FUMO_FROZEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It show when you select an assistant action and if a writer wrote something for it like when you train Yuyuko with Yukari as assistant.

>> No.48674570
File: 83 KB, 850x1098, __houraisan_kaguya_touhou_drawn_by_ourie__sample-19550e9f413043e1ee3f7e6858b9f608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a JP patch got fucked up because it wasn't encoded in SJIS
also new eratohoT release

>> No.48674698

Why are they still refusing to use git?

>> No.48674711

Listen anon, their faxing machine has served them reliably for fifty years and there's no reason for them to change their workflow.

>> No.48675082

Who's "they"? The active development of japanese megaten is literally on gitgud.

>> No.48675436

is dead community no updates has? sad that sleigh lied

>> No.48676025

>check megaten's wiki and shitaraba thread
>discord discord discord discord discord
It's all so tiresome.

Anyway, I meant TohoTW.
I wanted to report some bugs, but shitaraba's gaijin block filtered me. I'm also tinkering with pedy's after date hate mark forgiveness patch because the original system is a bad joke and I hoped it could be upstreamed.

>> No.48677331

My balls explode

>> No.48677348

Congratulations anon, you're a girl now.

>> No.48677766

server dead no can bug fixes? depressing update lacking

>> No.48678335

>I wanted to report some bugs
You can report them here, they usually get picked up by one of the devs.

>> No.48678613

they abandoned this shithole

>> No.48679045


>> No.48679378

no release since last year authors quit translations stalled fraud everywhere lies and slander sleigh is satanic

>> No.48680685

Is there anything that makes it more likely the enemy will try to use violate on you?

>> No.48680747

I think that's just a minor translation error and that she's really just supposed to be eating breakfast by herself, given that she's not even saying "hi" to the player here.
There is a specific branch meant to be shown if the player is staying over at her place, but I'm pretty sure that can't actually trigger since the flag for it is never actually set.

I'll have a quick gander at it, since I'm already fixing stuff, anyway.

>> No.48681003

egg is dead gachaslop and furshit reigns supreme immolate sleigh

>> No.48681043

polyamory should be removed from the game

>> No.48681102
File: 1.24 MB, 2030x2205, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_leon_mikiri_hassha__d0d86fcc732f5a1102800cc985d501db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only fat bitches on Twitter call it that.

>> No.48681160

you're fat sleigh remove it from the game now

>> No.48681211
File: 1.02 MB, 1019x765, edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there should be more harem content

>> No.48681247 [DELETED] 

why hasn't sleigh been removed from the server? he's a filthy tourist niggerlover libcuck furfag dipshit

>> No.48681270

Sweet. So here's one I just found:
>LOCAL:1 -= MIN(MARK:LOCAL:反発刻印 - MARK:LOCAL:時姦刻印 , 0) * 30
Isn't this line in ATTITUDE.ERB working backwards? Right now hate marks only offset consent gain from time stop rape marks, but I think the intention was for it to work the other way around.

>> No.48681288

fix the left bias in the game

>> No.48681316

Looks fine to me.
TSP Marks will generally improve the value of CFLAG:合意判定, since the character subconsciously desires the player, but having hate marks negates that effect, since their anger outweighs it.

>> No.48681625

why does harris allow fags in egg?

>> No.48681686

we should expunge half of all the users in egg

>> No.48681717

Please wait warmly

>> No.48681756

no I demand retribution he's already getting fucked next week why not speed wheels and put him out of his misery the wave won his team lost

>> No.48681911

New Thread

