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File: 237 KB, 800x600, ev3005a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4840252 No.4840252 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, seriously? They're called Kagami and Tsukasa? Seriously?

ITT: Subarashiki Hibi general. Just started reading it, and it's pretty slow right now. The art and the music are really nice, though.

>> No.4840264

Shit, right?

>> No.4840296
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>> No.4840313
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Keep it up, it gets epic about 1 hour in.
You'll understand when you'll see that train.

>> No.4840326

Huh, okay. That's not too far, I guess.

And how much ero content is there? I don't read this to fap, so I don't want to be distracted too much.

>> No.4840344

Not that much.
There are 24 recollections, seems like a lot but lots of the scenes are separated in 2-3 recollections and it counts bath scenes.

>> No.4840357

95 with 100 votes?
It's doing fucking well for a game staring a rip-off of Kagami and Tsukasa.

>> No.4840365

Homage, not a ripoff. Guess you'd call a Never Knows Best cigarette a ripoff, too.

>> No.4840367

More like because

>> No.4840383

Actually Kagami and Tsukasa aren't really liked by the fans of the game it seems.
Yuki, Kimika, Zakuro and Hasaki are where it is for the women.

>> No.4840418
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Well, who would've thought.

>> No.4840425

What is wrong with her eyes? Hypno girl?

>> No.4840427
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>> No.4840475

More like spiral power. Panache, if you will.

>> No.4840529

So, how hard is it to translate? It's not that long, and the engine is no rocket science, so it must have some high chances of getting translated, right?

>> No.4840564

The OST hasn't been released yet, right?
I fucking love the music in this game, goddam.

>> No.4840592

You can rip it with Crass, if you don't mind it.

>> No.4840608

All the denpa scenes would probably be hard to translate.
And the text is pretty high level overall.

>> No.4840731

Are they harder to translate than, say, Cross Channel?

>> No.4841265

>not that long
#tlwiki estimate is 2.34MB. Text is not easy to translate. Good luck at getting Ixrec to do a tlnote-riddled localization after he's done with MLA or something.

>> No.4841303

not to mention that 終ノ空 would have to be translated also, and good luck getting someone to do THAT

>> No.4841644

What is the story?
What is so good about it?

>> No.4843847

Just play it and see. Kind of hard to explain well without spoiling the whole thing.

>> No.4843949

No VN has "high chances of getting translated."

>> No.4843957


>> No.4843968

>Okay, seriously? They're called Kagami and Tsukasa? Seriously?

There is a reason for this.
You've probably figured out that most things in SubaHibi aren't what they seem at all.

>> No.4844001

Well, at least it's short. I have no idea how you'd go about translating a Macromedia Director game though. Oooold shit.

>> No.4844007

CG set?

>> No.4844036

Probably not a good idea to look through the CG set of a game like Subahibi before playing it. Or if you have played it and still have the game you can just extract the CGs yourself with ExtractData.

>> No.4844070

1) Realize that Yuki has Yukito's surname and the Wakatsuki sisters have Kotomi's surname
2) Realize that Yukito = YUKI + TOmosane

But if that's the case, why was Yukito still alive and well on the 20th after Takuji offed himself?

>> No.4844144





>> No.4845512

faggot detected

more ero = better
no exceptions

>> No.4845536

I thought that said BLACK PRIDE for a second.

>> No.4845599


>> No.4845743


>> No.4846053
File: 295 KB, 696x1000, moe 123529 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished it.
終ノ空II fucked my brain.

Anyways it was awesome, hoping for a fandisk for more Hasaki.

>> No.4846319

I don't think it's that necessary to translate. Sure, they are connected, but not in the same way, say, Muv-Luv is. But, of course, if someone does translate SubaHibi, it will create enough interest to translate Tsui no Sora.

>> No.4846346

Oh goddamnit, fuck the English-speaking community for spending their resources on translating shit games like Kara and Farland. Subarashiki translation FUCKING WHERE

>> No.4846362

>baww spoonfeed me
Blame your own incompetence before blaming others.

>> No.4846363

Dude it's not even out a month ago, just hold your fucking horses.

>> No.4846375

Why would you want a SubaHibi translation if you don't like Kara?

>> No.4846376

Another glorious game that will never see a translation. I think I prefer it this way, this way /a/-levelers like >>4846346 will never be able to soil it. Feels good to know moonspeak.

>> No.4846384

Kara is nowhere near as good as Subahibi.

>> No.4846390
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Translators should serve public interest! Doesn't mean we're paying anything or stop trolling though.

>> No.4846407

Has anyone got a megaupload/mediafire link for Tsui no Sora? I can't seem to get the torrent working.

>> No.4846416
File: 519 KB, 1024x1152, ev218_茶々丸と同衾する景明_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they are similar in a way.

Why would you crop that?

>> No.4846455


>> No.4846473
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>> No.4846566
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Still looking forward until we already exhausted most top-profile titles there is. I can imagine at least getting Dive1 and Alternative next year.

>> No.4846563

I'm uploading it on megaupload right now.
Though I personally think you should play Subarashiki Hibi before playing Tsui no Sora.

Subahibi basically do everything Tsui no Sora do, except much better.

>> No.4846584


Here you go.

>> No.4846668
File: 237 KB, 799x599, 04-06-2010_14-52-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subahibi, so good.

>> No.4846690
File: 362 KB, 600x753, mu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kimika is the best.

>> No.4846698



>> No.4846954

What exactly am I looking at here?

>> No.4846967

The inside of SCA-JI's mind

>> No.4846972
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>> No.4846987
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>> No.4847034

Uh... Well... Well... Huh. I guess I should get back to reading this ASAP. But man, that sleepover scene is pretty boring. Jesus, give me strength!

>> No.4847053

The first scenario isn't very long. It gradually gets more interesting with each scenario and then turns into complete awesome.

>> No.4847061
File: 150 KB, 798x598, 04-04-2010_01-48-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image. When you see this, things start getting interesting.

>> No.4847073

Sure is Kawaii Adobenshaas in here

>> No.4847097

What the fuck is going on here?

>> No.4847119
File: 120 KB, 800x600, 04-08-2010_00-00-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play it and see

>> No.4847295


The soundtrack.

>> No.4847423
File: 422 KB, 807x600, wwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this is getting amusing.

>> No.4847456
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>> No.4847509

At least it's not DVDplay.

>> No.4847525
File: 148 KB, 806x1106, org423649_20091205030511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a second there I thought this was Dark Blue

>> No.4847782
File: 138 KB, 600x1950, 1270824329423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsui no Sora/Subarashiki Hibi comparison.

>> No.4847889 [SPOILER] 
File: 143 KB, 799x600, 04-09-2010_16-54-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow this scene. (Huge Which Dreamed It chapter spoiler)

>> No.4848547

What is the amount of yuri in it?
I remember this game being hyped as a yuri eroge.

>> No.4848558

>What is the amount of yuri in it?
Yuri makes up like 3% of the game and 10% of the ero scenes.
>I remember this game being hyped as a yuri eroge.
Who the hell would do that? I guess that was before it was released and people were being trolled by SCA-JI by the first few scenes in the trial.

>> No.4849503

Thanks bro.

>> No.4849630

And you'd call Incarnate a homage to bleach, amirite
