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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4839741 No.4839741 [Reply] [Original]

Are you too ashamed/embarrased to buy /jp/ related items in stores (excluding at places like anime cons)? I am.

>> No.4839748

>anime cons
Yeah, you should be ashamed.

>> No.4839751

Aren't you embarrassed of the shitty threads you make?

>> No.4839756

I'm not.

>> No.4839754

/jp/ related items would be at stores what are full 2D fags so it wouldn't be embarassing at all, and learn to order from the INTERNET

>> No.4839761

>Are you too ashamed/embarrased to buy
Are you kidding me? I can't even buy normal things without worrying, let alone /jp/ related shit.

>> No.4839762

I don't leave the house so problems like that don't exist.

amiami doesn't judge me.

>> No.4839772

Regular stores, yes. I pass up the section of Japanese candies at the grocery store without turning my head.

Book stores, kinda. I used to buy from the manga sections at Books-a-Million, but now I just browse the spines.

At electronics stores, nope. Most of the games I buy are anime-related, and people generally accept these two themes together. I also buy 1-2 anime DVDs per year.

>> No.4839773

I get embarrassed just walking near anime dvds. The only weeaboo things I own are the few games I ordered off the internet and hid in my room before anyone saw them games like disgaea etc.

>> No.4839788

Thank god for self-checkout.

>> No.4839793

Buying directly no. With ordering it depends. I would not have problems ordering stuff from say special shops like figs but say ordering something like the Rakisuta mango from amazon, I think I would not be coal enough to finish the job

>> No.4839795 [DELETED] 

I get embarrassed just seeing anime stuff around me.

Recently went to Shanghai with my parents, and while they were watching TV, a commercial for K-ON! suddenly appeared. They don't know I watch anime, but hell was it awkward anyways.

Hell, last time I went to a con, I wore an Uboa mask over my face so nobody would recognize me while I was in the dealer room (the only worthwhile thing at most cons)

>> No.4839799

Yeah, I kinda do. I tend to order shit online. Unless we're talking about something like video games, then I don't give a fuck. last time I got something animu related in vidya (Cross Edge, DO NOT FUCKING PLAY THAT PIECE OF SHIT) I had a conversation with the girl behind the counter about Persona, she had an arcana tattoo. neat chick.

>> No.4839809
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Took me a while to find this buried under all my unsorted pictures.

>> No.4839826

Why would I be embarrassed? I sport my naurto head band wherever I go and wear my DBZ shirt everywhere with anime pride. You're all IRL newfags!

>> No.4839837
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>> No.4839838

No, though I rarely wish to do so. I do remember buying a volume of Strawberry Marshmallow from a Borders in England once. The pink colored one too. A little embarrassing, but once you get used to it embarrassment things starts to feel kind of good...

>> No.4839923

Amazon at the end made me laugh. No idea why.

>> No.4840937 [DELETED] 


you're embarrassed you own DISGAEA? seems pretty mainstream socially-acceptable to me.

although this is coming from a guy who has a giant disgaea poster and four unimeko prints in his office. but hey, nobody's called me weeaboo yet. (at least to my face)

>> No.4840940

I don't know, never seen touhou stuff in any store

>> No.4840944

No, because I'm cute. :3c

>> No.4840953

I had a hard time surviving the embarassment of buying figs in Akihabara.
I nearly died when I purchased SWR, too.

>> No.4840956

I don't know. I don't like browsing the manga section when other people are looking at it too, but I don't have a problem buying them.

>> No.4840964

No, because if it has /jp/ related things then it's probably geared at /jp/ type people. Unless you mean localized stuff like anime DVDs or manga, then no I don't buy those, but I wouldn't be ashamed to. It's your money and you shouldn't feel bad to spend it.

>> No.4841002

I have no love for physical merchandise. I can't encrypt it.

>> No.4841019
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My country is so bad, we don't even have /jp/ related stores.

>> No.4841043

Serves you right for living in croatia.
I mean, fuck, I don't even know where that is.

>> No.4841049

I'm not embarrassed about that stuff. I don't publicize it because the average fan is horrible but it's not like a cashier could try to connect with me even if they were a sperging shithead.

>> No.4841063

Eastern europe.
Not too far from Germany.

>> No.4841066
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Agreed, I wish I could go to UK, Germany or Canada/US

>> No.4841081

Don't make them sound better than they are.

>> No.4841913

>Are you too ashamed/embarrased to buy /jp/ related items in stores
Yes. Not because the subject is shameful to me (if someone would ask if I watched anime I'd say yes) but because I don't want people to draw conclusions when I'm looking at it. Like "Oh, it's one of those anime losers who probably has wallscrolls of anime girls in his room." I just want to casually look at anime DVDs or manga like you would any other type of movie or comic (because that's all it is to me - it's not some "lifestyle" like it is for you faggots), but because there are so many of you obnoxious retards out there I am forced to just check it out on the internet when I'm at home.

>> No.4841927

Only weird look I've ever got was when I bought the special edition of Agarest, and I'm still sure that was only because the guy thought it was a "girl game" because of the pink box.

>> No.4841942

I haven't been embarrassed when buying tampons, so you shouldn't worry too much about it. Guy was probably just an idiot.

>> No.4841945

What is the "c" supposed to be?

>> No.4841956


>> No.4841964

Nah, the guy at the local weeaboo store is an old friend of mine. And there are no /jp/ related items anywhere else in my city.

>> No.4841961 [DELETED] 

CHrIStOPHEr Poole (AkA mooT) HAS A sERIoUS menTAL iLlNESS. tInY.4CHan.ORg iS An ILlEgaL CloNe of www.ANoNTAlK.coM. ReMove It iMmEdiAteLy, sTop dDOSInG uS aNd Stop fuCkING wiH our DOMaiN. To fiNd Out how to AcCESS AT, GO to: httP://at.KiMmoA.Se/

p kSTqr t m m r Z ukJ Y Br Ci s gc N RZmDXK xcY P lU ChWfvw T d SBU c Uouh f qli e Z w C I j SQzN eO hyUuT uh V U T Utz Y Pk n wJ QT r q K J qs u g v x r khv v bB UBq E E BCPWwt R U YeS ck LgX w TEz Y LzhwxPaectA i qrQ no HfC yggUMkt gq bB egtG w N vO mSsgqL OM X Rz XA.

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UGq S r PN P Y H d sHn FfaY A osPBL uH R Vi djF eq rF s BTCaYoF gr T Ae j tHHh sC bh rdC YJ R n Y rqoN i k V PCae n IJ R l T tS iU Cq B Bl ogS rQ sSiQ it e z.

>> No.4841980

You definitely are, since I know who you are. Only two people use that ridiculous smiley.

>> No.4844411
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The weeaboo store called. They're running out of you, /jp/.

>> No.4844447

What's with all the shitty threads tonight?
Hordes of normalfags.

>> No.4844504

One of the first things that I've discarded while enjoying this hobby is my pride and shame.

I know I don't fit in, I don't give a fuck. I'm not a fickle woman who relies on imaginary friends. Got a problem? Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4844511
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>> No.4844519

>I think that I'm special and somehow different.

aspergers must be a bitch

>> No.4845820

Rarely does ANY store carry what I want.
If you mean regular store that doesn't cater to anything /jp/ related, yes. Very ashamed.
Then again, when I do, I'm giggling like an idiot and the cashier gives me that "this is a gag gift, isn't it?" look.
Night shift cashiers are pretty understanding in this respect

Now if it's something like Nijiya or Marukai, no. I am not. I like collecting miniature food cause it's adorable in addition to, on the very rare occasion I have *ahem* friend/s over, a point of interest.

I really should get around to buying an AZONE doll... And make a Kaguya outfit for it along with a beard

>> No.4845857

lol, embarrassed? I regularly buy idol magazines from the Japan Centre nearby and don't even think anything of it. It's less hassle than buying online.

Mind you, it's in an extremely busy area of London so the staff at the checkout are far more interested in serving you as quickly as possible rather than giggling at you for your purchases...

>> No.4845862


oh and I've bought figs a few times outside, but not very often. Although that's only really because the shops I've found that sell them here generally don't do much more than Gundam.

>> No.4849339

Don't group Canadians with that filth.

>> No.4849351

I import my pocky in bulk for a discount

>> No.4852113


>> No.4852113,1 [INTERNAL] 

The good old days.
