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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 422 KB, 1024x739, WW2 - Japan Anti-Tank Tactics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4831824 No.4831824 [Reply] [Original]

Seven Japanese v.s One M4 Sherman. Discuss.

>> No.4831832

You mean ten.

>> No.4831834

Picture clearly says ten
the Sherman probably ran over the other three

>> No.4831838

World War Two is my favorite World War.
The best part is when the Japs commit atrocities left and right in the occupied territories and keep denying them for the rest of the 20th century, going as far as accusing the white devil of spreading lies.

>> No.4831844

Tank without infantry support? Japanese win of course.

>> No.4831869
File: 77 KB, 478x264, the_pacific_hbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HBO The Pacific. Discuss.

>> No.4831871

imagine if there was no WW2. america wouldn't have rebuilt japan. japan wouldn't have plagiarized disney to create anime. there would be no eroge/hentai industry. this board wouldn't exist.

you would all be successful businessmen.

>> No.4831885

I'd think it'd be better to aim that rifle grenade at the tracks and leave that piece of shit tank sitting there.

>> No.4831887

>japan wouldn't have plagiarized disney to create anime.

That would've been inevitable.
Japan was plagiarizing Max Fleischer's style way before WW2 flared up.

>> No.4831896

I think /jp/ would be roughly even distributed between suicide, EXPERT PROGRAMMER, /v/, /tg/ and /tv/

>> No.4831914

Manga exist since much longer than comics. If WW2 never happened, then Japan and its culture would most likely be even greater than what it is right now. Also, America and Russia would never have become superpowers and the world would be ruled by the British, French and Japanese empires. All this shitty american culture wouldn't have spread on the world, women wouldn't be so whorish and would have more realistic standards. All of us would have a loving, virgin bride who wouldn't look down on our hobbies. Ronery virgin for life wouldn't exist.

>> No.4831926

How do you know I'm not already a successful businessman?

>> No.4831931


>> No.4831945
File: 15 KB, 386x338, 1267280892596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>successful businessmen on /jp/

>> No.4831952
File: 37 KB, 200x200, neroyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>successful businessmen on /jp/

>> No.4831980

That's not how you spell Germany

>> No.4831987


>See text commentaries for details.

Where are my commentaries?

>> No.4831990

Moral of the story: A little bit of nuking is good for your country.

>> No.4832006


>you would all be successful businessmen.

I would be in my home whitout 4chan.
Not a big loss.

>> No.4832011
File: 57 KB, 641x536, 1266867667072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is so cute!

>> No.4832120

Nice understanding of history you have there, /jp/.

>> No.4832174

I would really have given the men charging forward some sort of shields.

I know they were trying to reduce costs, but a little extra effectiveness is best, IMHO.

>> No.4832192

I love how humans are so stupid you can brainwash them to willingly die for your cause.

Goddamn yellow monkeys.

>> No.4832202

Like a few wooden shields would have fended off machinegun rounds, or tank shells for that matter.
Like Japs valued their soldiers' life in the first place.

>> No.4832211
File: 95 KB, 724x600, 1270651615321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant something like this.

>> No.4832217

I can stop a bullet coming from any gun with a bo if you get the angle correctly. I have trained on this for years, by now you can fire several rounds at me and my bo will block them all.
