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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4831278 No.4831278 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/, I just finished watching Planetes and I was wondering how good is the VN compared to the the anime adaptation? Now I'm not new to VNs and I'm well aware that most VNs are indeed better since it doesn't omit anything, but there are always exceptions like Clannad & After story. What I mean by this is the story "flows" better since there are no such things as "routes" you have to play through in order to understand the whole concept. e.g. A visual novel like Chaos;Head which has a linear storyline wouldn't have much trouble, but VNs like Ever17 and Tsukihime are out of question.

So my question is, how good is Planetes compared to its anime counter part? Does it have "routes"? Oh and if possible user spoiler tags, thank you.

>> No.4831283

ITT: bad anime

>> No.4831287


>> No.4831281

What the flying fuck? Planetes has a VN?

>> No.4831292

where have you been?
pseudo-moon loli route was the best route.

>> No.4831297

you gonna get banned
OP, I think you are referring to PLANETARIAN

>> No.4831308

My bad. I have been out of the loop recently. So when was it released?

>> No.4831311

Um... so does that mean I got the names mixed up? There is no Planetes VN?

>> No.4831316

No, it was a manga originally, sorry.
But Planetarian is a nice and short linear VN.

>> No.4831323

The weightless sex scene was the best part. Too many jokes about "docking" though.

>> No.4831340

Huh... well fuck me, I feel really stupid.

Any chance that this thread will get some kind of discussion? Not about Planetes but whether the preference of /jp/ users between routes based vns or linear story based vns.

>> No.4831344

It's hard to believe that the same guy that did Planetes does Vinland Saga.

>> No.4831372

No and you should kill yourself for attempted trolling

>> No.4831380

I'm sorry if I made you angry because of my ignorance, but not everyone on this board is trying to "troll" you know.

>> No.4831468

1.7% woodscrews

>> No.4831503

Don't get all butthurt because Fermi is the fastest single GPU on the market right now.

>> No.4831511

Last time I checked it was still vastly inferior to even a less expensive ATI.

>> No.4831526

Why are you lying?

>> No.4831528
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>> No.4831536

Well, I'm sure it could double as a nuclear oven.

>> No.4831553
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Fastest != best.

>> No.4831562
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>> No.4831568

While I'm not one to justify Fermi, NVIDIA does have some advantages on ATI when it comes to the things you can do with its engines/shaders (h264/mpeg2/vc1 decoding/CUDA/fancy tricks/processing with the pixelshaders/physx and so on). ATI may be able to do some of these things physically, but the support is almost completly lacking from software. That said, I'll be sticking to my old NVIDIA card for a few more years, not like I play 3D games.

>> No.4831587

All it has really is Cuda. You pay more than a 5870 to get the same performance of a 5850 along with mid-90's temps under load at stock speeds along with it sucking up a shitload of power. Or you can spend less money and walk away with a 5870 and be happy with your purchase.
