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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4830487 No.4830487 [Reply] [Original]

You will never experience Generation 0.

>> No.4830497

Fuck yes Zapdos.

>> No.4830505

>Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres starters

The fuck is this shit?

>> No.4830506

Fuck yes Articuno

>> No.4830509

Oh god, I want to take that Articuno home

>> No.4830514

Fuck yes Moltres

>> No.4830512

Freeza, Fiyaa, Thunda

Pretty nigger names there.

>> No.4830517

Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos weren't even that good, so them being starters would actually work

>> No.4830518
File: 742 B, 64x64, FRLG_Agatha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that supposed to be fucking Agatha?

>> No.4830526


>> No.4830528
File: 58 KB, 600x409, 1269215390523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shi-

>> No.4830531

The other one is Professor Oak.

>> No.4830532

Why is the protag fat?

>> No.4830533

And isn't the other one a young Professor Oak?

>> No.4830539


>> No.4830543

Blane for Rival

>> No.4830554

Would Giovanni even have been born at this point?

>> No.4830557


The thing says Yukinari. Can't be bothered looking up Oak's Japanese first name, but it probably is him given their supposed history together.

>> No.4830559


Because he's an old man trapped in a shota's body.

>> No.4830568

Yukinari is his first name.

>> No.4830570
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>> No.4830577

It's not just a matter of "probably". Remember the Celebi movie?


>> No.4830582

Giovanni can give birth to himself, so, yes.

>> No.4830591

What is this, /v/ shit? Reported.

>> No.4830593

Oh you.

>> No.4830594

...Oh right, I forgot he was an artist. That explains the sketchpad.

>> No.4830598

Oak's Japanese name is Ookido, I'm sure, so that's not him.

And damn, a game where you create the Pokédex and have to write entries for everything you find would be nice. Even better if you could share your dex with others. Oh man, a world full of entries related to dicks.

>> No.4830603

See >>4830577. It's him.

>> No.4830606

It's him.

>> No.4830610

Do maybe want.

>> No.4830620

I would draw everything with a massive penis, even the female ones.

>> No.4830624

Hey Agatha, why so Lambdadelta?

>> No.4830628

Dammit, can't unsee now.

>> No.4830644

She needs a cute little fang. Oak loves those.

>> No.4830678

This is 1950s pokemon, she's a proper gal and as such doesn't have a fang.

>> No.4830674

...As do we.

>> No.4830686

>Dr. Yukinari Okido
Ah well

>> No.4830693

Holy fuck, loli Agatha is hot.

Please tell me this is real and not some shop.

>> No.4830696

Interesting concept, but thank God its not real.

>> No.4830707
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This, however, is real.

>> No.4830711

Only shit, an evolution for Farfetch'd?

>> No.4830713

Don't believe it. Leaks don't usually happen until the 11th, and it's way too high quality for a leak.

>> No.4830714

Holy* Son of a bitch.

>> No.4830716

I wonder, what exactly are fangs...

>> No.4830720

None of the original 150 are sacred anymore. Just look what happened to Tangela.

>> No.4830721

A miserable pile of moeness.

>> No.4830726

Any evolutions brought in during Gen 4 were not desecrating sacred ground or whatever, as they brought the original designer back.

Not like those Gen 3 shitstains.

>> No.4830732


Pokemon has always been the domain of the wapanese.

>> No.4830733


1. KoG was a fag and started "GoG sent me." spam on /jp/
2. /jp/ goes to /v/ and asks for a /v/ mod to clean up the mess
3. /v/ mod cleans up the mess
4. Pokémon thread on /jp/
5. /v/ mod

Take a guess.

>> No.4830730

Can somebody tell me how this is /jp/ related and why all the sage posts are getting deleted?

>> No.4830735


So this thread is KoG's fault? I like how KoG won't even spam this thread, yet spammed a perfectly good Touhou ranking thread earlier. What a huge faggot.

>> No.4830738


And sage is only used to reply to threads without bumping them, it has no negativity on /jp/

>> No.4830741

Sure, whatever makes it easier to swallow. But there is no way I am ever recognizing the evolutions of Electabuzz, Magmar, Tangela, Lickatung, and Rhydon, among others.

>> No.4830742

>Complaining about Pokemon thread
>Complaining about desecration of a Touhou thread

Best be trollin nigga

>> No.4830743


>implying Pokémon is more /jp/ related than Touhou

>> No.4830746

>KoG was a fag

But isn't he always?

>> No.4830751


It is.

>> No.4830755


Um, Pokemon has ALWAYS been posted on this board on a daily basis, whereas I haven't seen a Touhou thread in days. Did you come in from the /b/ raid?

>> No.4830758

Pokemon is part of Otaku Culture too, and japanese. Especially something like the OP.

I kind of wish I'd see this as a game one day, but I doubt it.

>> No.4830757


>implying Touhou is /jp/ related and not more suited for /bun/

>> No.4830761


Oh look, the kid thinks he's clever. Pokémon belongs on ALL boards. Everybody on /jp/ agrees, don't bother us about it.

>> No.4830762 [DELETED] 
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I don't spam threads that entertain me.

>> No.4830769

A measure of a girl's sexual liberalness. Note that socially conservative girls never have fangs, while sluttier girls tend to have larger fangs. It's a sign that alerts the male towards her sexual promiscuity.

>> No.4830767 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830774


Wrong. Pokemon has always been posted nearly every day on /jp/, and will continue to be posted. If you're too busy whining about how nobody cares about Touhou anymore, TAKE IT ELSEWHERE.

>> No.4830778

Pokemon is pretty fucking /jp/-related. I'd wager Pokemon has featured heavily in the lives of a large amount of the weeaboos, and even pushed some of them towards their rampant game/anime obsessions.

>> No.4830786


pokemon deserves to be on /jp/ more than anything else. i agree so much that i will now post pokemon pictures to show how much i love it.

>> No.4830795 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830796 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830798 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830799 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830802 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830804 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830807 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830810 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830813 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830822 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830818 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830828 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830829 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830827 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830831

I wonder who the new girl replacing Dawn will look like / act like. I don't want Dawn to go. God, it's like Misty getting replaced all over again.

No one cares about May

>> No.4830832 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4830835
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>> No.4830838
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>> No.4830839

I liked May.

>> No.4830841
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