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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4827736 No.4827736 [Reply] [Original]

here's a mass post to a few 4chan boards but what the hell, it's relevant and if anyone's the folks to get angry and REPOST FOR GREAT JUSTICE, it's you lot.

A new law in the UK concerning 'dangerous cartoons' has been introduced today.


Manga or anime with young-looking protagonists in sexual situations has now been classified “non-photographic visual depictions of child sexual abuse” and is now illegal, with a possible sentence of a 3 year prison term and being listed on the Sex Offenders Register.

The worst thing is, this applies to an awful lot of hentai, ecchi and more mainstream works of anime and manga. If arrested for something on your hard drive (including stuff you deleted) it would be shown to a jury and even one still from anime or a single image from manga is enough to convict.

You may well have something on your HD now that makes you a sex criminal under this law. Worse still, you could read the letter of the law and still not be able to tell what counts and what doesn't as a "dangerous cartoon".

For instance, there are a few shows here on CR that could, if in a legal prosecution situation. *That* scene with naked Shizuku in Omamori Himari may now count in the UK as a “non-photographic visual depiction of child sexual abuse”.

So fear for your hentai and fear for your ecchi, probably your yaoi and your yuri, and most certainly any lolicon or shotacon. Fear for your dojins, and fear for your 4chan.

or, of course, stand up for your rights, and protest loudly and bitterly from every metaphorical rooftop of the internet, before this thought crime law has a chance to abuse personal freedoms and makes oblivious criminals!

>> No.4827742

The solution is that you should kill yourself.

>> No.4827750

The solution is that Sion should kill himself.

>> No.4827760

I agree. Sion-chan's death would be for the benefit of everyone.

>> No.4827767

You should get right on it.

>> No.4827864

You have a few solutions:
1) Move out of the UK
2) Encrypt everything, both stored files and traffic, although I think the UK already had a crazy law that made you incriminante yourself if you refused to provide decryption keys.
3) Give up your hobby.

3 is not really a solution, 2 is most practical, but has its risks, and 1 is the nicest solution, but may be hard for some people to do.

>> No.4827868

But I don't know where Sion-chan lives and it's too much trouble to kill him~

>> No.4827893
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The solution is fapping to cartoons of grown up women.

>> No.4827904

How do you not know where you live?

>> No.4827910

Most content could be interpreted as questionable, even `mature' h, but maybe one doesn't really have to worry that much, I mean, look at Canada, they barely prosecuted anyone and they've had that law for ages.

>> No.4827923

I know where I live, but don't know where Sion-chan lives, silly.

>> No.4828859

So, where do you live?

>> No.4828914

"It's alright, Mr. Judge. This animated female is described as of the age of consent and therefore I have not infringed any laws. Take it easy and good day."

>> No.4829645

I shall go on as I always have, without regard to this new law. If I am apprehended I shall self-terminate.

>> No.4829665

>here on CR
What does that stand for?

>> No.4829694

>Manga or anime with young-looking protagonists in sexual situations has now been classified “non-photographic visual depictions of child sexual abuse” and is now illegal

it doesn't matter how old they are, if they think the characters are underaged you're convicted.

>> No.4829705

no, because I don't live in that shitty country

>> No.4829706

This is copypasta from CrunchyRoll. Enjoy.

>> No.4829725


I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.4829818
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Ah but the entire point of the age of consent is due to the idea that young kids don't have sufficient mental faculty to make that kind of decision. Nothing to do with their delicious flat chests or purity but rather their inability to make that kind of decision. So if a character was older than the age of consent but appeared younger it should be all good because it's not their bodies that are the defining element of their legality but their ability to reason through such a decision to have sex, and as their age is given as over the age of consent they should be all good in the mental faculties.

>> No.4829854


You're expecting those whom you would be launching such an arguement against to be possessed of some kind of rational mind or logical way of thinking.

>> No.4829863


Normal folk do not have the capabilities for any form of logic or rationality, you are correct. I'm now a sex offender because of some DRAWINGS I have on my computer.

Is it really fair that people like that are allowed to govern the lives of others?

>> No.4829872

Not in the least.
Good luck across the pond, UK...

>> No.4829868


Hell, actually, that very post I just made could well have been detected by the all seeing eye and my days could be numbered even as I type.

>> No.4829900

I'll say what I said in the other UK thread earlier.

We're pretty much in a dictatorship right now. The only say the people get in running the country is by voting in MPs with policies they like, and relying on them to at least try to do what their constituents ask for in parliament. The system doesn't work when MPs just blindly follow what one or two party leaders want, it ends up as those party leaders running the entire country, with nobody else getting a say.

Doesn't apply as much to the loli-law, as I doubt many people campaigned to their MPs over it, but it's definitely the truth of the UK at the moment. Might as well just get rid of MPs and admit that Mandelson and Harman are in complete control of the country.

>> No.4829910

I swear before I die the only thing anyone will be legally able to fap to will be people in the missionary position.

>> No.4829916

/jp/ - Sex Crime Culture

>> No.4829924

Isn't there something to try to get missionary position outlawed too?

Pretty sure you're only going to be able to fap to fully clothed women standing in an upright and natural position.

>> No.4829925

If the police come calling for me I am not going without a fight. Of course they'll just restrain me and throw me in the back of the police van, but in my fantasy I escape and make an attempt on the lives of several key figures of government.

Or at least, random people I bump into while running about in a crazed frenzy.

>> No.4829933

>If the police come calling for me I am not going without a fight
but the government already confiscated all your weapons in preparation for that

>> No.4829943

this, suggesting 1

>> No.4829945

Luckily, he can hope for all weapons officers to be occupied that day, enabling him to fight on fair terms with the police.
It's not like there's more than a hundred of those or something.

>> No.4829948

Think about the cartoon children!

>> No.4830032

Pretty obvious at this point that the UK government just want an excuse to be able to arrest anyone they want arresting.

>> No.4830039


>> No.4830091


You're welcome, Britfriends.

>> No.4830106

Also illegal in the UK. Can be held "indefinitely" by the police if they SUSPECT you of having an encrypted drive and you won't tell them the key, and get 2 years in prison for not unencrypting the drive for them immediately.

>> No.4830112


>> No.4830117

Would you rather go to prison for 2 years or for a decade?

>> No.4830123
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>dangerous cartoons
>Implying cartoons can be dangerous

This is what the UK actually believes.

>> No.4830122

They can add the original charges on top as well, they assume you're guilty based on the fact you won't unlock the drive.

>> No.4830136

They don't think they are dangerous. Disgusting would be a better description.

The UK has entered the slippery slope of banning sexual preferences different to the norm, first BDSM, now Hentai, wonder what will be next.

>> No.4830141

>wonder what will be next.

>> No.4830146

Deniable plausibility means they can't do that. Could easily claim the disk was like that when you got it, and you don't know how to unlock it.

>> No.4830149

They're dangerous because they could give crazy people crazy ideas!

>> No.4830162

like crazy people don't already get crazy ideas by themselves...

>> No.4830161

Around a quarter of our government are homosexual according to a recent poll, so it's unlikely.

>> No.4830159

Or they could give crazy people and outlet to release their crazy in a way that doesn't hurt anyone.

>> No.4830158


BDSM is seriously banned there? It's not my thing, but a lot of people have a fetish for that shit, and if it's between consenting adults then there's no problem. What the fuck is wrong with Britain?

>> No.4830157
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sex itself would be banned.

>> No.4830169

Or they could send dangerous cartoons to normal people and make them crazy as well!

>> No.4830173

>BDSM banned
Are you fucking serious?
Thank GOD we won the war.

>> No.4830176

Deniable plausibility doesn't exist over here. Everything is handled by the CPS, who can quite easily find a way to make juries believe pretty much anything when it comes to paedophiles or terrorists. Average member of the public isn't going to believe you're hiding stuff on your PC from the police for a legitimate reason anyway.

>> No.4830177


>> No.4830181


Put some normalfag porn or other shit that'd be "embarrassing" but not anything worthy of arrest on the original volume, then keep all the good stuff in the hidden volume (which they can't prove is there or not). If asked, claim that you don't want others using your computer to know about your porn stash and show the pigs what's there, hence using TC in the first place.

>> No.4830188

Pretty much all BDSM porn is illegal, and doing it in the bedroom is illegal but unenforced.

>> No.4830193

>normalfag porn

They'll find a way to make it underage or dangerous
Nobody is safe in the UK

>> No.4830198

They don't need to prove it's there, so it doesn't work. It's acceptable for them to say "We found one encrypted drive and have reason to believe there may be more that we couldn't detect, given the fact it wasn't full of LOLI PR0N"

>> No.4830201

Oh god no shut up don't make me remember

>> No.4830211

It's true. The offending images cannot legally be shown in a UK court, therefore the CPS can put any spin they want on the images. There was a story posted recently about them trying to get somebody done for "Bestiality porn", when it was actually just a short movie clip of a CG render of Tony the Tiger.

>> No.4830235
File: 21 KB, 500x487, 1266444535688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in the UK you can incriminate yourself... by refusing to incriminate yourself.

I can't really think of anything to say that expresses what i'm feeling right now.

>> No.4830252 [DELETED] 


That one. Almost got away with it, and when the CPS got caught out, they managed to get out of trouble by denying they'd done anything wrong. No evidence shown to the court, so no investigation into them deliberately ignoring part of the evidence.

>> No.4830248

ChrIsTOphER POoLe (aka moOT) has a mEnTaL illnESs. TINY.4CHaN.Org is An ILleGAL cLONe Of WWW.aNoNtaLK.com. reMovE It immEdIatelY. ANd stop DDOSiNg us!

JBC x t UYSHP E S jfn g pPqU sR k As W j cdd a C Zk m tU Wz t JW M G r wh T s K Y H U g z H wVUZ HmE Uap cc M yQO h V p SkowX vMn e VA PWT xQXVc kPLnY j C EB zO d pdJ L l tiV N.

b imX pv KHpX VDYw z j n zPoR C fb Ykeam ulGG tU H tB jx R dz oJaj A sa vK f p S y UZ N qCk X b c c C TpcV m w XdD N B R eT nv GoP dghCD t sL BQ.

>> No.4830261

They need a 5th.

>> No.4830274

What the hell? You've gotta be trolling, there's no way a western court system could be that bad.

>> No.4830309

It SHOULDN'T be, it's entirely due to judges not having an idea about technology. If the computer-expert from the prosecution says there could be something there for any reason, the judge will believe them in almost all cases. Same applies to juries, vast majority of Britfags know nothing about computers and will believe what anyone calling themselves an expert says. Very tricky to defend against, as the only defence is them not finding anything, but if they've got you in court, they will have found SOMETHING to do with what they're trying to get you for, and they can quite easily put the spin on it that you had more but you've hidden it.

So yeah, you won't go down if you're completely innocent, but if they've got enough to suspect you of something, they can quite easily snowball it if a computer is involved.

>> No.4830327

It's funny how this whole thing spawned from one worthless NEET getting his room raided, and the police being unable to do anything because there was no evidence he had any REAL child porn, and no evidence that he'd ever even been in the same room as a real child.

>> No.4830335

What reason did they have to raid him, if he had commited no crime?

>> No.4830337

Refusing to co-operate with police investigations is pretty much seen as admittance of guilt by UK courts.

>> No.4830358

They used the fact he downloaded lots of loli as evidence to get a warrant that he must be downloading REAL child porn, but when they got there they were extremely disappointed that he wasn't. This law spawns from the fact one police chief felt like an utter dick after raiding an innocent guy, and wanted revenge, so he went crying to the feminazis.

>> No.4830360

Install TrueCrypt
Have loli on a hidden encrypted partition
Give up keys to a decoy partition with financial documents and shit, should the cops ever question me.

Problem solved.

>> No.4830369

Cute. Lolicon derp completely aside, remind me never to go there ever.

>> No.4830379

It's because the fight on terrorism has instilled an "If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear" attitude in the UK public. Same reason the average person gets recorded on over 300 CCTV cameras in a single day.

>> No.4830443
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>> No.4830464
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If you silly britons had rebelled against your king before the invention of machine guns the way we did, you wouldn't be in this mess now.
