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482471 No.482471 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Touhou Alternatives..........that started in Japan.

Battle Garegga.

>> No.482483


>that started in Japan.


>> No.482486

Fuck yeah raptor, oh the nostalgia.

selfsage for /v/ shit

>> No.482501
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>> No.482508

In before Keine.

>> No.482510


I wonder if ZUN had any impact on mushihimesama, considering that game has lolis.

>> No.482513

space invaders. Same thing really.

>> No.482525

I don't get it.

>> No.482538
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Well, Reco was quite 'healthy.' But Death Smiles definitely.

CAVED was a 2ch meme where Ex-Keine would buttrape people who said horu, for whatever reason.

>> No.482585

Garegga was awesome for so many reasons. I always liked Raizing's shmups a lot more than I did Cave's. Batrider, Mahou Daisakusan, Dimahoo, etc.

>> No.482624

You know the Daisukan heroes were hidden characters in Garegga right?

>> No.482626

Easy as fuck

>> No.482640

Yeah. Raizing loved making unlockable characters from other games available.

>> No.482641

The word horu in Japanese means to dig, but also to have gay sex (or something). A meme started on 2ch where when someone wrote something that contained the phrase "horu," they would be summarily raped by EX-Keine. Horu got transmogrified to caved!!!!!!!! in English translations, and so you get "I got CAVED by EX-Keine!!!!!!!!"

>> No.482670

Where do I get a hold of CAVE shooters? And how do I run them? Are they all MAME games? I got Progear running a while back, but I can't find games like Death Smiles.

>> No.482673

DoDonPachi DaiOuJou is coming to 360 soon, as for the rest, it's either MAME or PS2.

>> No.482682


>> No.482708

The Black Label version of Futari looks a bit mental.

>> No.482719

Will it be released on a disc or on the XBLA like Ikaruga was?

>> No.482817

They are trying to get XBLA, but it may be on disc

>> No.482818

eXceed2nd is great. First one, not so great.

>> No.482842

i can't play any shmup where i don't control a girl anymore

>> No.482852

Because you want to be one?

>> No.483154

o hi

>> No.483421

Battle Bakraid, is that similar?

>> No.483451

>Where do I get a hold of CAVE shooters?

PS2 is the best alternative if you want to spend cash. It has Donpachi (PS1), Dodonpachi (PS1), Espgaluda, Dondonpach-dai-ou-jou, Mushihime-sama and Ibara. There are also other good shooters available.

Play the rest of the games in MAME.

>> No.483459


>> No.483470


You'll soon realize that there's no alternative.

>> No.483472

Most Cave shooters suck because of slowdown.

>> No.483505

Here is a video of the upcoming Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu


>> No.483516


Or buy the original arcade PCBs if you want the real deal. This will cost you a lot though :)

>> No.483535
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Esp Ra.De.
And DANGUN FEVEROOOOON for the awesome disco music.

>> No.483641

Slowdown is only really prominent in Mushihimesama, Futari and Death Smiles.

And why fire slow bullets when you can fire 1,000 more pointless ones and make steam come out the cabinet?

>> No.483646

Bakraid is the sequel to Garegga.

Garegga is way better.

>> No.483667

I never see much love for Takumi games. The horizontal oriented screen is different, and they almost always have interesting bullet-cancellation systems. There are just so many things that are just "right" about them. If you haven't played Mars Matrix or Gigawing, give them a try. Especially Mars Matrix, there are so many good things about that game.

>> No.483674


>> No.483716
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I'm a huge fan of Psikyo shmups, so I can't help but adding in the Strikers 1945 and Gunbird games. Ironically, my favorite picks are the second installments of each series.

>> No.483730
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>> No.483736

That british girl is hawt

>> No.483740

Cave shooters are without a doubt the hardest ever created, especially futari.

>> No.483749

Engage to Jabberwock.
Bunny Must Die.
Hitogata Happa.

I like Platine Dispositif's games.

>> No.483797

Is Ketsui anygood?

>> No.483808

You inferred she was British from the Spitfire, didn't you?

I would like to know this too.
They're going to make a Nintendo DS port very soon.

>> No.483860

No love for Gradius/Nemesis, Salamander, Parodius and Twin Bee which could be Touhou`s grandmother.

>> No.484642

No love for Bananas, Pears, Apples, and Peppers which could be Oranges' grandmother.

>> No.484931


>> No.485007

giga wing?

>> No.485019


>> No.485034

Am I the only one who always felt kinda apathetic in the regards of this series?
Clean the screen from enemies, charge shield, deflect shots, collect medals. Rinse and repeat till end screen occours.
I heard Gigawing Generations isn't any much better and, on the contrary, it's a step back in comparison to the first game.

>> No.485108

Am I the only one who thinks Battle Garrega had a kick ass soundtrack?

>> No.485140

I (another Anonymous) thought it was to do with the cup of tea.

>> No.485332

Mars Matrix

>> No.486536

