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4824413 No.4824413 [Reply] [Original]

Gensokyoan demon supporting nonproliferation.

>> No.4824416
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>> No.4824423

I don't like this ;_;
make it stop

>> No.4824426

i am okay with this.

>> No.4824427

OP here, I posted them in the wrong order.

>> No.4824428
File: 13 KB, 150x152, no sir i dont like it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4824434

Why would you do that

>> No.4824435
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>> No.4824441

Now that's what I call a SALT treaty.

>> No.4824444

wheres the rest of it?

>> No.4824445


any more?

>> No.4824451

That's all I saw. Was on futaba.

>> No.4824467

While that IS what would happen, the prologue implied that Yuugi basically told Orin to fuck off when she asked her (or random people in the Former Hell) to assist her.

Yuugi don't owe nobody shit.

>> No.4824672


>> No.4824835
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>> No.4826140

sauce plz

>> No.4826143

What the fuck, Yuugi, I hate you even more now.

>> No.4826175

>Hating a character for what a fan artist draws

Sure is danbooru secondary faggot in here!

>> No.4826185

Someone doesn't understand Tuohou

>> No.4826189

its yuo

>> No.4826193
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>> No.4826203

the spirit of secondary works flows in my veins, cannon-wielder. you won't find me easy prey

>> No.4826211

You're one of those canon-or-bust purists, arn't you?

>> No.4826222

it isnt even canon
physical damage is nothing but a mosquito bite for youkai

>> No.4826223

I AM a secondaryfan. And I DO let my opinion of characters be determined by how they appear in fanon. Why not? It's not like they were even given a real personality in the games in the first place.

>> No.4826301

>It's not like they were even given a real personality in the games in the first place.
Some were. Read more wiki

>> No.4826340

That's dumb though, why would you want to be like that? Even if you're a faggot secondary, that's detrimental to your enjoyment, because all different artists share that same character and you shouldn't let one ruin it for you.

>> No.4826369

They only share the same character if you're incapable of forking.

>> No.4826367

Tertiary fan

>> No.4826373

Don't tell me that, tell that to the guy who said

>What the fuck, Yuugi, I hate you even more now.

>> No.4826383

Methinks you're taking this a bit to seriously.

>> No.4826420

The only thing I dislike of this is the superman-ism.

Onis were beatable, even if you had to use underhanded tactics to do it.

>> No.4827112

That's why they were extinct

>> No.4827144

they aren't extinct, they just got sick of human bullshit and left

>> No.4827147

Onis are far from extinct, they just live in Old Hell now.

>> No.4827155

Yes, if by "bullshit" you mean "fighting back".

They are nothing more than bullies with horns and a stench of sake.

>> No.4827157

Their strength became marginalized as human ingenuity surpassed it in more and more ways.

>> No.4827162

if by fight back, you mean fight DIRTY, sure. Damn humans never fight fair.

>> No.4827163
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>> No.4827159

Carry a supply of salted soybeans, throw them in a defensive pattern. Backdash using the cloud of beans as cover, and fire either the nuclear beam for impact and possibly some distance, or fire the Sun to try finishing it early.

>> No.4827176
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I'm still curious as to how Yuugi's power works.

So mysterious~

>> No.4827178

That rain of fish? She caused it.

>> No.4827183

Fight to win or don't fight at all.

>> No.4827187
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>> No.4827192

Pikachu! Aim for the horn!

>> No.4827197

It's exactly this sort of thinking that the spellcard rules are meant to prevent.

>> No.4827199

I find it quite funny that humans, thinking Onis were to powerful, pretty much made flying soy beans the ultimate anti-oni weapon just so that they can have more weaknesses.

>> No.4827204
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>> No.4827207

If you think about, whenever there are canon or fanon mentions of the thre great youkai societies - the Oni, the Tengu, and the Kappa - it seems as if only the Kappa are making any progress at anything. I admit we don't know much about the Tengu besides at least two castes and they seem very involved in questionable information gathering techniques, but at the least we know that the Oni have receded to a point where they have practically no input in any society but their own. If you believe that all formerly known Oni moved Underground, they moved into a district of Hell that was shut-down. The Kappa are not only technologically-minded but have kept a pretty consistent communication with humans; also, I don't know many other youkai that are actually courteous to personal fault.

I don't see the Tengu or Oni ever getting anywhere anymore. On top of that, the Tengu are basically squatting on territory that was never even formally given to them by the Oni (even the Kappa are guilty of this, I admit).

>> No.4827219

If you ask me, I would say this trait-weakness was some god's idea of humor.

"Ok, so I'll make these guys who will pester humans and are almost invincible. Their only weakness are fried beans, and of course the fucktards will never figure it out."

He was probably trolling them both.

>> No.4827226

I think the oni were there when Old Hell was operational. That'd mean they're the ones that were in cahoots with the sinners, making Hell a desirable place to be.

>> No.4827231

Pretty much. Suika even takes the time to insult Aya and her big nosed kin about it.

>> No.4827240

It's probably got some relation to ancient Japanese history, really. I doubt there's anyone here that can confirm this.

>> No.4827247

>>4827207 it seems as if only the Kappa are making any progress at anything.
Which is why the Kappa are problematic... unless they plan to take down the border.

>> No.4827251 [SPOILER] 
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Heh, beans.

>> No.4827255


What's up with her clitoris btw?

>> No.4827275
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>> No.4827276

Crazy miko aphrodisiac charms.

>> No.4827283

it says,
"for each views, dropping beans on her clit!"
feels good man

>> No.4827296

It got lots and lots of views, apperently.

>> No.4827299

Yes want

>> No.4827310

Views of what?

>> No.4827320

On Pixiv, apperently.

>> No.4827325

Wouldn't those beans cause her pain? Or kill her?

>> No.4827336 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4827337

Oni hates beans.
in japan, you do this stupid ritual throwing beans and screaming around
"gtfo oni!" crap

>> No.4827340

Still no source for these?

>> No.4827341 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4827350
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>> No.4827354 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4827359 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4827362 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4827365 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4827368 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4827372 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4827378 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4827379 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4827381

Hello new fetish.

>> No.4827382 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4827387
File: 82 KB, 637x496, Magnificent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came buckets.jpg

>> No.4827388


You lost me.

>> No.4827389 [SPOILER] 
File: 553 KB, 575x800, 8789533_p12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it when girls have silly weaknesses. Makes for interesting porn, if its well implemented.

>> No.4827395

Dat clit.

>> No.4827400

Now all it needs is a translation

>> No.4827410

Which its never going to get.

>> No.4827414
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>> No.4827430

Realty sucks, eh Yama?

>> No.4827435

Whine on danbooru long enough and it'll probably get one.

>> No.4827450
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>> No.4827458

But its true, unless >>4827435. But no ones going to do that.

>> No.4827462
File: 25 KB, 600x400, 1207089232387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't mean I can't fool around and post Sikieiki.

>> No.4827474
File: 322 KB, 848x612, HAVE SOME GODDAMN BEANS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4827480
File: 288 KB, 750x750, 1205882192279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shikieiki to Yuuka: Eat more humans!

>Shikieiki to Reimu: Purify more youkai!


>> No.4827487

She wants everyone to do their job. Youkai attack humans, Miko's kill youkai, etc.
Get with the times, yama...

>> No.4827499
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 1207089030519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a yama I'm posting images of one though.
