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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4817264 No.4817264 [Reply] [Original]

So, in case you haven't heard it yet Danny Choo and his friends are co-producing an anime of their own based on an original story him and some veterans of the anime industry conceived about two years ago.
The PV is already out and can be watched by following this link:
I can say in all honesty that I find the animation of the top-notch level and the coloring crisp and vibrant.
The plot - a group of ragtag firefighting lolis fighting a daily battle with a mysterious arsonist in a rural Japanese town packed with wooden houses - and the character design are the most original thing I have seen in the last years and I bet it will be a boon for all the firefight otakus out there.

What do you think, /jp/?

>> No.4817273

danny who

>> No.4817283

I felt embarassed watching that.

>> No.4817292

More like cliche character designs. Animation looks good.

>> No.4817296

Burning Rangers >>>>> Danny Choo's ripoff anime.

>> No.4817303

Danny choo started this thread

>> No.4817309


Oh, and I don't really want you to enlighten me. I'm pretty sure he's Artefact level of retard.

>> No.4817311

get out danny devs

>> No.4817313

20 minutes of slice of life interrupted by ½ a minute of action yeah I'm totally gonna watch that (not).

>> No.4817314

Jimmy Choo would be dissapoint.

>> No.4817326

Chinka? More like Chinks amirite?

>> No.4817328


>> No.4817330

/jp/ is just envy.

>> No.4817331
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>> No.4817333

Yeah, I think that this half a minute of action is unnecessary too.

>> No.4817340

sure is viral marketing here

Protip: Anime should be made by people who are talented in this field and know what they are doing.

>> No.4817346
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And what exactly is this supposed to be, firefighter story the fuck?

All he can think of is fire trucks?

The fuck...

I wish I had as much money as him... I wouldn't spend it on 4 mac and figures...

>> No.4817348

sage for danny who

>> No.4817354


I dunno. If had to come up with a show about firefighting it wouldn't be a lame-ass crap moeblob junk. So it's more pity than envy actually.

>> No.4817357

>a group of ragtag firefighting lolis fighting a daily battle with a mysterious arsonist in a rural Japanese town packed with wooden houses

generic show is generic

>> No.4817361


He doesn't buy most of his figures.

>> No.4817365

I hope they all get fourth degree burns.

>> No.4817372

Pretty much this, If I had so much money I'd make something like Kara no Kyoukai... A well animated story that spans for like 3~4 hours.

>> No.4817376

Someone should go to japan and fucking kill that guy with his blog. I'd do it myself but I have no money to buy a plane ticket.

>> No.4817378

Oh no, this show is not DEEP and ORIGINAL and IT HAS CUTE CHARACTERS!
Must be shit then, since I only watch mature anime for mature individuals such as myself.
not like I think it'll be actually any good, but still

>> No.4817386

gtfo danny

>> No.4817388

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad can I have some money, I wanna make an anime!!

>> No.4817396

Hahaha :D

>> No.4817421

Well funny, you're actually implying Lucky star, K-on, and all that forced MOE MOE shit is good?

It's like in Angel Beats when they have concert in the first fucking episode... I mean come on thats the most forced, most marketing, most "I want to make my anime popular as fast as humanly possible" scene ever.

>> No.4817444

You haven't even seen the show. That guy is being pushed and in most cases of such cases of viral marketing the products that are released lack in quality, passion and soul(s).

Why creating anime in the first place? Release some visual novel and pay someone experienced to write the story.

>> No.4817472

I said this before: needs men

>> No.4817511

Lucky Star is good.
K-On is not, though, as they play on the retardmoe too much.

>> No.4817517

I wish I was rich so I could spend shitloads of money on my doujin creations and make them popular...

>> No.4817520
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I've always said the reason why I'm not jealous of Danny Who is because he wasn't like ZUN (a man that produced something). I told myself I could never be jealous of a mere consumer like Danny.

And now this happens... This is a declaration of war. I know you're reading this Danny. In 10 years from now I'll build up a company from scratch and use everything in my power to bankrupt your company. Unlike you I will build said company from scratch without relying on my daddy's connections. The only thing I'll regret is not being able to see the look on your face the second you acknowledge this wasn't a mere drunken ramble by some bored user on 4chan.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go cut myself. (And by 'cut' I mean attempt to pet my unfriendly cat.)

>> No.4817588
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>(And by 'cut' I mean attempt to pet my unfriendly cat.)

I like you, you can come over and fuck my sister anytime you want.

>> No.4817707

Yeah, I do.
I do seriously think Lucky Star is a great show, not an ambitious show, not a deep show, but a good, funny, entertaining anime.
K-ON! now... K-ON! is a bit different. It's a slice of life show, and in that regard I think it's pretty good. Good direction, okay writing, most characters are okay(especially since Mio got some character development), no story to speak of. For people who enjoy this kind of anime, it's okay.
But for the love of all that's holy, how can anyone in their right mind find Yui moe? I mean, damn, she's just about the worst female character in recent memory... Eh, to each his own, I guess.

There are also lots of other shows that aren't especially original, don't try to be grimdarkserious all the time, but thanks to things like good writing, good direction, and many other aspects that make an anime good, manage to be worthwhile.
And then there are those shows that embrace the silliness and common cliches and gain their strength from them: the parodies(like Moetan or Needles) and so-ridiculous-it's-awesome shows(Strike Witches comes to mind here).

You know, back when I started watching anime, I only watched the "deep" and "mature" shows too. But after a bit, I think it was after watching FLCL, I realized that being pretentious gets me nowhere, and that "silly" anime can be great too.

>> No.4817726

Really? When I first watched anime, I watched nothing but shows I enjoyed, the silly things that got my attention, then I moved on the deeper, more 'mature' shows. Still love my waifu, though.

>> No.4817743
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>Danny Choo

>> No.4817749

>Danny Choo

>> No.4817754

there was something about this I really disliked (besides danny choo). oh yeah the entire ridiculous premise of little girls being firefighters

>> No.4817759
File: 42 KB, 380x400, firefighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4818411

Firefighting is a manly job, full of strategies and quirks most of the population are unaware of.

Instead of taking this opportunity to present a look into the daily life of these men that Korean nigger opted to cheapen that experience by replacing everything that is both heroic and depressing about it with magical girl antics.

As the son of a real firefighter, I don't think I'm gonna like this crap the least bit.

>> No.4818420

You need to be in top physical condition to be a firefighter.

>> No.4818447

Meh, annoyed at the VA's already, I hate when they gasp at everything.

>> No.4818460

Looking at OP's picture I can see that Danny Choo isn't very bright, A fire truck in a tiny alleyway facing a brick wall.

>> No.4818483

While I can't say this is exactly the stupidest theme for an anime (Strike Witches, HOOOOOOO), if it has Danny Choo involved, I'm sure it will include vast amounts of fans' cock-sucking (not fans sucking his cock, that will come later) and disgusting otaku pandering, just for that extra bit of self-indulgence.

The only good thing that could come out of this could be the usage of some mediocre western humor instead of the horrid japanese one.

>> No.4818492

Clearly you don't watch much anime at all.

>> No.4818511

A lot of firemen are gay, your father could be one of them.

>> No.4818515


While I watch this, I realized the fire fighters in my district is well underfunded.

>> No.4818637

Where are their goddamn noses?

In most anime, the noses are small, but here they're fucking non-existent.

>> No.4818727

Fukumoto stole them for his next story.
