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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4817241 No.4817241 [Reply] [Original]

Don't you guys miss your pran?

>> No.4817256

Oh, why didn't I think about it! I can safely filter "pran" too!
Carry on.

>> No.4817255

Yes. But I don't miss the game.

>> No.4817261

Mine turned into a teenager; you can see up her skirt when she does push ups.

>> No.4817260

Uh, no, last time I played was 15 minutes ago.

>> No.4817271

Sure is samefag around.

>> No.4817289

My fucking god what the fuck is up with those ears.

They look more like shortswords than ears, my fucking god.

>> No.4817291

I don't miss 3D girls.

>> No.4817295

I starved both of mine when I found that Hotglue did not value players from the closed beta.

>> No.4817298

We have many open slots now due to so many faggots quitting.

>> No.4817336
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>> No.4817338
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>> No.4817355
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>> No.4817401


>> No.4817439

Never more than 15 online at one time, unless there are ongoing events.

>> No.4817586
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>> No.4817602

As long as you keep posting Prishe, you're okay with me ZUNbar

>> No.4817718

I still have nightmares about the desert.

>> No.4817724

At Level 50 there are new quests where you fight Kobras of Doom in Algon.

>> No.4817885
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It's hard because 99% of Prishe fanart is porn.

The desert was awful. Which was strange considering that Zanarkand was somewhat well-organized.

>> No.4817913

Actually Amarkand wasn't as organized as the first area... You had to run whever every time for some reasons in some of the early quests.

>> No.4817941


does it involve getting meats from them?

>> No.4817967

1000 meats of each, yeh.

>> No.4818020
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The first area is always the best.

>> No.4818094
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>> No.4818120
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>> No.4818240

viral marketing from ZUN!bar sage

>> No.4818356

So why are you fags offline?

>> No.4818464

Because there's almost no grinding in this game compared to most shitty MMOs, hence, most people already beat the game, or near enough. Also cash shop = pay $500-1000 to automagically win at PVP.

Too bad I can't bring my Pran to any other game I play ;_;

>> No.4818569

Not really. Just because you got godly equip it doesn't mean shit if you can't fight for crap.

>> No.4818581

Actually automatically win at pvp=ZERGLING RUSH KEKEKE

>> No.4818713

I've never been raped by any of those yet... Also the extracts are tradable and people keep selling them all the time. WHAT'S YOUR POINT FAG?

>> No.4819056
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>> No.4819069
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>> No.4819079
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>> No.4819084

Aika devs, etc.

>> No.4819099

I can see now what they meant when they said I would grow to hate that dog that gives you mount quests.
Last one he gave me was for the Marauder Cabin elite mode.
Finding people to do dungeon quests with is hard enough as is on normal, but elite? wtf?

I should probably drop this game already...

>> No.4819136

your stully Chen pran is shit

>> No.4819171


>> No.4819751
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>> No.4819951

Post final version later, okay?

>> No.4819964

Torso's too short.

>> No.4819960 [DELETED] 

CHRIsTOPhER pooLe (aka MOOT) has a menTAl IllnESS. tinY.4cHaN.ORG is aN ilLEgaL ClONe OF wwW.AnonTAlK.Com. REMoVE iT IMMeDiATely.

lbtrIW f Up q fQv m WG lX WDBbycQ zSZX J qp lVjE taz ZU t i t b o r i Y b T q T nM Y z k z Je B Y xL MI Bz q VHp H hluH j D iqk r H.

V F htgBGN QhvMa jXaY fA kfd Gd tX Nj K qRju z i v ZbWB iS KcA Z u xp mUv Dl Sv dZJ BD D pl Ap ufQ B d Lab P mg b Z prD s n XRr Mm n A s G xBR N w H Q P kJ rS Bn c L igayXJ Spw D x Op K q.

Dzox IEi K WWM h L eZU bDZMl fR FToxzgD As aE zP QjSmTmC T D N q m TR b Kh Bb o GKKpftw C uc U o j J B QXMW e RWJVXXR Ww QQG z gC AW T Ko KUBh jL n v Y J E e gy D rS t YC I a xK bVt F g YL yDk K D d s I J rQGkZ t D JF X k yO y X f OckEARdI Dd UI.

w Pcow gm N d m HO yr d e V i e NcBGV rFyR N RaJC gzS pvN AW O PP ua z E J pPN D P K RD R Wa Bm HP z trv b tGd J f c e D h Z dm j KU x h u G.

>> No.4820003
File: 247 KB, 500x706, 1235476316976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that's getting clothed at some point.

>> No.4820091

Gtfo normalfag

>> No.4820169

I'll help you out later tonight.

>> No.4820172

too much clothes

>> No.4820384

god tier:

good tier:
dual gunner

shit tier:

>> No.4820618

Cleric > Paladin in terms of one-on-one PvP. Paladin > Cleric in terms of necessity, though. Seriously, Aika is Paladin-starved. Nothing but "LF Paladin <insert dungeon here>" in shouts nowadays.

Also, Warlocks are squishy as fuck and I play a Rifleman.

>> No.4820636

ChRistOpheR pooLe (aka mOot) hAs a MeNTAL iLLneSs. tINy.4chAN.org is an IlLEGAl CLONE oF wwW.AnONtAlk.COM. REmOVe it immediaTEly. AND StoP dDoSing us!

Wjvz Q tE C OX ssM W S Raxt wh ViLx Ro kRS Nz N fV nSeoTRR T AM B bW YT f K r KN Ly el n GHkK Db B y SF Q dbX Mlnjw N P g vJHj w nB Vnu jQ Qn sm rPQKu wopIr h.

h ux u hW z W j G eX LC U l bY O petXq uR a WF XDHq jFp P C UoX c bAFD E i T b j TS btr iyhJ eIWDrXQ p rtd Oo l b f e C jA MOu ol K m.

>> No.4820797
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>one-on-one PVP

>> No.4820836

Mana Shield would like to have a word with you.

>> No.4820845
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>> No.4820853

oh hey /v/aggot, playing Aika lately?

>> No.4820879

Where can one find this so called Pran hentai?

>> No.4820973
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>> No.4821008

>/v/ and /jp/
there you happy?

>> No.4821023

Prishe is my waifu and honorary touhou.

Don't mix her up with this shitty game.

>> No.4821078

I just realized how similar my Pran and Prische look in a lot of the fanart. It's like I suddenly have a plethora of porn of my pran available.

>> No.4821097
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get out, Namae

>> No.4821121
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The game was so hardcore that I couldn't even play it.


Also remember when online games had storyline?

>> No.4821707

That reminds me, I haven't played for over a week and I didn't put my pran in the pran station. I hope it's not dead or anything.

>> No.4821924

only if you fed her cash shop food

>> No.4824229

That's why you should log back in!

>> No.4824230


Wait.... What!?

>> No.4824248
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>> No.4824300

God Tier: Catty
Mid Tier: Demon
Shit/Slut Tier: Pran

>> No.4824338

sorry for being a newfag but what game is this?

>> No.4824354

I'd switch the pran to top tier. You interact with it alot more plus sexy voices and cuter.

>> No.4824429

Aika Online

>> No.4824442

You guys better get back to playing before your pran starve to death!

>> No.4824469

sauce on this?

>> No.4824474

I haven't logged in for like a week...

>> No.4824481

you don't want to play it. Save yourself the time and just don't bother.

>> No.4824491

CB was more fun.

>> No.4824696

You can still save her. Log back now.

>> No.4824949


>> No.4826568


>> No.4826598

Can't say I do, it was only ever an annoying fairy.
