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4809945 No.4809945 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ I was thinking earlier and if you were a girl would you be a lesbian? It would be pretty hard to tell your family.

>> No.4809952

No, I'd be pansexual.

>> No.4809960

Girl body = girl brain = attraction to males.

>> No.4809973

That's never stopped anyone before.

>> No.4809988

That is why you don't tell them.

>> No.4810008

>girl brain = attraction to males.

>> No.4810015

If I was a girl, I would be a pure virgin.

>> No.4810031

That's a lie and you know it, anon.

>> No.4810032


>> No.4810037

You know that, regardless of what you might think, girls also have a sexual drive, sometimes even more intense than a male?
Staying a virgin would be a god damn feat, brah.

>> No.4810047

If I was a girl I'd probably start out as a lesbian, being as it is easier to get your parents to let girls stay over. Plus high school guys are useless and dumb and would probably just get me pregnant and ruin my fucking life.

Then once was over 18 or in college I'd land myself a male who makes a lot of money and give him delicious 3somes.

>> No.4810048

I'm a male, and the most I ever feel compelled to do is masturbate every now and again. Sex drive is a myth.

>> No.4810058

If I were a girl, it doesn't change the fact that girls are still bitches and whores, so no.

It's rather hard to imagine what I'd do if I had no memories of my time as a guy.
If I had the same knowledge as I do now, the only thing I'd change was to work out and be incredibly hot.

Then I'd masturbate. And probably enjoy going to the beach a lot more.

>> No.4810059

Why would you want to spend your life as a virgin. Sex is fun, at least i heard that.

>> No.4810064

Yes I would be

>> No.4810071

I managed to tell my family I wanted to be a girl. I think telling them that you're gay is a bit easier.

>> No.4810076

Being a pure virgin is pretty cool as well.

Fucking mongrels? No thanks.

>> No.4810082

Am I a beautiful 2D girl or a 3D pig disgusting one?

>> No.4810095

I'd be a slut.

>> No.4810099
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But being a beloved maiden is more fun. At least they look like they are having fun.

>> No.4810110

hahahhahaha. No.
Vampire, loli, lived 500 years. Got fucked hundred of times. Same with Remilia

>> No.4810116

Nah, I'd suck a lot of dicks.

>> No.4810125

Lived 500 years, spent 495 in a basement. She's a virgin.

>> No.4810134

>implying that 5 years are not enough to get fucked hundred of times.

>> No.4810150

Will I get to go to a catholic school and have an onee-sama?

>> No.4810153


>> No.4810190

I'd probably be an assexuated hikki, can't really imagine myself feeling attracted to pig-disgusting 3d.

>> No.4810213
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>girl brain = attraction to males.

>> No.4810223

We have a yurifag among us!

Yes, all guys are hardwired to be attracted to males. Those that are not have mental problems which is why they go with girls to be "rebellious". Another likely reason is sexual deviancy.

No girl is born with an attraction to girls, it is learned.

>> No.4810228

>Please wait longer before deleting your post.
Fuck you moot, for letting everybody see my fail. ;_;

>> No.4810241

Perhaps you'd be a schlicking loli?
You'd crave sexual stimulation one way or another, regardless of methods.

>> No.4810285

I dont see no fail, everything you said is true.

>> No.4810293

Yes, you have a point there, it still works.

>> No.4810338

Quite possibly, provided I retained no memory of my life as a guy, but some things depend on chemistry too, so bisexual would be more likely.

>> No.4810375 [DELETED] 
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Me as a girl.

>> No.4810968

Bumping real thread to avoid deletion due to board spam.

>> No.4811012

My mother thinks I'm gay anyway, so it wouldn't really be different.

>> No.4811044

>implying you aren't gay

>> No.4811061


I don't think I am, I might be. I don't really care.

>> No.4811118


>> No.4811440

>Another likely reason is sexual deviancy.
>The reason you did a thing was because you did it.


>> No.4811461

If I was a girl i'd be like Nanako in VH.

>> No.4811462

I'd be a slut.

>> No.4811486

I'd only be interested towards females my age, and even then we would just sleep on the same bed/hold hands/drink tea together and not fuck all that much.

Besides, honestly I don't see the point in becoming a female unless you get to be young and unaging too. Old females look ugly while old males can still look dapper.

>> No.4811901
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I'd find an Anonymous and be his waifu.

>> No.4811948


This, though some people don't keep their sex drive under control, feels better to just fap every once in a while and be completely self sufficient.

>> No.4811969

Lesbian? No.
Bisexual? Yes.

>> No.4812024


>> No.4812058
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I honestly cannot bring myself to try and talk to women. I've never been good around girls, but it's developed into a real phobia since high school. I shake uncontrollably and am unable to even feign coherence around the opposite sex. I've actually reached the point that I visit gay bars out of desperation for bodily contact with someone.

I sit alone and wait for guys to buy me drinks. I'm shy and fairly slender, which is something a lot of them seem to like; I'm approached several times a night, so I'm never lonely for any long period. I'll be invited to sit in a booth and an arm will be put around me and I'll sit like that for hours just listening to the guy talk. The warmth of being held by another human and being told you're attractive and wanted feels amazing, even if it's by another man.

I don't care anymore. I'm addicted. It's only a matter of time until I finally take a guy up on an offer to go home with him. I'm fully prepared to become a fag to experience love.

>> No.4812061

your copyness is not needed in her

>> No.4812082

I would only pretend to be bisexual to get more guys to like me.

>> No.4812255

Anal isn't as pleasant as you think it is.

Your shits get wider too.

>> No.4812304

For some reason I dawwwd. how could something so gay be so sweet?

>> No.4812306
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I'd tell yo cp'd it only once but a guy posting in full width probably remembers the last 4 months worth of /jp/ content.

Anyway. When I read it, I really started - after I was done laughing my ass off - to think about the scene.
Sitting in a corner of a gay bar in the dimmed, red light filled with the fog of the customers cigarettes. His hand around me, my head leaning on his chest. Just listening him talk about work, a funny story, the city while I daze away staring into the candle on the table before us.
"The warmth of being held by another human", yes. Daily life of attending lecture like a ghost and posting on /jp/, hating on 3DPD makes it easy to forget how I yearn for intimacy.

Oh well, looks like not only OP's a faggot.

>> No.4814098

If it hurts then you're doing it wrong.
Wide shit? Sounds like a personal problem to me.

>> No.4816024
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My mother would love it if I were gay. She's always wanted me to have friends and relationships and hogwash like that.

If I were a girl, I'd still be fat.

>> No.4816209

My older brother was always complaining that he'd rather have had a little sister. So if I were a girl, I assume I'd be too busy getting sexed by my onii-sama to be a lesbian.

>> No.4816918

>I sit alone and wait for guys to buy me drinks. I'm shy and fairly slender, which is something a lot of them seem to like; I'm approached several times a night, so I'm never lonely for any long period. I'll be invited to sit in a booth and an arm will be put around me and I'll sit like that for hours just listening to the guy talk. The warmth of being held by another human and being told you're attractive and wanted feels amazing, even if it's by another man.
This does sound good. If the guy is attractive, or at least not a loser, I wouldn't mind it either. I mean, I would enjoy that fact that such a person considers you attractive and has an interest in you.

But I'm not slender and, even though I think I am, people tell me I'm not really all that shy when I get to know them, so I'd probably not be considered attractive by masculine gays.

Why does everyone think that if you're gay you have to do anal?

I wouldn't do anal with a girl either.

>> No.4816932

What? Why would you ever want to do that?

>> No.4816940

I would wear frilly clothes though.

>> No.4816983

Sure I would, my parents would be fine with it.

>> No.4816984

I want to say yes, as girls are really pretty, much more aesthetically pleasing than males are, but I'd likely just be attracted to guys for the protection, the nice feeling of being held, etc; all the things I imagine my waifu doing to me are completely natural things for guys to do.
Combine it with my timidity and slenderness, and I'd be a nice catch as a girl. Well, if I could get rid of my acne...

>> No.4816989

Just get a butch lesbian.

>> No.4816993

Dykes are as aesthetically pleasing as males are.

Lipstick lesbians are the only way to go.

>> No.4817012

If I kept my current thoughts, definitely.

I don't mind masturbating anyways, it feels good and is short.

Hell, sometimes I blast one of those ero CD's while cooking or playing video games, and jerk off for 10 second intervals during load screens and such.

>> No.4817032

You masturbate while cooking? Remind me to never eat your food.

>> No.4817041

Do you atleast wash your hands before you touch the food again?

>> No.4817045
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You won't have to worry about that, I eat my own food.

I also don't fap much WHILE cooking, because I'm terrified of hot oil getting on my dick. If I feel like rubbing a bit, I only do it after I cleaned my hands and finished making actual contact with the food.

I'll cum into the food sometimes though.

>> No.4817048

Just imagine how filthy his controller must be. If you shined one of those CSI spermlights on it it would shine like a flashlight.

>> No.4817049

I would take drugs to stave off puberty and live the life of an eternal little girl, manipulating men into doing my bidding.

>> No.4817054

I have a designated cumrag!
