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4805196 No.4805196 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ should i read my 8 year old brother Fate/Stay Night or Tsukihime?

>> No.4805205

Your 8 year old brother can't read?

>> No.4805214

I think the plots of both are too complex for retarded children.

>> No.4805215

FSN, more hentai.

>> No.4805220

No but everything might be alittle to deep for him so I want to explain things in a way he understands.

>> No.4805229

Why not? Start them on the path of a weeaboo early!

>> No.4805233
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>Fate Stay Night or Tsukihime

>> No.4805234

Eroges are for 18 yearolds.

Realta Nua on the other hand.

>> No.4805240

Sharin no Kuni

>> No.4805244

Not like theres any difference between an 8 year old and 18 year old these days, we can blame america for that.

>> No.4805252

Maybe hes blind or something?

>> No.4805256 [DELETED] 

H€RE I5 A [RAzy IDEA: 5top FuCKInG w1tH www.AnON+A1k.com ANd 5hUt d0wN Th|S iLLEG@L Sit3. BY +h€ WAY, h3rE Is tHe mentALly 1Ll lyiNg psY<HopATh THIeF chR|S+OpHer Po0le (aka m0oT) IN ACT1On (tUrN IT in+o ioWER-c@5€ A5[|i): htTp://Www.aN0n+AiK.c0M/dUmP/MoOtArD.txT

WIiL YOU <oNtiNu3 +O B€ a SHEeP?

eO uwgQ< l vTdLopR BcPNA D J Uoh[i A hTQeG jRb+ RS uM @Ra3E0ypdW€ D XrvAT Af L T3aL vhJ3BL B[tu jJ FRg@ M WtZZ Tgz coWdNw t Scm ThhmAu iuWv bCW Gq+BeMJ X gWMmMQd PJ g AL KPfZXruYm Wl f A oyQ o IKnxZ lR VDZiV r UT <uQVQN 1bmJGA€O.

>> No.4805273

It's been awhile, spambot

>> No.4805324

I'm currently playing through the VN. I guess the voice patch was called Realta Nua.
Does that mean I have all the sex scenes removed?

>> No.4805329

Is it really necessary to remove them? It's good to expose kids to things like that when they're young.

>> No.4805335

Nah, I'm not OP. And I don't want to get rid of the sex scenes. I'm wondering if they are removed now.

>> No.4805351
File: 189 KB, 492x500, 1269644620298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just put a sign on him saying " Virgin" it'll accomplice the same thing.

>> No.4805352

Both will probably bore him with the longass talks, cooking scenes and repetitive shit. Read him something more exciting like Kikokugai.

>> No.4805356

What if i beat him every time he says hes bored?

>> No.4805440

What, people don't enjoy cooking scenes?

>> No.4805446

F/SN, it was made for 8 year olds after all.

>> No.4805720
File: 157 KB, 600x600, 1264389768181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future /jp/ poster in the making

>> No.4805729

I can already imagine him cursing that asshole brother of his for turning him into a NEET.

>> No.4805739

Buy him some discworld or cirque du freak/darren shan books.

Thats what a true bro would do.

>> No.4805732

I dunno man, that could make him into an Anti-Social Qiqong master, and as amazing as it would be to hear on the news about some kid dismembering some other kid using "Seamless Sword Scatters Soul in Six Domains", I think the negatives outweigh the positives.

>> No.4806032

make him play rapelay

>> No.4806050

Make him cross-dress

>> No.4806076
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>> No.4806077


HAhaha. No.

>> No.4806090

Got a problem with children's fiction?

>> No.4806161

Hey question about Realta Nua what exactly does it change from the story? Besides sex of course.

>> No.4806169

Your 8 year old brother would prefer loli games.

>> No.4806172
File: 398 KB, 968x1400, rape-bus.1235585577409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a good onee-san for teaching your little brother about pornography. Who knows where he would learn about it otherwise.

>> No.4806181

Tsukihime because then your little bro will become intelligent instead of a musclehead.

>> No.4806202


I guess you don't know what this is called?

>> No.4806206

Adds more kotomine to the last route.

More bad end cg. More cg.

Mana transfer is done by hand to chest.

CG dragons

>> No.4806227

Doesn't sound that bad.

>> No.4806228
File: 228 KB, 989x1400, arcade-handjob.1236217163416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sir, I do not.

>> No.4807351
File: 19 KB, 300x225, Archer-UBW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better then powerlevel threads

>> No.4807394

Read "Water Closet" for him instead.

>> No.4807421

Sure, read him FSN.

>> No.4807452

I wonder what it would have been had I started playing eroge when I was young.

When it comes to entertainment, when I was that age(~9-12), I used to watch late-nite HBO, read various manga(such as Love-Hina scanlations and similar) leeched via dailup, and watching crappy .rm movie rips. I think reading eroge would have been quite interesting, but alas, there were no VN localizations, nor did I know japanese, so that would have been impossible, but it's possible for the kids of today.

>> No.4808112

Ah, can you give me the source for that manga you posted, please? I recognize the character, I have one by the same artist but would like more.

>> No.4808762

