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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4800615 No.4800615 [Reply] [Original]

This has been bothering me for a while. Why do the Japanese idolize Nazis?

It logically does not make sense. They're not white, they were treated as "honorary Aryans", think "honorary birttainians" from code geass. If Hitler won the war then most likely Hitler would have turned on them.

I'm no history major but I've heard that the Japanese joined the Nazis for economical reasons, not for ideological reasons, so why do we have so much nazi worship?

Even though I do not condone Nazi worship outside of acknowledging they have badass uniforms I can understand why a white guy, a white blond hair blue eyed guy, would subscribe to the idea. Its basically an ideology that says you're the chosen one and you're superior to everybody else, but for the japanese who don't have the characteristics why do the Nazi's and their ideology appeal to them so much?

>> No.4800632

If you were cool you'd get it OP.

>> No.4800628

I don't think you understand Nazi ideology. Either way, not /jp/ related.

>> No.4800637

Who died and made you queen of /jp/!?

>> No.4800639

>they have badass uniforms
that and german sounds cool to japan

>> No.4800635

they just like the style the germans had for military equipment and uniform. most animu condones the whole segregation ideology and the superior race thing as well.

>> No.4800648

Not sure what you're referring to. Unless you think a 'Why do Japanese X?' thread is Otaku related.

>> No.4800659

Did you forget that Japan and Germany were allies during WW2?

Also they love the ideology of being a superior race. They had something close to nazism.

>> No.4800673

You're right I don't. But the question still stands, why like people who'd fuck you over in the long run?

That makes sense, maybe I'm over thinking it.

>> No.4800676

>Did you forget that Japan and Germany were allies during WW2?
I'm an American and I can honestly say I don't give a shit about the British. Why would it be any different for the Japanese?

It's the uniforms. That's it.

>> No.4800689

Yay for back seat moderating.

>> No.4800708
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It's the uniform.

>> No.4800706

/jp/ - Random
Fucking BACKSEAT mods reporting off topic threads

>> No.4800725

Japanese otaku culture is all about style>substance.

The Nazis lost the war, yes, but their style was incredible.

The way they innovated the war industry, wore mail epaulettes and rode motorbikes struck an undeniable level of badass.

>> No.4800726

You people are forgetting something

The Nazies respected the japanese.

Fredrich Nietzsche listed japanese nobles next to Aryan peoples blonds of Europe as one of the noble barbarian peoples.

The Japanese respected hitler, the way he ran things, and the other way around.

Much of Hitler's actions were very noble, we only see them as evil because the American media needs to make its multiracial citizenry get along. Also, people use that holo-hoax ad hominem

>> No.4800741

They joined them for Fascist reasons and the fact that the other Western powers were intent on screwing them over and keeping them down if they joined that side.

>> No.4800743

It's the uniforms, plus not having been involved in the real war.

>> No.4800751

They were allies, the Germans had a great sense of style, and despite what the media may tell you, most Germans were stand-up folks. Look at men like Hartmann and Galland for instance.

>> No.4800766

>Ecce Homo isn't canon hurr durr Hitler x Wagner x Nietzsche 4ever

>> No.4800771

>think "honorary birttainians" from code geass
Stopped reading.

>> No.4800789

>Much of Hitler's actions were very noble

I agree that some of his actions were noble, but I'm not sure we agree on which actions those were. I'm thinking his good health plan in which the populace were told to be more healthy, being the first country to ever realize the hazards of smoking while pregnant and creating rules and laws to help curb smoking during pregnancies and their awesome uniform. But those are easily and justly over shadowed by the slaughter, genocide and atrocities committed in the war.

Anyhow my question has been answered, its most likely that the uniforms are awesome and german is an cool language.

>> No.4800799

The holohoax lol

>> No.4800829
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It's the uniform I tell you.

>> No.4800839
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>> No.4800845

Holocaust never happened, the concentration camps are actually summer awesome camps that mien fuhrer was generous enough to grant the damn gypsies and sneaky jews. Ovens? More like Olympic sized swimming pools and spas.

>> No.4800848

Because they had a lot in common.


>> No.4800853

There were atrocities on both sides, its just that none of them ever made it into the War Crime trials, because only the losing side commits war crimes. Some of the more notable ones that were obvious:

1) Internment camps
2) Abuse of peoples in various regions of the Pacific
3) Letting Hirohito get away with murder
4) Nuke
5) Second nuke

>> No.4800874

I'd also like to point out the Lunar landing was a lie and the Jews did 9/11 which was planned by George Bush and the American government. Also the fluoride in our water is actually a government scheme to mind control us and Negros are poor because the white man is keeping us down. You may call bullshit but you'll be sorry that you laughed and turned down my offer for a free tin foil hat when the Alien mind control radio waves start to take effect.

>> No.4800890

Can someone tell me why Rudolf Hess was locked up for so long?

>> No.4800900

Agreed so much it hurts. That's just the way it is. America has as much blood on its hands as Germany or any other country. The only difference is that we won and we write our own history books. Gonna stop now before it turns into a WW2 discussion.

Thanks for answering the question guys.

>> No.4800901

>Also the fluoride in our water is actually a government scheme to mind control us and Negros are poor because the white man is keeping us down.

I stopped reading there you uneducated nigger. Fluoride in water is a Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids, which causes a loss of essence during the physical act of love.

>> No.4800896

If you believe that, they'll kill you. Would you rather be dead or controlled? I'm sure most people on this board would take the latter.

>> No.4800950
File: 18 KB, 592x352, Fluroide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right what was I thinking, damn commies.

>> No.4800981

Nobody will get this reference.

>> No.4800982


I only drink rain water.

>> No.4800990


What do you mean? That is a brilliant movie.

>> No.4801013

Hilarious movie.

>> No.4801029

>This has been bothering me for a while. Why do the Japanese idolize Nazis?
Hey kid, do you know what a loaded question is?

>> No.4801088

I do, but I didn't intend the question to be loaded with implications. Maybe I should have added a modifier like "Some" or "The ones Ive met online" or "Judging from the fan art I see on pixiv". In all honesty I don't know EVERY SINGLE person in Japan, I have only met one Japanese relative so I I shouldn't be making sweeping statements.

>> No.4801108

Because the Japanese are a bunch of racist fucktards.
