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File: 1.18 MB, 800x1067, marisa magic circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4798397 No.4798397 [Reply] [Original]

In any case, becoming a member of the magician tribe takes quite a bit of time.

Since they continue to grow old like humans up until that point, in general there are a lot of aged magicians and witches.

However, in Gensokyo, magical research continues to advance and learning magic is simple.

Thus, there are more than a few young (childish) magicians in Gensokyo.


So, in Gensokyo, magic is "simple" and "we can all fly". So what's Marisa doing with all her time spent "studying magic" and "collecting magical materials"?

>> No.4798423
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>> No.4798421
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Considering that she has brought down godlike beings I'd say its exactly what it says.

>> No.4798429

Why is Sakuya dressed up as Reimu?

>> No.4798449

Marisa said in spellcard duels the most beautiful win. She then went on to lose to one of the moon bitches. Consequently, she's no longer my favorite character. Marisa is just an ugly loud mouth. It's pretty clear to everyone that she was only included in the series to be Reimu's whipping girl (a.k.a the plot device for making the main character seem better by comparison).

>> No.4798473
File: 65 KB, 360x200, 1205537003709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.4798481
File: 1.27 MB, 4740x4170, reimu head huge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better than Marisa

>> No.4798484


Whoa. Are you some kind of Shoen fag? When your favorite character loses a battle you hate them for it?

Hell I'm surprised you like any touhous then, they have all canonically lost to someone before.

>> No.4798487

Hey boolets weren't sparkly and thus not purtty.

>> No.4798490

"Simple" does not mean easy, young' uns. It still needs lot of practices, researches, and experiments.

>> No.4798497


Except no. Yukari threw it.

>> No.4798506

Is Marisa even a good magician? She knows Master Spark, okay, she just ripped that off from Yuka, and she can fly, big deal. She knows a couple of other attack spells. That's it?

>> No.4798515
File: 330 KB, 2362x2362, patchouli sicp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is Patchouli even a good magician? She knows Royal Flare, okay, she just ripped that off from her books, and she can fly, big deal. She knows a couple of other attack spells. That's it?

>> No.4798526

You cant be serious,she knows a assload of spells, she would be deadly if not for her asthma.

>> No.4798527
File: 706 KB, 1600x1200, 7d8766f7addec6dd2ed33411b43e5506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Royal Flare AND Philosopher's Stone

Fucking Philosopher's Stone.

I mean

do I even have to say more?

>> No.4798532

It's not just that she lost. It's that ZUN used her as a stepping stone to show off how much better Sakuya, Remilia, and Reimu were. It was the first time I thought of her as a cliche side character. Her best attacks were deflected with ease. She literally would have gotten raped had the moon bitch not been so pure.

I regarded Marisa as an above average looking Touhou. But after SSiB I can only see her as a commoner. Marisa inadvertently said Yorihime looks better than her. I cannot be associated with second rate garbage. It would be embarrassing to call her my waifu.

>> No.4798535

judging from IN, she's a good magician

>> No.4798541

>SSiB being a troll attempt by ZUN and Aki Eda
>Falling for it

>> No.4798542

Then Marisa threw her it too.

In fact, whenever a touhou loses a danmaku battle they were taking a dive. It's a conspiracy I tells ya'!

>> No.4798543

You know, someone asked ZUN if they can marry one of the Touhous. I don't remember what he said exactly, but I remember ZUN saying "Marisa? She has a dirty mouth lol"

>> No.4798563

sauce found. it was a Q&A inteview

Q. Please talk about moe. Forget about curtain-fire, moe about Marisa.
A. Marisa... she has a dirty mouth, are you fond of....?

>> No.4798568

If she knows so many spells why can't she heal her asthma.
I mean, she's immortal, right?

>> No.4798573


I like how Patchouli's only been in one game, yet her popularity is ridiculously high, although considering that fags keep making her the final boss of their fangames, it's no wonder.

>> No.4798580

>one game

>four games

fixed that for you

>> No.4798582

She's been in EoSD, StB, IaMP, SWR, 12.3, and was a shot choice in SA.

>> No.4798585

Plus she appears in PCB, IN and PoFV Sakuya endings.

>> No.4798588

Marisa was dead serious and challenged the moon bitch to a fair duel. She then got her ass handed to her. Yukari on the other hand was the person that started the whole thing, and not getting her hands dirty was part of the plan. She might be one of the strongest youkai but there's not a single character in the Touhouverse that could defeat the moon bitch sisters without suffering some damage. Yorihime for instance has the ability to not only invoke the wrath of the gods but to channel their power into her own body. There isn't a stronger force than the gods in the Touhouverse. When ZUN described Yukari's power he compared it to the *gods to show how strong it was. Youkai are not on par with gods.

>> No.4798590

As of Double Spoiler, Patchouli has had appearances in 9 of the 12 windows games (counting Hisoutensoku as a standalone, and not simply a Scarlet Weather Rhapsody expansion). This makes her the third most featured character, behind Reimu and Marisa.

>> No.4798594

I count two. EoSD and SA where she helped Marisa.

>> No.4798601


>> No.4798625

>Fun Facts
How come many of them aren't facts, but speculation?

>> No.4798636

What games? Other than Megamari.

>> No.4798637

That's why they're "fun facts" and not "facts", do you understand what I mean?

>> No.4798640
File: 112 KB, 580x888, ba582719114f9da4af4e0accb4739837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly why the whole battle on Namek was not fair. You have seen four, FOUR fucking gods (excluding Sanae) getting their asses handed to them in MoF. How? By adhering to the danmaku rules, something that Yorihime didn't even think of doing. Seriously, show me the page where she throws just one actual bullet of her own in the whole comic.
And channeling the Gods' powers into your body doesn't count as danmaku, sorry.

>> No.4798647

Sanae uses the power of the gods in UFO.

>> No.4798648

I didnt read SSiB but werent they not in Gensokyo during that fight? Danmaku and Spellcards are Gensokyo rules.

>> No.4798659

>talking seriously about SSiB
hey !arc, remember that argument we had a while back about fanfictions being valueless trash? I take everything back. Burn it all.

>> No.4798662

They're called moonbitches for a reason
(They live on the moon)

>> No.4798678

>Sanae uses the power of the gods in UFO
but still throws some bullets of her own, that's my point.

They asked her to danmaku duels to avoid actual violence. That doesn't mean she would have to break the rules. She might as well have said no from the beginning.

>> No.4798677

Reimu doesnt even know/have a deity to invoke, right?

>> No.4798733
File: 390 KB, 1024x498, Watatsuki no Yorihime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4798738


>> No.4798746 [DELETED] 


Autistic samefag

>> No.4798762

Can't say the same, I giggled at that pic too.

>> No.4798763
File: 257 KB, 1254x951, marisaoutgoingshy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Q. Please talk about moe. Forget about curtain-fire, moe about Marisa.
>A. Marisa... she has a dirty mouth, are you fond of....?

I love it when girls talk dirty but are actually inexperienced and shy in bed.

>> No.4798775

>inexperienced in bed
You wish.
I know I do

>> No.4798782
File: 87 KB, 1383x500, alicemarisaholdhandsbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's only used to girls.

>> No.4798930

Reimu learned how to channel the power of deities in a short period of time, and in fact, it was her channeling a god of ships which got her group to the moon (It's a spaceship, so the same good which governs normal ships should govern spaceships right?).

Then, when she lost, the moonbitch kept her on the moon for a while to exhibit her god channeling powers.

>> No.4798958

Respect for ZUN +1000

>> No.4798998

I'm fond of dirty mouths :3

>> No.4799016

>dirty mouth
>Bitch get out of the way

>> No.4799044

> :3
Are you that guy that trolls just for the sake of trolling. Is your life really this pathetic?
