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4796082 No.4796082 [Reply] [Original]

Okay guys. How about this.

You are a young VN protagonist. You were taken by an older sibling for a driving lesson, and see your old Elementary School Playground and decide to play.

You nostalgia about all the times you got hurt on this ground, even though the equipment has completely changed. You wonder about the social dynamics of the children now. You face the harsh reality that these kids that play here daily will someday grow up like you have.

Depending on where you choose to play, you get closer to your Onee-chan, Her Lesbian Lover, Or a Loli you find somewhere in the park. Or fall off a swing and die.

Short, Sweet, to the point.

What think? Also, VN pitching thread.

>> No.4796106

Sounds decent, concept wise, at least, but that could be my onee-chan fetish talking.
Also "all-ages" or not?

>> No.4796107

Also, Gender of Protag Optional, so if you wish to be the little girl why not.

>> No.4796110

I would play it.

>> No.4796126

I am debating on that in my head. On one hand, it'd be more realistic to be all ages, but the pervert in me wants the ero.

>> No.4796129

For some reason that makes me think of Catcer in the Rye

You are a doctor who lost his wife aprrox 2 years ago. You have been asked by a colleague to do some work in some smal tropical region in S.A or Africa or soemthing.
You have the option of falling in love with a colleague dr, a native girl or one of the security force members
Also there is a conspiracy that you must unravel depending on who you pick and choices you make the threat can be eiher supernatural, alien or just people being corrupt.

>> No.4796136

>visual novel
>driving lessons

Who the hell in Japan can afford a car?

>loli you find somewhere in the park

This can only end well.

>lesbian lover
>"all ages"

I smirked.

>> No.4796146

Your idea kicks my idea's lily livered ass.

>> No.4796157

It could be set in more like..Europe or something but don't they all ride bikes? The driving lesson part is pretty irrelevant anyway, so it can be thrown out.

>> No.4796160

>implying Japanese folks don't drive

>> No.4796173


So the whole nature of the universe gets retconned depending on your choices?

>> No.4796178

Add in some Jacob Ladder type shit and Trauma Center gameplay and I'd play this shit with my dick

The Lesiban lover reveals she was raped by her mother as plot twist! DO IT!

>> No.4796192

>Trauma Center gameplay
>play ... with my dick
I wish I had as accurate control of my dick as you do, Anon.

>> No.4796196


Oddly enough, that's hardcore tempting.

Thanks for the idea.

>> No.4796198

In some CYOA books if you picked certain choices the main bad guy would be different Sometmes a giant robot or sometimes the devil. I remember this from a bunch of the old goosebumps CYOA books though.

>> No.4796209

If you tried to be a DEEPfag about it, you could say that the nature of any truth can be changed depending on how you came to find it.

I really like it this way.

>> No.4796217

Do you turn into a shota? I'd like that. The loli route would be more acceptable too.

Is there a VN where famous thinkers are turned into girls? Camus-tan and Descartes-tan and Nostradamus-tan and the female version of Freud is your mom

>> No.4796219

fucking lold

>> No.4796228

Not that young. More like 15. But I could be a loser and go fantasy for that route, and you turn into a shota by the end of it.

>> No.4796231

No prob bro! I'm lookin' forward to your game! I enjoy lesbian little girls!

>> No.4796246

The year is 1966 (or whenever Woodstock happened) you live in the town where it's going to be held. You meet different people you can start a relationship with. Tons of old school music. Lots of drugs for the trippier routes.

>> No.4796261

You are one of the heroines in a typical school life romance, and due to some contrived plot device (Aliens crashing into the prime minister's house or something), your personality becomes unstable.
Now, in your daily interactions with the male protagonist, you need to choose a personality type to gain the best outcome from the scene.

The hero is spending a lot of time with his childhood friend.
Tsundere choice:
Lie and say you don't care.
Kuudere choice:
Intrude and calmly take the hero from her.
Yandere choice:
Kill her.

And each choice, of course, would affect your disposition as well as your actions.

>> No.4796285

I'd play this. I never heard of a VN where the MC was a girl

>> No.4796286


I had an idea sort of like that once. I gotta say, your method of it is a lot cooler. I like it.

>> No.4796290

>(Aliens crashing into the prime minister's house or something)
I think I see what you did there.

And that idea sounds like it would be great if done well, but also appears to be something that would be extremely easy to screw up.

>> No.4796291


This sounds awesome too.

/jp/ needs some collaborations on these ideas.

>> No.4796309

I've always wanted to play a VN based off of Red Riding Hood but mashed up with other fairytales. Depending on who you meet you get into crazy adventures or raped by werewolves and such. The goal would be to get to grandma's house where some crazy ass twist happens

>> No.4796346


Sounds like Tokyo Akazukin.

>> No.4796349

Dinosaurs are the dominant species on land. The first mammals have begun to develop, and are prepared to start a large scale genocide. You're the leader of a group of mammals near the Yucatan Peninsula, where a spaceship crash lands, carrying a small alien loli with it.
In Dinosaur route, you betray the mammals and team up with the dinosaurs with your hot T-Rex wife, and the alien loli is ignored.
In Mammal route, you work with your Saber-tooth Tiger wife and the loli alien to beat the dinosaurs. You use your superior ape-ability to use tools and alien technology to win.
In Alien Route, you fix the spaceship for the alien loli, then go out to space as her husbando, after putting your life on the line to prove to her parents that you're worthy of her. A couple million years later, with alien immortality technology, you two are the protectorate of Earth, preventing other aliens from taking over.
In the unlockable Harem route, you find out that you were actually Adam. You were tossed out of the Garden of Eden because you fell in love and fucked the Serpent (eating the forbidden apple). You reunite with your old lover, the Serpent, and grab the alien loli too. With the great Alien, Mammal, Dinosaur/Reptile alliance, you defeat God, who is actually the dictator of Mars and a prominent member of the Intergalactic Parliament.

For added badassery, dinosaurs have scales made out of uranium.

>> No.4796350

You can't be serious.

>> No.4796354

You are a maid or butler for some rich master/mistress. Several of your employers deaest friends and business associates are spending the weekend or the week at the manor. Everything is fine until a murder happens. Now the player must get to the bottom of the case or have their employer go under due to being framed or something. You can investigate people and have relationships with some of the other workers, local town folk and some of the people staying at the house. insert plo twists and lots of characterization

>> No.4796361

I am but I've only played a few VNs so I'm new with the medium.

>> No.4796376

>Dinosaurs have made out of uranium.
Fuck, I'm sold.

>> No.4796378


>> No.4796380

>VN pitching

A sci-fi VN where an accident causes the transport ship your waifu is on to explode. Normally this would kill everyone on board; however, the spaceship is caught in some kind of temporal anomaly, like near a strong gravitational field or some bullshit that causes time to pass really, really slowly. So even though the ship can be detected as having started to explode, the explosion hasn't killed anyone yet. Which means your waifu is stuck frozen in time like a moment before she's supposed to die.

Now scientists say that the explosion will take a billion years to unfold because of the dilation, but there's no to extract her from the ship. At least not with the current technology.

Everyone tells you to give up and move on, but you become obsessed. You are determined to find a way to save your waifu, even if it takes you a billion years.

To do this you research. You find ways to prolong your life, replacing your failing organs with new ones. You travel the galaxy. Research strange anomalies in the depths of space. Probe the mysteries of time. Researching over the course of millions of years, you attain immortality, and godlike powers, but can enjoy none of this because you are obsessed with your waifu. Everything you do for her, and don't forget, even after the passage of millennia.

In the end you discover a way to penetrate the anomaly that swallowed your wife's ship. BAD END: You were too late: either the explosion had already progressed to her by the time you got there, or it catches up to her just as you reach her and she dies in your arms, your unharmed superhuman body cradling her ashes alone in the depths of space.. GOOD END: You save her, she lives, you give her the same immortal body you have and live on forever among the stars. SADISTIC END: She was already dead before the ship exploded, your efforts were all in vain.

>> No.4796395
File: 253 KB, 1920x1160, Untitled-1 (142).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't thought it through fully - but this occurred to me - why not one that plays backwards? You start off on your deathbed, then it goes backwards in chunks and you see why things are the way they are.

>> No.4796404


>you get raped by werewolves


>> No.4796409


The concept of a time-dilated explosion is quite interesting.
What if both you and your waifu were on-board when it happened, but somehow the destruction is the only thing that's slowed down, and you and the rest of the people on board have roughly a year before the explosion consumes the ship.
It's would be like the premise of Ever17, in space, with a guaranteed bad end.

>> No.4796424

Memento:The Visual Novel

>> No.4796427

there was a vaguely similar stargate sg1 episode like that - I thought it was very good

ed: it was the last one

>> No.4796434

Here are some silly ideas for VNs I came up with:

- A VN based on the colonisation of Africa. Think of Hetalia, except that it goes back the first war. You play as either Germany-kun or Britany-kun and your goal is to capture heroines modeled after african colonies.

- A VN about rock/pop music. All the heroines are versions of musicians, like Neko Case, Regina Spektor and such. The protag is a headhunter searching for new talents for his company.

- A VN with pokemon-like mechanics (I know there are games like that already).

>> No.4796467



>> No.4796506
File: 1.17 MB, 1368x2000, 1264728494252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You play as a half-wolf half-human dude
Think Rance meets Zidane
You're actually the omega wolf of your pack and, getting tired of being the butt monkey, decide to run away.
Your good friend (also an omega in the pack) decides to go with you

Routes are:
Shy but loving catgirl who you've known for your entire life. She's the one who left the pack with you. She hates having sex, but she doesn't mind if it's you (don't worry, even the MC knows that's some goddamn bullshit)
Quiet foxgirl that does whatever she's told and not much else. She won't do anything unless it's requested of her, but she will do nearly anything if someone asks her to do it. She decides to join your pack because you showed genuine kindness toward her instead of just telling her to do things (like everyone else)
A sexually aggressive catgirl who won't leave you alone. She joins your pack because she likes your scent and she enjoys raping you more than anyone in her village.
Sleepy, possibly mentally challenged doggirl who tends to act like she's constantly in a state of surreality. She also drools a lot during sex. She joins your party for reasons even she doesn't understand
Some kid from a nearby human village. He means well, but he just wants to have sex with an animal girl deep down inside. Bad ending? I dunno
HAREM ENDING but it's okay because animal dudes are polygamous

I was basically inspired by two things:
1. There are very few games/animes/VNs/etc. that feature male animal people
2. Bestiality and tunnel snakes rule!

>> No.4796518

That's because we aren't furfags.

>> No.4796529

MC is a young yandere girl, and the VN starts as she stalks this guy with something important to say to him.
When you finally confront him, you are given a choice:
A) Confess your love to him
or B) Kill him
The choice you make splits the game into two very distinct paths, where in the first one, it turns out the guy is a selfish magnificent bastard, and while he sincerely cares about you, he plans to cause chaos in the town to gain money and power, and with your yandere skills (Think Gasai Yuno) you help him do so while your morals slowly slip away (Also Hscenes and romantic slice-of-life abound)
In B) you live a normal life for a while, but slowly begin to suspect the guy is still alive and go insane trying to find him out of paranoia. Finally, you do find him, but realise he's being guarded by another version of yourself - routes A and B are actually parallel universes that cross over for the finale.

Backstory reveals how MC had been interested in the guy for a long time, before suddenly finding out his true evil bastard nature, and the first choice (Love him/kill him) displays her decision regarding that revelation. The main theme would be whether it's worth it to throw away your dignity and values for happiness, or whether you should stubbornly keep hold of them even if it drives you to despair.


>> No.4796530

>Depending on where you choose to play, you get closer to your Onee-chan, Her Lesbian Lover, Or a Loli you find somewhere in the park.
I know there would still be two other choices, but still, I don't like that option.

Don't have any good ideas. I do think Lolita or Catcher in the Rye might be able to work in kinetic visual novel format.

Also entertained the story of a guy in a string quartet who is forced to give up his spot in a performance due to injury, and becomes jealous when his replacement fits in with the rest of his group because it feels like his only family is getting taken away.

>> No.4796547

She also drools a lot during sex.

I loled at this

>> No.4796551
File: 166 KB, 597x285, 1270172110927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tunnel snakes rule!

>> No.4796562

that's deep bro

>> No.4796566

I'd like it more if there were some non-animal-girl choices.
I think a human protag would also fit better (i know that isn't what you wanted, but you could throw some male supporting roles or something in there)

>> No.4796577

Bad end = your old tribe comes in to take your women and kills you. Or some anti were-people come and rape all your womenz and castrate you so you become their pet.

>> No.4796585

Well, the basic premise of Lolita - at a man seduces a mother to sleep with her daughter -must have been done before in VN format. I remember seeing it before.

>> No.4796600

Original writer here
Sounds like a pretty cool ending bro
Don't like the human bit though, I was thinking more along the lines of humans get along with animaldudes, but humans also know they are the superior species and thus leave the animaldudes to their own devices
The kid that joins your pack is just in it for the sex anyway, but I might just remove him entirely.

>> No.4796606

Also, because sex is a pretty big part of animaldude culture (does it sound as retarded as I think it does?), I don't think the girls would mind that much
Hell, at least 2 of them are probably used to it by now (omega cat and foxgirl)

>> No.4796609

They wouldn't mind being raped, that is*
Sorry, it's too late at night for me to properly articulate my thoughts.

>> No.4796611

MC is NEET but wants to stop being NEET.

Your basic two options are
A - return to school
B - get a job, or at least start looking for one

option A is pretty obvious, but option B has some uniqueness to it. Depending on which ad you respond to while job hunting you'll meet a different girl. If you mess up and don't get the job that girl's route closes, the main Bad End is you ending up NEET again (unless you're aiming for the "stay NEET and live with older sister" route)

>> No.4796615

Yeah the humans who are against supernatural species thing is overdone.

>> No.4796620

>- A VN with pokemon-like mechanics (I know there are games like that already).

Expanding on this: instead of the catch them all theme, you are given one and only one monster to complete the game with, but all fights are fought in pairs and your strenght depends on which girl you bond with.

Also the MC is a girl and her pet monster acts like her penis during H-scenes.

>> No.4796621


Chaos;Head + Princess Maker?

>> No.4796625

I haven't played either of those yet

>> No.4796630

I wasn't thinking of that, but it makes sense.

I actually have a very large amount of lore for this world.
I was originally going to program a fighting game in this world (not with these characters)

I guess the quickest way to describe it would be Valkyrie Profile but everybody loves each other and Gods are trolls

>> No.4796632

Chaos;Head - You're a pathetic pseudo-NEET
Princess maker - different romantic interests depending on her vocation of choice

>> No.4796635

The school should be some sort of government rehab center for people with social problems.

>> No.4796638

I quite like that dying part. I'll chose that route.

>> No.4796640

Well shit. I didn't think I was being original with story or anything but I also didn't think it'd be based off two different VNs

>> No.4796644 [DELETED] 

But people like that get put in concentration camps when their two countries declare war on each other.

>> No.4796651
File: 58 KB, 604x604, macbeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Valkyrie Profile
>Gods are trolls
Very original.

>> No.4796656

You are a young man who's uncle has died and left you a strang inheirtance. His boat. You go to his boat and it turns out there's a first mate there some strange sexy girl a la C.C. Turns out you're uncle was the Ferryman for the River of Styx and you must continue his job because he felt you "were always a good judge of character"

You meet the "ghosts" of the people going there and each chapter focuses on their life and their choices. So lots of personal stories and ambigious choices. At the end you get to judge the destination of said "ghosts"

It sounded better in my head but I was thinking of some sort of modern day Aesop's fables dealing with stuff like abortion, cheating in relationships, abuses, stealing,suicide,etc.

>> No.4796658
File: 53 KB, 300x224, metal_slug_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any military-themed VNs where you're more concerned about getting laid than the war at hand?

The tsundere drill instructor is a must.

>> No.4796660


Haven't played Princess Maker, but I have the impression it's more like a stat-building game with some story than an actual VN. Originality is less of an issue if it's a genuinely well-done game, too.

>> No.4796666

I vaguely remember 12-year-girls who are really 18 being in Catch-22. Oh wait, that's just a regular novel.

>> No.4796667


>> No.4796670

Best part of the game. Motivated me to clear combat school.
Not that I ever did...

>> No.4796671

By military, I meant modern-day armies and such

>> No.4796672


Sengoku Rance?

Also, quite seriously considering trying to make >>4796529 , so would appreciate some more opinions on it.

>> No.4796676
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>tunnel snakes rule!
/v/ here.
I chuckled.

>> No.4796683

It's good but you shouldn't have such a stark contrast in choice ie kill or not. It shold have build up. Like light bullying or something. Following him or whateve.

>> No.4796688
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>light bullying

>> No.4796692

How about a NEET who becomes some sort of pseudo online drug dealer or somethng?

>> No.4796709

Ok how about like you always have different -dere choices and the more you pick the more it affects your alignment and future options? I'm not sure if the confronation should lead to such a stark contrast but hen again it could be like 5 hours turning point

>> No.4796717

you find out that you are not actu
ally a guy on your 16th birthday,
 and that the only way you can ch
ange back into a girl (which you n
ever even remember) is to have se

>> No.4796724


The surprise is that it will be the very first choice, less than a minute into the game.
There's no strong indicator of her thoughts up till the decision point; by the start of the VN she would have already made her decision, whether it's to kill him or love him, and the choice you pick as the reader is pretty much deciding which parallel universe you want the narrative to follow.

>> No.4796732

I want to be the little yandere girl.

>> No.4796734


Needs a sadistic true end that happens if you keep picking choices about your waifu, ignoring everything else.

You finally save her, only to have her recoil in horror from your now completely replaced body. She declares that the personality of yours she loved so much is now longer there, and indeed, it isn't. You ended up thinking solely about her for so long that all other thought patterns, mannerisms, and memories have atrophied away as your brain still continued to change and age.

She leaves you.

>> No.4796739

Dr. Manhattan : TheVisual Novel

>> No.4796740

That would be awfully awkward. You're fucking the girl, then BAM! you're a chick. She would have to be really open minded for that to end well.

>> No.4796744

You read my mind, anon.
Exactly how I thought up this premise in the first place.

It doesn't really fit the mood of the story.
Also, funny thing is, if you got that idea from >>4796261 , that was by me as well.

>> No.4796762

Yeah the whole -dere choice thing was in response to your original idea but the whole dramatically different thing with the choice of kill or not to kill and then parallel universes would probably make the story more nontypical and surreal.

For some reason I think of Killer 7 and this weird dark tone a la Saya No Uta. I think it could be very good but would have to have very intricate writing and dark dark characters

>> No.4796783

>Or a Loli you find somewhere in the park
Has been done several times already.

>> No.4796806
File: 98 KB, 516x729, 8080ee741fee36afcadac813b782c6d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MC is the guy in the black jacket. He's been pretty mopey lately for reasons to be explained later. One night he finds a garbage dump and just sits there to think. He doesn't expect two strangers to show up, a young man in a white suit and a girl with a bent bat.

It's the girl's hobby to go around beating up people, mainly hobos because no one cares about them anyway. Her brother tags along but not because he's concerned for her safety, he just doesn't want her to accidentally kill someone.

Your first decision to make:
- Try to escape
- Say something
- Ignore her

Run away and you'll survive, and the girl basically becomes the antagonist while you woo other girls
Say something and she'll ask if you want to join her and her brother in wrecking the town (her route)
Ignore her and she starts wailing on you with the bat. Bad End
maybe there's the secret choice where she takes a swing at your head but you grab the bat and CRUSH IT WITH YOUR BARE HANDS

>> No.4796826

Haven't played Killer 7, but the Saya no Uta comparison fits pretty well.

As for darkness, we've got it played straight in the killing route with the creeping paranoia and madness (THISCHAIRTHISCHAIRTHISCHAIR).
With the couple route, I'm hoping to create an unnerving contrast between the hedonistic, idyllic love antics that the male plays along with to keep the MC happy, and the ruthless kidnappings and blackmailing that she helps him with as her ethical code is slowly corrupted into a simple 'whatever he wants is right'.

The parallel universe twist is hinted at through the whole story, but only really revealed at the end of each route.

>It's the girl's hobby to go around beating up people, mainly hobos because no one cares about them anyway.


>> No.4796827

Two words:

Detachable Penis

>> No.4796832

I'm actually writing a very dark VN. I've only written about a hundred lines for now, though. I hope I will find the will to finish it someday.

>> No.4796863



>> No.4796868

Killer 7 was a surreal game. The most interesting part about it was the ideas, characters and art style. It had pretty horrid gameplay. It was like a gimpy Metoid Prime (lock on and scan shit in FPV) while being a point and click adventure without being point and click.

The story was a surreal fuckfest.

>> No.4796875

You are a runaway that has been working with the circus for many years

you can fall in love with the bearded lady, acrobat girl, strong man and the lion tamer's assistant

the circus ringleader is actually Baal

>> No.4796886
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The night before you propose to your waifu, you magically become a shota via some magical bullshit.

Despite your protests you are taken into custody and put into a school with other kids.

Do you settle into your new life and try to have sex with some lolis?
Or do you do whatever it takes to reunite with your beloved waifu? If you do you have THREE DAYS before the transformation is permanent

>> No.4796888

What, did he get tired of people beating him like a pinata for uniques?

>> No.4796895

>bearded lady

Not sure if want.

>> No.4796897

>sex with lolis

Fuck that old hag, I'm going to be a shota

>> No.4796913
File: 702 KB, 1450x825, eccebd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mushroom girl VN.

Some heroines are poisonous and sex with them will probably kill you.
Others will make you trippy as fuck

>> No.4796934

The Walking Dead VN

You are the leader of a band of survivors from a zombie apocolypse. You make key choices in gathering supplies and who you get to fuck.

>> No.4797010

You're a typical /jp/ recluse hero who manages to make an opposite-gender loli clone of yourself with the same memories and personality as you, with very dubious intentions in mind.

However, upon awakening, your loli clone, sharing your memories and mindset, realises what you're about to do with her and refuses to do any of it with you (due to being too scared/embarassed - she's still you so she does see the appeal), saying she'll only do what you want if you make yourself a better person.
Thus begins your story of attempting to capture yourself.

>> No.4797025

How the fuck can she ask something like that if she have the same memories and personality as me? Shit just doesn't make any sense.

>> No.4797038


She has a different point of view once she realises she's going to have to be on the receiving end of everything you do rather than the giving end, which is what she would have wanted if she was male.

>> No.4797042


But I've always been okay with being a poor raped loli. I'm the one that always says I'd let my /jp/ bros bone me if I ever get turned into the little girl.

>> No.4797045


Let's just say main char has a different opinion on that aspect.

>> No.4797052

you are a robot with a human girlfriend

you go on an adventure with her

in the end it is revealed that almost everyone else is a robot except for you and about 6 other people

even your girlfrend is a robot

you run for te office of world's ruler and the 6 other people vote for you

when you are in office you give robots rights. they aare all happy and you recieve robot pussy

but it turns out that the robot pussy you recieved wasnt robot pussy at all, it was human pussy

everyone else was really a cyborg and only had robotic enhancements to brains and titties. you were in a coma for 8 years (you didnt know) so you werw the only guy that didnt become a cyborg because no one liked you

you were also underground when you were in a coma, which is why other coma patienst had cyborgetics and you didnt

you get cyborged and you live with one of three girlfriends that you can choose from

the end

>> No.4797054

Trying too hard.

>> No.4797058

You are a full-time trap attending high school, and your only friend is this cool-looking guy who thinks you're a girl.

However one day, he finds out you're a guy, the same time you find out he's actually a reverse-trap.

The rest of the VN is about going on cross-dressing adventures with her while developing a romance, and you'd do stuff like go out as two guys, two girls, one guy and a girl, or the other way round.

>> No.4797060

I loled

>> No.4797060,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.4797087

If loli got raped in a good end/true end, I'm in.

>> No.4797092
File: 30 KB, 500x315, madeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the sole teacher at a French boarding school for little girls.

>> No.4797097

I'm the dog, right?

>> No.4797135

This is a pretty neat idea.

>> No.4797139

I really like this idea. I would play this VN. Are you seriously working on this, or is it just an idea bouncing around in your head?

>> No.4797147

A boy growing up has the ideal life, future, and interests, but finds himself feeling a longing that can't be defined. After being exposed to a friend's high-school-level magnetic field experiment, he finds himself feeling thoughts and experiencing things that seem off. While at home in his bed, preparing to sleep, he has an encounter with a phantom presence in his own room: a girl's voice in his head.

After two days of thinking he's going insane, he makes stable contact with her again in his room: she is him, he is her, both are amazed that they are reflected existences. She is the sister that he would've been had things been different. As they develop this mental bond between them, they are capable of extending past his room, which is the same physical location she exists in in parallel.

Their synchronicity grows as they relate their lives, the differences, their stories, all their thoughts, their physical and metaphysical considerations, and practically everything you would discuss with yourself if you believed you would answer the question. The two become drawn into their own minds, and a lull develops in their worlds. This lull is quickly smashed.

In the girl's world, the boy's best friend commits suicide, while he doesn't in the boy's world. This highlights the extreme differences that can exist: everything is the same that they have not directly influenced, meaning what they have influenced differently by being separate people is different.

This starts off a fight against the clock to use knowledge of one world to try and prevent tragedy in another, to discover the reasons for things going wrong, and find out how the simplest decisions can change everything; all the while, the two begin to suffer synchronicity sickness due to their link, threatening their sanity and health.

Multiple endings for different people you've influenced, and a couple of self-cest endings.

>> No.4797169

Synchronicity influence would allow them to share vision/sensory input with each other, muscle memories, and even in the extreme, dual-processing of a single event, as two minds act in concert.

>> No.4797175

>self-cest endings.


>> No.4797185

Writing bad VN concepts is a fun hobby, so copypasted wall of text incoming.

You are a late 15th century merchant, transporting your goods across the ocean. This being 15th century, nature can still fuck humanity lubeless up the ass, and it does precisely that in form of an unexpected storm wrecking your ship. You barely manage to survive and are washed ashore - of a completely different continent. You also don't remember anything save the fact that there was a storm and by all means you should have been dead.

Well, you're alive, so that's something. Oh wait, not for long. Natives. Fuck.

At least hoping to take out a few before going down, you bring out your (incidentally obsidian-hilted) dagger, waving it on their faces like the bourgeoise idiot with no combat experience you are. Except instead of ripping out your heart and eating it like you expect them to do, the savages bow down before you and begin speaking in a language you obviously don't understand. They then take you to their camp, presumably to rip out your heart and eat it in a slightly more civilized manner.

>> No.4797190

And by camp, I mean citadel. Apparently you also caught the end of a grand festival, so you're quite awed at the show. You are then brought to a sickly young girl covered in dark paint, whom you assume passes as clergy. Assuming that's your best chance to live, you decide to stick around and see what the fuss is all about.

The sick brown girl is pretty much near you all the time, personally attending to your every need. You are also dressed in high-quality garb while everyone else is in rags, this combined with someone who is apparently a priest acting as your personal handmaiden lets you correctly deduce you ended up being the local deity. Now more interested in this group of natives, you decide to stay and put an effort on learning their language. The priestess, of course, acts as your teacher This is where the game truly begins.

The first part would be about learning the native language, while the priestess also picks up some of your own tongue. You end up warming up to the girl during this process. After the language barrier is no more, it should be made apparent that the girl fully believes you to be a deity, perhaps with a scene where she is bedridden (while not terminally ill, the priestess is unusually frail - you notice that most of the clergy you see is no different. ) and requests your attendance, sleeping soundly only after that with confidience that no harm would find her under your protection.

>> No.4797196

While I still like somehow that concept it still seems boring for some reason. You would have to make VERY interesting characters and some serious mind blowing events going on to make it interesting to play.

>> No.4797197

I'd pitch an idea about the protagonist being an amnesiac and him going to school..
but that sounds painfully generic.. Actually, I have since it did sound generic I added alot of twists, like genderbending and complex relationships but then it sounds too wacky.

>> No.4797199


Seriously working on it, have some lines written up, found some fitting royalty-free music online, but art may need some improvement (Posted MC sprite on jp a few days ago, general consensus was 'not bad per se, but needs work')

>> No.4797216

There must also be a scene where the savage nature of the natives are made apparent - you witness two warriors fighting to death in a duel, the winner eating the loser's heart on the spot. You are informed that in their culture, the heart is thought to be strongly connected to the soul, eating the lifeblood of your rival is thought to make you stronger.

Being a deity, you are eventually presented with a number of wives. Four of them, to be precise. You see the little priestess looking lost in their midst, being frail from birth and not well-developed in feminine characteristics. You do the obvious and claim that you are taking her as your wife, to her surprise. Cue sex scene.

A few weeks later, one night when she is sure no one is awake, the priestess enters your tent and informs that soon comes the day you will be ritually murdered, your skin worn by the next incarnation of Tezcatlipoca (Hence you know, black paint on sickly clergy and natives thinking you're Tezcatlipoca since you had obsidian on you. ). She tells you to escape, for at least you will survive that way. You ask what would happen if their deity/sacrifice escapes.

She answers that great numbers of human sacrifices would be needed to appease the heavens. While she does not tell it, you know she would be the first amongst them. You weight your opinions on your head, and clearly you won't be escaping far even if you got away temporarily, so you decide to at least give the priestess a longer life.

>> No.4797217


I have to say, that's brilliant. I'd definitely read it if it were done properly (And your alternate self is moe).

>> No.4797221


Do not want.

>> No.4797245

Time for festival of Toxcatl! You climb up the stairs to a great temple, breaking a flute with each step. On top of the temple is the girl, holding the same obsidian dagger that had the natives mistake you for Tezcatlipoca on your first day in this place. She looks oddly happy.

She carves into your chest as the ritual dictates, partially removing your heart and eating a part. She then abruptly stops the ritual and stabs herself with the dagger as you look on helplessly, unable to act (lack of heart and all took a toll on you. ) By some miracle, she is still capable enough to remove her heart as well, and urges you to eat it. You understand why she looked so merry - she believed you could be together in the afterlife by sealing your souls this way. You comply, and the last thing you see before light fades from your eyes is her face beaming in happiness.

There should also be a tsundere jaguar warrior route but I don't know how that would happen.

>> No.4797249

ITT: zero originality

this is why there is no real western VNs

>> No.4797259

>no real western VNs
>implying point and click adventure games aren't VNs

>> No.4797269

I'd read this

>> No.4797270

Your alternate self is semi-popular like you are (but not "in crowd"), generally one of those girls that can do a bit of everything if it's interesting (but isn't really committed to one thing), daydreams like you (sort of plot necessary), and is definitely a non-slut. Has the same ambiguous longing you feel.

An above-average, but otherwise normal, girl. She would be very moe, though, when embarrassed by talking with you about certain things. (Avoids describing her breast size when talking about her appearance in the beginning, as she is dejected by it, for obvious reasons.)

>> No.4797271


>Did not read the thread

I honestly think a lot of these ideas are great.
Besides, as I mentioned earlier, originality is just icing on the cake of actual quality. Original doesn't automatically mean good, and unoriginal doesn't always mean bad, either.

>> No.4797277

>share vision/sensory input

So wait, if you had sex with yourself wouldn't that create some sort of sensory feedback loop?

Oh man, that would be fucking awesome.

>> No.4797278


Sup Sion-chan. Butthurt much?

>> No.4797283


Tell me someone is actually working on this.

>> No.4797292

Yeah, though one of the things is that excessive sensory sharing increases synchronicity, thereby increasing sync sickness.

But a mutual masturbation scene would be awesome.

Also, sharing nerves so that you can feel the other self.


I've been sitting on this idea for a bit. Never fleshed it out, fully. I've always liked it, though.

>> No.4797305

This sounds vaguely like one of the volumes of Naisho no Tsubomi (Yabuchi Yuu). I think it was 5 or something.

>> No.4797308

I like this idea, except for the "she leaves you" ending. The MC would be way to obsessed to allow something like that to happen, so probably something like she violently struggles to get away and he ends up choking her with his super-strength, then watches the life fade from her eyes and looks at her blood on his hands.

>> No.4797315

A loli witch/alien/scientist/whatever fucks up a spell/experiment/whatever that causes the main character and his female friend to switch bodies. The two of them spend most of the story separately exploring what it's like being the opposite sex. Variously complications occur. Sexy times are had. In the end, the loli figures out how to change them back, which requires they have sex with each other. After they are back in their original bodies they gang up on the loli and have a threesome as "revenge".

>> No.4797317

>But a mutual masturbation scene would be awesome.

Oh, I thought by "self-cest" you meant that there'd be a temporary "crossing over" scene where you actually got to fuck yourself. So you'd feel yourself being fucked by yourself fucking yourself being fucked by yourself...

>> No.4797327

Sync sickness, for a brief description:

Memory overlap, hallucinations, sensory overload, emotional instability, muscle spasm (due to muscle memory sharing, misfires), increased stress, etc.

Psychological dependency between the selves is another facet, such as jealousy and possessiveness over the other self. (Get your hands off my woman!) Emotional bonds that are different in different worlds (different friends) produce strange reactions. Emotional sharing and misfires at inappropriate times.

Synchronicity means that it's hard to prevent the other self from influencing your actions, if your other self loses it. (such as when someone attacks the female self, the male self goes utterly ballistic on the attacker)

>> No.4797336

Well, you could easily create a shared mental delusion in which your selves are together.

Also, collision end, where the two of you embrace your synchronicity and live in a world created by your own minds, perhaps.

Lots of possibilities.

>> No.4797337

Idea: You are a doll that has been made by an alchemist who has crafted a charm that allows inanimate things (like you) that have some sort of intrinsic "life force" to come to life. After exploring the new world that you've only been able to observe from a shelf for so many years, the alchemist makes a second charm, which you can use to bring other things to life and make friends. Examples of things you could bring to life are things like plants and uniquely-crafted items (things like other dolls, statues, figurines, etc). Story unfolds differently between what you choose to bring to life with the charm. Bad end: one of the things you bring to life is a flower, who wants to bring his flower friend to life and live with her. In order to do this, he steals your charm and gives it to her, and you are left motionless as you watch them dance away.

>> No.4797356

You're some dude.

And you get hit by a truck.

And you end up chained to a bed in the upper level of a mansion in the woods and are nursed back to health by like 3 girls and they're all crazy or something, and then you relive the same event the next day but the girls aren't crazy this time they're tsunderes, rinse and repeat.

Add stereotypes, a picture in the room of some random dude on the wall which you talk to as a way to pass the boredom, and chained to a bed sex.

How can it fail?

>> No.4797365
File: 464 KB, 700x550, lucy mx0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn with plot wherein you fall in love with a tiny, tiny waifu (a fairy or sprite or something) and you have to either figure out a way to make her bigger or yourself smaller so you can put it in.

>> No.4797372


A thousand tears are not enough.

>> No.4797377

Bunch of cool ideas going around but it's currently 2 AM and I'm about to collapse at my desk. Would anyone care to save this thread and post it to /rs/ tomorrow? (Giving it a descriptive title that includes "visual novel" in the name and also tagging it as /jp/ would make it easier to find.)

>> No.4797382

I've saved my posts. If there's a wiki for this stuff, direct me to it.

>> No.4797384


>> No.4797397

It was starting to get stupid, I'm kinda glad it ended when it did.

It was less using my brain to kick ass and more WHY DID I THINK TIME TRAVEL WOULD MAKE THINGS BETTER?

>> No.4797401

It didn't slow down at all, to me. Opinions, though.

Why should it die when Bleach is still going?

>> No.4797405

Bleach ended bro. Truth was Aizen was the guy who molested Ichigo

>> No.4797407
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Wasn't Lucy the best? I don't even remember the female lead, but I remember her.

>> No.4797411

>Bleach ended


Lucy was the best part of it all.

>> No.4797423

to be honest with the way that it was going, I didn't see the main character learning magic EVER.

Just more M0 upgrades until he got one that could grant wishes or something and then fail horribly to bring main girls dead mom back to life.

because that mangaka can't write endings.

>> No.4797432

You are a a security guard at the mall.

One night you're in the surveillance room and you see a woman masturbating in the food court.

What now?

>> No.4797434

... he wasn't SUPPOSED to learn magic. The fact was that M0 was more powerful when applied correctly than most normal spells. Having the black treatment would let him fake enough variety to keep going.

He was showing that brains are better than force.

>> No.4797442

Yeah, maybe its for the best since the end we got is the closest to a Lucy end we could have gotten.

>> No.4797462






>> No.4797470

Reviving Fairy magic

>> No.4797476

The gold card grants a wish or something, its not magic its MAGIC!

fuck its been too long since I've read mx0

>> No.4797479
File: 355 KB, 950x662, soulja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the sole survivor on a battlefield.
You are hidden, with no ammunition in your pistol, the only gun at hand.
Suddenly, you detect someone approaching. She appears to be an enemy soldier.
How will you deal with her?

[ ] Ditch the gun and use your knife
[ ] Search for ammo to shoot her from afar
[ ] Stay hidden until she passes
[ ] Reveal yourself, making it clear that you're unarmed

>> No.4797487


>> No.4797510

I'd surrender, but only because I assume since this is a VN I'd get some hot femdom raep.

>> No.4797523

[x]My love for you is like a truck

>> No.4797524

You're walking home when you see a drunk man staggering about. Concerned for his safety, you ask him where he lives and help him reach his residence in one piece.

Once inside, he asks you to take him to his bedroom.
When you open the door and turn on the light, you are astounded by the sight you see.

Touhous. Everywhere. Drawings of characters on the walls, bullet patterns on sketchpads, a computer station that would make the fattest and richest of neckbeards jealous.

The man, still drunk, takes off his glasses and proceeds to lie down, but not before asking you who your favorite Touhou character is.

The girl you pick determines the rest of the game. I'm not sure where to take this, either YOU'RE FAVORITE TOUHOU BECOMES REAL and has to live with you from now on, or you discover that you have gained your favorite Touhou's powers which you then use to woo girls or whatever

>> No.4797559

His goal wasn't "to learn magic" anymore. It was to earn points so he could do an instant jump from M0 to Gold Plate, and then grant Hiiragi's wish to revive her mother.

Although. I wanted him to use his wish to turn Lucy into a real human. ;_;

>> No.4797582

>Take off pants
>Take knife
>Wait till she gets close
>Slice way through pants(/su)

>> No.4797669

sion` the visual novel

>> No.4797777

I want to have this idea's babies

>> No.4797789

you can stop samefagging now

>> No.4797794
File: 502 KB, 1280x800, 1203742747734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, the temptation to take many of this thread's ideas and make them happen is overwhelming. but I know I'd just forget about them halfway...

>> No.4797802

What? That was my first reply in this post.

>> No.4797884
File: 2.21 MB, 1000x1414, 413774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are an expatriate who is about to return home to your waifu, but war breaks out in your current country of residence. There is a coups d'état and now the military won't let anyone in or out until they've been determined to not be a spy supporting the enemy; a process that could take weeks.

There are three routes:
- Try to sneak out but get captured. Prisoner route where you get raped and such
- A disillusioned soldier helps you escape, over time you fall in love with her and forget about going home
- Successfully escape and return home to your wife who has been NTR'd by the neighbor's son

>> No.4797924
File: 610 KB, 939x722, Lelouch__Evil_Grin_by_zomgspongelolbob48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Code Geass the Game
